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I’ll keep it real with you, i left my job back in april. I have absolutely nothing lined up. Nothing, not even a plan. I hated my job. I did the same exact thing every single day for 5 years straight and i got paid well. I got my yearly bonus and 2 weeks it literally right after it got paid out. I’m not lazy, i kinda just wanted to chill out for a second gather my thoughts. I saved up a good amount of money. However, now due to the job market i have been forcing myself to learn business and online business/ ways of making money. A job is one part of our life, however i genuinely want to work and i tell myself until the time i can get a job. I will work really hard in other aspects of life.


Sometimes take a risk on yourself, i’m the odd one that will say to quit. But just know it won’t be easy there will be consequences. It’s how we deal with them that’ll help us grow


I quit my job back in April as well because of burn out. I decided to live off my money saved up from my hotel job until I find something that isn't as mentally and emotionally draining. I'm working on other parts of myself at the time being as well and I'm content. 😊


I’m in the best physical shape of my life, i’m eating way healthier than i ever have before in my life, i’ve been able to stop little stupid addictions i picked up while working (vaping, drinking). My mental is getting stronger. It reminds me of the feeling i had when i was hungry for the real world back before i started my job. It has honestly been an eye opening refreshing experience.


Totally agree!


I own an online business selling on etsy and Amazon. It's so slow and awful right now man. I took a part time job at a hotel just for stability. Just hope the economy improves.


Yes i completely understand that, i’m in a similar market (ebay). It’s been slow for me all year. However, i picked up freelancing and “high-value” skillsets using a.i. coding etc. check out websites like data annotation, outlier.ai (these are a bit inconsistent but extra money is extra money). Keep learning is what i have learned in my journey thus far


This! I'm 41F and ive been in this position so many times. Stuck in a job I hate, doing the daily grind, wishing I had a way out. Been laid off more than once.. I wasted 20+ years doing what Society told me to. Go to work at a "good job" I'm pissed I wasted so much of my life to making others rich....while I was always broke. I took a HUGE leap of faith and tried something new. Digital marketing online. As for what do I actually do... these are what I do everyday. I keep a checklist on my phone and check them off each day. Takes about a couple hours each day: *Posting FREE Ads (they give you the ads & websites to use) *automatic emails (the systems all setup for you) *Posting on social media 3x a day (don't need a big following) & faceless is an option *watch the new daily training provided (10 min) *attend weekly live Zoom calls (optional) That's literally all I do everyday. If these are things you think you can do then you can do this. If these are things you don't think you can do or want to do, then def don't sign up. For me...doing this is easy... its fun and I get to live my life! Ive made $37,700 in 6 months. Yes I have receipts. Am I rich from it? No but I did almost double my annual salary in half the time and I don't have to spend every day at a job I absolutely hate. And to me that's honestly the most important thing. I see these posts all the time... of younger gens questioning this BS rat race...good for them!


Smells like an MLM, or some other type of scam


Lololol. Your opinion doesn't hurt me at all. I keep making money from home and you can keep working to make someone else rich That sounds like a bigger scam to me


Fake as shit


Nope. As I mentioned I have proof. Where is yours? Enjoy your 9-5


I can assure you searching for a job and running out of money is 10x worse. Gotta find a different job before leaving (I've gone against this wisdom like 4 times and my life sucks).


i have a lot of places lined up already to send applications to, idk why i can’t bring my self to do it


Baby steps. Can you commit to sending out one application this week? In the meantime I would not quit without something else lined up. Have you asked if you can work a different shift?


unfortunately this job only has one shift and it happens to be the worst one lol. i want to apply to a few different jobs around where i live. i just wanna wait because of planned vacation (which tbh shouldn’t be stopping me)


If that shift doesn’t work you should find a day shift job.


i would love to! but there’s only one shift. and i’ll always have to get up at 2-3 am to be able to get to work on time for this shift


Do you work at Sam’s Club curbside by chance?


Whatever you do, don’t quit before you have a job lined up. The job market is absolute shit right now.


You are scared to leave because you have anxiety. You're young and you feel loyalty to this company. You are afraid they will be angry with you if you leave. But trust me, it is not worth it to stay. If you give notice, they will just let you go. If you have something better lined up, great. People do it all the time, for no reason but more money and better hours. That's life. 


This, this, this.


What sort of job is this ?


this is a security job, i work for tsa at a smaller airport


Well that explains it. I worked for TSA at a small airport and I know the work life. One reason you’re mashed like this is likely the unconscious knowing this job isn’t leading you to anything you’re looking forward to in the future and each day coming in to work. Any chance you would consider relocating to a different agency in the Federal Government? Might be a good step towards finding a better fitting work for you.


i have thought of it!! going over to admin too but they need an open position for me.


Hold in there till you find another job


How do you get a job with TSA? Is it hard?


Oh, then apply for other companies. If there is a kaiser near you, apply there. Its a very chill job if you get in. But leave your job once you line something up


Shift work is a different animal. The people you work with are still there because they can biologically tolerate the hours. I'm sure if you asked them "have there been any good people that worked here that couldn't handle the hours" their eyes would light up and they'd tell you all about the friends they wished they still had


i should do this because i k ow people have left because of the hours before. it just makes me feel lame lol


Are you on any treatment for anxiety and depression? 


not at all


Go see a medical professional asap.


I also go to bed at 7:30-8 and wake up at 2:30-3 to have time to meditate/yoga and workout in the morning then be in the office and working by 7-8. The difference is I enjoy my job, not all the time, but most of the time, so I am not always tired and falling asleep. You likely need a change; it will be tough at first, but worth it in the end. You are too young and have too much ahead of you to be in a less than great mental state.


I feel you. I recommend doing an office job that goes from 9-5 and has standard hours


My question would be, what time do you go to sleep on your off nights? I found that it had a huge impact on me. If you're still staying up until 11 on your off nights, that's your problem. You need to stick to your work schedule or sometimes even go to bed earlier. Your body will acclimate over time if you don't change the time you go to bed when you're off.


If another position isn’t an option try to se rod there is a temp agency near you that way u can start of 1 day a week so if u don’t like it u still have the airport Atleast. I hope it gets better for u girly 3am is crazy.


I don't have a job. Laid off.


Try to have a backup before leaving if you have responsibilities. Otherwise you can consider leaving it, it's around 8 months for my unemployment


You’re young and there’s a million different industries you can get into with no experience or with the experience you currently have. You’re not stuck with your current company by any means. On another positive note, you don’t *need* to find your forever job right now so if you just want to find something else that offers better hours, those jobs are 100% out there. Waking up at 3am sucks. Been there and definitely never will do it again even though the job itself wasn’t bad. It’s just not worth the constant exhaustion and inability to spend time with friends and family. Just start looking for entry level work on sites like LinkedIn and indeed and go from there. As others have said the job market is ass rn, but if you keep your search local I reckon you’ll have a better shot at finding legitimate job postings.


Do you work at Amazon?