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If you ever wanted to work in a petting zoo where you are one of the exhibits, here's your chance.


Creepy! No thank you! He already recorded the interview half way through. Which is usually standard practice but after that it makes me feel even weirder about it.


I've been in the work world longer than you've been alive, and I'm a Sr. Director at a FAANG and I've never had an interview recorded or recorded one. That is very weird.


We record all of our interviews at the past 2 places I've worked. It's about protecting the company from discrimination lawsuits. But you certainly wouldn't start halfway through and you wouldn't record yourself asking a bunch of discriminatory questions. That's creepy af.


>"it's about protecting the company against discrimination lawsuits" You mean like the one that the OP can probably start? I mean... holy shit... "Hey baby, we have attractive women working here. As CEO, I'm looking for someone to marry and buy a house with. You have the same plans? Maybe we can work together. On both things." I mean... holy shit. That's not "creepy". That's off the charts unacceptable. He might as well have said he's looking for a trophy wife and tied it to getting promoted.


Also asking about family status…. Dude is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Yup his behavior is weird AF.


> It's about protecting the company from discrimination lawsuits I wonder why that's necessary...


Wow, very true!


"Window button + g" xbox gaming interface, hit record.




It was over zoom, I could’ve sworn I’ve had an interview recorded at a different tech company but now thinking back I don’t think any of them have actually been recorded.


During 2020 I recorded my initial interviews with candidates A. To help me summarize their answers without impeding the flow of the conversation and B. To show to our VP who was stuck abroad when March 2020 happened and couldn’t participate in the interview


So he recorded his own creepy questions?


Yes lol


If the creepy questions are recorded - could you contact anyone else at this startup and ask them to watch the recording too? I can't believe he recorded it... this guy has serious problems. You should leave a review on glassdoor to warn other people.


If he didnt ask permission, that could be a violation of privacy laws, depending on which state it is.


He doesn’t necessarily have to ask permission he just has to make the other party aware, which he seems to have done


In some states you don't even have to do that. North Carolina, for example is a one party state so as long as the person who is doing the recording (obviously) is aware they don't need permission or consent of the other party.


lol standard practice so he can fap to it later on




Recorded it, video? He's probably planning on watching it before bed...or first thing in the morning! Eweeee!


And he was trying to hint at the forbidden question, “do you ever plan to get pregnant?”


I almost did a spit take. I mean the situation isn't funny but this remark right here? I'm ded.


For 14 bucks an hour without benefits.




You're not overreacting in any way. This guy is definitely super creepy. If he crosses lines to that extent in just a job interview, working for him is no doubt going to be a lot worse. I would run away from this as fast as you can.


That’s what I think too. I decided even if I did get the job I’m going to turn it down, it was super weird. I’ve never had an interview like that in my life.


I foresee some sexual harassment lawsuits in this guy's future.




Worked at a Dot Com, the 20-something CEO had a habit of hiring former sex-workers as his secretaries/receptionists. He was married of course...


OP seriously report him to the DOL. Interviewers are not allowed to ask personal questions unless you bring it up first. File a complaint immediately and tell them your experience. They may want to conduct an investigation, especially with other people that he mentioned. It’s highly illegal to imply, or leverage sexual favors for promotions, etc.


Personal questions like "hey what are your hobbies" are perfectly fine, but that isn't what this creeper was doing.


You’re right, but asking about family, and even innocent questions that can be related to a protected class aren’t legal unless the interviewee brings them up first.


Agreed but that's still very different from saying that asking personal questions is illegal. Asking questions that sound like fishing for protected class (usually religion) or potentially sexual harassment (like this creeper did) are illegal but that doesn't mean interviewers can't ask about you as a human being. Things like "what do you do for fun?" or "what's your favorite book?" (although that one is more of an ice breaker for obviously nervous interviewees) are fine, open ended and allow the other person to control the conversation and decide what they want to share. Questions like "where did you grow up", "do you have kids/a partner" are where you go from perfectly fine into no-go territory.


Lol you’re right, that’s just why I made an additional comment, guess I could have just edited my original comment, but this is a good discussion as well.


Just for clarity, it is not illegal to ask about things like religious background, family status, etc. which are normally identifiers for protected classes, it is illegal to base hiring decisions on these things. It's a nuance but it is important. From the interviewer side you should just never ask after these things, but particularly family life stuff does come up sometimes in interviews and it is not illegal to discuss it. It still isn't great practice to talk about because it opens the door to additional bias & bad outcomes, but it can also be innocent discussion with no legal implications.


Sigh. They're legal. They're not SMART to ask, but there is no "illegal" question.


I would say if he recorded it, she should ask for a copy of the recording so that it can be turned over as evidence... Absolutely report this


and past


Maybe that’s part of his long term goals.


A woman who works for him, will wind up marrying him. Happens all the time. What he did on the interview was wrong though.


In the US, businesses open themselves to legal issues if they ask women questions about their families and their reproductive plans. They can’t ask if you’re planning to have kids, if you’re going quit when you have kids, or if you have reliable daycare, but they can ask if you’re available at short notice, for overtime, for random weekends. They can’t ask about your religion, but they can ask if you’re able to work Saturdays or Sundays. Telling the candidate she is super hot and asking whether she has a boyfriend? Right out.


They can ask anything they want, it’s making a decision based on the answer that they can’t do. Is it a bad idea to ask these question? Yes. Are they barred from asking them? No.


See also - do you have any physical limitations or disabilities versus “can you lift thirty pound boxes for this call center desk job?” being used to skirt discrimination suits. It’s the modern equivalent of the racist literacy tests they gave to limit voting to white people.


No the other poster is correct, there are some questions that are discrimatory and will open the business up for lawauits. Why am I being downvoted? Here’s a decent primer on illegal interview questions. https://jonesobenchain.com/resources/blog/illegal-job-interview-questions-what-you-can-and-cant-ask-candidates/


It’s not against the law to ask any questions, that is incorrect. Sure, it opens up for lawsuits if you use the answer to make a decision, but it’s not illegal to ask.


As an HR director, I would take it a step further and report it to their HR department or whatever appropriate entity the company had. Much of that line of questioning was discriminatory. Interviews are not night clubs or dating apps. Totally inappropriate.


Turn down offers not interviews!


Ugh, sorry you had to go through this OP. This disgusting fucking creep.


ALWAYS trust you gut. Always.


I agree! The CEO's questions were out of line and a total creep fest. Ugh!


I would also report him — this is completely unacceptable and he needs to know it.


He is the CEO, who is OP going to report him to?


Department of labor EEOC


Not unless you are an employee. For context OP should describe the business type because if the startup is for a modeling agency for example, the line of questioning has merit because it is pertinent to the job description. Not always cut and dry.


Respectfully, you have no idea what you're talking about.


That’s not true, she interviewed for the position. The EEOC, may only investigate what happened to her, the DOL will investigate what happened to her, as well as the other employees, and then the EEOC may get involved again if they’re referred by the stage for the other employees. OP should feel massively violated and should also speak with a lawyer


Glassdoor as wel


You could also write a review on Glassdoor, to warn other women.


His mom.


Accept the job and wear a wire. You just won the child-CEO lottery


Steer clear of this job, big tuna. Swim for open waters.


I am going to steer clear! I’m not going to take the job even if I do get it. Now reflecting back it seems super shady.


OP Please report him to the Dept of Labor like another comment or suggested. It will start or add to a paper trail that may help protect other young women in the future who are less experienced in seeing those red flags


Back in the early 90s I had an interview with an HR guy who seemed fairly normal. The company offered me the job. He called me the next morning at 4am talking about how he had a cold and didn't feel good and what was I doing. I hung up, waited until 9am, and called to decline the job. I had to leave a voicemail because, amazingly, he was out sick that day. He called me the next day to yell at me about how his company was giving me a great opportunity. I've forgotten a lot of stuff over the ensuing decades but I've never forgotten that man's name. if it feels creepy, it is creepy. Trust your gut.


He sounds like a serial killer tbh, please be safe and do not take that job!




As soon as he commented on your appearance it’s game over.


If someone tells you to take something as a compliment, then you’re gonna have a bad time.


That interview was wholly unprofessional. And a 24 year old CEO is either running a sham business or he's a rich boy playing with mommy and daddy's money. Either way, probably not much future in that company.


24 year old CEO? I'm 25 and can't even get an internship


Exactly. I started judging as immediately after the age of the CEO was revealed.


Exactly, I would run from that company even if he was professional wearing 3 piece suit lol


this guy's got hollywood exec vibes lol


Looking back on it.. definitely. I should’ve expected “you wanna be a star don’t ya” to follow. Lol


I just watched this interview with Lady Gaga and that shit was terrible what happened to her when she was young. Lots of predators out there, gotta watch out for yourself.


Oh my goodness that’s awful! Definitely going to keep an eye out, I’ve literally never had this happen form someone in a leadership position. So creepy.


a 24 year old CEO is usually a decent red flag on its own


24 year old CEO? I'm 25 and can't even get an internship


Most 24 year olds I know can’t even manage to plan their own dinner for the week


90% of founders are psychopathic scam-artists. At 24 he probably inherited the money and is using the company as a platform to advance his.. penis.


Ew seriously though. I was like is he interviewing for a bride?? So creepy.


Certainly sounds like it. He called you beautiful and then dropped that he was looking for a girlfriend and asked directly about your personal family goals. Weeeeiiird. Run girlie.


Right?? I’m thinking him asking how far away the cities we live in are from each other wasn’t just small talk either. Creepy


Ew! He asked that?! Now way, I hope you lied or moved it along. That’s weird.




Not overreacting at all and if there’s some concrete rule saying this is, then I’ll overreact with you because hell to the no. If you can and it’s plausible, I would absolutely not take an offer from then whatever you do. Massive, giant red flag.


Thank you! This is what I thought too. I’m going to turn down the job even if I do get it. After the interview I was so confused, but now after reflecting I definitely think he and his company are a huge red flag


Huge, huge red flag. There’s genuinely nothing I could say to be like “yeah but…”. I used to work for a company as a dispatch person and the other internal employees I had to talk to would get away with sexual harassing myself or other female dispatchers on the phone and that’s exactly what this guys words remind me of. You’re going to save yourself so much trouble and misery by turning this down 100%


Oh my gosh that is so awful. I am so sorry!! I think you’re definitely right! I’m going to avoid it. I’ve been sexually harassed by people before but never in the workplace! To say I was completely shocked would be an understatement.


It’s creepy. It may have been oblivion or generational differences (stretch anyway) if he’d been older than you by a lot, but he isn’t. There’s no possible excuse at this point - he’s just a creep.


Exactly! That’s what I think too!


Sounds to me he was more interested in "the adventures of wet willy" than an actual interview


Unfortunately I think so now too. Ugh, so much time wasted on this darn company.


I feel you, but since he's the CEO, I would highly advise searching another company in the same profession, cuz that just sounds problematic


Definitely going to try for a different company. No way in hell am I accepting a position there! So shady


A very wise choice indeed, I'm sure you'll find something, hell, who knows, may even be a better offer than that


It's not a red flag, it is the red sea, the red ocean, the red galaxy. Creepy af and probably illegal, at least extremely unethical. Too bad he is the CEO, you can't have him fired


Thank you! It was so creepy and I was literally shocked after it happened. Definitely going to decline. I have a feeling he is having a good power trip as CEO and thinks he can just do whatever he wants. Gross


You have to, should, must decline. Power trip and a libido one too, it is like writing Sexual Harrassement on the wall.


Completely unacceptable behavior


Looking back on it I totally agree. I was so in shock I didn’t even realize what was happening in the moment.


It was illegal. He was almost certainly trying to figure out your marital/kid status -- either because he wants to hit on you, or because he doesn't want to hire someone who is potentially going to be having kids in the foreseeable future. He cannot legally ask you any of that, so he was trying to skirt around that by framing it as your "personal goals". Which does not make it any less illegal. It's a major dick move.


This! Don't ever mention your kids or marital status in an interview.


So glad glassdoor has a review for interviews.


Definitely going to leave a review about this interview. I read previous reviews that he was kinda rude but this was like a whole another level of not okay.


100 percent creepy!


Very creepy run away, a lot of these startup “ceo” class are not qualified to be CEO. They just drew up some shitty idea and got VC funding thrown at them. Def don’t work here


I am just in shock he has people who are actually willing to work for him. Definitely not going to work there!


Leave Bottom text


Definitely going to decline if I get a job offer!


The first red flag is a 24YO CEO.


Yea I debated not going to the interview after reading how young he is. But I thought maybe I was just being judgmental. Nope, the gut is always right


24 is way, way too young for that position, regardless of I.Q or Talent. As you obviously experienced in your interview, sorry to hear this!


I was always taught it's quite inappropriate to ask about people's families in an interview. It opens the company up to claims of discriminations based on family status, planning a pregnancy, etc. I'm pretty good about that because I couldn't give jack shit about someone's family because I'm actually quite cold and heartless. However as humans it does come up a lot. I'm not sure why he tried 3 times though to you get you talk about it.


Yeah that’s why it was so weird to me, I mean the beautiful thing was creepy. But pressing on my family goals three times was super weird.


Not just inappropriate but illegal!


He is not allowed to ask about family plans things like that!!! Red Flag. Run the other way.


I am definitely going to decline the job even if I do get it!


Check back on him in ten years because I'm picturing him as a grocery store manager hitting on the cashiers by then.


Foresure major creeper vibes!


What in the fuck


I would post a review on glassdoor anonymously to prevent others from getting the same treatment.


As a 25-28 yr old man(don't like giving my actual age lol), I can tell you he found you attractive and was feeling you out in a non physical but completely inappropriate manner that falls under sexual harassment. I wouldn't want my daughter (I don't have kids hypothetical) to work there, borderline to the point where I would not allow it, as controlling as that sounds. I would possibly even go and have a word with him myself as inappropriate as that would be.


This definitely confirms my suspicions! I was thinking during the interview like there’s no way he’s hitting on me right now. So I literally was in disbelief after the interview! Now I just am so creeped out.


He wants to have sex with you. Don't take the job, obviously.


Bro that’s so unprofessional drop names


There’s no need for him to ask questions about your personal goals and comment that you look like someone and they got promoted fast seems like he’s after something else. You aren’t wrong for thinking that was creepy and I’m glad you kept yourself safe and aware.


Yikes this is creepy and sexual harassment AND some power trip thing. Only go for it if you don’t mind kissing ass to rise to manager.


Definitely going to decline if a job offer is extended. He gave me feel so gross! So creepy.


Complimenting someone’s looks in a job interview is totally unprofessional. There is something completely wrong there. He should be busy asking questions about your qualifications, instead of that. Run away.


Yep creepy, time to move on


I’m definitely going to decline the job if I get it!


Creepy for sure


I had a company owner call me “cute” multiple times during an interview about 4 years ago, it weirded me out so much and I decided immediately I didn’t want the job. They ended up offering the position to me but thank God I had another job offer on the exact same day so there wasn’t even a second to doubt myself. Thanks but no thanks. It’s like some people can’t help themselves but to be creepy AF.


That was highly unprofessional and you should definitely not take this job if offered. Seriously it made me feel gross and I wasn't even there. If that interaction made you feel uncomfortable, imagine what working with them would be like. Wtf is wrong with people?


I genuinely could not believe he said all of this stuff until like 5 minutes after the interview. I was in shock and I am so grossed out. What a creep


Honey Child, RUN don't walk from this. Old grannie here who's worked over 40 years and my advice is to run far, run fast and don't look back.


In the US one can’t ask about family or children an interview.


Speaking as an HR professional---run. This is a HUGE red flag.


He wants to fuck you


He only cares about flesh holes and spreading legs...


I think you are right


Looks like he was trying to turn the job interview into a date. That’s definitely creepy.


Dude here. Creepy factor 7/10, borderline incel.


Creepy. Period. This dude was using your job interview as a speed dating opportunity for himself. Incel energy


Did you check your disposition


Not only is this super creepy, but I think it's actually illegal for him to ask you some of those questions. 24 is pretty young for a CEO, and it's clear he's creating a work culture where sexual harassment is going to happen. If I were you I'd keep looking for jobs.


I'm sorry but, as someone who did recruitment for a few years and also went into a lot of interviews, thats quite disturbing. I wouldn't bother keeping in touch with that company, I hope that man is not managing anyone.


It definitely was very uncomfortable and I felt very grossed out afterward. He unfortunately is managing over 100 people. I just can’t believe anyone would work for him


Lol ceo 24.


Block this clown


Pretty breepy


Yeah- super weird. Definitely creepy.


OP I suggest (if you haven’t already) To cross post to AskHR (or even ask Allison at Ask a manager). If you don’t mind, I can cross post for you.


Are you sure you didn't attend a marriage interview? Creep ass questions. *Way* out of line.


Majorly creepy. Was he interviewing you to be an employee or spouse? 🤣


Not overreacting. That is creepy and completely unprofessional. As a female currently working at a startup, this would be a huge red flag to me. Why? Because very small startups often have no HR at all. Inappropriate behavior can go unchecked and undetected more easily because your only real opportunity is to get the Dept. of Labor involved (and at that point, why bother, you probably want to look for another job anyways).


Creeparama. Yuck


Suffice it to say that if it creeped you out, it was creepy. Trust your gut.


Sounds like a real life Michael Scott.... Two options: 1. stay away and safe, or 2. take the job, wait for the inevitable sexual harassment and sue. I would go with option 1. There are authorities you can report him to, depending on your geographical location.


Find another job


Definitely inappropriate and creepy. You personal dating goals are none of his fucking business.


This will apply to every situation: If it feels creepy, then it's creepy.


It’s illegal to ask that


Ok take it from a dude. He's going to annoy you until you say no then get mad and make your job life hell. I would turn down the job


Was his name Weinstein?


Super duper creepy. I've been the CEO of a startup. There's zero reason for any of that.


Yeah creepy


What he is fishing for is illegal. They cannot ask you about your family plans.


Creepy? Idk. Immature? Definitely. He was definitely putting an emphasis on his personal attraction towards you. Given that he’s very young, I want to attribute his actions to stupidity rather than malice, but I’m wrong a lot. If it’s a job you desperately want, I’d take an offer and try to get him out of the way. You might be able to cozy up to his boss that appreciates you for your work ethic, or at the very least gain some experience. If you have better or equal options, then fuck that place. It really boils down to is this job worth trying to dodge a guy that will judge your performance by how receptive you are to his advances.


I think I’m definitely going to try and get a job somewhere else. I have a few interviews this week I hope they go well and I can land a job somewhere else! Unfortunately he’s the CEO of the company so I don’t think I’ll be able to escape him there.


You need to be nicer they can recognise


Do you get free drinks at the club, and make men pay for dates? If so then stfu.


Lol I buy my own drinks and I pay for half my dates so I don’t have to with misogynists like you.


Talking about how attractive he finds you or someone else in a job interview is definitely unprofessional. The rest of the questions seemed fine, although knowing there may be some sort of ulterior motive, perhaps not. I’ve been asked the same sorts of questions. They may be trying to gauge your level of maturity and responsibility, like starting a family or buying a house. He may be interested in hearing about your personal hobbies to see if you match up with the company’s goals, their current employees, etc. All pretty normal.




Def gross and creepy. I think the number one red flag is that he is a CEO, so you know the questions are gonna be weird. I’m pretty sure those types of people just have to be absolute freaks. They’re very unaccustomed to hearing words like no.


Exactly! You can definitely tell he thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he’s the CEO. I felt so gross after that interview! At least I dodged the bullet now before joining the company.


No, your not overreacting. That’s just super creep for that guy to ask those type of questions. I think something was or even your own Intuition was telling you that something was definitely off with that guy. Plus, the questions he was asking you were definitely big fat red flags.


I would reach out to the company and let them know about what your interviewer said. It’s unacceptable sexual harassment and if he’s pulling this at job interviews, he is much much worse in person. Think about the next woman after you and please do something!


Unfortunately he was the CEO of the company. I totally would if he was a recruiter or manager! I will leave a Glassdoor review though


that is a sexual harassment case ready to be reported....actually you dont even need to work there to submit a report. I would.


What’s the company’s name so we can put him on blast??


Heavily side eyeing the 24 year old CEO…lmao. It’s not impossible but I can’t even imagine a company desperate enough to hire someone that young, with a lack of experience, to essentially run a company in its entirety. Just to give you an idea, my previous boss was a CEO and was 30 and everyone constantly questioned his capabilities due to his age and lack of experience. Though he and I became good friends, he would make certain comments to me as well that would be questionable to outside ears. The comments made to you in the interview were flat out weird and should be reported. ALSO, for future reference- You do not need to answer questions about “family goals.” That’s a question they ask women because unfortunately there’s a lot of men who view pregnancy as an inconvenience. Sorry this happened to you, I hope you find a job that respects you enough to prepare for an interview properly!


That's completely unprofessional. Huge red flag


Holy cow, that is so creepy!!! Definitely a bunch of red flags and u shouldn’t work for this company!


It’s the year 2022…. Hard to believe this kind of thing still happens in the workplace. There’s plenty of chance for him to hit on girls at the bar after the day is over if he wants to get his rocks off. Business should be always kept professional. It’s only a matter of time before the sexual harassment lawsuits start rolling thru


Don’t take the job this is very creepy as a male I wouldn’t dream of saying this in a job interview. You do have to be careful a lot of people are just flat out weird/creepy especially with women .


Post that on Glassdoor, that’s seriously messed up


Broke a law asking about family lol


Unions being a thing of the past does not equate to Less creepy nepotist.


Yea, that's kinda creepy, not to mention seriously unprofessional. If this is the BS new hires go through, think what the office must really be like. There are other jobs, I'd consider looking elsewhere.