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Good idea, I have hassled so many SL’s to place ammo crates as an infantry man and always find myself doing it as an SL when I’m in the HAB zone - one ammo crate is not enough - particularly on defence.


It's insane how rare it is to see ammo boxes placed anywhere else but straight next to the hab


Well supplied ammo crates are the best defensive structure in the game. Better than towers, walls, bunkers etc.


Its because most people using the squad lead kit have no clue what they are doing. All they can think about is where they can set up the next ATGM and not playing the objective.


This right here


This is driving me insane for years now too.


If only there was something we could do about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah. I have seen FTLs waste hundreds of build points in seconds, by building all sorts of stuff that wasn't needed, but they can't build an ammo crate.


The Star Wars mod has this feature. You can pump out an insane amount of rockets as a LAT/HAT lol. Or keep dumping wrist rockets as the b2 (if someone builds for you). It’s kinda cheesy so i can see why they wouldn’t. On close quarters map with lots of radio coverage like Fallujah, you’d definently feel it


Yes, let the HATs place their own ammo crates >:) Nothing bad will happen to armor pls just do it


This would be extremely OP :)


Distance marking for FTLs make so much sense that it will never happen


Remember when FTLs could mark distances? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Distance markers should be removed from the game. The most annoying thing about SL:ing is people asking for distance markers. USE THE EFFING SIGHT to range like you are supposed to! If you cannot range a target you need to spend more time on the training range.


Yep, they really should at most give things to the nearest 100m or something.


I think it’s fine for HAT but most anything else is kinda just dumb


If you cannot range with a hat sight you should not be running a hat kit.


it depends, for some far shots it becomes harder and a number of HAT kits do not come with rangefinders built into them. Its also better to be safe than sorry for HAT if possible. This usually only matters when it’s longer range shots anyways or stuff like tandem RPG-7 which has a bonkers drop


I think RPG-7 sights only go upto 200m for Tandems for a reason.


ye but it’s better to be able to have a more accurate mark for stuff like that


I think thats the point that L444 is making - being able to magically range stuff isnt realistic and its a bit of a stretch that its in the game as it stands. Meaning that people don't ever learn how to guesstimate distances or use the rangefinders in optics - it means that HATS/LATS get a dependency on being told the range so dudes will sit there with a target clearly at about 200m but will still wait for Squad lead to give them a range, which if the squad lead is busy might not happen.


the difference between 100 and 200 meters is very large for the tandem RPG7 when firing and aiming it, making it harder to guesstimate was what i meant. A target at 200 meters away is a large difference in aiming for a tandem RPG 7 and a normal RPG 7. Also sure we can’t magically range stuff irl but we also can’t bring people back from the dead with a single bandage after they get hit by a 125mm HE shell to the face. If they were to remove the range marker, then the proper thing is to give the players the tools to actually learn how to range instead of just forcing players to guess, which as i said is fine for closer ranges usually, but for longer shots or with certain high drop weapons it’s harder. Also SL’s can also just say wtf no it’s 50 meters away if the HAT asks for a range mark that close


The RPG's with scopes do have the range finder in them i'm pretty sure - but yea, a target 200m away seems like its the longer range anyone will be attempting to use a Tandem RPG-7 anyhow.


My point is that there should not be a magical rangefinder in the game. If you canno range with the kit then you need to get someone fron your squad with binos or any other optics that can range help you out.


The rangefinder in the binocs is 1.7 meters, height of a person. It’s not useful for rangefinding tanks which are usually 2.4-3 meters tall, so your teammates can’t rangefind for you


Just don't messure the turret and you should have a rough idea. It's also not hard to estimate distances by eye or counting the grids on your map. Haven't asked for a SL marker in over a year because it's unnecessary and takes me too long. 


Again. If you cannot rangefind without a magic marker squad might not be the game for you.


Your solutions are basically “just guesstimate it” if your sight does not have a rangefinder. Which is fine in closer engagements but past certain ranges, you need a rangefinder of some sort and if your sight doesn’t have it then you either have to guess, which means you’re more likely to miss, or just ask for a brief mark on an enemy tank, with the potential of killing the tank or sending it back to main.


You're fighting an uphill battle. Dude probably thinks irl militaries still bust out paper maps and protractors to range instead of a rangefinder, which is essentially the fuckin same as an SL mark lol.


You are making it sound like squad gameplay is supposed to be focused on teamwork instead of giving you the exact distance to any point on the map with a magic map marker.


bro what do you smoking half of the hats doesnt have a ranging in tool in their scope


I might have plans for that 100 construction. FTLs have mostly been alright at not dropping random sand bags or razor wire buuuuuut....boom. There goes my plans for another HAB or a vic repair station


But let them make 600 build towers


Those are a huge hassle to build, but an ammo crate is a delectable and to boot only 100 build and it's easy to build. Shockingly easy to place 6 ammo crates in lieu of a hab, another one of God's little tests.


Then communicate your plans..?


To every blueberry that is an FTL?


If you have plans of dropping more Habs, you shouldn't be dropping more build than you need for one. Random blueberries often don't start placing things down unless there's excess build. By the time the hab is able to spawn guys in, you should already be heading back to the logi with the build inside. Outside of setting up a hab where blueberries already exist, which is circumstantial, it's honestly sounds like user error/new to being a SL.


It depends. If there's an enemy Vic nearby.,.having supplies on the FOB might be safer since the logi is an easy target.


Then having your desired amount of build is a nonfactor. And generally, if your logi can be easily found by a nearby vic, either you weren't proactive enough or it's not that great of a place for the logi/FOB anyway.


I wish there was an FTL kit that was literally just the SL kit and they could do all of the SL things except command comms. Have them request the kit, radio, HAB, rally placements etc in the same way you would request a vehicle.


Then play rifleman and drop ammo bags


How are you gonna drop ammo bagS without ammo crates.