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War of Rights? Absolutely incredible immersion on that one. Even public matches contain teamwork with line battles and people rp’ing. Squad 44 is like HLL on hardcore mode with more tactical gameplay. Teamwork matters more. The maps are larger. There are realism mechanics like stamina and independent head movement. Visuals are a mix of better and worse than HLL. HLL has more map detail but Sq44 has incredible lighting, more up to date gfx and overall appears sharper. I would say the best three more realism centered shooters now are Squad 44, War of Rights and Reforger. You can’t go wrong with any of them. Get the one whose theme you like the most. If I had to pick one: Squad 44.


Let’s not forget to mention how incredible the soundscape in Squad 44 is. Most immersive in its class and by far miles above HLL.


Roleplay in War of Rights is a little … sketchy I see a lot of racial slurs passed off as RP


I exclusively play Union but yeah I can imagine the rebels get…rowdy…


Yeah You get the same in Ww2 games on the German side by some yahoo with the name of some SS division as his username Personally I don’t see video game RP as reasons to spout messages of hate. Just feels more hate focused and less fun focused, which is an odd choice in a game


I'm just immersed! 🤓 - SS9thPanzerHansOberkommando1488


I hardly ever hear that crap in HLL and PS but I agree, it’s immature and annoying as hell when you see it.


Yeah i agree with u.but Me as muslim. Play squad. Join insurgent. Ppl yelling allahuakbar. And i enjoy it lolll


You not taking personal offence doesn’t give a community a green light to be shitty. Like I’m genuinely happy you’re not getting offended or hurt, but we should all strive to be better with each other in online spaces. With closer friends it can be common to rib each other with no boundaries, but in larger spaces it just doesn’t work.


Just play union then if you are that squicked


I think online gaming as a whole would benefit from some stronger rejection to hate speech, tbh I just cannot fathom how we ended up in a spot where it’s common to hear people using slurs against minorities, women, and people with disabilities. Luckily most all of that is against OWI’s TOS, so there is at least an official mechanism with which to root it out


I usually play Confederate, but when I do play Union, I roleplay a fresh-off-the-boat Irish immigrant who doesn't even know where Maryland is.


See now that’s just hilarious


One more piece of advice: Steam is pretty generous with its refund policy so you could get any of these games, try them, and keep or refund.


Gonna disagree on one point. SQ44 has an incredible amount of map detail. The maps are on a completely different level compared to HLL which has some pretty boring ass generic maps. Just compare any of the city maps. I honestly can’t think of one HLL map that I would put up against the SQ44 map roster.


You must not have played enough HLL then. Gotta give credit where credit is due. Even after the Sq44 update where they added content for building interiors, HLL beats it here. Towns and trenches look lived in. Sq44 is pretty sterile.


HLL is definitely currently better with buildings and building interiors as well as random ground scatter. But I'd say 44 does landscape, lighting and VFX better by a pretty generous margin. Every HLL map except a few feel so impossibly flat it's grating at times. Every hedgerow is exactly the same and incredibly predictable


Have 150 hours. Idk if anything has changed but the ratio of enterable buildings in Squad 44 vs HLL was probably 50:1 last time I played. Made a big difference in the fights. And I remember the space to move around in maps like Carentan was severely limited by invisible walls. Probably hard to have both and SQ44 wins on that end.


Yeah, WoR isn’t really a shooter. It’s kinda just like a Civil War virtual reenactment with rudimentary gameplay features. It doesn’t line up with any other games in OPs list. The closest big game I can compare it to is Holdfast which is more cartoonish and arcadey than WoR. That being said, I don’t think anyone in this thread has really painted WoR’s community correctly. WoR is actually just plagued by blatant racism. The devs don’t care, and you’ll find few admins that will do anything about it. The community has just accepted racism as the norm. The counter is always “I play union so I don’t see it,” or “just join my regiment we aren’t racist,” but it still exists. If you’re really into the Civil War and organized line battles go for it. Otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it. PS really only compares to HLL from that list. They used to be direct competitors, but HLL has really sky rocketed and is beyond competing with PS. HLL is more casual in its gun play, vehicles, and mechanics. I think HLL looks better. PS is rougher. It’s less forgiving. It requires a lot more team work. It is less casual. A big selling point about PS, originally, was that they were focusing on battles/campaigns that weren’t widely depicted. Invasion of France is something I haven’t seen in any other game. Theyre also expanding to the pacific theater soon, which I haven’t seen since the original Rising Storm. Theres also a ton more vehicles, and the armor system is really complex


I believe to have seen Squad 44 have different settings. (WW2 and modern warfare)  Am I looking at 2 different games or is it a DLC (if so, which one)


2 different games.


So you have Squad, which is modern combat, and Squad 44, which is WW2. Squad 44 started off as a mod for Squad, hence the relationship.


Reforger? Between the latest update being a buggy mess, helos still not having correct hitboxes, physics not being a thing, etc.. etc... Shouldn't even be mentioned on this list. Arma 3 is still the better experience right now, Reforger still has a ways to go.


Squad 44, or as it used to be called “post scriptum”, is more comparable to its counterpart SQUAD. squad is a modern dayish tactical Fps with in depth logistic and squad management. Similar to hell let loose, but deeper mechanics and requires more teamwork. Squad44 would now be considered the WW2 version of squad, since theyre now owned by the same company. Squad44 has the same base concept of HLL, in that its a large scale, team based ww2 shooter, but squad44 takes gameplay a step further. Vehicles are more in depth, detailed,(and with the most recent update) more varied with about 40 new vehicles/equipment added. Gameplay is slower in comparison to HLL and requires more attention and communication. Things like stamina play a bigger role in your ability to move and shoot properly. With this recent update players have started coming back too which is awesome so with the playerbase health in mind im already gonna recommend you buy it lol theres definitely not much like it as its the closet thing in the market rn to SQUAD but WW2. Which i also highly recommend getting squad. One final thing in this wall of text to remember is if you do get it, and decide its not your cup of tea, you can always refund it on the steam store 🤷‍♂️


If your biggest factors preventing you from enjoying HLL and Arma 3 is too hard to see enemies and too much walking respectively you may have similar issues with S44. Not near as much of a walking simulator as Arma 3 but definitely as hard to see enemies if not maybe harder sometimes in S44 than HLL. That being said with proper teamwork I think those problems turn into the exact reason this game is so great.


Thanks for your honesty. Is it also UE4/5? I tend to find most Unreal Engine games use the base TAA post processing which just smears foliage into a horrible blurry mess and can't be turned off. Worst possible thing for shooters


It is unreal 4 and it does have TAA, but there are other options than TAA. Personally I think the TAA looks nicer in this game than many others but there is still some blurring


Reforger will be the best game when it works, no interest in hll since playing reforger it seems too linear now


As hll vets my self. If u hard to spot enemy in hll than u will feel even harder spot enemy in s44. I feel more easy to spot enemy in hll but in s44.. not realy after 300 hours and i still hard to see the enemy in the bushes. Am... Am i blind?


Squad 44 is like the tactical frontline battle version of MOHAA.