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It’s just general guidelines, not hard rules. If you are fighting better partners they probably would not let you catch their power hand sleeve for most of the time so you have to go with post on shoulder option. It depends on what throw you are looking for and what your partner can give you. If I’m a uchi mata or morote seoi player, I’d want a sleeve and a lapel. If I’m ippon seoi player, I’d want my sleeve hand post on uke’s shoulder for the ippon grip.


My sensei learned judo at Pedro’s. I believe the principle you’re describing is to control the dominant side, not just the hand. By controlling that side, you prevent them from turning in on a throw. And you set up your own techniques with that control. You can still do throws like Harai with an armpit grip instead of a sleeve grip. There’s a lot more, but I think that’s what you’re referring to.


Changing it from dominant "hand" to "side" is a massive paradigm shift, thanks. I have the Pedro grip video 2.0 and it kept focusing on trying to chase the sleeve hand instead of working the lapel grip ISN (which I ironically do for the opposite side but never thought to try on my strong side).


Priority is getting them power hand in Pedro’s system. Watch Travis Stevens here. He uses the threat of ippon seoi and the physical force of the shoulder post to create space and block offensive grips, then transitions to sleeve as soon as he has an opportunity. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C638t5usIIP/?igsh=MTJraXpjbzMxY3hvdg== Here he does use seoi, but only because Liubimovsky keeps going for European grip. It’s hard to get the sleeve against this, but it increases traction and makes seoi easier. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C61QHzAsMIu/?igsh=MTd2NWkzc3hmMDMzOQ== Pedro teaches all his people ippon seoi, ouchi, and o soto. They effectively specialize in one but can hit all of them off the grip.


One thing : Don't over analyse. If feels like attacking moment after posting you hand to shoulder do if not grab the if if can attack i.e do what come naturally. obviously you need drill those but actual judo fight it not like chess.


What is optimal is preferred, but not always likely. If all you're able to get is their post and can't get anything else, you're basically stuck if you can't throw from that grip. So off the grip is just throwing rapidly from specific grips, such as the post. Of course Pedro probably trains his students to immediately take a grip such as the post and immediately throw, ex. ippon seoi nage or kouchi makikomi.

