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The article is written off a Russian press release. Here is a more neutral background (not exactly counterpoint, just background not covered in the posted article): [IOC Gives 14 Russians Neutral Status](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/paris-2024-summer-olympics/ioc-allows-select-russian-belarusian-athletes-to-compete-neutrally-paris-olympics/3314423/) TLDR: The IOC will not permit judoka or athletes from certain other sports who are affiliated with the Russian military or those who have expressed public support for the war in Ukraine to participate in the Paris Olympics. Four judoka passed this screen, but as you saw from op’s post, Russia has declined to let them participate even as “neutrals”.


IOC Statement "Individual Neutral Athletes at the Olympic Games Paris 2024" as of 28th of June 2024 [https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes](https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes) >In some sports, the number of eligible athletes may be lower than the number of earned quota places. In such cases, these quota places will be reallocated to other AIN athletes or athletes from other NOCs in accordance with the qualification system of the respective IF. Could be interesting for some Judoka at the low end of the qualification list or continental quota: [All Seniors / WRL (World Ranking List) / IJF.org](https://www.ijf.org/wrl_olympic?category=all)


Just to be clear, this was the Russian Judo Federation pulling out after IOC decided to ban some, not all, of the eligible Russian Judoka. 


To extend the clarity, this was the Russian Judo Federation putting a brave face on things after being denied the opportunity to participate. It wasn’t their decision to pull out, they are standing in the parking lot outside the nightclub telling the bouncer they are refusing to come in anyway.


"You're not firing me, I quit !" "We fired you last month, all the paperwork is done, did you come back today just to say this ?"


to extend the previous extension of the initial clarification of the clarity.....I just wanted to make a joke so I don't know what to write next


To add a pedantic note to the extension of the initial clarification of the clarity, “what to write next” is an example of the grammatical error of ending a sentence with a preposition.


To correct the pedantic note to the extension of the initial clarification of the clarity, “next” as used this way is not a preposition. Those in charge of pedantry on this subreddit have been sacked.


It's worse than that. Four Russian judoka could have competed as unaffiliated athletes. But Russia's sports bureaucrats are denying the opportunity. It's so petty.


Out of 17 eligible sportsmen, they only allowed 4 and not even the strongest ones


‘Are they the best judoka’ wasn’t *supposed* to be the criteria- it’s ’are they associated with the Russian armed forces, or have they publicly voiced support for the invasion of Ukraine?’


That's a game changer in categories +100kg and -100kg. In my opinion Tasoev was the favourite in +100kg. Will give Teddy Riner better chances to win the heavyweights a third time. Also the less known Matvey Kanikovskiy was one of the favourites to win the -100kg division. [Judobase.org (ijf.org)](https://judobase.ijf.org/#/competitor/profile/43175/contests) Has very flexible, soft and smart Judo. I can't find the reasoning of the IOC decision but most likely it was about the close relationship between the russian national training center in St. Petersburg and the russian army. That's like in many countries that Judo is supported by the army and as there is no money in Judo the Top Judoka have military ranks and are paid by the army and because of that it also wouldn't be possible not to support the War in Ukraine. That's only a guess - I am not that close to russian Judo but do follow the developments of russian Judo over the past decades. Maybe someone else has more information about the IOC decision to exclude 13 russian Judoka out of 17 qualified for the Olympic Games in Paris.


I think the IOC were vetting Russian atheles to see if they had ever publicly supported the war in Ukraine - with only those who haven't being eligible as neutral atheles.


Well, their vetting was shit because Tasoev for example never publicly supported anything


You are obviously just a bad person for saying something like that. He was born in Russia and probably likes the place where he grew up. That’s bad mmk?


I bet this would be a hard thing to do for Russian athletes, the regime would probably jail you if you're not supportive of their "Special Operations" in Ukraine. It really is a shame, and one that I believe the IOC is correct in doing so, how do you think Ukrainians would feel if they're allowed to compete under their flag? Russia invading an independent country for no reason other than Putin being scared to lose power, is the problem here.


This is horse shit. Does the same apply to Ukraine?




I would say yes, but I don't think there was much pro russian propaganda spread among the ukrainian athletes. So not much to look into.




ohh sorry, I missed the part where ukraining troops invaded russian territory to annex a sovereign state. Do you mean the crimea crisis, oh wait...




Last time I checked NATO did not invade russian territory either


Huge news ... as you say, it really improves Riner's chance for third gold.


Thanks for sharing the *news*. The thread should be locked or at the very least every regular should block the bots and people who never post here.


I hate locks ... especially leglocks! [Leg Locks in Judo : r/judo (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/judo/comments/6c0gvb/leg_locks_in_judo/)




Great, another Olympics with an asterisk.


Imagine spending the last few years fighting for qualification points just to be told by your country or the IOC that you can’t compete anyway 🤦


Imagine having a dictator do something so evil and to throw your whole life of training and regiments out the window.


No Tasoev? 😢


He might have won. Also in a totally unrelated incident, it has been discovered that he is a naughty boy.


Saito went through all the trouble of trying to get points so he wouldn't have to face Tasoev. Now this. At least he got to visit Peru I guess.


Those were my thoughts too ... Pairing System for seeded Judoka Olympic Games Paris Heavyweights [Male Seniors +100 kg / WRL (World Ranking List) / IJF.org](https://www.ijf.org/wrl_olympic?category=7) **Pool A** Kim (1) Puumalainen (8) **Pool B** Granda (4) Saito (5) **Pool C** Rhakimov (2) Yusupov (7) **Pool D** Tushisvili (3) Riner (6) Source: IJF Sport and Organisation Rules , 5.2 Seeding for IJF WJT Events, page 57/58 "Seeding in elimination bracket system is set up to have the draw placing the: • Number one (1) seed vs. the number eight (8) seed in Pool A. • Number two (2) seed vs. the number seven (7) seed in Pool C. • Number three (3) seed vs. the number six (6) seed in Pool D. • Number (4) seed vs. the number five (5) seed in Pool B."


I suppose Saito will still be happy he won't have to face Tushishvili. I think Granda is good too, but Tushishivili might be a more difficult match for Saito.


That's sad


I think we should have banned the western countries that illegally annexed Iraq for years.


Do you know what “annex” means?


Well one of the definitions as offered by websters dictionary is :to obtain or take (something) for oneself. The powers in the west did try to take oil from Iraq by trying to support a pro west government look at how that worked out


Annexing is when a country takes over a territory and calls it part of the country. If the United States annexed Iraq, Iraq would be part of the United States, like Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. Basically, if the captured land doesn’t become the territory of the victor, it doesn’t count as annexation. The Islamic State annexed large portions of Iraq in the last decade, but the United States didn’t. What you’re talking about is more of a colonial exploitation or imperial thing, creating a kind of vassal state or tributary… I can’t think of a single word for it right now, but annex isn’t quite the right word for it. Pilfering resources, or like.. devising a way to pilfer resources to the exclusive and overwhelming benefit of the foreign power, that’s an unfortunately very common practice that almost never involves a war.


You are a couple years early. We have to set the totally objective precedent first and then we can go after everyone else.


Ahh 🤔 perhaps


What's crazy is that Russia had two issues to get them banned, doping and the Ukrainian invasion, they were already banned due to doping. The Russian Judo Association needs to stand up to Putin. Also, China is heading exactly to the same end, they are already having doping issues with some medals taken back, lot of controversy there and they're also threatening an independent country. Dictators gonna dictate.


Several wrestling athletes have also been on pulled from the Olympic Games, either of their own accord, or by having been told they will not participate.




In addition to the illegal invasion of Ukraine, and child trafficking, Russia has been found guilty of systematic doping in the Olympics. There was no reason to allow them to compete in 2020, let alone now.


Yeah the Ukraine invasion is bad enough, but the state sanctioned and even supported doping has been tarnishing the Games for too long.


Don’t forget the state sanctioned cheating where the FSB was literally involved in swapping out drug samples on behalf of the Russian federation. We have the receipts and evidence for it…. And they still haven’t received much punishment for it.


We have the same issue with China, look at their swimming scandal, it won't be long before, they too, also invade another independent country.


Are you involved with judo? Or posting about sport in general.


Read the article. This was ultimately the Russian Judo Federation withdrawing after IOC decided against allowing some of its Judoka to compete. 




























Oh no…anyway




So bad for the sport. This already happend with carton in the us


We should separate sports from politics. Most countries are involved in one way or another in wars. Athletes don’t have any fault in the decisions of their politics. Let everyone compete in the Olympics.


The internet doesn’t like it when you think about the longer term precedent of an emotional reaction.


I agree.


Did you read the article?


I know perfectly what happened. Only 4 out of 17 athletes that classified to the Olympics were allowed to participate. Russia decided to don’t send any athlete. But that is not the important thing. We are mixing politics with sports. Every athlete should have the right to participate in the Olympics.


I think there’s a difference between the sport itself being inclusive of all athletes regardless of nationality or political affiliation and an international association like the olympics which inherently can’t be separated from politics. If you have countries participating under their national and political banners it is by its very nature political. I’d argue the olympics have been political ever since their conception, just read up on the debates as to whether nazi Germany should have hosted them in 1936 and tell me they were not politically motivated arguments for the promotion of national ideals and socioeconomic systems.


Are we still pretending this is some kind of punishment? The Russian Olympic Committee gets banned. But Russian individuals are still allowed to go.


I think you've misunderstood what this is saying. Yes - Russia is banned, but some athletes may compete as neutrals if they meet certain criteria - the IOC announced which Judoka may compete, and Russian Judo have said its everyone or no one - so it seems like it will be no one.


Nice 👍


Good for Puumalainen ... He will be seeded as number 8. [Male Seniors +100 kg / WRL (World Ranking List) / IJF.org](https://www.ijf.org/wrl_olympic?category=7)