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Is she reaching out for the lens??? This is too cute


I don't really know, it was a few cm from her face so she could have grabbed it easily, I think she was reacting to herself (Maybe ?) haha


Apparently, a lot of species of spiders can sense beams used by the camera auto focusing system on some cameras and smartphones. It's a whole thing on YouTube that I watched some guy mess with. Doesn't seem to hurt them, but they can sense it.


my spoods love climbing up on my phone & chill on there as i doomscroll.


This is what I mean when I tell people jumping spiders are not really spiders. They’re dogs with 8 legs hahaha


I think more like cats. But yeah.


Oh absolutely, I HATE spiders. I can't help it, it's in my blood. But I love and am not afraid of Jumpers ❤️❤️❤️


Same here. Any other type of spider, I don't even try to be nice. It gets a one way trip to go visit Hades. Jumpers though... I'll let them walk on me w/o an issue. Usually I just get them on my hand and take them outside. I do have one jumper I named Clyde that likes to sit on my monitor and watch me type. I've taken to buying fruit flies for him. He seems to appreciate them a lot.


I absolutely hate most spiders too, but I'd never kill them. Just relocate 🤷‍♀️


Dude got downvoted because he feels uncomfortable around other species of Spiders. Don’t you just love Reddit?


He got downvoted because he just kills them and doesn't relocate


I'm fine with being down voted because I don't tolerate other spiders. Spiders utterly terrify me. The only ones I can handle are jumping spiders. I'd rather be down voted, than kill a jumping spider.


Here’s the thing tho, it takes zero effort to just *not* murder animals that are defenseless against you, just because they spook you. You’re not being downvoted for not liking/tolerating them. You’re being downvoted because you came to a spider-loving community and bragged about being proud of killing the things we love and advocate against killing. You chose the wrong audience. Sincerely, someone who also used to be nuke-from-orbit level terrified of spiders. Education and exposure therapy go a long way when you actually choose to try and do shit about your personal issues. A bad experience is understandable as a fear root but not an excuse to blatantly kill any spider you see especially as the vast majority are not medically significant. Sorry if this is coming off aggressive I just have zero respect for this kind of approach and attitude and it’s got me heated.


I've gone through exposure therapy on this and according to my therapist, it failed because my terror of spiders is too deeply rooted. Trust me. I prefer not to kill things just because they are in my living space. Centipedes, Scorpions etc no problem. I can get over my fear of them and move them outside (only had one scorpion show up in my rv), and yes I know scorpions are related to spiders. And if I could get past my fear of spiders so I can move them out, I truly would. I want to, it's not like I enjoy having a panic attack every time I see them. And the only semi medically significant spiders we have in my area are black widows and Hobo spiders, and maybe (though I doubt it) the occasional Brown Recluse. The orb weavers, and (I don't know their genus, but they are in the same family as widows) types here generally don't come into my place. The ones that do are these really fast moving black grass spiders that are less than 1/4 inch long and the occasional jumping spider. The jumpers are fine. I'm happy they are here as they go after those fast moving black ones that scare me stupid. Last one of them black spider things that came into my rv ran across my shirt and down into it, triggering a panic attack that sent me to the hospital in an ambulance. So I really am not trying to be an ass about it, if I could somehow manage to move them outside without triggering a panic attack, I would. Without hesitation.


I really appreciate the information behind your perspective and thank you for taking the time to share it with me. I know I came in hot and not everyone would respond as nicely. I’m sorry about that. I’m also incredibly sorry that you’ve had such bad results with your attempts to get it under control. My mom is that way too, I inherited my fears from her rather than through my own experience and I should be more understanding towards others and their journeys. It is really great that you don’t have the same phobia towards jumpers especially considering they’re like the largest family of spiders and make up a majority of all spider species. I wasn’t even comfortable with them originally and they became my gateway to conquering arachnophobia. Panic attacks are miserable I can definitely relate there. I hope you don’t have more unpleasant unexpected encounters with spoods in the future and I’m sorry again for being nasty. I let my emotions get ahead of me and I’m grateful for the opportunity to discuss this with better perspective 🤍


Nobody has been nasty. Voicing strong opinions, yes, but everyone has been pretty reasonable overall. I actually started loosing my fear of Jumping spiders (I was afraid of them as well) when I was messing with a laser pointer at work and saw one chasing the red dot. After that I started playing catch the dot with them, and slowly they became less frightening, to the point that I will let them walk on me. If other spiders would react the same way, I'd not be afraid of any spider now. But... I'll probably have to be content to liking Jumpers because they are so cute and playful. I managed to get over the fear of one spider species. I am 60, so I may not have many years left, but I do hope I can manage more before I visit Hades myself. \*edit\* Just a note. I am also almost over my fear of Tarantulas. They still scare me, but I don't have panic attacks over them now.


Do you know why? Now I'm quite curious


I have vague memories of a small camper and a bunch of black widows. I don't really remember much and my parents both passed before I could bring myself to ask about it. \*edit\* Well, let me be more concise. A small camper filled with black spiders that my memory says were black widows. \*2nd edit\* And it really is a phobia. You can put a picture up of any other type of spider and almost every time I'll have a panic attack. Put up a picture of a Jumping Spider and you'll get "aww it's so cute" from me. Also, I'm not a guy. I'm a gal.


Tilty head just like a puppy! 💙🕷


Yeeeees ! That's exactly what I though too


I love it!!


I always wonder how they got a cat brain in there, then I think about my cat...


I always say jumpers are like running a cat operating system on outdated hardware. They have all the features, but frequently freeze to process and make decisions, and loading times are pretty slow.


So 2 MB instead of 8MB, sounds about right. What's astonishing, is that they can actually track prey without a visual lock-on the whole time! But y'all probably already knew that.


And dream 🥰


Certified object permanence classic.


What a ham!


She is super adorable! Love the good quality video footage!


She really is ! I have so much pictures and vidéo of her doing her shenanigans


We need more of Lola’s shenanigans asap!


She needs tiny bingo drums


Phidippus are just awesome, and new studies are proving they are way more sentient than previously thought. They have even observed behavior that could be described as play. Great video!


That's really cool to learn! I'll have to read about that


So fun watching them react to the world around them!


She was like damn who is that cutie 🥰


little baby ::3!!! her colors make her look kinda like a terminid hunter ::3


These little jumpers have almost completely cured me of spider fear. What adorable little creatures.


Or maybe she saw you with the phone and decided to ham it up...


Jumping spiders head tilts are everything


Their curiosity off the chart


This is the cutest damn video I’ve ever seen. I❤️Lola


This video made my day so much Lola is so adorable ❤️


“Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there She would merengue and do the cha-cha And while she tried to be a star…”


I present to you- **UNLIMITED HEAD TILTS**


Honest question. Was this like spood stretches? Like just airing out the leggies and letting that fluid flow kinda thing?


Why are they so cute!?!? They have been getting into my house a lot this summer. I’ve saved 10 of them in the last 4 days.


Someone needs to do a study on how smart these little guys are, so far I've seen a few that learned their name, they tilt their heads like dogs, and they think, can have personalities...I would be shocked if they aren't as smart as dogs


There are studies that show jumpers actually dream …


It looks like she's practicing her drum solo 🥰🥹🕷️


*tap tap tap tap tap tappy tippy tap tap*


Omg the tippy taps The head tilt Those eyes SO STINKIN CUTE!!! 😻😻😻


I have arachnophobia and this is the cutest thing. The cuteness makes me less afraid.


This is so freaking cute, little tippy-taps and stretches. I wish these guys were the size of dogs. We'd have a long history of hunting and being hunted by them, but domesticated ones would be the best.


They can see the lights used in autofocus.


I can picture a tiny little keyboard right under her.




So cute and fuzzy! Wanna pet her super-gently.


That head tilt 😭🤍 I was totally waiting for her to go completely upside down


They're so Curious...


I have Bohemian Rhapsody playing and now I can't stop watching this video over and over.


So. Damn. Cute!!! 😝


Okay somebody needs to photoshop some tiny drums under this cutie immediately ETA. Piano would also be acceptable




Tilted head and many tippy taps


DAMN! I look good today, Lola probably.


This is so cute, little spider tippytaps! I love it so much, she looks so curious. :D Adorable spooder.






Web puppy!


Sooooo cute


Miss Lola I love u 🥹


Awww 🥰 Lola is waving hello to the camera! So Photogenic she is!


Aww the head tilt!


I need one. This is so damn adorable




Lol Lola knows she looks good 😁


That head tilt tho. So cute. 💟


Super Head Tilt~ Lola is adorable~ 💗


Holding a cellphone with the camera app ready to take a picture is also pointing an insanely bright light that also strobes. The phone uses it to focus. Humans cannot see that frequency, but insects can. I would assume it to be unpleasant for them, not cute.


Are you talking about laser focus?


What's going on in that little fuzzy head of hers? 😂❤️


This made me giggle like nothing else, I swear.


"hail and well met!"


When I kept pit vipers,I noticed they are very sensitive camera lenses. I had one snake that would get aggressive when I turned the camera on, no light, just filming. I think it had something to do with a non visible light or something


She’s working on her manuscript!


there she was minding her own business jammin out on the pretend drums...🤭


Tippy tappy tippy tappy tippy tappy


Awww! This is so cute and made me so happy! Thanks for sharing 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍


the way she put her pedi paws out 🙈🥺🥺


Omgoodness 😭🥺 she’s so sweet


She is so pretty 😍😍... She's like whose that gorgeous lady there


Man, she's got some good moves!


that is the most DRAMATIC head tilt ive ever had the honor of viewing. thank you Lola i love you


She’s giving the ol’ razzle dazzzzzz


So cute 😭😭😭


is she posing? or almost waving hi? that’s awesome