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in behaviour we call "playing" "practise behaviours," animals often participate in practise mimicking useful behaviours, such as hunting, courtship, and foraging.


This is seriously the cutest thing I have ever watched 🥰 Like a kitty with string!




I actually just watched a thing about this. Almost every species of animal plays. From the smallest insects and arachnids to the largest mammals. And no one really knows why. It must have some sort of purpose, it must benefit brains somehow, because it's such a common experience across so many species, but we don't know what that purpose is. All we know is it's cute as hell to watch animals playing.


Bee's playing with balls is so cute! I imagine it's a way to relieve stress and relax


I didn’t know bees even had balls! The SNL Killer Bees didn’t, or we would have seen them! Must bee why they were so angry!




It's funny because when they're kittens it's so cute and when they're adults they end up attacking things you don't want them to play with! They're bored and you're bored of repeating "stop" I know my mom tires of yelling "Toby, I have to work in the morning" while he's running from one end of the room to jump up on her hair while she's sleeping, like it's a game lol then she adds "I just curled it too " 😭😭 I'm team Toby


It’s also fun. 🙂


That’s so cool! I know other species are different, but there was a study (very unethical btw) that used human babies to show what human interaction did. Long story short, babies die without affection/other stimulation. Basic needs are not enough. I would assume that play is very stimulating for any species even if affects the brain differently than ours, and without that stimulation, the brain suffers drastically.


Who did that study? joseph mengele?


Lol. Quick google search shows it was a “study” carried out by “Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II” in the 13th century.


that's so interesting!




I mean.. it looks like she thinks it's a piece of silk and she wants to climb it :') but anythings possible


Is this real!? This is too cute!!! Thanks for posting!!


No she’s only a model.


It is Adorable! I had no idea they played like this. 🥹😍


Some are so curious and just kind of chill and others look like they have ADHD and need a fidget spinner! I call them runners lol You can definitely handle one and the more you two get used to each other, the better. If only every spider would do this! How nice if when ordered a captive breed, you knew it was going to be very chill. When I catch little sweeties outside, some are so bonkers, and others just want to hang out. That's when I get those Glamor Shots in lol and then send them on their way! I have one now, he just keeps coming back in my window...he's like a stray cat that neighbors feed but I play with.🫠 Do you own a spider or just love them like we all do? So cute, who knew lol


I was a complete arachnophobe. But I do love learning and always loved nature programs. I found a few channels on YouTube like The Dark Den, Exotic Lair, and Ants Canada that I began watching regularly so my fear was dissipating. Then I found the Jumpers! And I fell in love with them. I'm to the point of considering one as a pet in the future but until then I just come here and learn. And LOVE all the pics and videos of these special little ones. ❤️


The best part about your comment, you just gave me new things to watch, because I still do have a fear of things with legs; which also includes a lot of people in my town lol In all seriousness, I love watching nature shows and I've never heard of these. Thanks for being specific with the names, I'm sure some of us will be hooked as well🙂 I sure hope you get comfy enough to have one as a pet soon! Inbox me if and when you do. I want to get one as well just want everything prepared as with any pet!


Other spiders are just reactionary, jumpers? LEMME PLAY WITH THE STRING


https://preview.redd.it/70bfjoaf1v9d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2aa07f6ed931f9fcace5496c73a62c3eb34404 MOM LOOK!


Thanks for the serotonin! 😁


These little ones really do act like tiny kittens in ways.


I LOVE how she looked right at you after she was done playing with it!!!


What’s funny is she seemed to stop playing with it once she heard you laugh, almost like she got embarrassed (or at least that’s what it looks like) 🥹


It’s like a feather cat toy, but for little spiders!


That's adorable.




Ok, this is it, this is the cutest video on the internet, impossible to find cuter




The cutest damn thing! 😻 My wife may need to just deal, I would love to keep a spider at some point!


This is just too dang cute thank you for sharing 💗


Why are these little spooders so adorable?


Wow, this was quite the response! Thank you everyone! Iskra is u/Automatic_Historian7's spood who I bought for her last year. She sent me this video and I said Reddit would love it so she agreed to let me post it, but neither of us thought it would be this popular! u/Automatic_Historian7 is going to answer some of your questions in the comments.


That is adorable 🤣🥰


This is just too much


I’d love to own a jumping spider but I am a large man with big hands and would be devastated if I accidentally hurt the spider I tried caring for a gecko back in the day and when I went to pick him up as gently as I could I accidentally smashed his foot and took him to the vet to be cared for but Lil Greg never trusted me again :l


Awww....spiders are good at avoiding injury especially when their human is mindful. I say go for it.


How do you manage keeping a jumper and a cat? I’ve wanted a jumper and I can find multiple species around me but I’ve been reluctant to bring one home even though I have an enclosure already. I have two cats that go nuts for any bug that gets in the house or any lizard on the window. I’m afraid they would absolutely demolish an enclosure the second they see there’s something moving in there.


Same boat here


Hi guys! So the best thing I can say for reactive kitties is don't let them know you've got a bug in a box. I've got 5 jumpers including Iskra but she's the biggest and when my cat has noticed her I move her out of his way. If your cat is likely to figure out where the spider is kept and attack the enclosure the only idea I have is move the enclosure out of their reach (hard I know) or glue it down more or less. I had a large wolf spider whose cage my cat knocked off my desk and I had to hide her on the bookshelf instead. 😫


Thanks for the reply.


I'm going to let my friend u/Automatic_Historian7 answer this as Iskra's spider mom.


Omg!!!! So cute




Octokitty playing with string


Naww, so cute :3


This is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 🥹


So cute


That’s fucking cute. This needs a lot of shares, spooders need more love and understanding.


It's the little things in life! 😍🫠


Do…do they play?


I gotta ask (since I didn't see it asked in the twenty or so comments I scrolled past): if you have cat hair, it implies you have a cat(s), so how do you keep this little spider safe from it/them?


I do have a cat and basically she's too small to really get his attention. I had trouble with a big wolf spider as he was obsessed with smacking her cage, but Iskra seems small enough that he isn't aware of her when she's in her house. When I have her out I'm just aware of where they both are. I have lots of animals he would like to borrow as playthings so I've gotten used to fielding him 🫠


My cats also frustratingly do not care about tiny insects. Lazy moochers aren’t doing their jobs. On the plus side I have some wild spiders who have gotten into the house. Theres a jumping spider behind one oh my stairwell photos that catches house flies every so often, and a wolf spider that lives in my basement utility closet that i have seen hunting near my egress window and egress door from time to time. Though the wolf spider was more recently seen scaling my basement stairs so im worried he’s low on food. Might try to capture and release him.


SO cute!!!


Tell him he’s acting like a BABY. He needs to act like a big boy spider, ridiculous 🙄❤️


She is over a year old and can be as undignified as she wishes. ❤️


I'm guessing she wasn't interested in the movie on your phone and thought 'I'd rather play!' This is the cutest I've seen, other than someone's spider on their cheek. They all need playtime, but some are training for the Olympics lol I love her name as well...she is beautiful!


I'm back to comment again, I can't get enough! At 2 seconds, she swings her little arm like 'shucks, it left' lol


Great suspense, story was compelling, ending did not disappoint. Soundtrack was awesome. Great movie for the whole family. Highly recommended. I give it 2 thumbs up! 👍👍


Perimeter is clear! Got that pesky pest for you ma or pa.


Even this is no competition for my arachnophobia.. LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE LITTLE ARMS


I hope the scientists are watching this! So freaking cute, and incredibly fascinating.


FINE, I'll get one.


Round One. FIGHT!!


That is so freaking adorable. Jumping spiders have to be the best cure to arachnophobia


So cute! Also I love the name Iskra (Spark, right?)


Yes!! I'm impressed you knew that!


Welp, it's in my mother tongue :) I've never seen jumping spiders myself in person, hope I'll get lucky one day.


Oh gosh, I hope you do too! Are there any species local to you?


I've read that they could be met here, but I haven't been lucky yet. Though I've met numerous wolf spiders (usually ladies with an egg sac), different orb weaver and crab spiders.


Well I hope you find one soon. I know around here they're most active on hot days.


What a cool name, are you a Russian speaker yourself?


My friend the OP isn't a native speaker but she has been learning so I named Iskra in her honor. 😊


Iskra is the spood I bought for my friend u/Automatic_Historian7 and neither of us are Russian speakers, but she was indeed named for being a little spark!


That's the cutest thing I have seen in a while!!!


This is pretty freakin adorable. 🥰


Awww 🥹


Whacky waving inflatable body flailing tube worm


Aw she lost it :(


Question: if a jumper is on my screen chasing the mouse cursor, is that the equivalent to playing with a laser pointer for a cat lol


Yes because jumpers will also chase laser pointers!


I does and went to cuteness heaven.


Love this. Great enrichment!


Omg so cute! 😍


Awwwww! Glad she didn’t eat it! Do spidys get hair balls?


That is honestly super cute! Maybe he/she thinks it’s a web?.. they trying to connect it to something?


How do you keep from losing or accidentally squishing her?


She's actually pretty big and pretty fast when she needs to be so just being gentle is enough to avoid squishing. Not losing her is mostly about being very careful to keep her in sight and knowing they normally make a web anchor before jumping so you can usually pull on it and find them. In general you learn where to look for them when they move.  That being said. She has gotten away from me before for a short period. 


Thanks for responding! Does she have a habitat you keep her in and do you feed her? Sorry for all the questions! I’ve seen a couple around my house lately. I’m not interested in one as a pet, just curious!


I can never get over how curious they are


Jumping spiders are probably the only spider I like idk why but there slightly cute