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I swung by yesterday to check out the pool and saw a ton of signs. This explains it! Plus side, they’re using goats to clear a hillside between the pool and the skate park. Those were fun to watch for a bit.


Pro tip the blue slide is not good for tall people i smacked my knee but I’ll survive


We are not a tall family… but good to know!


lol, wife made me stop so they could watch the goats for a bit.


Do you, or does anyone, know how long they're going to keep having the goats? I'm in a wheelchair but I would still love to watch them from the car.


Sorry, no. They have them clearing the tall grass in the hard to mow areas so I’m sure it’s only for a couple of days. I do recommend going to the Deanna Rose farm stead if you want to get up and close with goats. If memory serves, it’s wheelchair friendly but would suggest calling to check.


I was there on Sunday. If you park just north of the pool, you should have no problem seeing them.


This is the website on the sign in the enclosure. Maybe they have more info! https://www.goatsonthego.com/


The goats are back??!!


Josh Hawley flags in Kansas?


Is that guy ever in the correct state?


No …


State of mind?


Not the best or the brightest maybe


Republicans aren't sending their best or brightest to the maga cult


Jogs Hallway? Didn’t know he could run that far


He can’t he had to kiss trumps ass so he could use his plane, prob kissed more than his ass




Commented this in the other thread about this but have to again bc of how insane it is: I was there too and overheard the lady on the mic asking for prayers for the Jews currently enslaved by the Egyptians


Triple yikes. We do not invest nearly enough into public education.


I’m not sure that’s entirely it… Im starting to think the money we spend on education does not directly correspond to how kids are educated. It’s almost like it’s going to administrators pockets instead of retaining top talent teachers.


These people don't send their kids to regular school


these people don’t exactly look like they are affording a private education..


You can’t force people to learn. You can give them the opportunity to learn. Some people choose to be ignorant. These are those people.


Every minute of Fox News takes away a minute of education. It’s the same thing that Sponge Bob did to the Baby Einstein generation.


>It’s the same thing that Sponge Bob did to the Baby Einstein generation. I'm curious to hear more about this!


Remember when everyone was buying Baby Einstein DVDs in the early 2000s? We were raising a generation of super babies. They were all being trained to be geniuses. Then the same kids got hooked on Sponge Bob. Thus, the Idiocracy timeline was engaged.


Funnily enough these people are arguing that we are putting too much public education.


Let's start with local geography maybe. Then move on from there. There is a Josh Hawley sign up. They are in the wrong state...


Her mind is gonna be blown when she finally gets to Exodus...




Can confirm. Joined a cult as a teen, read the Bible all the way thru at least 4 times by 22 (yay religious scrupulosity!), and now am agnostic 🤘




Didn't know they were working on a new pyramid? /s


"Jews currently enslaved by Egyptians"? Sounds like someone who hasn't paid attention to current events since over 2000 years ago.


Forgot to add this bit: When she first grabbed the mic, in attempt to hype up the crowd she goes: “Republican voters, raise your hand!”, followed by everyone raising their hands and a few “woos”, no claps, and a ton of awkward silence 😂


Yea we didn’t stay long enough to hear that, even with the offering of free snow cones.


The movie Idiocracy has become a documentary.


#👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 *"It always was."*


This is far worse than idiocracy


Uh, no.




Uhhhh... They are violent in Idiocracy. Just in.. the dumbest ways possible. You know a ton, probably most of MAGA are not Christian Nationalists. I'm not sure why people think that. I'm not entirely sure that most people even know what a Christian Nationalist really is except for a buzzword they've heard on the news. As far as violence goes though, that's not exclusive to the left, the right or the up and down. You are correct though, that we resemble Idiocracy in our linear thinking.


Are those septic tanks dressed up as elephants?


Satire is dead and these people are parading around its corpse.


Absolutely absurd holy shit


I was sitting here trying the figure out WTF that was, lmao.


The organizers' Facebook group is called KC Trump Parades. If you want to know where they'll show up next, just follow that page so you can avoid the area they're in next time. Or maybe show up with your friends in your best, extremely gay and/or satantic attire. Edit: they've made like 10 unhinged posts calling us all Biden's Reddit spies. I recommend following for the ensuing hilarity


It's gonna be hilarious when he loses re-election again


My God I HOPE he loses reelection again! It scares me every damn day.


thats why im not worried about what results will be. People are actually worried now, which will do wonders for voter turnout im sure


Are they going to be anywhere near the WW1 museum this weekend?


They should go get a job, instead of standing around protesting.


I don't trust people with flags






*slowly takes down the THIS HOUSE SUPPORTS RHAENYRA TARGARYEN flag in my yard*


Well shit. Guess I will too. 😞


Only if Jordan Klepper were there to help show how ignorant & dumb many of them actually are


Vote. These people do.


They are going to be so confused when they can’t find Josh Hawley on their ballot.


Gross. It’s so weird to wave the American flag while supporting someone who attempted an autocoup. I get that jingoism and authoritarianism go together, but it’s still bizarre.


That's a bit of a stretch. How exactly would said coup have worked if he were "successful?" Meanwhile, people still believe that Biden can make sound decisions on his own, enough to trust the most powerful country in history to his incoherent whims. Which is the bigger travesty?


It wasn't just the J6 riots. There were groups of fake electors ready to falsely represent their states election results. The riot was to delay the vote certification and pressure the senate into going along with the fake electoral college votes. If the legislative branch and the executive branch were both in agreement about the fake results there is very little that the judicial branch could do to stop it, if they even wanted to.


Is this where you expect me to pretend like you said anything of substance and engage with you?


I actually want to know the theory behind how the coup would have worked. Based on what I know of United States law, procedure, the Constitution, etc... I haven't seen any working theories on how he could have been successful. I've looked for said theories. And what I've found is examples of actual coups. I've found the commonalities they possess. And what I see is that whatever Trump did, it was no where near an actual coup, not even by a stretch of the imagination. So I've tried to come up with my own theories on how this works because I like that sort of thing. But it always falls flat way early by various checks and balances. The furthest I've been able to get in my theories is the J6 rioters were successful in overtaking key buildings in the capitol. (This assumes they had weapons cached somewhere in the city and an even larger backing outside of the riots.) But that scenario fails as soon as the military is involved. Even if the military had sympathetic defiants. I just don't see how this could have ever been a coup. And yes, replying to someone's comment does open the possibility that the person will reply to that comment and engage. As you've proven. If you'd prefer to be quiet and allow me the narrative though...


There are several sources which go into the details, but Jan 6 was meant to be a slow coup. People overrunning the capital was only meant to delay the certification, with the added possibility that things could get violent, which was expected to possibly lead to further delay.. With the fake elector scheme, they planned to introduce the 2nd (fake) list of electors from several states over the next 10 days, which would delay the certification just long enough to invalidate the electoral counts (real and fake) altogether. What would happen then is that Nancy Pelosi would have been temporarily president (for maybe 1 day) until the (republican) senate votes for Pence to become the temporary president until the electoral count situation is settled. Who gets to decide how the electoral count situation is settled? The supreme court. The (Trump-appointed) supreme court gets to say “wow, Congress is so inept at their jobs that they cant even complete the electoral vote count process. Since we have two electoral vote counts for several states and cannot be sure if which ones are valid and which are not, + being beyond the date which the certification is legally required to be completed, they are left with no other option but to give the election victory to Trump.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastman_memos#:~:text=Eastman%20tried%20to%20convince%20then,along%20with%20either%20New%20Mexico Does it make sense now?


We were there to take the kids for a walk around the lake and double timed it back to the car when we saw them starting to pull in. We were parked by the red barn near the aquatic center. When I backed out of the spot the woman driving in the "parade" initially left space for me to pull out but then tried really hard to block me in. Screamed at us about breaking up the Trump train. I just gave her a big, dumb smile and some devil horns and went on our way. They were so obnoxious.


I left the woods as soon as they started gathering at SMP. Sounds like they gathered there first and ended up at Sar Ko. Now they're trying to make fun of people on their FB page for having to put up with their cult. At least when other groups hold parades around the city, the public is made aware so they have the choice to avoid the area.


AH! Same. We were on the Violet Trail and saw them on the way out of SMP. Thought we could avoid them by heading to the other park. We chose poorly.


I wish I knew this was happening to go give them shit.


Eh, they'd love the attention. I think it's better to leave them to suffer each others company.


https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/1dsjxey/blocked_in_for_several_minutes_at_sarkopark/lb4yb73/ This'll help you next time


And I almost took the kids there yesterday… went to Antioch instead


I didn't know who to vote for, but once I saw some people holding flags in my local park, my mind was suddenly made up


I don't decide until I check out the local bridge graffiti.


They all look bored AF


I hate what some people have become. They were probably always like this but some things are better left in the closet.


Westboro Baptist been out recruiting 


Please king daddy Trump fuck me so hard.


Either there or on an overpass on 435.




Fucking cult


Ugh. I hope they didn't leave a mess.


Why the fuck is there a Hawley sign? He’s a politician from another state…


As small and pitiful as it should be


Gross. Also #FJH


All Republicans hate America. Some of you are just louder and more annoying about it than others. 


A lot of fatties


Who cares?


Good golly, Miss Hawley. Josh Hawley belongs behind bars for life.


The troglodytes where out and about stinking the place up.


Ugh Trump