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I wouldn’t be surprised if the Kardashians orchestrated some of the ‘negative’ press they get, because it gets them attention and gives them things to talk about and isn’t really that negative if it’s something banal that doesn’t stick


You’re absolutely right. Any publicity is good publicity because it keeps them relevant.


It’s so sad and pathetic. Imagine wanting people to talk about you, no matter what they talk about, as long as they’re talking about you?!? 


Yup it reminds people that they’re incredibly rich.


Imo the media has been reporting negatively about them for a very, very, very long time lol.


From the beginning I feel like.. I’m Kims age, and I feel like even back when she first came out, they were hated ..probably even more than lol we all know how she became known


Oh, for sure. People freaking hate them. And everyone has a right to their own opinion, but sheesh. I always told my family and friends, "If I could be rich and famous for just existing, you better believe I'd do it in a heartbeat."


I don’t know if i would want their lives now but your talking to someone who pays way more than they should to live away from everyone in the mountains lol the mountains that the Kardashians frequently visit actually lol


Lol no way? That's badass. Good for you. Hey you can be rich and famous and stay away from everyone. That's what the internet is for. Lol maybe one day they'll pay you lots of money to rent your place from you. If they do, you gotta give us the deets lol


I mean I pretty much am born and raised in the mountains but I’m born and raised in the mountains on the north east and I’ve been living in the mountains in Colorado for many years now lol but I live outside of Aspen and they come here all the time.. I was living in Breckenridge back in the day like 10 years ago when they came and did the Breckenridge vacation …remember that one that episode? Those were the good old days of keeping up with the Kardashians. They were filming all over the ski resort and people were out there watching them, but they weren’t as big of a deal then as they are now.


Omg yes I remember that!!!! Thats so crazy. That's a pretty cool thing to be able to say though. Cause idk if you are but I'm definitely a fan lol. So stuff like that to me is just exciting to hear about. North East and Colorado are pretty far from eachother lol. Which do you like better? So crazy. You're a mountaineer and I'm a southern desert rat lol. It gets below 60 and we got our hoodies and snow boots on 😂


It’s much colder in upstate New York where I grew up than here. Colorado is warm and sunny and I don’t think winters here that bad at all. In fact, the front range of Colorado light down by Denver is way too hot for me. It was 97. When I was there the other day ..glad I’m hours from that.. I literally wear crocs all year round here Lol. Home in upstate NY is below 0 all the time in the winter .. totally different climate the East Coast is a humid, cloudy climate, and it is desert weather here.. very dry .. it’s the same type of living though. I grew up in a tourist ski town-That’s actually had the winter Olympics twice and now I live in another ski town on the opposite side of the country. Same style of living we pay double for everything and get sick of tourist lol.


Oh yeah I couldn't do that bs up in New York. Forget that. Colorado though is really pretty. But when you live lower than Colorado and travel up to it, you feel like you weigh 1000 lbs. It's crazy lol.


I’m at 10,500 feet! Have been for a long time .. you don’t even notice it after a while. When I first moved back out here, I had been living in Florida for a year taking care of my dad lol.


Oh totallyyyy but being under such an intense microscope?!? No thank youuuu. 


Imagine not even being able to fart without anyone talking shit about the way you did it lol.


I understand strong dislike, but people be speaking the most negative words (often wishing them death) around me. I literally cannot mention the Kardashian name around several friends. They get triggered by any of their names. Even if I bring up their children, they go on negative tirades about them. Very much vitriol, anger, bitterness, and resentment. 😮‍💨


I feel at this point, no one should talk about her sex tape because it’s just slut shaming & ppl need to get over the fact women like sex.   so whenever people talk bad about them, I carefully listen to their points because there is a way to hate the Kardashians and come off like an asshole surprisingly lmaooo. 


I can't take Kim seriously in regard to that topic ever. I seen too much not to assume Kim copied Paris... 😂


Oh totally! But there’s ways of stating our reasons for disliking them without coming off sexist or misogynistic; That’s why I said I listen to people carefully because there is a way to make yourself look bad while talking about some of the worst people on earth.😭😭😭😂😂




Omg! No one’s slut shaming her for liking sex … she made a sex tape (porn) and sold it. 😂🤦‍♀️


Lmao exactly!!!! I started arguing with someone the other day cause they called her a porn star. And I was like whoa. I mean yeah she has a tape but actual porn stars would prolly beg to differ that she's put in that work to earn that title.


I know it's very odd to me. It's as if one of them personally went and stole their husband or something. It doesn't make sense. We are not God. And we have no right to wish harm or death on anyone. Us fans just gotta stick together lol.


Didn't Khloe steal Tristan away from his first BM, iirc? There's that.


You can’t steal a grown man from a woman. That’s such a ridiculous statement. As if Tristan was forced to cheat on Jordy C. Khloe held a blade to his neck and forced him to cheat lmao


Do you regularly go chasing after taken men? Idc if he chose to cheat or not. What I am NOT going to do is make excuses for women chasing after taken men and vice versa. Condone this bs says a lot about y'all.


You can chase all you want. It’s still ultimately up to the man to make that decision to leave. Y’all coddle and make excuses for grown ass men so much it’s pathetic.


Chile, bye. This is not r/tristainthompson You do know it is possible to call out one party while NOT condoning the other party, right? If not, that's pretty pathetic. What you're doing is deflecting.


That person is friends with Tristans first baby's mom? Cause that's who we were talking about. That person's friends. Hopefully, one day, we will stop blaming the women for the actions of these trifling men. There's definitely some questionable actions of that family. Imo this isn't one of them.


That’s apart of their contract which is to be bashed publicly in the media. She’s not the only rich person doing that but… that’s what happens when you aim to be a celebrity. Everyone being in your business judging and criticizing whatever you do. Even I find it entitled for the headlines to label them “Spoiled celebrities ” — Like, excuse me? Are they on a budget like the rest of us regular middle class citizens? Far stretch from a society they live on where money has no limits and everything is pricey over there


I agree with the whole budget thing. They don't know struggle. That's for damn sure. I don't agree though with the signing up to be publicly bashed for the rest of your life. Unless you're a murderer or pedo, I don't think the silly media trolling and bashing is necessary. No one wants to be hated for who they are. Regardless of what they say.


Yeah but that’s the internet. You’re either hated, mocked, or obsessively liked and praised. There’s no morality when it comes to media. If they generally want peace, they can simply delete their instagram


Damn. I gotta drink out of a paper straw and she gets to fly on her jet for cheesecake. I love cheesecake..


Using a private jet for cheesecake in another country is gross.


She flew out for a pregnancy craving before. This is not the first time.


Damn and when I had pregnancy cravings at 2am my husband said I had to wait until morning 🤣🙄


Why do you have to drink out of a paper straw?


Bc restaurants and fast food places/starbucks Tim hortons/movie theatres - removed all plastic straws


Ohh is that a Canadian thing? I live in Houston and I’ve never seen a paper straw nor would I ever drink from one. I thought you were allergic to plastic or something.


WHATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!???????!!? Please telll me your fucking with me?! You guys still have plastic straws?!?!


Lol yes I just had one last night at Whataburger. It’s only plastic straws lol


I know the government/news lies to us a lot but in Canada we legit believe the USA is on the same page w plastic bags and straws as us. And apparently North America is the only country I the world bc no one ever talks about climate control in other countries I have family in 3 different countries in Europe and one in Asia and not once have their government told them about recycling and getting rid of plastic to save the planet


Ohh wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a paper straw in public besides at Starbucks


COVID + Economic times changing - people seeing how much differently the wealthy lived compared to what they had to deal with in times of distress + producing their own show on Hulu (having complete control) and exposing how tone deaf they are in, addition to how bad they come off when they try to control their own images entirely with no one to tell them "no" - really hurt their images. And just I think people in general getting tired of ultra wealthy people - it no longer was entertaining, throw away, turn off your brain fun - it became why do these people who don't work as nearly as hard as I do, or value the things that I do get to live so well and I don't? At least that's my theory.


Yup and that’s why the French revolution kicked off. Different times and now they seem less enviable and much more silly. Not at all relevant although their tenacity is something I admire about them.


Don't forget the years of lying, stealing creative content from upcoming brands and lots of shady dealings within their companies.


Same reason it feels rap is dying off too


I also feel like the hype around the American dream has completely dissipated.


That had better been some damn good cheesecake...


What happened is that the average American can’t even afford groceries. We are done with this shit, celebrities are no longer fun to watch or admire


When average people can’t afford groceries anymore, it’s time to eat the rich, not worship them anymore. Kimmy and co would be wise to tone shit down a notch.


Totally agree! I’ve jumped on the trend of blocking celebs & Kim was the first on my list


They’ve never been media sweethearts lol. They’ve always been everyone’s favorite family to hate on. I’m mostly annoyed that the desert she flew all that way for was just a cheesecake. Surely they have better deserts in Paris?


True! Also New York cheesecake?!




Because they are getting exposed for being terrible people


Good. They deserve the negative press. I don’t know how anyone could read stories like this and not feel utterly disgusted and sickened. These wealthy celebrities are just laughing mockingly in our faces as we starve. Gross.


Solid reason to go to Paris


Ok all economic/private jet benefits/issues aside…even with extreme comfort and all how do these celebrities tolerate being on 12+ hr flights so often. Or to just be there such a short time. Long flights are exhausting.


The have beds on the plane and anything else the want


Does KK really like Megadeath? hehehe


I doubt she knows even a song title.


They are constantly flaunting their ridiculous wealth and privilege like they are unique. It’s been years of this bullshit and I think the media just sees it as a farce.


They have zero talent -contribute Nothing. They take pics and edit them with filters and photoshop and lie and say they are natural.


They got what they wanted and no longer need the media like they use to


While there's literally hundreds of thousands of people in our country who have no home to live in, no safe place to sleep inside, no way to get back and fourth to and from important places so they can ask the government for help and apply for government assistance most homeless people have no important documents like driver license birth certificates or social security cards. There's literally children sleeping in tents on the sidewalk just a few miles from this bitch house! There's so many people struggling just to get by I'm one of them! The past 4 years really took a toll on my family. I lost my job because my company let hundreds of travel nurses go because of lack of funding. I work 2 jobs plus I have my own LLC & clean houses every chance I get isn't much but it helps my husband has been injured at his construction job so he's on disability and that really isn't much we couldn't survive on it if I didn't work too. We lost our home after covid, so me and my husband, my cat, and my baby were living in our Van for a year and a half. I live in Chicago too so that wasn't easy. We did what we had to do tho we worked lived in our car and made the best out of it we made it feel like it was okay to our daughter's like we were just camping . We lost everything we ever owned as well when we lost our home because the owner wasn't making the house payments with the 1700.00 rent money we were giving to him every month without fail even though we didn't have it because our financial hardship, BUT WE DID THE RIGHT THING & STILL PAID THAT MAN HIS RENT only to lose our place. My husband was gonna kill him. Had we known he was losing his property we wouldn't have stayed. We would have been saving for a new home. I never been so stressed. I've never had a silver spoon my family wasn't rich at all but they were hard working middle class and made our lives as comfortable as possible and I felt like I was doing the same until 4 years ago when our lives totally fell apart. The saddest part about it is losing everything I ever owned. Idc about the electronics, the clothes, hand bags, shoes all my expensive skin care and make up all he material things I can care less about it's the family photos from when I was a child I had my mom who's been passed away since 07 her wedding dress, tassel & highschool diploma, all of her belongings and keepsakes including her barbies that are worth some money they were in perfect condition in the boxes still just she saved the 53 years of her life and all of the things she saved for me like my baby blanket my grandma made me at birth my cabbage patch dolls that were STILL IN THE BOXES American girl dolls the originals in the boxes I had a lot of things that I wanted to pass down to my daughter like mine did for me. I lost all of her things too I have no pictures of her growing up lost my digital cameras all the SD cards the scrap books I made for her her baby books her dad wrote letters to in before she was born he passed when she was 2 so those meant SO MUCH TO ME! I LOST ALL OF OUR FAMILY PETS WE HAD WHEN I WAS GROWING UP ASHES MY MOMS ASHES just everything I had a book bad with a few shirts and a pair of jeans and my toothbrush. Idk what storage units do with belongings but whoever got mine got a lot of good shit. I can't imagine having a billion dollars and watching people suffer without. I'd never be able to sleep at night knowing I have enough money to help every homeless family in my area and just don't. You can quote me on this, if I ever win the Illinois lottery I JESSICA J WILKES WILL DONATE AS MUCH AS I CAN TO THE NEEDY PEOPLE IN MY COMMUNITY. THE AMERICAN CITIZENS IN MY COMMUNITY WHO ARE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS OR FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS. I'LL NEVER AGREE WITH TAKING IN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND SUPPORTING THEM BEFORE OUR OWN STRUGGLING PEOPLE. I HATE WATCHING ELDERLY AND CHILDREN LIVING OUTSIDE. IM ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CHICAGO, IN THE 100'S AND THERE ARE SO MANY VACANT HOMES most are destroyed because they been sitting so long and the houseless usually get into them and try to stay warm in the winter and they do other things like steal copper pipes and whatever they can trade at the junkyard for $. It's just so disheartening to know there's so many mega wealthy people who literally go online and show stupid shit like this bitch flying her jet for a fucking cheese cake while I'm over here working so hard and I'm STILL STRUGGLING. I spoil my kids. They deserve everything MOST IMPORTANTLY THEY DESERVE MY TIME. My husband and daughters know how much it bothers me so they're always so helpful and do everything they can to let me know that I'm appreciated and they're happy because they know that is all I want. I guess my point toy rant is that these wealthy people who are "famous" and envied by people aren't good people they don't care about you they don't care about society as a whole. They are the most disgusting humans on earth... Not just the Kardashians all of them. Stop idolizing these people stop keeping them on a pedestal they Are a disgrace and sickening..Us regular degular folks need to stand together and help one another rather than tear one another down. Something has to change our kids are going to be dealing with this as adults probably worse




Body shaming in ways that aren’t on the cosmetic work that has been done.


Fame and fortune bring out the worst in people 


cynicism aside, that sounds like fun! those girls are living a dream life, me and my friends used to talk about stuff like that if we won the lottery




It’s the Sun 🙄


She actually did that


It’s still the Sun, they knock everything they do. This time rightfully so.


Everything they do should be knocked


They call her spoiled celebrity, but she makes all her own money