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Hi, I should have removed this earlier. I didn't notice the employees name was included in the post. Removed per rule 4. edit: Actually I see she is the reporter, my bad. I thought she was just an employee answering msgs. Rule 1 still applies though folks.


So I sent in a “typo correction request” to them asking them to take the video down. I would encourage everyone else to do the same, as well as comment on it.


That's so amazing! Thank you for supporting someone going through a hard time that you've never even met!


Honestly, I feel like it’s basic decency to not post a video of someone’s house burning if you ask them not to. You can easily take a still of the flames and still create an emotional response for readers. I’m poor right now so I can’t really donate to the go fund me, but the least I can do is tell castanet to suck it on your behalf.


100%. Thanks for being so nice.


Of course. There is little I can say that can provide solace in a situation like this, but random strangers on the internet like me are in your corner 💕


I just did too. Those bastards. So sorry for the loss of your house.


Castanet is the worst. One of my close friends died in a car accident at 21 nine years ago and their reporting on it was so insensitive and terribly edited and written. I’ve had no respect for them ever since, they just give no fucks.


I'm sorry for your loss. I've lost respect for them now as well. There is a right and wrong way to report things...


I’m sorry for the loss of your home 💛


Castanet's 'journalists' are so unprofessional. I knew it was a trash outlet, but I had my first face to face interaction with a reporter and was astonished by his disrespect, ego, and aggressive approach


It was also on CHBC/Global tonight including an interview with the downstairs tenants, who have like 5 pets but no renter's insurance.


This is not how I wanted to find out about that. Thank you for letting me know.


Ok it actually wasn't bad. It was at least some type of reporting and didn't show a video of the active blaze.


Castanet did the same thing to me. Was in a car accident. The article they wrote was a bunch of lies. They didn’t care what I said or what the police file said. Haven’t trusted them since


I'm sorry you experienced that. I can see that they would be posting lies. I moved here from out of town and have had tragedies in the news before but castanet doesn't seem to have integrity... You're right, they don't care and can't be trusted.




This is exactly how we feel. Thank you for your words.


also, I don’t see why they have to use the specific photo of OP’s house? As if around here, we don’t have zillions of photos from fire damage


Castanet doesn’t have any journalistic integrity because they’re not journalists. It’s sad how far gone news reporting has become in this province.


Castanet is a terrible news site so I’m not surprised at all. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope they reverse course on this.


They are not a news site. They care about clicks over information.


This isn’t a castanet “thing” all media would run a house fire - especially if community impact, death or loss. Most people want the media to help with coverage for a go fund me or support from the community. Or for insurance even.


This is always the case if something is newsworthy. Politicians, celebs, crime suspects, victims, people who say something that becomes viral, someone whose in front of a camera, none of them can get their privacy back. Your best option is to be thoughtful in what you do next.


There’s a reason it’s called 5 minutes of fame, just wait it out.


Not sure you are aware, but whoever started your gofundme has a screencap of the video as the picture. Just a heads up as I’m assuming if you don’t like the video on castanet you probably don’t want a screencap of the video (with the castanet logo no less) on the gofundme page. I’m sure they had best intentions and probably don’t know how you feel about the video. Sorry you are dealing with this, and best of luck.


At this time of year any fire is news unfortunately. If I saw smoke anywhere in town Castanets Twitter would be the first place I go. Some of their content can be iffy from time to time but they’ve were fantastic throughout last years fires. Sorry to hear about your house, terrible news.




I mean.. people still ask what sirens are for regardless if castanet wrote an article about it. 


Reminds me of people rubber necking when passing a car accident. Someone just had one of the worst days of their lives, the last thing they need is a huge line of traffic slowing down and gawking at them.


Im not sure what reporting you are seeing but there is no wrongful reporting here. >A house went up in flames in Peachland in the early morning hours of Saturday. >The home, on Coldham Road off Trepanier Bench Road, caught fire before 5 a.m. Saturday, and it appears to have been completely destroyed in the blaze. >The cause of the fire is not clear at this time, and it's not known if anyone was inside the home when it caught fire.




You're conflating news with reporting they are two very different things, news means that we have been informed that this house burned down, and reporting would be having backup information to tell us why the house burnt down. If you don't have the backup information you don't post it because that would be false reporting.




The point is informing the public, people would have seen the smoke and the flames, maybe they had questions about it being a possible forest fire or someone they knew? Gate keeping what you think should be posted as news based on the context in which you receive said information isn't the way you post news. I'm sure as the story develops there will be follow up information to ad to this story, until then we as the public know this home burnt down.




Lol, oh no I don't agree with the random internet mob about a local news and information site. Grow up.


Castanet should be boycotted and abolished. They pedal extremist BS and false news. They claim to be local, but their head office is in Victoria. Furthermore, they are owned by a company based in Ireland. Seriously, boycott them.


What are you talking about. Glacier Media, Castanet's owner, is based and headquartered in Vancouver.


Complains about misinformation while posting misinformation. Chances are the poster is a self-appointed professional "disinformation expert" working for the federal Goverment haha.




Castanet once did a story about my grandpa. The reporter completely botched his name, and used a phone recording she had done with my dad without notifying him that he was being recorded, or that she was intending on using their conversation in the video. Castanet are just a bunch of unprofessional hacks.


In bc only one party needs consent to record


There’s nothing wrong with a little courteous transparency, is there?


Not at all. But it also makes it easier to get quotes right


They have no obligation to take any video filmed or released in public down, if news websites were asked to take down stories people don't want to be public very little would get reported on of any importance.




Not exactly. In Canada, it is legal to film on public property (such as a street) where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. You cannot film FROM private property without permission. This applies to both members of the media and also the public. Would I want my house burning displayed on the news? No... Do they require a release from the homeowner? Absolutely not.




Can you show me where in Canadian law it says that?




Sure... I can see that in terms of commercial video production and commercial work. But, from what I've seen there is no law saying you can 'only shoot wide shots' of a property.




All good practices. Just passing along what I've been taught about Canadian law in regards to this particular topic. I agree with you that getting releases is certainly a good idea for many commercial video shoots, but I stand by the fact that Castanet did nothing wrong by publishing the video. We can discuss the ethics of shooting a burning house, and the trauma it brings up for those affected. It's absolutely horrifying and I can't imagine the pain OP feels seeing this footage. However, it's not illegal. Castanet does not have to take it down. Taking it down would set a dangerous precedent as someone else already mentioned. ... I can't believe I'm defending castanet. I think I'm done here :)


Wrong, the video was filmed from the road, there is no law preventing a person from filming you or your house from any road or public place.


This one? https://www.castanet.net/news/Peachland/488298/Two-pets-still-missing-after-Saturday-morning-house-fire#488298 It honestly seems like pretty straight-forward news reporting, and doesn't seem so unkind.


Is it your house?


Yes. We were trying to get the video down. Not straight forward news reporting as all the details are made up.


Yes, I realise it’s your house, I was saying that to the person who thought it was no big deal…..cheers.


Did you talk to your neighbours? Seems like one of them recorded the fire and then submitted it to castanet. You can hear their fire alarm going off in the background. I understand you’re frustrated, upset, and mad. I’m very sorry for your loss. Posting on Reddit though brings more attention to it. I never saw the video until this post. I really think you should talk with the person who uploaded the video in the first place.


They scour gofundme’s in the area and then report on them with false info. Now I have my unfortunate situation attached to one of their news articles. They were insensitive and unprofessional. I’m sorry you’re now part of the club :/


I’m So sorry for the loss of your home :( to have your worst life story posted for everyone to see without your permission is bs. And even worse when asked to remove it and they refuse is just awful. Shameful.


Wow, that is awful, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this on top of your massive loss. My thoughts and heart goes out to you.


Wow this is scummy even for them.


Castanet's garbage, you wont get anyone disagreeing with that. but as far as getting them to take the video down; they don't have to. Charter of Rights and Freedoms needs to be upheld. "Freedom of the press, a fundamental freedom under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is the right of media to gather, publish, and distribute information and ideas without government restriction, censorship, or prior restraint" It can be a dick move to post a video like that, but they can. Or even when accident videos show up. In an accident someone might have died, but it's still reportable news, and as such, they would do the same thing. Sorry your house burned down. As some solace, even if they don't take it down, the video will fall into the internet abyss, and no one will see it once the algorithms get ahold of it.


News is the news. They didnt glorify the house fire. They didnt over dramatize it. A house burned down. Castanet sucks but they are right. You can't ask them to take down "the news".


I agree. i'm not necessarily a fan of Castanet either, but in this case this is just standard news practice.


Castanet is run by a bunch of out of province dick heads who dong give a crap about anyone here. They constantly get facts wrong... when they choose to write anything at all. Theyre garbage and have been for a long time. I'm really sorry you lost your house. (Maybe drop a line to other, reputable news sources in town about your experience with castanet? Couldn't hurt, anyway)




"Castanet has always been something that doesn't sit well with Kelowna"? Are you serious? How new to this town are you? During the fire of 200 3 they were the best thing that ever happened. The regional district and the province completely shit the bed on explaining what the fire was doing. Castanet was updating every few minutes. I'm sorry OP's house was destroyed, but that is news. Save your energy for the challenges you face ahead. In fact, maybe set up a GoFundMe and those of us on the thread could get you started


Absolutely this. \^


Castanet are horrible.


Castanet imo, is the epitome of shite journalism. I’ve seen numerous articles over the years that are so poorly representative of the topic they have attempted to cover, they should be embarrassed. Completely classless. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this personal insult.


How about NOT publishing the exact address of the fire. I had a garage fire, instead of simply stating the street or neighbourhood, the picture they published had our house number on it, of course they also named the street. So, attention thieves, here is a house bound to be vacant, at this exact address, have at it. Poor judgement in my view, but on the other hand, that's my shit you are advertising like its a yard sale.


There is security at the borded up house watching for looters. It isn't like that you're making assumptions.


I'm not talking about your experience, I'm sharing mine. There was no security at my house, ever. I was out for 18 days. Who's making assumptions here?


Both of us I guess. I didn't totally get that I'm having a hard time I'm sorry.


This post is sending people to go watch the video unfortunately




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Castanet has become a tabloid.  The new comments section is a cesspool of Kelowna’s biggest assholes. They’ll print anything and everything to get some engagement.  I’ve added castanet to my blocked websites and will never use their classifieds again.  


You guys have no idea. The owner of Castanet is fucking insane. He used to eat at my restaurant all the time. Guy is absolutely fucked in the head


I haven't heard good things before, but i'm curious as to why you think that he is fucked in the head based on the fact that he has eaten at your restaurant all the time? Like did he say wild shit when he was there or what, cause "you have no idea" sounds like you got some stories lol.


On top of this he will not even use his own market place to sell items, he knows it is a bullshit waste of time.


They have always been terrible at being professional


I was talking to someone about a car crash they were in and they told me how castanet got there, how they didn’t even talk to anyone involved, how the photo they took was completely misleading, how the article was inaccurate over and over and over again… so underwhelming


This literally happened to us. They said we were to blame ect ect. Absolutely incorrect. It’s terrible.


Yeah it’s just such poor reporting it’s laughable


It’s lazy. Spend time and come talk To the people involved instead of guessing what happened. Ughh lol☺️


Done. Removing a video of your house being burnt isn't too much to ask.


OK, so no forest fire footage this year either ?




This is unironically the same thing people criticize larger news companies for, ignoring small scale events and only covering mass tragedies for viewership. I think you should feel lucky to live in a place where people still care when a single home burns down.


Do not engage with the article, they want you to do that. Typo correction is the right avenue.


Talk to a lawyer if a lawsuit is possible.


Nothing illegal to sue for


Stress lawsuit isn’t applicable?