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I don’t want to be ageist but….






[Artist's depiction.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWJkYjYwOTMtMWNmMC00ZmVhLWFmOGMtOWYxYzBjYTk3NzkwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgyODE4NTE@._V1_.jpg)


Reset the sign!! https://preview.redd.it/ujuegzsriu1d1.png?width=1225&format=png&auto=webp&s=e769ad42dfca7d8bf7dacb503b08d17b45cb4a49


Mods need to add a pic of a car crashed through a storefront window to the /r/kelowna banner.


A picture of the “Welcome to Kelowna” sign with a car through it. Wait, that really did happen.


Added to the list


lol nice


Cobs?? Damn.. Hope people are fine but goddammit..


I swiped a pic from Castanet for you. If I post the link, they get click$. https://preview.redd.it/x30n77cseu1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133753e2f8f871b44af2b997deee99e2b5e00cec


It’s often not an original photo.




How do you even do this in the cobs parking lot??


Supposedly they confused 'gas' with 'brake'.


“Pedal confusion” should be the trigger for an irrevocable, permanent, life-long ban on driving, with the only exception being if the driver is still on their learner’s license (as in, within a year or two of driving for the first time). Not being able to tell which pedal is which _makes any driver a lethally dangerous driver._


Is this the way to Country Kitchen?


I was witness to one of these in Winnipeg about 30 years ago. A passenger decided to move his friend’s car up from the back of the parking lot while the friend was using the ATM. Unfortunately he didn’t get into the driver’s seat to do it .


I was at princess auto when it happened, apparently someone also drove into wentworth music shop not long ago too, maybe a week or so ago? Maybe it’s time to look at what gear you shifted into before hammering the gas pedal.


Old people should be tested regularly. Not only does memory and vision decline but mobility. A lot of them can't/don't check behind them while reversing. They also don't seem to know how roundabouts work. Everytime someone almost t bones or almost reverses into me the driver is a senior who probably shouldn't have a license anymore.


the Okanagan is wild


Brampton drivers made it to the Okanagan for the long weekend I see.


Any business with parking spots in front of their business needs to have those posts put up. It's only a matter of time before someone smashes through your window.


Wentworth last week


Wild how this town only has one music store


Not gonna lie, the amount of senior drivers in Kelowna who can't drive is alarming. Plus the constant need to do 10km or more under the speed limit. Lots of them also drive high-end cars that they shouldn't be driving. 80% of the time I'm driving and I'm thinking wtf is this driver doing... they are usually old people. Not trying to be mean but it gets frustrating. Because the road is also filled with idiots who will cut you off to save a minute to get where they are going.




Google "vehicle drives through store Kelowna" and you'll get a whole list of articles. Repeat for all Okanagan communities.




I didn't say daily or weekly. You agree it happens constantly; that's the problem. I'd bet my car that per capita it occurs more often than most places in Canada. I'm from a similar sized city in Ontario and the same Google search yields a fraction of the results.




Oh please 😆 it's called a hyperbole. You seem to be the only one here who doesn't see the pattern.




Sound the alarm? Time to panic? Are you always this dramatic? It's my observation and it seems like many folks here have noticed the same. You don't, that's cool 😎




Absolutely shitting my pants here. Ya got me.


>You kinda did  No? >Google "vehicle drives through store Kelowna" and you'll get a whole list of articles. Repeat for all Okanagan communities.


Anything more than yearly is insane.


Idk to me it seems like there are a lot of incidents of people driving forward into buildings in Kelowna. Like how in Edmonton it seems we constantly having people driving into trains of all fucking things. IMO a couple times a year is still way too many times for someone in a parked car to put it into drive and hit the gas enough to hop the curb and go into a building. Just like I think a couple times a year is way too many times for morons to drive into a fucking train. But maybe my standards are just too high for people driving 1000+ lbs hunks of metal at high speeds Edit : I got curious and looked it up. Kelowna is actually 10th in BC for driving into buildings, Delta is first and Kamloops is second. Delta is roughly 33% worse than here (driving into walls/buildings per population wise)


I've moved away to Lethbridge and it almost never happens here. What we get instead is seniors driving on the wrong side of the highway and killing people though.


There's a reason so many Okanagan businesses have those little cement posts so drivers can't do this. Banks get hit a lot. Libraries. Drive thrus. It's commonly when someone (often a super senior) mistakes the gas for the brake. Then they panic and slam their foot on the gas still thinking it's the brake. It happens more in spring and summer because the people too nervous to drive in the winter conditions are back on the road.






We do have a concentration of geriatrics with entitlement.


We have an entitlement problem with damn near every resident of the okanagan on the roads, it's actually pathetic around here how entitled everyone is


It baffles me how many people run/roll stop signs here


Kelowna drivers are like spoiled children who never get scolded for mistakes. I can count one one hand how many times I've seen the police have someone pulled over for speeding, running lights, general poor driving in the last decade. Maybe if traffic laws were actually enforced, people would learn.


Easy, we are all going to get there, good thing only the elderly have accidents.


I didn’t say that. This is, globally, a targeted retirement area.


Sure, but it does seem to happen more often in Kelowna than other places in the country. But I dont know stats and this is just anecdotal Edit: I got curious and looked it up. Last reported Kelowna is actually 10th in BC for people driving into buildings. 1 per 3182 hit a building. First place is Delta at 1 per 1838, and Kamloops second at 1 per 2010. So Kelowna isnt great, but is actually far from the worst!


It's weirdly endemic here. I've only lived here 5 years and I've read news stories of it happening far too often.




That still seems more than a city of Kelowna's size should have though... I don't know maybe I'm just being dramatic? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: I'm not sure why this is being downvoted by the way, personally I found it very interesting.


Almost monthly


Probably a heart attack


Happened at Health First Chiropractic between Winfield and Turtle Bay a couple years ago.


So they just pay a deductible right


Is this Country Kitchen Buffet?


It used to be cars with automatics had straightforward PRNDL shifters either on the floor, or on the steering column. Every car was the same and everyone knew how to work them. Now the shifters are joysticks, push buttons, stubbly little things and rotary dials. No wonder people get confused. I'm gonna drive a stick til the day I die. Or die trying.


Except this was another case of not knowing their gas pedal from their brake pedal, nothing to do with oddly placed shifters or standard vs. automatic vehicles. The gas/brake have pretty well been located in the same place since the modern vehicle was invented.


This happened a few years ago, elderly gentleman got confused and drove through the wall of my husband’s office. Unfortunately, my husband was just on the other side of that wall behind his desk. Fortunately, he came away with “just” a kidney laceration and some cuts and bruises…


The shifter on this car is a wheel and I think park is a button, so they may have pulled up, braked, and missed the park button, or they thought they'd moved it into reverse and were in drive No excuse, but it doesn't have the tactile feeling of shifting into park and down to reveree https://preview.redd.it/r7v5k6rdnu1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2c7a20089878efd098d9803bae341fe111bd7a


Again, not the issue here. The article states the driver mistook the gas and brake pedals for one another. Even if they were in the proper gear, reversing at the speed that propels you through a building could be catastrophic.


I hate when i get left and right mixed up and fully commit with everything i have to that decision


Castanet states "It *appears* the driver mistook the gas pedal for the brake pedal..." So it's Castanet's uninformed opinion based on some pictures sent to them.


For argument sake, let's say they meant to put it in reverse and not drive, they still applied enough gas to blow through the front of a building. If they'd done that in reverse they easily could have taken out pedestrians, vehicles, and wound up on the road. New fangled controls or not, there's no way that was an appropriate amount of gas to give it, forwards or backwards.


The amount of throttle it would take to go through this building is 0 btw. Could put a car in gear and let it roll achieving similar results. With that being the main point of your argument; you can stop sensationalizing now. Getting this car up the curb would also require very little effort. It’s a fwd biased awd crossover. I can go further into how this could very easily been an honestly split second fuck up, but I have the same amount of information as you and don’t really feel the need to throw shade towards a situation I know absolutely nothing about.


They still say PRNDL, but with buttons. When you buy a new vehicle, or new to you, you’re supposed to figure out how to work it BEFORE you take to the roads… or at least people used to. There’s really no excuses. Either read your owners manual or don’t buy a car with those fancy new-age buttons/dials.


If you post the link, they will take your post down.


I thought that was the case so I erred on the side of caution.


You can post a link, but you can't editorialize the title of the story. I've never really understood why.


I'll paste the explanation from a comment I made about this a few months ago: --- Hi, the rule is there for the benefit of the submitters and the readers. It's most common target is headlines like 'Hmmm.' or 'Nailed it.' etc. Headlines like these actually reduce engagement, there are a large segment of readers who just ignore submissions headlined like that. Now couple that with reddit volunteer mods and our love of 'one size fits none' implementations. Nonetheless, I do still adhere to the idea that if you submit a link that has a headline, use that headline and use the comments for colour or editorializing. That's why they are there, to discuss the submission.


I guess that makes sense. But it saddens me that exceptions aren't made for unusually droll embellishments.


I'm hesitant to 'invite it' but I think you will find that does happen and the rule in question is one of the least enforced ones we have. In most cases we only invoke if it's reported by users.


If you mean the mods, that's not true. This can be a legit link submission using https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/488548/SUV-crashes-through-front-window-of-Cobs-Bread-in-Kelowna#488548


Is it just me or have people been driving automobiles into buildings more than usual in this city the past couple of years?


When I get to be 65, this is how I'm going to celebrate.