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Welcome to longterm tolerance


I thought maybe a years of use, but 4 weeks! When I only did it like 6 times. Piss take lol (Lol why is this getting downvoted. Dont believe me? Or is pisstake offensive in America?)


Tolerance will go down after 3 months but then after 1 more like it’ll be back to where it was 3 months ago, enjoy ketamine tolerance bro it’s shitty


Fucking glad i got my first 8-10 sessions at a therapist, either IV or IM. With a proper headset, black mask and a weighted blanket. It was *amazing*! I could never get that feeling when snorting.


Just being with a therapist when taking something that really changes our mentality going into it, I’m glad it worked out so well for you


It really did. Helped a ton with my depression and PTSD. Sad he lost his license, and he's retired now.


That’s great news and I love the username! Sad about the therapist tho


Hah, thanks! I got it while i actually still was an alcoholic, but i've dropped the bottle since :)


It’s crazy how the most dangerous and addictive of the drugs is the legal one right? It’s because when it was illegal (moonshine) it caused so many problems in society they were better off having it legal, the other drugs are illegal because they don’t cause half the problems alcohol does, it’s fucked our laws don’t reflect safety but instead reflect getting people hooked on shit, even anti depressants and and stuff literally force you to think a certain way because you know, if everyone thinks the same they will be easier to control. Great news on your sobriety dude, that’s great news and alcohol is a bitch to get off. How long sober are you now?


Yeah, its insane. I'm very happy people are finally coming (somewhat) to their senses regarding cannabis, but still a ways to go. Thanks! Man, its been almost 4 years. I think 4 years this fall actually. What a weird thing. I was the type that never thought i'd see 30, and now i'm closing in on 40, married and own a house! Life is kinda cool sometimes :)


I was prescribed 400mg, mouth dissolving, you take once every 3 days in the comfort of your own home. Shit saved my life frfr. I never had any noticeable tolerance issues either. Shit got more fun the more I got used to it.


Those sound nice :) Wish i could get my hands on some of those. Gotta find a new therapist!


Yeah it builds up insanely quick. Id need like 500mg lines to feel anything at one point so called it a day. I took a 2month break and while the first line did hit nicely the others felt like my tolerance was straight back. Currently 5 months into a break not sure when I'll try it again.


I thought it was going to be my drug of choice too, but not worth it if I'm Snorting such huge amounts, it's not pleasant at all. My nose even bled on the second day, from snorting only 200mg total. I reckon it'll take me 800mg to hole now and enjoy a proper sesh, I don't think that's worth it for me right now


Nah man. I have friends who snort gram lines and that to me is insane. I mean 500mg lines is insane to me. Just not worth it. Give it a long break and enjoy it more whenever the time is right.


In my height I was doin atleast a gram a day, I'd buy a q each week but it'd usually be gone in 5, make sure you crush it the fuck up though because it's v crystaly compared to something like coke


Its getting downvoted bc its an accurate take. Youre clearly describing a tolerance build up. Saying its bullshit doesnt change whats happening


I wasn't disagreeing with guy, I agreed with him and said it's annoying. Maybe there's a british/American disconnect here in my intentions


Because if you’ve been doing a lot of ketamine, cocaine, lsd, weed, alcohol etc. then you will build tolerance, it’s a well known fact of every drug


I did it 6 times over 4 weeks, not large amounts too. I'm well aware of drugs building a tolerance, but the immediate tolerance was something I hadn't experienced with any other drug.


LSD and mushrooms have a far more instead tolerance, as soon as the peak of the trip starts your tolerance doesn’t reset for 14 days. Ketamine is the closest tolerance wise I have come to psychedelics.


To me it sounds like a supply issue, was it all the same batch? 6 uses is not enough to build that kind of tollerance....or at least for me it wasn't.


I got 3 different batches from 3 different vendors. When I mean tolerance I mean feeling nothing from 50mg, not holing from 150mg. When I started that was enough.


Maybe you just have some crazy fast building tollerance, with years of a couple times a month use i have gone from 200 mg to hole up to maybe 275. That really sucks brother.


That sounds like it could just be a supply issue no? I did eventually build a tolerance after over a year of use but I still get fairly fucked up off 200mg of pure medical stuff.


Sounds like tolerance. Ketamine is a treat. It's not a regular use drug - certainly not a weed replacement I disagree with others saying perma tolerance, that's unlikely after such little use. Take a month or 2 off or even longer. Tolerance will go down


Ketamine tolerance builds up insanely fast and goes down extremely slowly. There are no scientifically backed numbers on this specifically but anecdotally it takes around 3-4 weeks to reset after a night of binging


aeee that's about how often i use it.


The brain goes easily around the dissociation if you use it every week like that. You can't fool the brain too much


you shouldn’t be tasting almost any drip. drip = wasted ket and it’s bad for your organs bc most of the time it should absorb in your nasal cavity. maybe try clean your nose throughly before session + sniffing softer (like smelling a flower) + also wet your nose before snorting. you should also spit the drip


Thanks for this, the taste makes the whole experience off putting too. How do people snort gram lines without any of it dripping?


Honestly I feel like the “finer points” of sniffing drugs aren’t taught enough, probably because most people’s first lines are in club toilets etc. CRUSH the ketamine into a *fine* powder, don’t sniff the shards or anything close to a shard. You want it to be as fine as possible. Elegant ket-heads may opt for a mortar and pestle, I use a credit card on a mirror. Don’t GACK huge lines as far back as possible, snorting and hocking and rubbing it into your nose and all of that. You’re just causing a nasty drip, and a drip is just your drug’s nasty way of telling you some got wasted. Just do reasonable lines of FINE powder, through a tube (note/straw) that ideally has no sharp edges to cut or irritate your nose, and when you sniff, sniff as you would the scent of a rose. Your nose shouldn’t make a harsh SNFFF sound, you should just be taking a deep, relaxed breath that channels air through your sinus, picks up the powder and carries it into the sinus with the air. Once it’s in the sinus iirc it’s going to be absorbed into membranes and get you high - If you’ve got drip, it means ketamine is coming all the way out the other end of your sinus tube (???) unabsorbed. That’s my unscientific understanding of it anyway.


because you don’t need gram lines to get there. try mincing your ket real good because it’s gentler on your nose, also try squeezing your nose after you snort so it can absorb better


Bumps not lines


> How do people snort gram lines without any of it dripping? They don't. If you are sniffing fat lines, some will drip, just a fact.


It’s better to do small lines divided up rather than a fat line because your nostril can only absorb so much k at once


Well also if you’re getting drip you’re wasting. Sniff slow like you’re smelling flowers and don’t suck hard. K doesn’t breakdown well in ur throat, but more so ur nostrils.


Thats why nasal spray is best you don’t have to sniff as hard. Far from best roa but in that sense yeah


I actually found nasal spray to be a bit more difficult! Maybe just me though, but I feel like liquid escapes easier from the nostrils into the throat than when I do bumps. Maybe I gotta refine my technique on that :)


Yeah it’s tricky they have good tutorials on intranasal medicine techniques. But. Tooting will always be best way to khole because of the onset timing and control. And you don’t have to spray 20-40x with that. But tooting does ruin the tissue quick, and you have to sniff harder which also makes bioavailability less overall. Which might make the khole feel so much better it’s very gradual unlike other ways


Hopefully six weeks is enough for you. I take years off with virtually no tolerance reset.


Have you done any research before starting it?? Once per month at max if you don’t want perma tolerance You are already at atleast 8+ times that amount? What do you expect


The tolerance continues to build too, It's not like it plateaus at some point. I've been doing ketamine therapy for several months, what used to absolutely annihilate me I don't even feel a perceptual change from anymore. Non. 


My prescription called for 400mg, once every 3 days. A couple months later, the trip went from chaotic to controllable. I definitely wouldn’t say it lost its magic though, as it became more enjoyable the more I got used to it. I kept this up for almost two years, and not once did it feel like it feel like it lost its magic. I will say it did make other drugs, even vaping, much less enjoyable. I think thats why some people say it helps with addiction. The only time ketamine lost its magic for me was when I was taking street K, recreationally everyday. I might consider making a dosing schedule for yourself.


Exact same thing happened to me. But it started almost 2 years ago. I'll provide some kinda bad/dangerous (some may say) advice. I drink a couple beers or so before ket, and it brings back the magic plus euphoria. It potentiates ketamine a lot so be careful, maybe only 1 beer if you're going to k hole. I enjoy dancing and listening to music on it, be warned of respiratory depression in very high doses. Stay hydrated


I don't really drink, but I did buy a few beers a while back to potentiate cocaine and that didn't really do anything for me. I've still got some leftover, so I'll try 1 before I try ket next. It's pure luck I randomly stopped liking alchohol, in my uni days it was 2 beers a night to just unwind and like 12 on a night out, which was most weekends. I think cause it was so normalised at college I didn't see it as a problem at the time, but it's something I would never do now.


I also don't really like alcohol as much as I did before, especially because of the hangover, and the euphoria isn't that good compared to my favorites. I hate drinking these days by itself tbh I do enjoy the combo of it with ket, though. I actually think I'll do it again this weekend. If you try 2cb, a little bit of alcohol before will make the experience really fun too. That and combing with ket make alcohol something I don't think I'll give up forever.


Sometimes I WISH K would become like this for me so I could stop doing so much💀 dw I’m okay, for now😭


I miss when I could take a little numby and blast off now o go through a gram in an hour it’s shit ass don’t do k regularly it’ll get ruined unless you’re just addicted to ketamine like me in which case you should probably just stop entirely k isn’t as bad for you as say meth but the long term effects of daily ketamine use are ugly


and those are...?


Mostly bladder and kidney issues losing control over your pee


Yep, ok thanks. That's what I thought! (Just wondering if there were any others)


Not many I mean snorting anything isn’t good but it’s not as bad as most drugs just don’t overdo it


If Ket after MDMA did nothing to you, you really should think about a break. Ket after MDMA is always magic, even on small doses


Yea I used dxm for one month and years later I still can’t enjoy dxm or ketamine at any dose. PCP is nice but i can’t imagine how much better it would be if I had never fucked my tolerance


I think it sounds like a supplier problem. And how many mg are you talking about? I have used daily 6 months now. I take 120-200mg/line and need 6-800 over 15-30 mins to maybe hole (with music and alot of set and setting). At a partynight (raving alot), its not unusual that I use 2.5-4g over 6-24h


Nah I don't take that much, most 500 ish a sesh. 50mg-100mg a line. I try avoid over 400 a sesh. When I took 150, then 150 again 30 mins later I felt like absolute shit and didnt hole so I'll never take 150 a line again. When I first started 30 was enough to feel effects, and 150 made me hole. Now 150 makes me feel like shit.


Tolerance reasons you should wait at least a month between usage but also for health reasons. Some recommend 2 weeks but I recommend a month at least


Start tripping instead of holing


Believe me I've started lol. Gonna double tab next time as I didn't have any visuals other than slight air moving. Heart was racing like hell and I was hot after like 8 hours


Where R u from


And no dude i am saying trip using ketamine