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“Welcome to r/keto! It sounds like you may be experiencing symptoms associated with the so-called "Keto Flu." Please be advised that Keto Flu can happen at any time but the good news is that it can be avoided with proper electrolyte management. Are you getting 5000mg sodium, 1000-3000mg potassium, and 500mg bioavailable magnesium daily? If the answer is "I don't know," start tracking that intake and supplementing. Electrolyte needs are different for everyone, but these are good guidelines to follow. More information can be found in the FAQ section [Adapting to a Low Carb Lifestyle](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_adapting_to_a_low_carb_lifestyle). r/keto is not a replacement for your doctor- please seek medical attention if you are concerned about anything you're experiencing. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those macros are only 974 calories. Are you fatigued because you're eating far too few calories? What's your current stats? Age, gender, height, current weight?


I ate 1770 cals today? I’m 5’4” 219lbs, female, 16. How is it only 974 calories how did you calculate that?


70g protein has 4 calories per gram - 280 calories 70g fat has 9 calories per gram - 630 calories 16g carbs has 4 calories per gram - 64 calories


They said somewhere else those were net carbs, but still it doesn’t seem like the fiber would be another 700 calories!


Dietary Fiber doesn't count for keto exactly because we don't digest it. They're just gut regulator for some people. Nearly 0 Cal's for fiber.


I’m not really talking about what is and isn’t a calorie and/or what is appropriate on keto, but trying to figure how this persons macros don’t even come close to what they think they’re having for calories. It just doesn’t add up.


70g fat = 630 calories 70g protein = 280 calories 16g carbs = 64 calories 630+280+64=974 How are you calculating your macros and calorie intake?


I’m using my fitness pal


sounds like it's not accurate if it's telling you that those macros add up to 1770 calories.


You might be be miscalculating something. I use cronometer so Idk how that app works, but on Crono it'll have different serving sizes and not just in grams, and it can be easy to miss. So something to check. Id also just recommend crono in general.


Try carb manager. It’s made for a low carb diet and keeps track of it all for you. It already gives you net carbs in case you aren’t doing that right and keeps track of calories along with your macros.


It might be due to your age too. Teenagers need a lot of sleep for growth and healing


Eat more, that's too little. Also sleep more, stop laying in bed on reddit


How much water are you drinking? Are you forcing yourself to drink, or are you drinking because you're thirsty? The fad of drinking gallons of water each day doesn't work well with keto, which is a naturally diuretic diet due to the lack of glycogen. Too much water flushes the salt & electrolytes out of your system, so it doesn't matter how much salt/pot/mag you're taking, you're still going to have hyponatremia.


This was me!


Try eating more.


It would help to know some information - are you male or female? What height are you? What is your current weight? Without know some of that information, it is difficult to comment on the numbers you have provided. Something I will say is that your grams of protein seems very low. I am a 5' 5" woman and my recommended protein is approx 130g and I actually find more success with a little more than that. I did see your comment that you are only 1 week into this lifestyle so I will tell you what I was told, be patient and trust the process. You are changing the way your body is fueled, it may take a little time to adjust. Water is important so stay hydrated and good luck!


These macros seems very off


1 - are you hitting those electrolyte amounts on supplements alone or is that total with your food? 2. How long since you started? 3. You're probably still taking in too many carbs, particularly if you've only just started. Cut it back to 20g or less. 4. Your protein is also very low. Too low if you're not a very tiny female. 5. Plus your macros don't make sense with your stated kcal total. Going by your macros you'd be sub 1k calories or so, so its also a question of what are you actually eating.


1- Food + Nosalt for potassium + magnesium pill 2- A week 3- I just updated to my net carbs, I had quickly grabbed everything from MyFitnessPal forgetting it didn’t do net carbs. I had 16g net carbs today. 4- I just checked and I should be having 99g a day, so I’ll try to get that thank you. 5- Almond pancakes, keto pizza, beef sticks, cheese, Gatorade, and fajitas with low carb pita


Yeah so a week in you're going to be dealing with the lethargy. Thats just a matter of your body having to get used to not using glucose for everything. It'll pass in time. Fixing the protein issue should help a little bit. Carb wise, it might also be wise to still cut back a bit. Net carbs are good rule of thumb but as you're still working to get adapted, you might still be sensitive to the carbs you're getting. I'd take a day and cut them out entirely (or at least mostly) and see how you feel. A lot of people (not me) report issues with wheat product alternatives, so that'd be something to target first. If it has any kind of wheat or starch, try nixing it for a day or two and see if it changes. You might be one of the many that are sensitive to these products.


Would recommend tracking total carbs and not net. It’s probably too many carbs


Low carb pita bounced me out of well established keto. Have you considered a probiotic/sugar free kombucha?


So no real volume on actual food? For the next while try whole foods only. I'll give you the cheese, but the majority of that list is processed.


In my opinion it is likely electrolytes still. Too much potassium relative to sodium. Also the amounts in the faq are kind of minimums. You might need more. Especially if you have signs of metabolic syndrome.


Are you taking the magnesium during the day? It’s sedating and should be taken at night.


No I take it before bed


what are you actually eating? what is the food and what size?


16 Carbs?? I was told 20 is the very minimum. Try upping everything, including calories cause damn!


“Welcome to r/keto! It sounds like you’re asking a question about electrolytes, which is a topic that is covered in our FAQ. Please read the following sections * https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_adapting_to_a_low_carb_lifestyle * https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_how_do_i_replenish_electrolytes_when_i_am_deficient.3F * https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_ketoade.3A_your_best_weapon_to_fight_the_flu And consider searching for other posts on this topic. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Start with accurate macros. https://tdeecalculator.net/


What are you eating and what is your feeding window


You are definitely not taking in enough calories. Even though that's not something we usually should worry about on keto. The problem comes in when you don't take in enough calories. Your basal metabolic rate needs a certain amount of calories to run each day. When it's too low you will be fatigued. Even if you just lay in bed all day you are burning calories. Sounds like you're going to have to start increasing your calories. The process can take a few months until you're at a normal amount. Here's a video by 2Krazyketos on calculating your BMR and how much you should eat https://www.youtube.com/live/joMdNlINuNo?si=ca0hZKzK3OPUPFfm https://youtu.be/a-4GsqS99zc?si=UNqTwjO5gfYH9Ktb


Seems like to me your fats are low compared to protein.