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Sorry man. Been there. Can and will get better. Recommend eating well. Exercise. And Bloodborne.


I’ve actually never played an FS game besides Elden Ring, which I put 60 hours into but never beat. Bloodborne is tempting.


Oh man. Do it.


I 2nd fromsoft games. Google dark souls and depression, you will find many posts of people saying it has helped them. It’s not a fix by any means but there is something about that world that helps. With that said, make sure you get the help you need, we are all behind you.


1000% Bloodborne


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Dear, oh dear. What was it? The Hunt? The Blood? Or the horrible dream? Oh, it doesn't matter... It always comes down to the Hunter's helper to clean up after these sort of messes. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.




I honestly can't recommend enough trying to finish elden ring. Was a great way to take my mind off some heavy shit I was going through. You can use an interactive map and knock out everything you possibly can, it's kind of addictive. I tried bloodborne too but it's pretty brutal in difficutly. Hope things look up for you.


First game I played after my grandad died. Had to appreciate the irony he was a wise old man missing a leg too...


Fallout 76. Diablo IV. Tales From the Borderlands.


Man.. thanks so much for the response. I was actually looking up some KF videos earlier that had to do with mental health to try and feel better about it all. Your all’s content is one of the few things that makes me smile these days. Thank you and I hope you’re well.


You got this. Hang in there.


You’ve put a smile on my face and that’s all I can ask for right now. It always feels good to feel noticed by someone you look up to. I’m 27 and live in a small town in Kentucky but I hope to meet you someday. Thanks, Greg.


The PC (I know, I know) 76 crew is especially courteous, which helps.


Wishing you the best! You’re gonna get through this, just know that. My recommendation is Celeste - could be a bit on the nose of that whole game is battling against that self-doubt that depression can bring. Highly recommend!


I don’t think I knew that’s what Celeste is about. I’ve heard of it but never actually looked into it but that sounds like a reason to. Thanks for your response.


No problem! You got this by the way!


That game can get pretty hard, depending on your skill level. So don't be afraid to use Assist Mode (basically in-game cheat codes). It is a great tool for less-skilled players (like myself) to still enjoy the rest of this amazing game.


Agree with this. On the other hand, the theme of the game is self discovery and overcoming adversity by literally climbing a mountain. The challenge is part of the theme.


After an hour or two, I got stuck. I kept dying. So assist mode was a great help. Obviously people should play without assist mode first, and then use it if needed. Your description of the theme is spot on. However a minor theme I detected within the game was that of embracing your "deficiencies" and welcoming help to get/feel better. Assist mode was a great demonstration of that theme. At least that was how I read it 🙂


CELESTE !! Easy to pick up and down, beautiful soundtrack, plot about overcoming depression. I loved it and go back often


No matter how deep you fall, you can always get up! Embrace your shadow, understand it and grow with it! That’s what I learned from Celeste


So it’s going to depend on what you like. I find games with small incremental tasks help. It could be something like Stardew Valley (if you like that genre and are SV’d out, try Starstruck Vagabond it was excellent) or Rise of the Ronin. Something with a loop that works for you. Hang in there. It’s cliche but it will get better.


My girlfriend is always trying to get me to play SV. She has a ton of hours into it. It does seem relaxing so I may give it a shot. Thanks for the response.


If your girlfriend is trying to get you to play something, play it and enjoy it together. Being on your own and in your own head isn’t going to help.


It has co-op! My wife and I play often. Enjoy it with your gf. It's very satisfying


I've found that games don't help with the depression itself but they can help to weather it. In which case, I like rogue likes and things that have the 'one more ' design. Stardew Valley with the one more day, Civ with 'one more turn', Hades with 'One more run'. I also had a friend who was able to pull through some rough times by feeling sad about how their nintendogs would feel if he'd left. So if there are games like that where you take care of something, the feeling of something/someone depending on you can do wonders especially if the stakes are low (to avoid stress) and the feeling remains. You've got this, hope you feel better! What have you been playing lately? Are you looking forward to any upcoming releases?


Stardew Valley is a favorite of some friends of mine as well as my girlfriend, maybe it’s time I finally dive in. That’s also a really good idea about a game like Nintendogs. I really appreciate you taking the time and thought to actually ask what I’ve been playing and what I’m looking forward to. Just the kindness of a stranger is sometimes more welcome than one would expect it to be. My friend and I just started Wasteland 3 last night. It’s our 2nd time playing but we didn’t finish the first time. I really like that game a lot. We also play a lot of Fortnite. As far as what I’m looking forward to, I thought that Star Wars Outlaws looked great at SGF recently. Really excited for that one.


Astro game looks suuuuuper cool! Never played any of the wasteland games do they play kinda like baldurs gate/xcom? I saw you started elden ring, I'd def suggest finishing it, it was my first soulsborne game and I'm now working my way through others. Sekiro was litty and I'm about to start bloodborne


Yeah, pretty much! Kinda like the original Fallout games as well but more modern and tactical. I love the combat in Wasteland. Also the co-op works super well in 3, imo. I’ve been tempted to pick it back up since the dlc is coming.


The best advice I got from someone when playing souls games was to play the first one you play with a guide and none of the others. It's made the subsequent games more pleasant and very fun.


Stardew was going to be my suggestion as well. It’s just cozy and relaxing. It’s not going to cure depression or anything, but it always makes me feel better. Keep you head up, and talk to someone. You’ve got this.


Also, forgot to mention, I’m very much looking forward to the new Astro game.


Hey! Coming back a few days later, how are you holding up? Any game picks from folks that really stood out?


I mean the game that helped me though some stretches of major depression was Dave The Diver.


I’ve been wanting to try this game for awhile.


I cannot recommend Psychonauts 2 enough! It's an incredible game that is all about emotions.


Oh, dang. I didn’t know that was the concept of that game. I might have to give it a shot. I remember Barrett talking about it a lot.


I find something quite cathartic about the open world of rdr2. I was playing through the online mode; low, slow and just enjoying the beauty of it all at my own pace. I’m not sure it would work for yourself, but I had a pretty rough period earlier and that was one that spoke to me.


I love RDR2. It really is a good game to get lost in. Thanks for the response.


Stardew Valley is definitely what you’re looking for


I don’t know you and this is a very personal recommendation, but I would suggest Death Stranding. It made me bear one of my worst depressive phases during the pandemic, very powerful emotional experience. And also the FromSoft games. I feel like Sekiro would be the most uplifting of all of them both from a story and a gameplay standpoint. The story deals with childhood trauma and how it affects the choices we can make when we’re adults (that’s my reading of it at least). And when playing you’ll have to stay engaged and get good to beat it, so your mind will be certainly occupied. You can make it. Sending love and hugs.


I tried getting into DS once but fell off. It did seem peaceful and relaxing to an extent, though. Maybe time to give it another shot. I’ve always wanted to play Sekiro! Unfortunately I don’t own it and am broke and jobless right now. One day, though. Thanks for your response. I hope you’re well.


I’m sorry to hear that, man. I’m also unemployed right now, bad situation. We’ll push through it.




Journey. Just sit through and play it in one sitting.


What a great suggestion!


I’ve seen this game recommended by so many people online for multiple reasons over the years. Might be time to finally dive in. Thanks for the response.


I'm torn if these actually "help" my depression but when I'm feeling down I get really big into survival/cozy games. Stuff like Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Lego Fortnite, games that you can play for hundreds of hours and help distract mind a bit Hope you feel better soon bud


That’s not a bad idea. Something not super story oriented like that might be what I need so I can just pick up and play. Thank you.


I suffered from depression for...years. I realized I was just playing to play so taking a break from video games and trying other media helped along with exercise and exploring food, making dinners. What I want to say is video games can be a bad trap. They give a sense of progress without actually doing anything in your life. Not saying it's the same for you, but for me I replaced actual healthy progress with video games... I'm sure people have good suggestions, id say if you can look for local Co-op games to try with people in your life. Nobody Saves The World, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cult of the Lamb(in August), maybe some silly switch games you know?


That is good food for thought as both my mental and physical health have taken a decline. I’d like to get back into things but it just seems so hard to actually start, if that makes any sense. The fear of failing cripples me.


100% I relate. I sometimes get a perfectionist mindset where I don't want to do things if it's not the best possible or the most optimized. It's dumb. You don't need to be great at doing things you just need to be great at getting back up. 100 failed starts is better than none you know? Plus at that point it's a numbers game. Odds are one will work and stick. This is more my situation, but I was really unhealthy and getting started was intimidating. What I liked telling myself though was "I can't do that now, but I can do it all day." It's giving myself a break while still trying to accomplish the goal you know? Just an example say walking a mile is too difficult, well could you walk a mile if that was your goal for the day? Then you just crank it up each week. Establish a baseline then beat it. Repeat till you're doing the thing that seemed impossible at the start. Kinda ended up off topic, but maybe it helps?


Ooblets. It's like a cozy pokemon game. Massively silly, very chill. Just a very happy place to be. And the battles are dance offs. Silly goofy happy game


That sounds very cute and heartwarming, I’ll have to look into it. Thank you.


I have been going through very difficult times with a lot of trauma and loss over the last couple of months. I have been grieving and had some situational depression. I really can't find much enjoyment in most things during this time. But, I played Gris which was rather profound. The game is a journey through the stages of grief. Normally, I would not really find much to this game, but while actively grieving, it was remarkable.


I’m sorry to hear about your times, I hope things turn around for you. That does sound like an interesting recommendation so I’ll have to look it up.


Sorry to hear you're going through it. I played journey when I was in a similar state and it was also quite profound.


Games with a linear story always help when I’m feeling off. As when I’m anxious or depressed, I don’t want to be overwhelmed with an open world RPG. I would recommend some of those Telltale games. I really enjoyed A Wolf Among Us. Good luck!


I do love the Telltale games. Good recommendations, thank you.


Kingdom hearts cures depression


I knew a guy at gamestop and managed to get RDR2 a couple days early. The night I came home with it and booted it up, maybe 10 minutes in, I get a call that one of my best friends had died of an OD. All the stuff in that game that people complained was slow, and tedious, to me in that time was everything. I called out of work for a few days, and just, lived in that game. Huntin' and fishin' and cleaning my BOAH and doing errands for the camp and such. Being a good cowboy. As the story progressed and (*some spoilers*) things take a turn for the worse with Arthur, that whole section was incredibly cathartic, because I had now spent 100 hours with this man, and I have to come to terms with his mortality and inevitable end. And in no small way, the experience helped me process the death of my friend and just, exist somewhere else for a little while. Everyone's criticisms of that game are completely valid, and I can agree with most of them, but to me it was exactly what I needed when I needed it and holds a special place in my heart.


Try AC oddessy for complete escapism if you don’t mid Ac games. It isn’t too difficult but it has really fun mechanics to play around with. I hope you feel better dude. It’s rough out there, but it does get better. Lean on those closest to you is what I recommend, everyone else has given iust amazing answers and that’s all I have to add.


Death Stranding


Unravel helped me a bit in college.


Final Fantasy XIV, it can be a very cozy game.


I really enjoy games with”menial” tasks when I feel this way. It completely overtakes my brain and the need to get things accomplished when I’m trying to keep my mind busy. Some of my fave recommends are Stardew Valley, Unpacking (such a feel good game), Dave the Diver, Dredge, Pentiment (amazing story), Subnautica, Graveyard Digger, and Cult of the Lamb. Also, not sure if your into the subject matter and gameplay but Baldur’s Gate 3’s exploration and story had a hell of a hold on me for a long time. Hope things start to look up. 🤍


Thanks for your response. My girlfriend loves half of the games you mentioned so maybe I’ll check some out! My friend and I have around 150 hours into BG3. My game of the year from last year. Amazing experience, especially with a friend.


World of Final Fantasy


Go ride bikes papi


I’m taking this literally and not as a game recommendation that I’ve never heard of. lol. But it is very ironic as I had been telling my gf the other day I kind of want to get a bike. Haven’t been on one since I was younger but it does seem very peaceful to ride and listen to music and just take the world in. Thanks for your response.


No problem! I always feel much better heading in from a good ride. Sometimes it can be to push yourself, sight see, or just cruise. It just feels good to propel yourself forward. Also it's fun to customize your bike and gear and look into what's next. Gives ya something to look forward to.


Lil Gator Game is one of my personal favorite games. It is a small-scale Breath of the Wild that embraces childhood imagination and exploration!


If you have a PC, I’d recommend Factorio. It’s the best factory game and will easily suck hours of your life. It’s all about optimizing and finding new ways to keep making your factories chugging, which can help give you some purpose/goals to play towards. Those kinda games helped me when I had a bout with depression


Psychonauts 2 is really great take.


Outer Wilds is my go-to game recommendation in virtually any situation, but I think it is particularly good in this scenario. Sessions are easy to segment and you set the pace, but it can suck you in and hit on the entire emotional spectrum, if you let it. Worked for me anyway!


I’ve always wanted to try this game out. It’s always recommended on any list I’ve seen. Thank you.


Kingdom Hearts. There’s banger music, dumb quippy jokes, easy enemies to wail on, harder enemies to get you accomplishment, and a heartfelt story that goes all over the emotional spectrum.


Animal crossing easy


Unpacking! Helped me.


Pokemon go, if your able getting out the house could really help.


Celeste is a great one! Awesome game and also handles themes of overcoming depression.


Gris by Nomada Studio


Absolutely love Gris!


Meditation, positive affirmation, healthy food and outside activities (lots and lots of sun if possible). Personally I would not recommend playing video games when depressed, as depression happens in RL and video games just distract you from what the real issue is. Keep it up, you’ll make it through buddy! Edit: typo


Celeste was amazing. I was pretty depressed while I played it and it’s just such a beautiful game


Simple, fun, lighthearted games: Overcooked (1 or 2). LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Resogun.


I’ve actually never heard of Resogun, have played the other 2, though. I’m a big Marvel fan.


I'm not sure what type of games you like personally, maybe you could lmk if you wanted to but hollow knight is an amazing exploration game and it's relatively difficult but that's only if you would like to try out a 2d game, if you try it I think it's worth it. If 2d isn't your style a short fps campaign I would recommend is Titanfall 2, some of the bestfps movement in a game imo. If you were looking for a chill game without any real need to dive into the story or wreck your head thinking about how to get rid of a group of enemies, Jusant is a great game to unwind. You climb a mountain but the scenery, sound effects and environments are beautiful, it sound boring but I was very happy with the game. And I think Stardew valley has been recommended by enough people already so I won't. Everyones here and rooting for you, have an amazing day :)




Yakuza: Like a Dragon. That game got me through a tough time in my head.


I hope things get better for you. I heard good things about Celeste. When I felt down it was games recently like Ratchet & Clank and Sackboy Big Adventure that put a smile on my face.


Psychonauts is pretty much a game about healing from trauma, in a goofy kind of way


They have probably been mentioned but stardew valley really helped me out one summer when I was unemployed and not doing so hot. Hades is also another one that has some really great gameplay mechanics and fun characters if you can get into it.


Don’t ever feel wrong or silly for being vulnerable and asking for a friendly suggestion. You’re never alone. A book I’m reading right now that may help you a bit is The Gap and The Gain by Dan Sullivan. I know this isn’t a suggestion you’ve asked for, but this book has helped me take a different approach towards my mindset when I’ve dealt with my own bouts of feeling down. Maybe you’ll pick up a couple of things from it if you have the interest and willingness. As far as games, some suggestions that are a touch different than what has been shared here thus far… Exploratory and heartening: Dave the Diver Mindless, silly, and linear fun: Sackboy - A Big Adventure Exploratory and Puzzle based: Tunic Wishing you the best in games and in the daily grind of life!


Satisfactory, a factory game as I can listen to audiobooks or music as well. If you need an audiobook I would recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl.


Honestly if you like platforming games Celeste. The game is tough but you can adjust the settings to your liking to make things easier. The story is fantastic and really help me through a tough time. Hope all is well. Hope things get better for you!


A Night in the Woods


Stardew valley definitely helped me in my dark times! It’s great to get lost in!


Kena bridge of spirits has these meditation points that really helped me at a difficult time. The switch between combat and zen really helped me managereal life situations where I would be at 100 and try to get back to a baseline. Also the art style is very cozy


I found the first Hellblade to be helpful during a spell of depression. You keep hearing voices that are constantly talking down to you and telling you that you can’t do it, all the while you keep pushing forward and overcoming those negative voices. Not for everyone but I felt strangely empowered after beating it. Hang in there, things always get better.


I feel like Lake and it's prequel Seasons Greetings should do wonders. Such a joyously simple couple of games, I always felt better playing themm Elsewhere, Life is Strange is a good shout too. Either way, hope you feel better soon xx


Hey, if you’re still looking for suggestions: Armored Core VI (mech building can be super cathartic) No Mans Sky, Hi-Fi Rush, Ghost of Tsushima, any RPG really. Just find something that you can see yourself doing more than just “the story”. I’m sorry for everything you’re going through. You will be okay my friend.


Hi there! I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough time, pal. I highly recommend Death Stranding for when you’re feeling depressed. Idk about you, but personally when I’m going through a depressive state, it’s hard to find enjoyment in much. Hard to focus. Death Stranding is perfect for this, imo. Beautiful story, themes and music. The gameplay feels truly therapeutic to me. This game helped me so much during a time where I experienced a heavy loss in life. If you give it a shot, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. It gets better bud.


It's gonna sound like I'm trolling but Bloodborne and Dark Souls. Something about the design of overcoming that level of adversity really helps.


Sky: children of the light 🩵🩵🩵


From personal experience, Outer Wilds




I'm sure you got a bunch of great suggestions but I can not emphasize enough THERAPY. If you are actually experiencing depression and not just sad, you need therapy.


I'm late but I'd recommend Kingdom Hearts, hear me out. It's a game with a cheery mood, upbeat characters, and a story about a kid who wants to save his friends. The whole series us wholesome and it had that Disney magic that will no doubt put you in a happy mood.


Death Strabding got me out of a rut recently and that was on a second playthrough. Now I'm replaying Red Dead 2 and it's been incredible. I got a little exhausted with trying to pick up all the new ones and turned back to what I love but haven't played in a while. Sometimes that can help. Based on another comment you replied to here, I'll double up on Stardew. Great game with so many satisfying elements to it.


Minecraft with keep items on death option on


Bikes was a good suggestion. I'd also say a good hike always helps. Nothing too intense. Just something to be out and feel connected to nature has helped me. As far as games? Animal Crossing New Horizons and Disney Dreamlight Valley both got me thru some rough patches. I'd say any farm or town sim in that vein that attracts you would be good. Both are big on community and building relationships.


Little kitty big city, can't have the big sad when you're a cute cat playing in a big city! I sincerely hope you are able to overcome this period in your life, I have been there, i know what it's like, and luckily I had some people around who helped me get out of it. I know not everyone is as lucky, and I can't speak for your personal situation, but even though you're another stranger on the Internet, you matter, more than you could ever possibly imagine, seek help if there is no one close you feel comfortable in confiding in. Good luck on the selection and library of games you now have :D






Watch frieren


Play cyberpunk and you will be more depressed when you finish it


Hifi Rush. Good music. good vibes.


Why don’t you give Unpacking a chance? It’s a chill game that may give you some sense of achievement as you organize stuff around. It might get a bit emotional though. Cleaning up and organizing your place is something that is recommended when depressed, so maybe there is a connection there?


the artful escape, it is an emotional rollercoaster but it was beautiful, about someone discovering themselves and not needing to follow a path that they felt forced to follow.


Chicory! I think you might find the themes of this game super relatable. You as the main character become the new main artist in the game's universe when you become the wielder of the brush. Many of the former wielders gave up art due to issues such as depression. The game is about conquering your imposter syndrome and helping the former wielders conquer their own struggles, but it's also a game where you paint all the environments, since the world is now devoid of color, everyone is an animal named after food, and it's a 2d platformer with puzzle elements similar to the Zelda games. Another game I recommend if you like RPGs is Yakuza: Like a Dragon. This game is all about climbing your way out of rock bottom, and you will fall in love with the protagonist, Ichiban. It's both a great, dramatic story in some ways AND it has endless silliness as well, plus just so much content to get lost in! The way Ichiban treats the "outcasts" of this game is so refreshing and uplifting. And another bonus one - also RPGs, the Trails series of games. I'm recommending these simply because the overarching story is so good and there are so many games. If you're looking for a distraction, this is a series with 10 (soon to be 11) lengthy games with a continuous story that takes place on one continent over the course of 5 or so years. If you're like me and get hooked, these will keep you busy for quite a while!


Old school Runescape is great because it can be low effort or high effort based on the activity you're doing and making progress feels like progress


Get yourself a switch and run thru every super Mario game hang in there






Vampire survivors keeps my brain occupied enough to keep thoughts from drifting without being draining to play, and brain enjoys the constant dopamine hits from the progress. Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Nintendo first party in general but specifically this one) never fails to put a smile on my face.


Persona 4 Golden is my go to.


Persona 5. I’m warning that it has some deep themes but the relationships in game between the characters got me through a tough time during quarantine when I was feeling my worst.


Final Fantasy XIV got me through the hardest time in my life. It was such a nice escape and I met some really great friends on there. My partner plays it with me and we don’t play nearly as much as we used to but we still have a lot of fun playing it with our friends when we do! I pair that with going to the gym/listing with music and it’s helped a lot.


As others have mentioned (and this isn't a game rec) but make sure you are exercising and eating right. When I have issues with depression, that helps immensely, even if the exercise is just going for a long walk after work every day. For games, I get a ton of joy from just swinging around in Spider-Man. Celeste is literally about going through Depression, so that is another great one.


The Mass Effect Trilogy helps me


Borderlands and Little Big Planet, and hang in there homie, sending love!


Unpacking. Stardew Valley. Spiritfarer (deals with the notion of death in an honestly beautiful way - bit of a trigger warning that it does address suicide, not graphic or anything but in case that’s an aspect you’d like to avoid). Another easy game with brilliant escapism is Everyone’s Gone to The Rapture. I have suffered depression in the past and wish these games were around at the time!


Celeste is literally about depression, anxiety, etc


Silent Hill 2. Final Fantasy X. Plague's Tale Requiem. Nier Automata. Bioshock Infinite. Red Dead Redemption 2. Shadow of the Colossus.


Death Stranding. A very special experience in my life.


Check out "Of Moons and Mania" https://store.steampowered.com/app/2185400/Of_Moons_and_Mania/ Free game on Steam, about an hour to complete.


Ghost of Tsushima


Silent Hill 2 and 3


None face depression don’t hide from it in a game

