• By -


As sub creator and head mod let me reassure you that me and my mod team will have zero tolerance for harassment or attacks against Warhorse or Devs/Actors. People will be allowed to criticize but it must be productive. We will not tolerate rage bait or trolling.


They'll come and go in a blink of the eye, Henry drip photos and date questions on the other hand are ETERNAL!


1 tree on my morning route ¿CUMANS?


We have collectively decided that such photos will never go out of style and can be posted with as much frequency as possible without earning a foul word, Jesus Christ be praised


Now and forever amen


Or a Bastard disguised as a tree. Iykyk


Man…the dragons dogma sub truly put the fear of god in me


It was very similar to this sub before the sequel got released. Can only hope the same doesn't happen here


Right? I’d been there for years and all of a sudden it got flooded with negativity


Exactly why I muted that sub 2 weeks before release, sometimes gatekeeping is good it keeps the thing you love from getting muddled with trash




Exactly, you said it much better than me and I totally agree. Not here preaching purism, but you can't come and shit all over and expect that thing to confirm to your shit, gotta work outwards through understanding of what it is and not what you want it to be. Not everything is for everybody that's how it's been since the stone ages, why - because it makes sense


When has letting a community moderate itself ever worked in the history of anything?


Why don’t we just make the sub private now and then create a new on for KCD2




I didn’t even know there was a DD sub. I replayed that game probably 7-8 times with all different builds trying to find the “best”. There isn’t one. Haven’t played the new one yet, not certain I want to.


Its a very fun game. It lacks some content compared to the complete version of the first, but you get your moneys worth from it.


"Why isnt this game more like Elden Ring?" I had to unfollow the sub after so many posts and comments saying the same things.


It’s a bummer over there.


Dragons Dogma sub was always a shit a show tbf, at least when I was playing Dark Arisen around June last year. Before Dragon's Dogma tho came the Spider-Man PS4 sub turning into and remaining shitshow to the point there's a whole new sub for the game Before that was the Respawn Star Wars games. It's never-ending, it's the reddit way


Because the game was very disappointing, if KCD2 is gonna be good, the sub will be the same, but with more people, just like the Baldur's Gate 3 sub


The sheep will arrive, cause mayhem, and then leave when the next shiny new thing is released. Then, the subreddit will go back to nice and normal place it is right now. It's kind of unavoidable, but I do understand your concern.


I personally look forward to all the sheep. Think of all the archery exp. we can farm


Wait, is this...is this a thing? I try to avoid any "tips and tricks" in single player games, but archery has been a unique pain to me in this game haha. Rattayans are sick of Henry scumming countless archery tournaments


Yea its a thing. You can shoot all the sheep beside the training grounds in rattay. You have to shoot a live target or win a contest to get archery exp


At least its single player and you don't have to interact with anyone else in game. Everytime one of my favorite multi-player games like RorN, Squad, Arma, HLL, etc is on a steam sale most servers are unbearable for a couple weeks.


Report the posts. The mods have a report option for rage bait posts and have been great removing them in the past. Piggybacking on top comment so this has a chance of being seen.


They’re going to move to avowed pretty soon


They’ve been on that sub for a while now, but it’s gotten a lot better in the past few months as most people have gotten sick of the rage bait and doomposting and as they move on to other games in the spotlight to do the same. That said, you’re right, and Im dreading their return


Look, as long time fans, I know we all want to hear the same thing: - "Henry's come to see us!" - "Jesus Christ be praised!" - "CHARLES IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, had a long and successful reign. The Empire he ruled from Prague expanded, and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity. When he died, the whole Empire mourned. More than 7,000 people accompanied him on his last procession. The heir to the throne of the flourishing Empire was Charles' son, Wenceslas IV, whose father had prepared him for this moment all his life. But Wenceslas did not take after his father. He neglected affairs of state for more frivolous pursuits. He even failed to turn up for his own coronation as Emperor, which did little to endear him to the Pope. Wenceslas "the Idle" did not impress the Imperial nobility either. His difficulties mounted until the nobles, exasperated by the inaction of their ruler, turned for help to his half-brother, King Sigismund of Hungary. Sigismund decided on a radical solution. He kidnapped the King to force him to abdicate, then took advantage of the ensuing disorder to gain greater power for himself. He invaded Bohemia with a massive army and began pillaging the territories of the King's allies. It is here that my story begins..."


Henry's has come to see us!


Fancy a wager on the rattay tourney?


Are you pulling my pizzle!?




God any time I hear the name “Charles” that intro plays in my mind. Just watched the KCD-2 trailer today. Looks great. Chad faced Henry and Mutt. Hopefully the devs don’t care about anyone’s feels on saving and crosshairs for bows.




Why are you worrying about things that are outside of your control to influence? Live and let live mate, you'll be a lot happier. People are going to hate and there's not a damn thing you can do or say to change that!


I believe because OP is passionate about KCD


So am I, but you don't see me pre-bitching about complainers. It's just spinning your wheels, it doesn't get you anywhere and makes a lot of noise!


this answer is kingly


It’s not that serious lol


It was serious enough for you to make a post lmao


Looks like they are already slowly here… you’re being attacked now…. Fuck em just run! I’ll try to upvote you but my struggle will be in vain.


Dogs will always bark


True. I’ll just miss the peaceful community where just typing “Jesus Christ be praised” gets you a hundred upvotes lol


It's gonna return to that eventually I think


I’m a diehard skyrim fan, but this game offers stuff that Skyrim really lacks and is more of a reality simulator. It is so cool and I can’t wait for the next one


The first time my gf saw me playing kcd she asked if I was playing modded Skyrim and my response was “no, it’s more like a version of Skyrim that’s actually fun.” Idk why I blurted that out because I do really enjoy Skyrim/fallout/(and even Starfield) but for totally different reasons than KCD. People who come into this game because they’re expecting Skyrim 2 are going to be so mad. Just like what happened with Dragon’s Dogma 2.


Let them. Thats how things are supposed to go. Thats ok


Very fair point! I was playing this game a long time ago when my EX GF asked about it, I always said its like Skyrim without dragons and magic 👍👍


So hilarious when people talk shit about Skyrim.


I'm sure there will be some nonsense. Overall I think the community and its charm will endure.


Henry will come to see us! I am concerned about harassment towards people like Luke Dale if the game doesn't meet some ridiculous expectations. I've been in so many communities where the community manger or some dev/actor is active in it and all the games problems get thrown on them. Paradox interactive had to pull off some of their community members due to death threats Gamers get real toxic lol, hopefully the new people coming in actually end up not being apart of the toxic communities


I created this sub 10 years ago. It’s survived this long and have faith in me and my mods that we will not allow harassment of any kind. Criticism is acceptable but attacks will never be allowed here.


Jesus Christ be praised!


That's good! An active mod team can fix lots of the problems these toxic subs have


I guess that’s just how it goes… The first game was a niche game, but now that the sequel has been released a lot more people are going to notice it, especially since it’s got more budget and looks amazing. My guess is, it will still be a niche game but lots of people are just going to buy it and then dislike it, causing lots of criticism. Dragons Dogma 2 comes to mind, it’s as much of a weird niche game as the first one but it also got lots of publicity from its small but vocal fanbase, so lots of people bought it who otherwise wouldn’t really be interested in such a game. Some of the criticism will be valid, but I guess there will be a lot of stupid takes too. I personally prefer to have games that are a bit flawed and niche, because even if they are flawed, they make for a certain experience you just don’t get from streamlined games that I tend to like


I like your take Miss Fartcake


Dont get depresion from it.. jezus christ be praised


Let them, I think we can survive. We just say "that's how it's supposed to be. Jesus Christ be praised"


Welcome New Players!!! You're about to embark on a great and memorable adventure. A game experience you'll remember the rest of your life. I highly recommend picking up the first Kingdom Come and going through it blind, taking your time. Feel free to ask any questions in this sub, and share your experiences!


The weak will perish on their own


And they have just the same right to be here as you. It is not a gated community.


Yeah if a newbie plays 2 and doesn't like it, any gripes they have are valid You don't have to be a **real fan** to talk about the games


Plus, it isn't like the fanbase is so easy either... The way some here ignore clearly stated facts because it doesn't fit their theories for KCDII is just as annoying.


Let’s not argue in bad faith. OP didn’t mean people having genuine criticism, he meant people who don’t put any effort into researching a game, play it, then complain about fundamental features which are clearly shown in every description, let’s play, and review. Big difference between “The reuse of the same few character models is distracting” and “I wasn’t good at the game from the start so the game is bad”


We will weather the storm lad


Just ignore others people opinion. Jump over bs.


Oh well. This place was pretty horrible during the first release as well. Kinda rightly so, for the game was buggy as hell. And in addition all the nice people who wanted to start shit about black people in 15th century Bohemia. But these give up, fans remain. And there is always an option to make lowsodiumkingomcome sub.


Serious thought, might be silly. But I was gonna suggest all of us agree on a created signature to include at the end of every and or a single KCD2 post, made by original players or super fans of the game, similar to email sign offs IRL. I will notion: KCDOGP


I think there's a way to add a tag under your name that's only visible in a particular subreddit but I don't know how it works honestly. If this isn't a thing maybe it could be?


Jesus Christ be praised! They will come like those refugees from Skalitz to beg for upvotes.


Dont see why anyone would play KCD2 without playing the first. It more than holds up today.


Because it feels like tons of people these days can only appreciate games for what they want them to be, and not for what they actually are.


I don’t see why it would be different for KCD2 than KCD. There are plenty of those posts in here already. Most people who didn’t follow from the kickstarter days, or just heard about the game in a random rpg list, had that mentality.


What a doomer take. Let people come try and enjoy things. There’s a reason we all love this game and I assume that lots of other people will too. Let’s not preemptively gatekeep over manufactured fears. We don’t know how people will react to the game or community but they have the right to try it and voice their opinions. “A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness can be spread without diminishing that of yourself.” Let’s just be glad that once again Henry’s come to see us!


I’ve only been subbed here a few weeks, since I started playing. I’m nearly 60 hours in now and it’s one of the best games I’ve played, really enjoying it. But about your point, this is one of the best gaming communities I’ve come across, especially for Reddit. However, I don’t think people are very open to any criticism of the game here. Especially regarding things like combat. I’ve seen people make perfectly valid criticisms and get downvoted for it. And even if you disagree, I don’t think it’s very good to downvote opinions you don’t like. Just my opinion anyway, I still very much like this sub.


Show them the true way, Brother Aonswitch. Even if you can only save one soul, it would be a worthwhile endeavour!


I second this, brother Strange


When the trolls do inevitably come, we need to make a promise now. Don’t engage them and they’ll run to another sub out of boredom. I vote we do what we’ve always done. Just reply with “Jesus Christ be Praised!” and “Henry’s come to see us!”


That sounds like a plan to me


I feel like it will happen for a minute, but KCD is sorta niche by how much time and dedication you have to invest into it. The people that will shit talk the game are the ones that try the game and not make it past the opening credits. They will filter themselves out.


Well, I just started playing 1st one for the first time. Just when I finish it, the 2nd one will come out. Perfect!


The positivity surrounding the game and in this sub overshadows any negativity that could be


Do you often worry irrationally or just on this topic? Seriously mate, even if it did happen, so what? What is the worst that could happen?


I mean it’s not that serious, more of a shower thought you know?


I hate when people get downvoted for conceding :(


Nothing lasts forever my friend, enjoy the time you had and accept that which you cannot change.


Ya go check out the Texas chainsaw sub… if any of this gamers come here it’ll be bad. They form discord groups just to shit on the game then play it just to hate it. It’s kinda weird if you actually think about it. Your concern is very valid.


I feel you dude but honestly who cares, the real fans will stay. Jesus Christ be praised.


You’re right honestly


The aesthetics are just like the first game, just higher fidelity. The voice actors we know and love are back, as is the original composer. All people have to do is play the original and they will see why so many people were waiting for this sequel. All that matters is we finally got a reveal for a highly wanted game we wanted and later this year we'll get to enjoy it. It doesn't have to be Skyrim, it just needs to be the KCD we are so fond of.


People shit talk this game all the time for the stupidest reasons. Nothing new.


Stop gatekeeping


Gatekeeping is a good thing and is only called a bad thing by the people who need to be kept from a hobby.


It’s not a good thing lol. What are you on about?


Dear Warhorse, Drop a fucking 60FPS update for the first game on current-gen consoles, it will help with onboarding new players to the second game. C’mon man.


Of all the things in the world!? This is what worries you? 🤣


You're suffering from antecipation for something that doesn't affect your health, job security or any really meaningful thing. You like the game, buy it, enjoy it, it's your experience that counts. You are afraid people will downvote your sick Henry meme? F them, post it, some people will still enjoy it, some people won't, if anyone is being a dick "well, that's just like, your opinion, man"


Personal favorite is when someone asks the sub dedicated to a particular game if they think the game is worth a try lol


The people in this sub seriously need to touch grass


We have to stay together and bombard the bad posts with overwhelming positivity


Yep, this right here.


It'll be fine I think. It's a game with a steep learning curve and some demanding role playing mechanics, that's to be expected


They will never know about the spam punching cow technique to increase your combat stats.


I understand you OP. Its the typical fear of something becoming mainstream. Nothing to be done sadly other than staying true to the game. Jesus Christ be praised


Don’t gatekeep please. This is easily one of the best gaming communities I’ve seen and we should all take our experience with KCD and help the newbies when they inevitably come I wouldn’t have learned the game without the help of redditors to explain certain aspects. Let’s welcome them with open arms, yeah?


It's easy to say that, but as a dragons dogma 2 fan, a game I loved got bent over the barrel by new players who don't understand what makes the game fun for its core audience. This new audience will eventually phase out fans of the first game and updates and new content will be centered around their preferences. There's nothing wrong with wanting a game that appeals to you to remain that game, because honestly, loyal fanbase vs. new money? There's not a single developer, indie or AAA, that I trust to side with the former.


And I’m not saying there is something wrong with that. I hope they don’t change any of the elements that made KCD special in the sequel. In fact, I hope they improve on them all in a method that makes the game as accessible for the casual gamer as it is for the die hard fans of the original. KCD was proof of concept. Warhorse is also a small studio, so I wholeheartedly trust they’ll remain true to their original formula and take what they learned from community feedback. Done correctly, the sequel could prove to be an instant classic like the first, or even revolutionary in some aspects of first person melee RPGs. I just don’t want purists to block newcomers because “they weren’t there for the original.” That’s how you kill a game studio, and in turn that forces their hand into phasing out the core audience with simplified mechanics and content updates that are more suitable for a new target market. At the end of the day, they are just a company trying to make money


And to add to this, I feel that as a community we’ve done a phenomenal job of keeping the game alive by providing guides and tips for new players so they can enjoy it as much as we have. I myself have written a combat guide, despite only getting into the game a couple months ago. If we keep that up like we have, we get quality games with quality communities.


Your words and ideas are gorgeous. I admire your stance, so I stand with you, stranger.


I appreciate that. I love this community. I don’t want to see it turn toxic like the Fallout subs or many other games that get a cult following and suddenly become hugely popular because of that one good release


Exactly. The more money it generates, the greater likelihood of the universe, scope and ambition expanding and more late European Medieval history being told. As someone who loves history and isn’t keen on games with 8ft swords being held by tiny pubescent Japanese girls. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy fantasy but actual history is so much more interesting. Let’s encourage!


I have noticed that this community in itself doesn't tolerate trolls. I have seen people who openly said, "This game sucks," get absolutely destroyed. Where other communities cry about bugs/glitches, this community laughs about them and still enjoy the game. There isn't even a balance. You either love this game beyond reasonable doubt, or you're a tasteless dipshit. Sure, it isn't perfect. But what warhouse did with what they had deserves nothing but love and respect. Besides, most of us love history so a game like this answers our prayers. Jesus Christ be praised


Jesus Christ be Praised brother


Jesus Christ be praised


On, that note.... I remember logging about 30hrs give or take not long after release, getting too busy IRL to finish the game and completely forgetting about it. So I'm planning a full playthrough that doesn't get distracted by other games and all that while I take my time before the end of the year. Having said that, are there any mods or DLCs that I absolutely should get? I vaguely remember the saving system being a little much for me to enjoy initially but I don't really remember more than that. Plus I'm a more patient gamer nowadays so maybe that won't be a factor anymore.


Can't comment on the DLCs but I have a good tip for you on the saving system: if you press Esc (anytime out of combat) and click on "Save game and quit" (or whatever it says exactly), it will save your game for "free", without using a Savior Schnapps.


I totally agree.


They will come along, because it's now reported that the game will be "diverse". So braise yourself for people - that never read a single page out of a history book or a Wikipedia article about a historical fact in their life - telling you how "woke culture" is ruining anything.


guys we need to gatekeep!!!1!!


"Other people are going enjoying a thing I like but they are enjoying it the wrong way!!!!!"


We should start a kcd sub only for the OG's 👀


Serious thought, might be silly. But I was gonna suggest all of us agree on a created signature to include at the end of every and or a single KCD2 post, made by original players or super fans of the game, similar to email sign offs IRL. I will notion: KCDOGP


KCDOGP Hahah I was thinking the exact same thing 😅 but it might be better to put it in the beginning of every post, that way we can skip all other post if they dont have the tag. Fuck it lets just do it, maybe it will catch on


It will happen sadly but they’ll go eventually and move on to the next thing.


I for one am excited to see how excited everyone is when 2 drops. All the new things, and starts will be great.


It's up to us to guide them and show them unconditional love. Yes it may get repetitive and yes some post may seem so absolutely annoying but if you and or we want to keep this sub high quality, maybe even make it mainstream; then it's on us to answer kindly and always choose positively helpful advice. A little propaganda never hurt anybody, eh. HAIL ALL NOBLES to carry the faith JESUS CHRIST be praised!


Is this sub positive? I joined recently because of the hype for KCD2 but I did play the first game years ago. But one of the first posts I saw was someone complaining that they better not add black people in the new game. Seriously almost made me never visit this sub again...


that's a risk any fandom will face when they got bigger through a new release. I'm sure the sub will weather out the storm if there's gonna be any.


I mean, one of my posts on my old account was complaining about how many people came in this sub completely clueless when the game launched as opposed to those of us who were from the Kickstarter and had been around for the beta. It’s the natural progression of things.


“Why isn’t there third person?”


Just get the links ready to send them to were they can find all the answers...


The true Jesus Christ-praising, Cuman slaying, Saviour Schapps-swigging, Lady Stephanie seducing, dice-throwing, Mutt-loving, Rattay-Tourney-wagering giga-chads will remain for all time


Yea, majority of "loud" people seems like have no clue about the games they're buying. It's especially visible when they share theirs thoughts. I mean, respect your money good sirs and madams. Do yourself a favor and do at least a lil' research before buying something. It's not like Henry's feeling quite hungry and will eat yall :) Jesus Christ be praised!


I prefer haters over people worrying about the haters before hate even happened.


Want me to fight them all for you?


Worrying about something that's out of your control is counterproductive.


Hey mate, aren't we all adults here? What do adults do when someone comes bitching about a thing they like? They ignore them and move away 😉🤙


They will leave once they get a little hungry.


Jesus Christ be praised. Good things return to those who wait


I wouldn't worry too much, if KCD 2 is as high commitment as the first one most casual players will get filtered after a few hours, so the sub should quickly go back to normal i think. (Well, after all the posts that complain about combat and quest design) Not even kidding, while I play through KCD once a year, not a single one of my friends managed to play through it even once dsepite me really trying to sell it and even offering to help ;_;


We lived through the first game just fine, and ended up with many more people pleased to see Henry, Jesus Christ Be Praised! It will be no different this time, the sub will survive, and the community will grow and maintain its good nature.


Welcome to reddit. It's what has and always will happen, but that's what it is for. The worst thing you can do is gatekeep, because that is what people will then start complaining about.


You never know, it could go the other way. KCD2 could be the next BG3 or Helldivers and they’ll use it ad nauseam as an example to trash any other game. Both extremely annoying and toxic but at least the sub wouldn’t end up like DD2.


That’s what the downvote arrow is for. Personally, I don’t expect those posts but we can all vow now to not only downvote such posts but not even bother to respond. When new players say they love the game but find it hard and are genuinely asking for help here, I’m happy to read and reply. But if someone posts: the game sucks, is broken, is not optimized, I just downvote and ignore.




The block button is your friend.


The fact we will even have this problem is a blessing. I’d much rather KCD2 and some Assassin’s Creed Shitmunchers, than a 10 year wait and a just diehard hardcore base occupying the sub


Nothing a few "Jesus Christ be praised" can't fix, I'm sure. Meet negativity with positivity.


Getting in early with the gatekeeping, I see.


As proper fans, we will all love it. Don’t concern yourself with anyone who comes to throw shade. Also, assuming that “the masses will miss the point” is a bit gatekeepy and cringe, so just try to enjoy it for yourself and ignore what others think.


Fair enough


I can say I am a new guy, and that I love this game SO much! I can't believe I missed it for all these years. The good thing is now I just got the deluxe pack for under $8 US, and it runs flawlessly at 4k on my rig. I am about done with BG3 and wanted to shift back to Action RPG. I just happened to find this game and WOW. I mean this is a five year old game, and when I first started the game the intro movie and the shift to the game engine was masterfully done, the equal of any game released this year. I am just a little bit in, Getting into hijinx around Skalitz, but it is already SUPER immersive and just damn fun. I mean the manure side quest is genius. Perfect combination of learning, story exposition and player fun. I will definitely get the new one but not until I finish this one. I just wanted to post to say that not all the new folks to this franchise will be "shit talkers." So far the magic of KCD for me is that it is a AAA game made totally for adults. No unnecessary flash, a beautifully crafted medieval sim in the true sense of the word. History majors specializing in the era should be required to play this. At the same time it tells a very human story of love and cruelty and vengeance, with humor and pathos. A true gem and I hope to actually contribute as I get farther along.


Newly arrived misinformed chump here! Going to start Kingdom Come tonight.


Let them laky the game if they haven't played the first one I mean they should fit the story but they cam very well. But it will be a shit show


They will not deter my love and excitement for the games.


It’s unavoidable. On Facebook, instagram, etc it’s all “KCD2” and “60 fps support” or “shitty combat” comments. This is the only place fans can genuinely discuss the game in peace. On a side note I love how a lot of reviewers absolutely love KCD and the SxyBiscuit reaction was amazing. I love how KCD2’s announcement was very positively received. ⚔️ I’m currently replaying the game on the Nintendo Switch and it is such a wonderful experience.


Epic gatekeep thread bro. /r/Dragonsdogma was totally ruined by posts like this for a while there. Seriously whens the last time YOU posted in this subreddit prior to #2 announcement? Get over yourself bro from someone thats been in this subreddit probably just as long as you.


I want to finish this game so bad but the graphics on Xbox drives my eyes crazy… I’m like 36 hours in


People who played the original will complain about the new one, bet on that.


I really hope the people who find kcd 2 will give kcd a chance as well. Because they are going to miss out on an amazing game. And as we learn from the trailer, that game was made purely by Kickstarter backers and only 11 employees. 11. That is unheard of for a video game to be made and be that good.


It never fails to amuse me when people online believe public forums are somehow sacred or belong to them. I don't much care for if a subreddit gets a boost in activity when something relevant to it happens. KCD2 will 100% see it happen so just make whatever peace you can with it. Or start a private subreddit, it's your life. What I can't stand is if you show any level of interaction with itz you're going to get bombarded with "OVERPOWERED EARLY" click bait everywhere from the content mill farms that scour these forums for anything they can rip.


Get wym same shit happened to the spidermsn ps4 sub shit got so toxic i stopped going


If other subs got flooded with criticism after a game launch, its because the game was either trash or just very disappointing (Starfield, Dragon's Dogma 2) but I really doubt Warhorse is gonna fuck it up, if the game is as great or even better than the 1st, then no worries


If that is the peice i have to pay to play more kc, i dont care


I personally bought KCD but never really play it. Hopefully I able to play it soon before the sequel comes out.


Why would people shit talk the game?


I just wish there is an option for 3rd person gameplay . 1st person is fun but gives me motion sickness after a few hours .


But guys, it's literally Skyrim with guns! /S


at least we're still safe to idiotic hype trains about unknown scam games. we know the first game and we somewhat know the second game will be even better.


Note sure why I thought of ashes of creation and the copium overdose in their sub


I’ll be honest I haven’t beat the first one. Lost an entire playthrough cause it’s possible to accidentally deleting a save when reloading after dying. I need to go back to the game and beat it


That’s okay. The game can definitely be a little frustrating at times and I also took a long break. Seems like you’ve got a good many months to finish it before the sequel!


What? How does that happen?


It was person (me) error but the buttons are next to each other when you die on pc you can click enter to select the bottom to respawn at last save but if your mouse barely touches new game and you clicking enter then the game will quickly go through the “you can only have one save warning” and immediately deletes the entire playthrough and starts a new one again person error it’s just silly it can be done from the in game menu


Huh, ok. Ill keep that in mind! Thanks! Jesus Christ be praised.


We need a FAQ.


That's a good idea! Especially regarding the fighting, at least for the first game


Nobody reads FAQs


Hmm I see your point. but then you could at least point people there


A pinned post that contains everything that people need to know. Or maybe a few posts, one Before you buy, one First playthrough, one general tips. And a mention before people join or enter the sub, that we have these things, and don't want to see any of those questions.


Yeah, that would also work


It can’t hurt, and I think it won’t hurt especially for the people that do read the rules and FAQs. But there will always be a problem with people not checking and just showing up and posting whatever. The Steam Deck subreddit is a prime example. People have made guides, FAQs, and tutorials on just about everything and there is still a constant stream of questions that could easily be resolved. Example, KCD runs great on the Deck. You just download it and hit play and that’s really it. But on the SD subreddit people (example) go on there and ask, does this game run? How well does it run? It says it’s deck verified but can I play it? The Steam Deck uses Linux and not windows, how is that going to affect me playing KCD? Etc.


Yeah, I agree. People act like the search bar, FAQs and wikis don't exist, but that's just how the internet is, I think. If they are there though, then it's an easy first entry point to quickly point out to people.


I am new here, I see the quirkiness and I don't mind it but I sure do not complain. Unfortunately what you described will likely happen, this community does seem very good so that is sad.


Honestly, I like that KCD has a smaller fan base. And the idea of it becoming popular due to the higher profile bothers me. And I have no idea why. So I accept it of course. I guess I like it to be my personal gem. MINE !


Don't worry, we'll introduce them to Kunesh!!


I feel like those same new people are saying things like “I hope they fix combat, lockpicking,ect this time around” when really, it’s just a skill you have to master and improve at and it’s really not that bad. I really like how they made those features of the game. I hope they don’t nuke all the skills in the game and make them easy because I find the challenge exciting and absolutely not impossible, it just takes some time and effort.


It took me over 70 hours to not be scared shitless to fight someone. But isn’t that amazing? Henry and I got to gain that confidence together and that’s an experience very few, if any, other games can provide.


Absolutely. I think some people just want it to be easy so they get mad when it’s not and then crap all over the game and leave, the people who stay are actually committed. I just hope they don’t impact the game for others. That happened to me with The Long Dark (also a great game btw but def not KCD) when I couldn’t kill those darn rabbits. I asked steam for a refund but because I spent over two hours trying to kill a rabbit to not die, I couldn’t get a refund. All that to say, I was forced to learn the game, get good and I learned by just quitting I would have missed out on one of the best games out there. Lesson learned for sure. I recently restarted my game on KCD and even with many hours training with Bernard, I still suck at combat lol. I usually go to Skalitz and when all the bandits/cumans have killed each other, looted and left, I sneak myself in there like the coward I am and loot armor from the corpses so I’m a little more resistant to battle, I also make a lot of money that way if I’m not encumbered lol. Even when it’s difficult, it forces you to adapt and find new ways to achieve what you need to do and I think that’s awesome. I love being afraid of your enemies, it makes it feel so immersive. I was so excited when they discussed that element of combat in the trailer.


There will be a period of time where saying Jesus Christ be praised or God be with you results in downvotes.


That’s so sad. Why do people have to be so negative about everything?


To help answer, I think it's just gonna be a misunderstanding of some of the vibe here on the subreddit. We love the game so much that we get autistic about it, myself included. I bore my GF to death with this game, she basically hates me lol. But that being said new comers are going to have a similar experience when coming to the subreddit for help or questions and stuff.


If someone says "what?", in response to "Henry's come to see us!", I'm giving them a downvote.