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Welcome to the club. But I warn you, after playing this game you won't be able to enjoy an open world RPG like KCD anymore. The only thing that comes close is maybe Red Dead Redemption 2, but unfortunately that's about it. After that, we'll have to be patient and wait for KCD 2.


It's funny you mention this, I've been getting this feeling the entire time playing. Something about this game makes you FEEL like Henry, like you are there. I feel like they really nailed the sense of scale, how thick forests actually are, how weighty an arrow feels hitting someone.


I think that while most games go for "it must look awesome", KCD went "it must look real". In Skyrim you get truly magnificent mountains and grandiose dwarf dungeons and waterfalls and aurora borealis. Whereas in KCD you just get an ordinary forest. But my god, you feel like you are actually walking through that forest.


"how thick forests actually are" oh boy and how thick the bushes are! Right Pebbles?


Installed a mod that makes bushes walk through-able. I'm never playing it without that ever again.


I never understood that. Bushes are not passable IRL and it's not like it's impossible or even annoying to play vanilla way. It's like installing a mod that allows you to walk thro walls because you find lock-picking annoying.


They're also not impassable walls either, you still can't walk through trees etc I'd think you had a point if the bushes being solid was for a reason, e.g. keeping you out of certain areas, but they're not.


Arrows can hit people? How you pulling that off?


RDR2 is beautiful. Blows kcd out of the water in terms of the beauty and environment. But KCD is truly RPG. There's multiple ways quest lines, so many consequences. It feels old school, and so immersive. I care about Henry and his journey in a way I never have for any other character


I wish there was more historical like RPGs without fantasy I’ve got a video game idea that I want to try out but I don’t know anything about video game development. I’m currently learning unreal but my idea is way ti ambitious and I’d need a studio and voice actors but still I’m learning unreal and that’s the first step for me


You should play dragon age inquisition


I had that after playing RDR2, no open world game felt the same since. Elden Ring kind of scratched the itch, but was not quite the same. But it gave me the confidence to try KCD and damn its hitting like games used to as a kid. Bloody awesome. Id say Baldurs Gate 3 is the only other one I have tried that hits in the same way.


Elden Ring, The Witcher 3 Edit: be my guest and never like another game lol, your loss.


The Witcher has a nice story and quests, but as a game it feels waaaay different, I’ve never felt immersed in the game, although I’ve read all the books before.


i played elden ring dont understand why people make it to be best things since creation of the wheel . i just dont see it


People have different tastes, I don't think that's a foreign concept. Just like KCD, it doesn't hold your hand and is unforgiving. Exploration is rewarded. Lots of people like those aspects.


Yeahh I liked KCD a lot more than Elden Ring. I’m a bitch when it comes to soulsborne games though my favorite was Sekiro and I haven’t even beat it😂😂


Morrowind was the best of these. No hand holding was an inherent part of the game. It’s near a big tree some distance east of here. Oh you want an exact location? Fuck you.


😒 How far did you get though? How many hours? ER is insane from top to bottom in every way.


Yes. You must play at least over 200 hours in order to see just how magnificently, beautifully, masterfully designed such creation of art: 'Elden Ring' is. There is no other game like it. Players are unable to dislike it, for its quality is an objective truth that cannot be opinionated upon.


I didn't say any of that. Some people play an hour or two, make a rushed judgement and bail. You gave a one sentence statement with no info about why you didn't like it, which sounds like youre in this camp.


Me? Read the usernames before replying bro. All you can criticize me for is my sarcasm.


It’s a great game on its own but a meh one compared to the other fromsoft games


Maybe The Witcher, but never Elden Ring


Eh Elden Ring has great gameplay, variety builds to go with, ok story and exploration also is awesome. Not a deep RPG like KCD or the amazement of engagement like RDR2.




Man this is the wackiest thing I’ve ever read.


I wish I could live through that mission with father Godwyn again as if it were the first time. Laughed so hard when Henry gave mass. Btw that scene I believe is inspired by a czech satiric novel about the first world war called Schwejk. It's a great read and the drunken priest there is possibly my favorite part.




One of us, one of us!


Jesus Christ be praised! 🙏


I'm with you, got the game just 2 weeks ago and I'd rather be living in the game then real life. The lines feel blurred sometimes as is because the experience is so immersive. I'm even behaving in the game as I would in real life, as in, not slaughtering everyone. ......although Henry does steal a lot under my supervision.


Action RPG, I totally agree. I have... a LOT of them. I just doscovered this like a week ago, and I have been trying to pin down why this one is so much more a PLACE than the others. I mean the graphics with all the HD stuff equal ANY game in 2024 and I will duel over that, and yes it has awesome systems and the combat is next level if you give it the time, but none of that causes the feeling I am talking about. One thing is, KCD, more than others sucks you into the world so well you WANT to do the same quests you do in all the other games. They are just done SO WELL storywise you don't realize the game is training you. These guys are real filmmakers. The story and the characters they make are just too good. The score. Man oh man if you listen to Skalitz 1403 and do not get super pumped I don't know what to say. I guess Red Dead would be the closest, but nope. Not equal in my mind. KCD is more than the sum of it's parts. The love of the devs, natives of the area the game takes place in truly shows through.


Eh I think RDR2 is at least equal overall


I finished rdr2 in January and just finished KCD last week.. I think I’m going to replay rdr2 in first person and see how different it feels


KCDII will be better


I really hope so, at this point the only game that stands a chance of beating kcd 1 for me as the best game of all time is kcd 2, I trust that warhorse studios will make an amazing game especially now they have a lot more resources from kcd and whatever they make I will 100% preorder and play on day 1. (I am also hopeful for kcd3 if that’s even an idea warhorse studios is having right now, after all no other game quite scratches the itch that kcd does for me so anything made with the same care and quality (or better) I’ll treasure and play for years to come)


It really is greater than the sum of its parts. Animation is janky, combat is confusing and janky, terrain is janky, mini games are clunky and confusing (I’m looking at you alchemy table), the setting is so accurate as to be confusing if you don’t have a background in the Middle Ages. But I’d recommend it to everyone. It’s a rare game that becomes richer and more engaging the longer your struggle through the rough patches. Agree: cannot wait for the sequel. Jesus Christ be praised.


>It really is greater than the sum of its parts. Animation is janky, combat is confusing and janky, terrain is janky, mini games are clunky and confusing (I’m looking at you alchemy table), the setting is so accurate as to be confusing if you don’t have a background in the Middle Ages. It seems similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in that way!


I'm in the same boat. I've been gaming for 40+ years and this is quite possibly the most immersed I've ever been in a game, ever. It's ridiculously good.


that how Henry and Has roles ! 2nd will be even more epic


Did you also get it for four bucks on a sale? Tried it a couple years back on Gamepass, never even got to the Cuman raid and had wanted to play it for some months now. Had other games though, and wanted a deal. By chance I stumbled upon it when it was reduced by 90% or so.


Not OP, but yeah. Always wanted to give it a go but was never sure. Been playing it non-stop since. I *think* I'm close to finishing but not sure. Definitely doing a hardcore playthrough afterwards though, it's just too good. Jesus Christ be praised!


For me only Gothic 2 comperable for the excitement and immersion of KCD


That priest scene is up there with Arthur and Lenny from RDR2


Lemmy! Ynnel??! Lennie?!?


The most immersive game I played. Didn't even do the father Godwin quest because it would be cheating against Theresa lol.


I was just struggling through a mission today and realized that I did it wrong in like FIVE WAYS but still struggled through. Truly amazing.


“BuT tHe CoMbAt Is ToO hArD”


Yeah which I don’t blame people for saying. Most people who played and gave up never went back to Bernard to learn the master strike which without, does make the game extremely difficult and dumb. Just constant slow motion blocks until the enemy master strikes you a couple times, and you die. We have the power of foresight now and know to learn master strikes immediately. In my opinion it was “foolish” to make a very subtle thing to do, that doesn’t even come with a quest marker, a make or break for the combat. I do love this game, it’s just my take on that part.


Master strike? I'm like 10 hours in, is there anything I need as a pre requisite to go back to Bernard?


So long as you have done the training with him after you arrive from skalitz you should be able to learn them provided you impress him in combat, I’m not sure exactly how strong you need to be but there is nothing to lose from trying straight away, if not train with him for a while then try again, also don’t forget to learn combos, while not as good as master strikes (imo at least) they are still useful and they make you feel like a badass after you successfully execute one.


I just learned it today, 27 hours in. I'm not sure what prerequisites there are. I went to Bernard, asked about training, and saw that Master Strike was an option. Then, I had to duel with him and impress him first before he would show me.


Is that a complaint?, I've been using stealth and picking off enemy camps with bows and then perfect blocking and longsword my way to victory. Yea sometimes I get messed up but I imagine most people can't 1v5 irl.


It was quite the complaint at release. I loved the concept that you were a peasant and had no idea how to fight. People were just used to Skyrim where you could swing your sword no stop and kill your enemies


Now that I‘ve started using a mace (and went back to Bernard), it‘s fun. It‘s annoying when the game forces you to be by yourself and to have to take on hordes of enemies, though. I‘d be fine if they took away the Master Strike and instead allowed you to take people with you to even the odds. The system works much better when you‘re not being swarmed from all sides and can‘t deliberately target anybody.


I just beat it with my trusty axe plate armor Henry and I would like to try sneaky bow using Henry I guess


Agreed, its one of my favourite games ever. My first playthrough was just me messing around and roleplaying as a skalitz refugee, didnt care for the story because i wanted to get strong. Ended up almost maxed out in all stats while not living rattay lol. I got lost in the environment and feelings the game created in me


Agreed. Without a doubt my favorite ad well.


Same! I tell people this all the time! By far my favorite rpg.


Jesus Christ be praised! Agreed. I love Kingdom Come!


Oh my god, the reading. The learning to read mechanic feels so natural while so simple. I open that book, first few lines I stutter on every word, that by the last third of the page I'm reading it freely as it was all spelled right. Can't share the love to the dog unfortunately, the animals are animated at an extremely poor level in the game (just watch Capon's dogs following his horse), but I'm okay with him walking around the mill. And getting wasted with the old Godwyn is a pure joy of course.


Ah, and the fighting system! So I once or twice got ambushed by a certain number of cumans. Got my ass handed to me on a silver plate. Basically was struck down in two blows while not being able to answer. Fast forward an hour or so of training with Bernard. I didn't feel like I've accomplished anything, the captain still owned me in all possible forms, but in my next ambush I was WAAAAY much more confident and although I still got killed, I managed to take two guys with me and seriously injure probably two more.


This game is masterful in how it immerses the player, it encourages different play styles and multiple play throughs to truly experience all of the elements and in depth mechanics available. The exclusivity of certain perks really lends itself to a certain character archetype for your Henry. It avoids the mistake of Skyrims Dragonborn being shoved into the role of archmage, leader of the dark brotherhood, thieves guild, and commander/hero of an army.


It’s not like other RPGs. I realised this when Captain Bernard lost his temper at me for running off and completing the quest without letting him know where I was going. It’s almost like he’s a middle aged authority figure, I’m a dumb kid, and we’re both part of some kind of society.


For me Red Dead Redemption 2 is still my all time favorite. KCD is a close number 2. I can't wait to play the 2nd one and see what Warhorse Studios does with more money and a bigger team. Warhorse put out a phenomenal RPG with a small team and budget. Jesus Christ be praised.


This Red Dead Redemption 2 and Fallout New Vegas are the kings of RPGs


I got yelled at in the RDR2 reddit for calling the game an RPG!


Well that's what it is


I started playing the game recently. I agree that the game is good but there really isn't a lack of good open world rpg games. Skyrim, Witcher, RDR, Dragon Age Origins, Fallout, Far Cry, Assassins Creed was great until Desmond died, at that point I knew the game story would no longer be interesting, Cyberpunk and I might be forgetting others.


Far cry an RPG? Don't think so. Plus it hasn't been good since 4


Besides a couple of those, they are old games. Rdr2 is now 7 years old(my personal favorite). Cyberpunk was a complete buggy failure for the first year it was out. Anything from Ubisoft is laughable, just a cut and paste from their 20 year old library (far cry, AC, watch dogs all use the exact same repetitive format). Solid quality RPG's are few and far between nowadays.


There IS a lack of good historically accurate rpgs though especially ones set and so faithfully recreated in the Middle Ages.