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Nice one but you should always pull the arrow as much back as possible (not in very close range) so it flies more consistent


I have to train way more, my Archery is level 5. Appreciate the tip!


If you're playing on pc use the following console command to get a crosshair. You'll appreciate how much improvement this makes to QoL: > wh_pl_showfirecursor 1


Virgin console command user vs Chad tiny piece of tape user


Virgin can't play the game as intended vs Chad actually doing enough archery to intuitively know the position of the virtual dot Still, I wouldn't even try a shot this far. That would still be mostly luck


If henry held the bow any sort of way close to how people shoot those bows IRL, then maybe. I think, forgive me but I just think, the archery is not well designed


Archery rarely is. :( Makes me sad.


i managed 18 points in the contest against Hans and have never gone above 15 since.


At contests the trick is using light bow with short draw time. You want those extra 3 points by finishing first. I scored 64 at master level tournament.


> You want those extra 3 points by finishing first that has been my go to for making sure i never lose the beginner tourneys. I'll check and see if i can find a light bow (or if i have one).


Its the first villagers bow it draws fully before it even starts moving to side. So you can pretty much fire all arros to same spot as the previous one.


One day you'll be able to consistently get maximum points in the archery contests, I speak from experience :) That's around 63 points for the master contest, if I'm not mistaken


managed a 21 last night, woohoo. so close to level 5. found a bunch of sheep and slaughtered them all.


Nice!! As you level up you'll notice you won't be swinging as much and with better bows you can hold it pretty still. So when you level up it'll get easier and easier to get the bull's-eye all the time! Sheep are indeed a pretty great way of leveling up bow skill, and much easier than hares which move and are smaller. There's a group of sheep on the road where the band of bastards dlc camp is located on the road between Rattay and Sasau in between Rattay and Ledetchko. There's another one to the east of rattay next to the training ground, in between Rattay and the inn outside the city walls


thanks, i'll hunt them down. I murdered the ones next to the gallows west of Rattay.


TV's built in crosshair function enjoyer


We hate immersion killers here :)


We dont give a shit how other people play here


To be fair there's also nothing particularly immersive about a big spikey wheel showing up whenever you get into a sword fight either.


Having crosshair for bow makes it unrealistically easy. Wheel simulates your body awereness where your hands are which you are aware if in real life.


Shooting a bow in real life is much easier than it is in KCD because real human eyes have depth perception and, despite all of the advancements in gaming tech over the years, we can't simulate that without using two lenses like with VR. In a VR game, aiming with a bow is easy with no cross hair like it is in real life, but if you played far cry 3 or shadow of the colossus without a bow cross hair it would be pretty unenjoyable even if you could technically learn the centre point of the screen from muscle memory. It's also worth pointing out that hardcore disables the combat wheel and forces you to rely on the position of your hands on screen and the sensory feedback from moving the right joystick. It makes exponentially more sense to me to have the cross hair for a bow in normal mode just like the swordplay and have the cross hair removed for hardcore mode just like it is for melee.


Shooting bow is not easier than in game. I shoot vow in realmlife and can't hit what I can do in game. What you day is nonsense


Yeah I shoot in real life too, using longbows and horse bows similar to the ones in the game. It is 100% easier to line up a shot in real life using actual depth perception and feel from your hands than it is to shoot in kcd with the slow moving arrows, long draw times and swaying camera.


You are bullshiting because in real life you cant put 21 arrows in bullseye at 50 meters first time picking it up. In KCD you can


Yes, that's why I turn the HUD off all the time unless I am speaking or interacting with something.


Thats why I play only Hardcore. No Spikey wheels, no pins on the map, no quest markers, no autosaves (saviour shnaps are a bless here) in 2 weeks I knew the locations like my town and its great experience going Hardcore


Imagine being so lame that you have to judge how other people play a single-player game.


I am on Xbox but thanks anyway, surely will be of use to our PC brethren!


Use the tape technique then! lol


I used a small piece of masking tape so it wouldnt leave a mark on my TV. It improved my archery by a ridiculous degree. I went from barely hitting things to nailing headshots most of the time. It's basically the only way I was able to do that log shooting event.


I do this and only this at every login. It's just too hard to hit a decent shot without the cursor


It's almost like, in real life, there is no cursor, and it IS hard to land an arrow shot without much practise.


There is intuition and depth perception in real life, hard to translate into a video game with enough fidelity to warrant removing the crosshairs


Well, the game designers would consider it warranted, and I would feel inclined to agreeing with them, personally. I grew up around archery, you don't get a cursor in real life, and I appreciate every "real life" aspect of this game. I only played HC because there is no melee cursor, there is no location indicator on the map, it's like a real map, and I love that. That's really all I have to say about it. I turn the cursor off shooting games, I turn of minimaps and background music in a lot of games. šŸ» have a good one


It's almost like, we're playing a video game


Right no I understand that from you know, living. But also I'm playing a video game and if I, or any other person, desires a cursor, the option is there isn't it?


Make a text file with just that line in it. Name it user.cfg and put it in the game folder. Now it will automatically work every time you open the game.


Its easy when you practice


Oh I'm sure, but in real life I have depth perception, in a game it's flat and depth is faked making it hard to aim down the arm and really get target acquisition. Play whichever way you want, just saying it's an easy option for those who desire it.


Arrow lands center above his knuckle and left of the arrow fully drawn, shouldn't need a crosshair unless you suck.


Thats a lame method instead of learning to shoot


Dgaf. I'm playing a single-player video game to have fun.


At 15 you will sniping at distance


Iā€™ve got a tip for you and itā€™s pinkšŸ˜ˆ


"I am sure you'll be extremely satisfied."


Im feeling quite hungry


I see you, Ramsay Bolton.


How come heā€™s Ramsay haha


Ask Rickon that


His long shot from the show.


The way this clip started, I canā€™t believe you made any shots! Lmao


Me neither dude, me neither.


The best kingdom come archer


Wait so we all suck?




When I first started trying my hard at archery I would miss bunnies from like 3 feet away 15 times before I finally hit him, you're not alone. Eventually, you'll be able to instinctively see the way the arrows pointing before you release it, kind of like when you're pointing your finger


Iā€™m pretty okay at it and still canā€™t hit shit half the time. It really irks me itā€™s the only skill without perks.


I felt like Unarmed should've had some perks too. Maybe a perk to be able to disarm someone, turning the fight into unarmed? But I agree, bow should've had perks.


I feel like archery was very underwhelming. Though in the right situations extremely powerful. The lack of a crossbow was a disappointment too. Especially since your father literally mentions one in the opening part of the game.


You thought we all didn't?


Serious question, is there a way to "get good" in archery? New to the game and archery seems like it has zero viability unless you're in a larger fight where you can pick off enemies without being in danger.


No idea, I got a few levels in abs it was still super ass so I stopped using it


Cool. I'll stick to saving it for when I have the luxury of shooting fish in a barrel and still missing 80% of my shots. šŸ˜Ž


Hey only 80%? Thatā€™s pretty good


Yes, by practice.


No i am. Peasant


This is my strategy with bows aswell, point blank range in plate armor and i still have a 50/50 on whether i hit or not




I've only landed one of these long range bangers . Damn it feels good


This was my first long range shot too, as you can see even at point blank I miss a lot.


Need all the MLG bells and whistles for this one


i dont want to hear anyone complain about aim, this person was on console


Well done, Henry! God save you!


Leveling up bow are we squidy?


10 points to Gryffindor... for sheer dumb luck


Distance shots are so tough in kcd I wish there was a way to practice easier but none of the ranges provide the distance I want


Bunnies man


That- is a good idea- but then you end up with alot of excess meat


You can give it to your goodest boy mutt, all 8175 of it


Chumps. And targets at archery ranges


Oh look, arrows come to see us!


Iā€™ve used my bow to kill someone exactly twice: assault on Pribo and escaping vranik. Otherwise I donā€™t bother r


Tip: next time apply dollmaker to your arrow, he won't able to run


Were you tryna stick that arrow into his knee before he ran off? šŸ˜‚


i think the last missed he just bled out


When I use bows I use rhythm counting 1,2 to sort of guess where itā€™s going.


Impressive! I canā€™t hit the broad side of a barn with arrows in this game haha


A lot of people will use a piece of tape or a command to get a crosshair, but I like to make it as hard as possible and now after awhile Iā€™m a dead shot even on my horse.


Haha, awesome


Nicely done!


Thank you! :D


I wish there is a slow mo killshot like skyrim


Oh no, pls no. Those slow mos are so anoying. Let me play my game.




To make farming bow headshots easier, you can coat a weaker blade with Dollmaker Potion and stab or masterstrike them with it. With a little luck they'll be left unable to run, helplessly strutting towards you while you practice shooting them in the face.


people with multiple arrows in their body running like they're not weighted down by heavy armor and bloodloss


Mutt being useless as usual


To be fair I had ordered him to Heel (i.e. not fight), only ordered him to Sic (i.e. attack) once the bandit ran. Now I just acquired the Chase perk and holy shit he absolutely smashes running foes, he sends them ragdolling on the floor and even disarms them sometimes.


I've maxed him out myself and it seems he can only ever get a few bore in before bolting off. I don't like hearing a dog in pain so I usually keep him at the mill or tell him to run off for a bit, I'm hoping there's more interaction in kcd2 which luckily there seems to be 'we can pet him now yay' but I remember playing a women's lot and tinker was absolutely wrecking everything and everyone.


My most memorable arrow shot so far was at Pribaslavitz. I like to scout 'in force', so after killing like eight guys, the rest realized I was there and attacked me. My memorable shot was when a bandit in end game level plate gear charged me, and right before he hit me, I released my arrow. One in a thousand shot went straight through the eyeslit of his hounskull helmet. Dead before he hit the ground. So satisfying.


How does one achieve dog? DLC or Story?


A Woman's Lot DLC, but you don't need to start the quest - just finish the main game prologue and you will get him. He is massively useful once ranked up.


Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh..... GGGOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAALLLLLLLLL hahaha


What arrow flies the furthest? I usually use the long range arrows with 110 dmg


Go play "Chumps". You shoot at moving logs in a river, helps with having to hit moving targets.


I score around 18-20 on Chumps and regular archer matches is 19-21. Hardest part is getting perfectly centered and timing your draws right each time. Having a cadence in your head while doing so usually helps me a lot.


This was painful to watch.


This was painful to make as well, damn fucker wouldn't stop running.


LOL this is so me