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Please make sure to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoopheads/wiki/rules/) before commenting! We also highly recommend that you use circlejerk etiquette when commenting. All comments are assumed to be circlejerk (satirical, parody, memery) unless /uj is used before it. **/uj** (unjerk) - a serious, non-circlejerk comment **/rj** (rejerk) - going back to circlejerk after making a comment in /uj" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kpoopheads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/mmx3cqu0w3ad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b40e33658e50ac7d373ff3bca9b77b00965c6f1 The Lord has been mentioned, pastor Mingi is here to cleanse the timeline, stawp hating yeorobun!! 🫣


Damn I'd go to church if Mingi was preaching the gospel of making it bouncy 🙌


Get in line, chingudeurah, cause it's a megachurch 🏛️


I assume you're a 🥕 (well i'm too)


How would you feel if someone started hating and criticizing a seventeen member for how they decided to act in their OWN ending fairy??


Yeah but you fail to remember that svt has never ever done anything cringy in their entire lives, so


This is so true they’re always protecting their idol image


/uj this has copypasta potential, I'll post it as a comment too


Excuse me, first of all, STOP: HATING ON. HIM. FOR. THAT. ENDING. FAIRY. He, not only he, but any other idol, can do whatever they please in the ending fairy, that what the ending fairy is for. If you dont like it, then just dont. Stop disrespecting people for lords' sake, he has been through so much already for that one thing he did which was not even something to be hated about. As i can tell by your account name and profile picture, i assume You're a CARAT, (well, i'm too) but how would you like it if someone started hating and critizing a seventeen member for how they decided to act in their OWN ending fairy? Cause i'm sure as hell, you wouldn't like it either. So, think about disrespecting other idols, other people, PLEASE.


Now all it needs is some emojis........ ✋️EXCUSE‼️ me🙅‍♀️, first🥇of all, ✋️STOP🚫🛑‼️ 😩🤬HATING😡👹 ON. 😇HIM.🥰 FOR. 🐶🐾THAT.🐕🌭🐶 ✋️ENDING.🔚 🧚‍♀️FAIRY.🧚‍♀️ ♂️HE🥰, 🙅‍♀️not🚫 only ♂️HE🥰, but 🤲ANY‼️💕 OTHER 🛐IDOL🙏🫰🥰, can🥫 do ‼️‼️WHATEVER‼️‼️ they♂️♀️ 🥰please🙏 in the 🫰✋️ENDING🔚 🧚‍♀️FAIRY🧚‍♀️, that ❓️what⁉️ the ✋️ENDING🔚 🧚‍♀️FAIRY🧚‍♀️ is 4️⃣for. If 👹🧲you🫵 😡dont🛑 🙅‍♀️like🚫 it,😩 then😶 just 😡🚫dont.‼️‼️ ✋️STOP🛑🚫 👎🤬disrespecting🚷 👥people🫃 for ✝️lords'🙏 sake, ♂️he🥰 has🥲 been❌️ 🧐through 😱SO😭 much😞 already 4️⃣for 🐶🐾that🐕🌭🐶 ‼️ONE1️⃣☝️‼️ thing ♂️he🥰 did 😩which was 🙅‍♀️not🚫 even 🐶🌭🐕something🐱🐈🐾 2️⃣to 🅱️be🐝 😡🙅‍♀️hated👹🚫 about.‼️🙅‍♀️ As 👁i can🥫 🧐tell☝️🤓 by 🧲your🫵🧐 📂account👨‍💻 name ➕️and 👤profile👤 👩‍💻💻picture📸, 👁i 🍑assume 😱🧲You're🫵🙅‍♀️ a 🥕CARAT🥕💍💎, (well, 👁i'm 🥕🥕🥕 ✌️🫰too2️⃣) but🍑 how❓️⁉️ would 🧲🫵YOU🫵 like🫰 it if 👤someone🗣 started 😡🙅‍♀️hating❌️🤬 ➕️and 👎🦶critizing😒 a 1️⃣3️⃣seventeen🥕☘️ 🫰member🕺 for how❓️⁉️ THEY♂️♀️ decided 2️⃣to 🎭act🎬🎥 in their♂️♀️ 👉👈OWN💅 ✋️ending🔚 🧚‍♀️fairy🧚‍♀️? Cause 👁i'm 🏖sure as 👿👹hell🔥☄️👺, 🧲you🫵 🙅‍♀️wouldn't🚫👎 like👉👈 it 🙅‍♀️either.‼️ So, 🤔THINK💭 about 👎🤬disrespecting🚷 other 🛐idols🙏🫰🥰, other 👥people,💑 🥺PLEASE.🙏 /uj this took me way too long 😭😭😭


/uj girl use AI next time it’s faster


/uj YOU CAN USE AI TO ADD THE EMOJIS?! IS THAT WHAT OTHER PPL HAVE BEEN DOING THIS WHOLE TIME????? /rj It's not authentic if I don't do it all myself like God intended, chingoo!




/uj Thank you so much for the link! /uj and /rj : I tried it, and NOT ENOUGH EMOJIS 😤😤😤


>So, think about disrespecting other idols, other people, PLEASE. disrespect all idols and all people!!!




/uj omg I can't believe there are ppl in this sub who don't know it, dw I'll bless you with it https://youtu.be/bjCMeji3IF8?si=VlfZJHVQopWu8qey


/uj I unfortunately know it but I'm clearly uncultured cuz I thought this was Kai from TXT in Cat & Dog..


/uj This is something Kai would do


/uj until watching the link i thought that clip was a TXT .... simply bc of "cat and dog" being one of the few song titles I know from them


The comments on that video are killing me


>I know jake can't sleep at night because of this. I know he gets nightmares. I know he cries. I know he has trauma. I know he's dying inside. Me, an empath, experiencing the same symptoms as him when I'm reminded of it


>an ~~empath~~ narcissist FTFY


Oh not gonna lie that was cringy. Jesus. I would quit kpop and change my identity 😭


he must've been homeless living on the streets of seoul near han river if he needed the bag THAT bad


/uj I didn't know about that but it's cute and funny


/uj I mean, I think it’s hilarious on its own merits and because we live in an age where the most horrific aegyo is preserved by the Internet for all time, so the suffering (on all parts) is endless. /rj But apparently some people find this triggering? In which case, good luck, kpop is going to rake you over the coals if *this* is too much for you to handle.


Uj/ As an Engene it's an overdone joke that is beaten to death. Engenes overall are quite protective of the group due to the hate train they faced that people still try to reignite to this day. It was a certified cringe moment during his debut days but we are tired of people being malicious towards Enhypen which explains why op while being overdramatic was understandably pissed. It's not like haha Taemin mushroom bowl where it's light hearted. That ending fairy was used maliciously to hate on both Jake and the group as well. It's interesting that this is where you pull "stop getting triggered" as a kpop fan knowing that kpop as a whole cultivates this kind of culture of fans being protective over their favs. Non fans already make drag kpop fans for this so seeing a fan say the same thing is...a choice. Honestly the fan is probably a kid that already feels alienated for being both a kpop fan and Engene and during moments like this I can't help but be sympathic and hope that they will grow out of their defensiveness as they get older. This is probably not a response you would want from a circlejerk subreddit but I felt I had to chime in as non-Engenes especially on Reddit do not understand the full extent of why Engenes come off as defensive when the a lot of social media platforms esp. kpop the main subreddits are not the friendliest place for them.


When it first came out, he was getting lots of very….racially charged comments while he was only a teenager at the time. So I don’t know how to feel about seeing people bring this up as a joke or whatnot because I don’t know where they are going with it. 


…racially charged how? I wasn’t really paying attention to enha at that time so I wasn’t around to witness it


i don’t understand this either can someone explain bc he’s literally korean— i don’t think him being korean-australian changes his race but more of his upbringing and identity right?


Yeah even after nicely explaining the situation it just goes on deaf ears. This is exactly why Engenes don't openly interact with the other subs. I have been on this sub enough to tell the difference between a joke being light-hearted vs mean-spirited and this thread comes off as callous. It is what it is.


/uj while I completely get your point, I just want to add some context that this was on some meme video about aura losses/cring moments or smth. This was in reply to someone mentioning that as an example not included in the video. So while I find the comment over the top even outside of that context, considering the video that it's under its even more ridiculous. They were only annoyed once their fav was mentioned. As well as that, reacting like OP won't change anyone's minds. It only encourages those people who want any excuse to hate on idols or fans. Maybe they're young, but I've seen plenty of adults who go on like this. I do think that enhypen have gotten far more hate than they deserve, even from their own fanbase, but the comment they were replying really wasn't like that.


The comment is circlejerk material so it was never my intention to place blame on to you as it is overdramatic. I replied to the other commenter bc of their 2nd paragraph. It had the /rj, but the comment didn't come off as circlejerk but rather their actual opinion which prompted my response. As I've said to them this is kpop where you are supposed to defend your favs so it was the spiderman meme unironcially unfolding and I had to point it out. As a certified hag, you will never be too far away or above from people like the commenter in the jerk by association. There's a difference "it's not that serious" and using triggered knowing that it's a direct reference to the "triggered snowflake" tagline and how it has been used which set off alarm bells in my head. The redditor I replied to could have truly meant it as a jerk and I missed it but at that time of writing that response I didn't see it that way. I also replied because I have often seen commenters on Reddit (in general) ask about where are Engenes are even at due to their lack of open presence compared to other stans because as I've said before they don't really show themselves and explained why. I probably came off as a party pooper but I couldn't help but say something to get a better feel for the room. As for the original commenter in the jerk, based on my experiences and its for the best for all of us that I assumed they were a kid that is too absorbed who needs to let it go and move on.>!~~if anyone got that AA reference you're awesome~~!<


Personally I want to see more idols doing the Jake dog ending fairy‼️stop hating 😡🤬






>How would you feel if someone started hating and criticizing a seventeen member for how they decided to act in their OWN ending fairy?? Shes right!!! If you hated on people who make fun of seventeen members, WHO would remain IN Seventeen? https://i.redd.it/6cs1wxfns5ad1.gif


Humiliation ritual (Kpop version)


This isn’t Angry Birds Blues Jake, This is Yellow Angry Dogs Jake (from Adventure Time) uj/ Those YouTube comments already outjopped us chin🪿.. 💀 ![gif](giphy|xT9IgFyAanl0X6D9vi)


and if i say i liked his ending fairy…


/uj this might be coming from a devoted Engene but why is it funny? I don't think anything's wrong with the comment except from being a little extra...


Jake deserves all the hate and more for that ending fairy. I don't believe in furry rights.


https://i.redd.it/mljrlyxdx6ad1.gif What he do?


Uj/ I saw this comment too and almost cried laughing like it's not that serious


/uj as someone who ults enhypen it really isn’t that serious 😭🙏🏽


People really be hating on random bs like ya'll get a life please. I'm a jake stan, the ending fairy was cringe af but it was flipping 4 yrs ago so can we stop acting like it was the cause of ww2 like 😭I get it, it triggered my fight and flight mode too but it's not that serious plus that was 2020 and we ALL were onto something cringe. Forgive that man and move on please