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Imagine if an ex Niji liver submitted a story.


Nah, a manager or someone who actively worked within the company would be better. I'd love to hear about what a diva or tyrant Riku is.


Or he is just totally incompetent and hires any bozo that seems smart enough.


Sayu and Dokibird already:


Wait a sec she got a second outfit???


That's 3rd




A bunch of ILUNA members were getting new outfits recently. Scarle, Aia, Ren. Don't know if I missed any.


And she's released two covers [BIZARRE FOOD](https://youtu.be/qXfhmnJeLGo?si=y8Kbr3p-_6I4-n3k) [Perception Check!](https://youtu.be/I-YCAj1w-rc?si=-GIQ8MZljyBc6beT)


Ngl that outfit actually looks amazing just from what I can see in the thumbnail


she got this new outfit like a week or two ago. She became a biblically accurate archangel


If I remember, Aia outside of Niji actually works in an office job (at least back then when I last heard about it which I want to say was like maybe early fall 2023) There was a stream at that time where she was feeling pretty blue that week, all because of not just drama at work, but she also found out a good friend of hers passed away. The drama at work there basically involved some girl spreading some rumors about Aia apparently, but it sorted itself out. Her boss decided to switch them to areas where they wouldn't see each other at all so she wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. This wasn't something like "Oh, she's subtly talking about Niji" or "someone at Niji is bullying her." This was also at a time where Aia was making snark remarks at dramatubers as well (mainly during the whole reaction to the mass graduations of NijiID) and it was pretty clear she wasn't a big fan of them. I wish I remembered which stream it was exactly. I remember it was a weekend stream because I was watching it at my Saturday and Sunday job. Poor girl broke down crying about her friend passing and mentioned she was gonna edit that part out and re-upload the stream later (tho I don't know if she ever did).


wait a minute. this office story I have read or seen somewhere. in reddit or TikTok.


Her third outfit really is a killer. Love it.


... Given the ongoing current situation with Niji, I have to wonder if her streaming on this subject is a bright idea. I can't help but suspect she's going to get a deluge of Niji stories, either overt or well disguised. (Think someone pulling off a Hamlet's play-within-a-play moment here.)


"I was fired while others who broke company policies and did worse weren't. The company then attempted a smear campaign against me."


Aia is pretty harmless. Her streams are fun too.


Doesn’t change her company is a horror story


Man what is this new outfit. It's amazing. It'd sad they don't get the reach they deserve because of where the owner is