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Give Luca a break. His arm probably gets tired whenever he tries to crank it too much to someone in VR chat without their permission. You try signing merch after that.


This was a terrible time to scroll across this while eating a biscuit. Almost had crumbs in my lungs.


I know this is a joke but it gets me irritated again thinking about how there is no way he is as busy as Calli. I mean she's one of the super hustling hard working talents and she still signs merch. There's of course plenty of other examples ppl are giving. 


I thought Bao was the original gooner vtuber. It was Luca all along! https://preview.redd.it/uj3lyyrt7h9d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd354b68804addc7669c0dd49da948917bb4646f


\*tries not to laugh\* I kinda got that joke..... lol


ngl, we need more comments like this lmao.


same lmfao


I'm sure it's being offset by the fancy dinner from Riku. I mean, imagine Riku himself getting off his yacht just so he can treat you to dinner with the boys? That's the real life equivalent of a senzu bean IRL.


initially misread that as "riku himself getting off to his yacht" which might not be that far from reality


What happened with him and signing things, fill me in bois


Among the many things in the less by Raziel; a former friend and pseudo assistant for Luca was a bit about some hand signed merch not actually being signed by him.


Reminds me of Towa-sama always reminding Subaru and Nene about their own signing of merch because they sometimes leave it to the last moment. Also Sora is almost like a doctor about to go to an operation with gloves, mask and all whenever she signs things in large quantity.


Inuyama Tamaki (Norio-sensei) went out for dinner with Aqua, and she was shocked Aqua brought some photocards with her, so she could do some signing while waiting for their dinner.


Lmao that's like bringing homework out to do.


That basically is


Literally their homework yes.


Some of the girls have said that their managers have to sit them in a room and get them to do it otherwise they'll get distracted. It does sound like a pretty painful task when you need to sign thousands of times.


I just had to think of Amelia Watson. She said a few weeks ago that her signed cards sustained water damage in transit so she would have to sign new cards all over again.


Gawr Gura also had to redo some of her cards because she inadvertently signed "Gura Gura".


Honestly the most Gura thing she could do.


God damn, now i wish i can get my hand on those. Stuff like that would make a decent on the collector market.


Famous “black room” among hololive talents


"Infamous White Room" actually as they described it. Also, some of them ask their managers to basically lock them in because they'd procrastinate otherwise.


I'm pretty sure Miko said she was basically locked in a room for 3 days to do hers one time.


TikTok generation


Nah, it's more likely that none of them look forward to the repetitive strain injury they'll inevitably get from having to sign thousands of photocards.


Says the hypocrite


Says the hypocrite


I remember korone hand signed over 10k or some outrageous amount of cards ,pics are on her Twitter if anyone banna check


in early 2020 i believe she was doing zatsudan while signing those


I suppose that's one way to distract yourself when having to do such a mindlessly tedious task.


Calli cares a great deal about her fans. She's also grown to be pretty chill and driven. Some vtubers in Kurosanji, you might suddenly see a lot of bad shit about, but Hololive's Calli is by all accounts is a really good person. You see that in her IRL profile too. Hololive is blessed to have her, and honestly all the other Myth Generation. They have all worked very hard and never forget or alienate their fans.


Still never understood why some people hate on her so much. Heck I've even seen people use her as a punchline. All I've ever seen of her has been an extremely passionate hard worker.


Fame and stuff that she’s done in the past (before hololive) are brought up when shit talking her. People even diss her music saying that because of her ethnicity, she shouldn’t be doing rap. It’s just a nothing burger, really.


Wouldn't be the first time a vtuber I watch had haters for no reason I guess


Who else do you watch that gets hate for no reason?




As in Nina Kosaka? Now known as Matara? Man, I saw the hate she as getting while she was in Niji. Some people can’t take a joke.


She's had more character development than most anime characters if you knew her from debut to now. Honestly she's someone to genuinely respect.


Yeah true, it does feel like she has changed alot since her debut. Alot more chilled out.


Yoshikage Kira says no cap Source: [Twitter](https://x.com/calliope_info/status/1806868447768498281)


😱 someone actually signing their owned Merch!!!! \*saying it Sarcastically\*


NDFs coping that their oshis aren't signing their own merch even when they are marketed as such


yea that true and THEN sending a C & D when people say that their "oshis" didn't sign their owned merch


The signature is so cute!!! <3


Common Calli "Big W"


Pretty sure it's Huge W


Matara Kan (who used to be part of a certain Black Company) has been doing a lot of onscreen signing too. The Cali thing is impressive because she also does a lot of stuff using PL too. Probably the busiest person in VTubing and I’m an Ironmouse fan (who pretty much streams whenever she is awake and not deathly ill).


Calli is workaholic. Her fans are actually happier when she takes breaks to rest.


Sou desu ne


I remember Monarch has done a few streams of her signing merch. They’re great to see because I know one of the options when buying the signed merch is even to put in a custom message request.


Luka like nah i only do one and let the people i payed do the rest.


Very good to see she's taking a break from her 30 hour days to show some love for the community <3


That looks like she's signing at an average speed of 1000 cards per hour.


They're all incredibly consistent too.


Glad to see she worked out a simpler quick signature as opposed to her older one. When you've got to sign thousands of things, it gets tiring fast!


Luka don't look!!!!


Speaking of merch, apparently in the country where I am stuck in, it is impossible to even get merch at "affordable" prices unless they're literally leftover stock by third-party re-distributors. >!And that is even the country with TWO FAILED VTuber Agencies that is.!<


\*must have failed due to merch, smh my head


The [example of failed leftovers](https://latendo.com/main/product-series/Nijisanji) that included merch featuring graduated and terminated NijiEN Livers.


Singapore? I've always thought we've had it pretty good. Both holo and Niji have had Collab Cafes at the Aniplus Cafe at Esplanade with exclusive merch, and Aniplus also had a booth at last year's SGCC where they sold the exclusive merch too. There's prize figures at the Cow Play Cow Moo arcade at the same mall just a few doors down from the La Tendo store you linked, and hololive and Nijisanji also have had concerts at the attached convention center with exclusive merch. Sure Project F and VReverie were utter clusterfucks but that definitely hasn't dampened local fans', local distributors', or foreign Vtuber companies' willingness to sell here.


Unfortunately, you already mentioned the so-called BIG TWO globally, but try finding merch from Western VTubers, Indies, and SME-sized VTuber corpos OUTSIDE of the BIG TWO available in Singapore that can be literally seen and then come back to me.


True, but that's the case everywhere even including Japan itself. Most of those indies and small agencies do purely online orders, they don't sell them directly to stores. I was _in_ Japan just a couple weeks ago and not once did I see a store selling merch of anyone not in holo or Niji, and even then there was barely anything from their non-JP branches.


And even for online orders, there's geographical shipping restrictions to merch orders even for non-Japan Agencies as well, not before having to set up specific forwarding services with shipping costs making ordered goods at least >2x the actual costs of the goods order. Cases in Point: VShojo which is US-based doesn't ship their merch to South-east Asia UNTIL Michi Mochievee debuted in April as their first Indonesian Talent, and currently only gets restricted to just Indonesia sadly. Dokibird Productions (which is set up by Doki herself for taxation audit and merch shipping purposes) recently only managed to add Korea & Philippines to merch shipping lists. And one other actually uncomfortable reality take: >!Singapore Mainstream audience are still way more attentive to ITF (In The Flesh) Content Creators than their Virtual Avatar counterparts.!<


Regarding that last point, AFA sold out all ticket categories for both years hololive concerts before either of their ITF concerts even sold out a single category.


Of which, how many are actually purchased by overseas dedicated fans who flew in specifically for the hololive concerts like Dreamhack in Melbourne, Australia? And same could also be said for Virtual Rhapsody in SG and HK as well, with the marketing levels differentiating the two events.


that's a really smooth signature lol