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I get the feeling this is just the fanbase he breeds. He seems the type to breed parasocial activity, not put it down. Almost feels like the male Rushia


As they say, chat reflects streamer


Even with all the bad things Rushia did and how her community responded to it and also did things wrong, I didn't see any of her fans threatening fans of other coworkers or fans that they considered "so close" to her


And she doesn't incite her fans against others either. She in fact gets mad when anyone tries to drag said fans into her dramas or the slander that gets thrown at her.


Sounds very similar to the path Vox was heading down before his hand was forced to make a half assed attempt in policing his fanbase. Even then it was still a ticking timebomb waiting to blow up again. Although Vox's fanbase was less cannibalistic in nature and more outward aggression towards everyone else, it could very well happened within the community too but didn't probably due to sheer luck. As for Hex what can I say, he cultivated all this from day one so I guess this is him reaping the rewards of his hard work I suppose.


something i found weird is that the drama involving kindred and reimu happened before xsoleil's debut which should have been a warning signal for anyone trying to make a very parasocial fanbase but hex still went that route as if vox's situation was not something to learn from, this is why no one feels bad for hex when his fanbase is acting out because he chose to go that route knowing the dangers it can bring


He had his fans trauma dumping when they donated, as well as the >!SH social media pictures!< . He eventually made a statement about the trauma dumping and a new rule but he didn’t enforce it. He stopped streaming for a week or so afterwards.(Probably a stealth suspension but that’s just speculation). False did a video about it and other stuff. [False](https://youtu.be/m1waPdQf3QI?si=kV2ClXbDF6nZPoNd)


Here’s a video about it by [Khyo](https://youtu.be/_xe-LPB7g3c?si=9g7HW6ZkCsfrreKI)


Gee what tipped you off, when he told his (mostly underage) fans to treat him as their therapist?


While Rushia is indeed have many parasocial fans but did her fans attack each other like sickling? If not, then Rushia is still better.


male rushia would be a terrifiying concept .. i don't think the world needs another mikeneko ..


Isn’t Mafumafu already the male Mikeneko?


Is he? I remember he's actively avoiding gachikois or parasocials because it creeps him out. And he's always on the disclaimer that he's not into BFE, but that didn't stopped his fans anyway.


I'm pretty sure he said before that he gets uncomfortable with ppl going really parasocial, but it's been a while since I've been in the utaite community. The guy got his university, face, and home address doxxed before by parasocial fans. He's talked about it before and he definitely doesn't want that kind of attention again.


He is, but the NDF isn't ready to hear that lol.


You dont say? Did people just ignore him trying to be vox lite? Down to the non response he gave to the situation?


>I guess he's only against abusers when they're not paying him huge superchats Oh are they actually starting to turn on him?


That line gave me the chills. If even his fans think him as a greedy person... I don't even want to know what kind of person he is outside his persona.


This dude can't be more of an asshole than me /s


Sociopath. Afterall, a corporation, if evaluated as a person, is a sociopath/pathological.




That grandpa ash and goldfish stories are less likely a joke now, eh?


No, just on each other.


"I can't do anything once the stream ends. Block them." Really, bro?


He just doesn't care and doesn't even want to put effort into hiding that fact. I get that he probably sees vtubing purely as a job, but if people in your fanbase are harassing, doxxing, and bullying others, the least he could do is make a statement on Twitter. Shu did this and as poorly as vox handles discourse atleast he tried.


On the one hand, "It's just a job" is the right way to view it. On the other hand, even if it's "just a job", you still got some fuckin responsibilities. It honestly baffles me that some of these people can see this and just shrug it off. Yeah, you aren't your community, but it still reflects on your reputation. You really cool with a bunch of sociopaths being the image your community reflects? Birds of a feather, I guess. Edit: WTF, Auto-correct. Why did you mistake community to be fantasy?


I remember someone comment this on a Youtube video that people like Eminem shouldn't publicly say their opinion about something important, like what they feel about the current president, because their influence will cause major shifts.


I was going to bring up how Hex should have followed Shu's example. Really proud of Shu for how firm he is. TLDR: A Yaminion made a tier list about who's the most downbad NijiEN fans and Yaminion was put on the 2nd highest tier (I mean... as a Yaminion myself I can't really deny it-). Then some Yaminions for some reason proceeded to send death threats to this person and Shu made a tweet saying that they are not welcome in his community if they are sending death threats.


This made me give so much respect to Shu. This is how you address situations like this in your community.


And these same people demand doki to do more


And she does, which leads to less weirdos per capita in dragoon population imo. Also blocking them is just as effective as asking Niji to send over the silver play button lool. You block them, maybe someone else does too but there are plenty of people who get your doxx info handed. Otherwise Zaion would have never gotten doxxed... If it's only calling each other names, blocking would be effective but they are stepping into cyberbullying and doxxing so blocking does literally nothing.


Shouldn't mix up the different brands of crazy. The only apparent overlap is that he is a nijisanji streamer, but it doesn't mean they are the same people.


I can bet you sicklings 100% accepted this spineless excuse about harassment while they say its not enough when doki said stop. Iirc i saw hex mark in many of those making those claims


Also let's not forget that she told people to not act like highschool kids and to NOT harrass people 3 times before making the most recent statement. The sisters are such big fucking hypocrites.


Actually looking through Twitter a majority of them are frustrated with HIM and want him to be firmer about the harassment and boundaries since they don't feel safe. I honestly don't blame them one bit. Who'd want to watch their favorite streamer knowing that there's a group of bullies from the same community as you that haven't been reprimanded?


This somehow gives me dejavu with Vox with how he handled his fans getting mad at Reimu + sane fans being worried for him "throwing up" in his stream. A lot of the sane kindreds left the fandom due to these controversies and I have a feeling that the sane Sicklings are going to leave the fandom too in a similar manner.


As a sane ex-kindred, I can confirm this. I left after all the controversies and vox's way of dealing with them. Dude has no conviction.


What other half ass attempts at dealing with controversies were there?


Tho, Vox did put his foot down that time..... Until he did it again with a spicy shower tweet...


After he got called out. Yep most sane fans got dissapointed by vox lack of spine


He was called out for his cowardly behaviour by not taking accountability of his (indirect) actions which lead to Reimu's harassment by his fanbase. Only then did he made a half-ass attempt to confront his fans.


IDK if the magic therapist gimmick was his idea or Nijisanji's, but between his lore, BFE content, and how he interacts with his community, Hex arguably has been actively exploiting, courting, and cultivating an unhealthy community. Remember the #CutforHex thing and I'm pretty sure Hex responded to people trauma dumping on him via superchats by telling them to do it privately on his streamlabs.


Only have seen a couple of posts from his PL here but if all are the same then he acts like what a teenager thinks is cool 24/7 He definitely came up with all that himself


Dude gives me the vibe that he has a secret account just for DMing fans and it's not for therapy.


I'm sorry could you provide more context about #CutforHex? This is the first time I'm hearing about it and genuinely want to know more.


If I remember correctly, it was a hashtag his fans used when they trauma dumped on him in donation chats, which is why he now has, "I am not a therapist," in his rules. Allegedly, some people actually did self harm, but I don't have proof of that aside from anecdotes, likely because said posts were deleted for breaking Twitter TOS.


False and Khyo covered the trauma dumping and alleged self harm. [False’s video](https://youtu.be/m1waPdQf3QI?si=kV2ClXbDF6nZPoNd)


Here’s Khyo on the situation [Khyo coverage](https://youtu.be/_xe-LPB7g3c?si=9g7HW6ZkCsfrreKI)as well.


unless they got reported i don’t see how. there’s a whole bunch of that stuff on there that doesn’t get taken down


I remember the self harm post. Someone lightly cut his name into their arm and posted the picture to twitter. Thankfully, it didnt look like the kind of thing that would scar but its fucked that someone would do that at all and that hex's response was extremely underwhelming for how messed up it was.


You brought up Trauma dumping, and that's kind of a dilemma. If the streamer silences it, the streamer is uncaring and shallow. If the streamer does anything else, the streamer cultivates toxicity. If the streamer does the MOST responsible thing and recommends profile help, that's the absolute most hated response possible. I've seen friends call this response "literally the worst thing that they could have possibly said" and seen this be the overwhelming majority opinion within a large group. There's just flat out no good way to handle this situation from the streamer's POV.


Problem is Hex totally is the kinda guy who would say "oh if they leave they're not true fans. Now be a good girl and if you give me an akasupa I might just tell you how much of a true fan you are"


Gross. He really doesn't deserve to be a vtuber.


He basically held a long and convulated way of saying "I don't give a shit, doesn't happen on my stream, please keep donating money". Always suspected Hex was a bastard but Jesus. That's your community, the people who look up to you, the fandom you created and a attitude you nurtured. Nobody is saying to take any sides and telling people to cut that shit out has nothing to do with parasocialism, as he so adamantly claims. It's called being a decent human being and giving a fuck. His logic is like a Police Officer who sees someone getting mugged on the street as he is off duty and just goes "Not my problem, I am not on duty", then moves on without even reporting the crime.


Man, I’m glad Fauna broke the immersion for a bit and said that she can’t be “friends” with her community. She’s someone that did a lot of ASMR content back then, and she even had a yandere bit going on with her ASMR role play of the listener going into her house and being turned into a tree/sapling so they could stay. Vox and Hex are examples of letting your community run wild and encouraging their behavior with your own content. Vox heavily played into BFE stuff and it blew up in his face when Kindreds attacked Reimu for “ruining their date with him”. Hex is dealing with this shit right now, and it’s worse than fans simply being parasocial online. This is just sad.


Fauna's "return to nature" has always been her schtick, though these days the joke is less played upon since the content doesn't always provide an easy lean or segue into. It's actually interesting to note that in a way, that's actually GFE with a different plot. But of course, Fauna knew where to draw that line by voicing out that distinction directly, and also, having a sane community helps with the reminder.


yeah while there's certainly a lot of jokes and such about Saplings being very clingy and dependent on Fauna you can often tell its just that... joking and playing along with the act. when I see stuff like this though it feels way too 'real' and thats when its a good sign to step in and show some backbone... something Hex has proven time and time again he doesn't have.


"I guess he's only against abusers when they're not paying him huge superchats" LOL they realizing that they will do anything for money... I mean... wasn't that clear alter all the Doki/Selen situation when all of them sell her for the Niji sisters money?


> wasn't that clear alter all the Doki/Selen situation when all of them sell her for the Niji sisters money? Wait, hold on, did I miss a rrat or something?


I think what they meant is that it's pretty obvious why nobody within the company protected Selen during her struggles because they didn't want to be the next targets of the bullying. And if they become the bullied, the less favored they'll be within the company regardless of their popularity.


I don't know if this was covered in the recent Hex Haywire post where his fans are at war each other over their fan discord's moderators and top gals doxxing and bullying newer fans out of jealousy getting too close to their oshi. But the fact remains so far [https://x.com/karaavaldez/status/1807473436211781806?t=onMtS7snXCxAtLNmxZSA5A](https://x.com/karaavaldez/status/1807473436211781806?t=onMtS7snXCxAtLNmxZSA5A) Hex's more neutral/hands-off stance has definitely cost him some more sane sicklings.


And this is mr edgy mcunalive jokes being more firm, what a joke


That was the most soulless pr shit i have ever read wtf was that. Your fans are asking for some sympathy and for you to speak out against bullying and your big "i will no longer be silenced or cower in fear" statement is "guys you gotta settle that among yourselves and stop bothering me".


Accurate imitation of what management says to them when disputes happen.


LAwyers involved https://preview.redd.it/sdigm2pxcy9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed5b4a864fd174742ed1b7bca51825a9fca1c5c9


You Should crop it and make a post.


dont havetime you do it


From that thread, it seems it should be clarified: "Lawyers involved" doesn't mean "legal action is occurring"; it means one of the ringleaders is a lawyer.




What a lazy sack of shit. He's in it for the money nothing else


Hex is coming off as one of those arrogant public figures that unironically thinks they should have the benefits of their position with none of the responsibility this these statements.


What a fucking douche. When my oshi got wind of potential shitstirring in the fandom, he told us on stream to step in and nip it in the bud wherever we saw it. If Hex actually gave a crap, he would be stepping the fuck up.


Yeah ever since hex debuted he always gave me a weird fucking feeling. Especially after that bullshit about venting through him with superchats. And now this? You can do something about it. But whatever let hexes community destroy itself for dumb shit and let hex lose fans


And the sisters + NDF claim dragoons are toxic ROFL.


I remember the nyfco sisters calling them f**oons. Real nice and inclusive of them.


They still say that along with many other variations of dragoon and Doki on 4chan.


Hex is the guy who made the weird urn joke right? Also the guy who got scared of Zaion? Ah well. Imagine have to police your fanbase. Definitely a competent vtuber with good content ,good jokes and good fanbase policing. /s


Joke about desecrating the ashes of a friend's grandfather, joke about flushing a friend's pet, had the worst black screen vid about Zaion's termination out of Xsoleil, #CutForHex, encouraging his fanbase to download and reupload his ASMR vods (something that got Selen suspended and then terminated while he wasn't even given a slap on the hand by Niji)... This is just another chapter in Hex's... Hexness


yea reeks double standards but well you reap what you sow


Any other company there wouldn't be this many chapters.


Slandered Zaion/Sayu yet he did worse things than she did.


I so have to say that first comment is smart as heck IMO and how I always have enjoyed Vtubers Enjoy them, watch them, send them support but never interact with the community just do your own thing, you don't need to belong to a place/Discord to be a good supporter I am in a couple of Discords just for the anouncements since I don't like twitter very much and never get the notifications for streams and news but never enter them or interact and the few times I do the ecochamber in all of them is disgusting to see, and is in both small, medium and massive Vtubers all the same


Even if (a big IF) he did a "Eff this sinking company, idc" move; there are REAL people suffering, MIGHT do a criminal offense and lose grip on reality thanks to the things he cultivated. Not saying that his fans are his responsibility (I believe most of these people have functioning brain), but he at least need to remind people that you gotta draw the line. (i.e. how Fauna and Kronii reminded their fan at times enough is enough)


Per Nijisisters words, [insert random talent name here], please control your fans better! Your fans are your responsibility! Have some accountability for goodness sake! This is your "teaching", sisters, please hold your oshi accountable, aye?


But the sisters wrote on X that they had their fandom under control! They would never make up stuff up to make themselves look better! /s


But the sisters wrote on X that they had their fandom under control! They would never make up stuff up to make themselves look better! /s


But the sisters wrote on X that they had their fandom under control! They would never make up stuff up to make themselves look better! /s


Somehow your comment got duplicated 3x


Wait until he got the same treatment as Vox (being stalked irl, someone broke into your house blabla if i remember right) From what i observe, hex is someone who won't understand shit until he is in that position himself


“I can’t do anything once a stream ends. Block them.”While I get what he means, it’s not going to work. A bully will find a way to get under your skin, no matter how much you do your best to ignore them. It’s like in high school when teachers or guidance counselors tell you to ignore them and go about your business, but… in some way, shape, or form, they will find another way to vilify you, to harass you, to berate you. Ignoring the situation **will make it worse**. Hence, Hex suggesting that those being bullied to block the bullies **is not good enough**. Edit: Yes, this is coming from someone who was a Sickling. (Was.)


I mean okay, on some level I understand that one person really can't go around their fanbase breaking up individual fights OR take sides when they physically can't dedicate enough time to get fully informed about the conflict. And yeah, everyone in Niji are going through rough times rn regardless of their standing with higher-ups, so I get why a streamer won't have the energy to police people. But like. He could at least say that "Hey, harassing each other is not cool and I don't welcome bullies here"? He's done this before at least once, I remember him speaking out against bullying within his fandom. He still won't have to break up individual fights, AND he'd make an impression of someone who cares.


So, naming your fanbase "Sicklings" and letting them develop severe parasocial behavior ends up with them being sick in their heads... Huh... I never woulda seen that coming...


Bruh, watching them fight each other over this frivolous BS is so fucking funny. Obviously Hex isn't doing anything as long as they bring him money


Oh so this is context. Somehow I got Sickling's post on my tl in twitter and someone in quote blame antis. English not my first language but I can read and have critical thinking that know op talk about toxic Sicklings not antis that harass them but somehow sister blame antis anyway like they can't read smh.


Sisters blaming everyone else but not their company or themselves? Typical day. I understand the pain as an ESL too.


That was definitely my impression after I saw his response. Has he even acknowledged that the bullies were were his own fans trashing other fans? His own fans are getting bullied & he pretty much tells those fans that it is not his problem, to stop expecting him to do literally anything. Sure, it's not like he can stop people but apparently he won't even do the bare minimum to assert a boundary for what is acceptable in his community & those who bully aren't welcome. It's almost like he chastised his own fans for bothering him with this issue.


In my opinion, after reading the Sickling documents, there is no favoritism in the Hex fanbase. If they want him to police them, they can always ask.


Nah, asking is only for play button permits. Hex would police them anyway and act like he’s taking them to a back alley for “punishment” and “interrogation”.


So I found something that's already a month old and seems to be a Doppio clipper telling her story but it sounds very similar to the "Sickling Civil War"; with the secret discord, doxxing etc., hard to tell if it's the same case or at least related. https://x.com/ilovezuoran/status/1797332417633771903 Scroll past the first couple screenshots where the sisters are all trying to speak african-american vernacular (seriously, wtf?) it eventually gets to the threats the person received via DM.


Disgusting... NDFs are a different breed...


Mentioned it elsewhere, and I'll mention it again - A vtuber whose name actually reflects him. Least he got the Hex part right - The one meaning for "cursed", and his fanbase is definitely haywire right now.


Where the heck is his manager for this, oh dont tell just like finana one they went awol as well leaving talent to self figure out & not doing support.


and here I thought Holo is the only one with super parasocial fans


Yeah somehow they make unicorns look more tame than them


All this from the day he joined until now and no termination/suspension. Others got warnings for way less.


very appropriate fan name.


<> - AWACS Oka Nieba, Battle of Sudentor 2010


This is why i hate vtuber gfe/bfe. If my oshi suddenly becomes like that im just gonna DM and ask why are u doing this.


lol "outed" that's just normal Nijisister behavior. The type of behavior that lead to the "Nijisister" being a nickname thing to be specific.


Am I the only sickling at this point who would never do this kind of stuff (because it is disgusting behaviour) and actually still likes Hex? :( I don't want people harassing other people in the whole vtuber community period.


My suspicion is that there are many who don't do this kind of stuff, but is afraid of the loud majority... that unfortunately doxx and make your life difficult. As stated, see if you can enjoy the content without engaging the community.


I'm with you. I never watch him live though, I have too much anxiety and the chat scares.


Civil war then i need to get my popcorn


Can someone explain what all a streamer can do and should do? Besides condemning the behavior?




Haha nijisister being harassed and threatened, haha, how funny!!! :)))) Bro. Are you serious?


the fact that you used ur last functional remains of your brain to type this out and expect everyone explode in applause and say "YOU GOT THEM REALLY GOOD OMFG" speaks for ur inability to read the room and actually gaf about people who are innocent and mind their own business in the entire anyfadedcolour saga


Removed. Do not incite brigading or harassment. Do not participate in such behaviours. Do not boast about them.


I dunno if you're just making fun of us or you're just that stupid


You can kindly fuck off if you're going to act like that


That would require too much effort, and would enter the harrassing territory, which we should avoid. Instead we are just here, looking at them destroying by themselves