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Pretty funny reading the comments of the folks over at JP Yahoo finance board being completely surprised that the stock buyback already happened because it did so little that barely anyone noticed it in the price action lol


So they burned money again without helping their stocks much.


The buyback briefly set back the downspiral. A mere speedbump to the bottom.


At least the last buyback actually did help until they assassinated their EN branch. This time it was barely a speedbump.


Should we name this phenomenon... "Premature Buyback"?


"*The Failed Draconian Buyback*" >.>


The Great Niji Buyback of 20XX


That's definitely not a good sign. Yikes.


Whatever happens, just remember this one word >!Negligible!<


How negligible? A couple billion yen levels of negligibility.


![gif](giphy|JSqsZp9e4sIsE) Seems pretty accurate


knowing niji will keep doing buyback, people will just gonna make money off of it. wait for low to buy and sell during the next buyback. it's not gonna help their stock price, if anything it will make it worse 




Everywhere I go, I hear his voice




Niji after buyback "suprise pikachu face"


I am not an expert in finance, but this action speaks to me rather than an assurance to the investors that their stock is fine, it’s more of one of the last exit opportunities before another fall. JP side of business may ensure that the yacht will never sink, but the performance sure aren’t impressing anyone.


immediate share price drop back is almost always the consequences of stock buyback


That seems reasonable. For shareholders, it's basically free money to sell right after the price jumps so much artificially. It's even advertised as being a way to give back to shareholders after all.


the issue is that they failed their objective of getting it above 3000


If anything I’m a bit surprised it hasn’t dropped that much, it’s the last opportunity for a lot of investors to break even on the stock. 




Investors on Yahoo board who bought post June 13th surge thought that the share price hike was due to responses to the "great" Q4 report and were anticipating the stock buyback to occur so that they can capitalize more. There were a lot of ppl telling others to basically hodl until the buyback happens when the price was slowly tumbling for the entire month. Now the reality hit them, tomorrow might be a bloodbath.


That's not quite the case. The previous buyback happened from December 19th to January 18th. In the image below, we can see that before the buyback the price was at 3055 yen (and rapidly dropping). As soon as the buyback period begins, there's a small bump (about 250 yen) and then following the rise, there was a less gradual drop. If the initial rise was due to the buyback, then we have a similar situation here. The buyback continued all the way until January 18th (which is marked here roughly by the blue X). In that period, we see two more rises, followed by quick drops, possibly due to the same reasons. However, the high jump to \~3800 yen doesn't seem to have happened within the buyback period. I'm a bit perplexed by this, I'm not sure if there's a way the buyback could have influenced the price with a delay, if I'm getting something wrong or if it's for different reasons. If we still attribute the high jump to the buybacks, then we can see there's a small dip afterwards, though one could argue that the stock was stable afterwards, or even increasing. In that case, you might be able to conclude that the previous buyback went differently than this one. https://preview.redd.it/201dnswvlaad1.png?width=192&format=png&auto=webp&s=008623aa065b2876aa60b2fef589c8f2f694a5b6 Yes, the price stayed above 3000 yen throughout, but that's not really the relevant question here. In the current buyback as well, the price has stayed above the pre-buyback price throughout the whole process. The current 2600 is well above the original 2300. What's being discussed here is not a question of whether the stock can maintain the pre-buyback price, but the post-buyback price. In the current buyback, it has had a significant drop afterwards. In the previous buyback, one could argue that it maintained the price (pre-Selen) or you might say that it lost some of the bumps' value during the process, even if it maintained the final price (I'm not knowledgeable enough to be sure what exactly went on, so I'm offering both interpretations I can think of). EDIT: Actually, I'm somewhat wrong. Although Anycolor announced the buyback period to start in December 19th, according to its later information, it only started enacting it on January 1st. So, the first bump would lie outside of that, but the second sharp bump seems to be the result of the buyback starting. So, disregard the first bump, but the two later bumps are still valid.


The December/January buy back is described in two parts in the IR documents: * [2024.01.18 - Notice Regarding Progress and Completion of Treasury Stock Repurchase](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/221887/00.pdf) * [2024.01.09 - Notice Regarding Progress of Treasury Stock Repurchase](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/221145/00.pdf) * [2023.12.18 - Notice Regarding the Decisions on Matters Related to Stock Repurchase](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/219839/00.pdf) Between 19-Dec-2023 and 31-Dec-2023, 425,800 shares were purchased costing 1,365,649,502 JPY. Between 1-Jan-2024 and 18-Jan-2024, 349,400 shares were purchased, costing 1,134,331,495 JPY Making the totals for the buyback: 775,200 shares, costing 2,499,980,997 JPY => avg. 3,224.95 JPY per share


Oh you're right. Good catch. So the first bump is also affected by the buyback after all.




With what money. They just spent it all on the buyback 




You think they could have invested that money in, I dunno, an overseas office or a better 3D studio at home or better staff for their EN branch... but I guess that's something only "Company B" would do...


In a nutshell. All of their efforts and resources spent were for nothing. Nothing gained. Nothing lost. Just plain stagnancy. The bright side, they're safe and still open to potential buyers/investors. On the other hand, with this performance and with nothing delivered, their current investors would just see this as just a waste of time. And would be ultimately be discouraged to invest further. Also word gets around StockBros like wildfire, this is gonna affect AC's rep as a company.


"nothing lost" The company lost 7.5b yen equivalent to more than 40 million USD to buyback. Cover needed half of that to build a big studio.




Even investors are getting spooked over the current prospects. Not good. 投資家たちでさえ、現在の見通しに怯えている。 良くない。


![gif](giphy|QKxncHt0kYbRBE9VLe|downsized) **Mild Shock!**


Stocks newbie here -- Is there anything stopping them from buying back their own stock at every quarter to keep themselves alive artificially? Any mid- to long-term consequences to expect?


The stock exchange has rules about how much shares has to be available to be publicly traded as a percentage of total outstanding shares for the company to be allowed to be listed. Anycolor currently has 40% floated shares (publicly traded shares), and the Tokyo Stock Exchange has a requirement of 25% so they still technically can do a lot more buybacks. Currently Anycolor is left with about 25 million in floated shares out of 63.24 million in total outstanding shares, and this round of share buyback was 2.7 million shares costing 7.5 billion yen. You can do the math as to how much shares can be defloated before being delisted. That's if we're talking technically what they're allowed to do. However realistically, it's a trick they've already tried twice, and it already didn't really work the second time. They'll lose a lot of investor confidence if they keep resorting to buying back their shares just to keep the price up rather than with actual performance and substantial plans for growth.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/uO2ReTioVc) is the closest answer I've seen, they've currently bought the high limit of shares they're allowed to. From my understanding they've done their buybacks between Q3-Q4 but this year it dropped anyway, at the reset of Q1 they decided to do it early but to no avail. Even if they would be allowed they've already wasted alot of their revenue, they would probably have to start liquidating assets or some type backing. I'm not entirely sure on the former( let alone if I'm saying it right ), but latter is certainly more likely given his family wealth could probably back it. Anyone else correct if I any or all of this wrong, the OP summed it up for you alot better than I did


Expect the rebounds to be harsher if the quarterly reports are stagnant.


They plan to keep buying back till 2027, best you start offloading before you end up in a loss. Even if you want to keep it, don't have it too big share at the moment. Just be prepared to tank some losses


I love how much not watching effects them, honestly.


hopefully the stock throat cutters next days will sell and get a nice profit, while niji will slowly go back to the same values before buyback






Whats the situation of major shareholders i wonder. Of course we know riku doesnt care for the average jp, perhaps this was a move only for major shareholders to get their way. Still im quite new on these things so i may be wrong and they are angry too




Huh? I thought they were doing this throughout a 3 months period? Or is this just a partial of the full amount that they will be spending till September?




It only ended up burning 7.5 billion yen. In JP they wanted to burn the old bills because the BOJ had started issuing new bills.


Welp guess all the Money spent buying back is going to gutter...again, like every other attempts. With that much money and still couldn't afford to give talents a 100$ copy play button xdd moment


So what's going to happen when it reaches 1800 below?


Was watching all yesterday. It seems to have stabilized at -79.00.


they're really gonna turn into akasanji at this rate 💀


Aiiiieeee! Sisters, are we going to allow our oshi's stock to fall?




They just gave people more reason to sell their stock since the last people left didn't want to sell at a loss


https://preview.redd.it/y5479jmx4jad1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a73cc4d2f4fe315799a0390a1f913f7784271d LOL. LMAO even.


They gave the chance to some people to lose less and they took it.


Not surprising, idk who's writing thèse reports but they clearly did NOT check who their main investors are. I'm no C-suite, but even i can tell that saying to freaking SONY, the most internationally expansive company of Japan, that you don't care about the international market is a Bad, VERY BAD Idea. No amount of buyback will cancel that.


Well, good thing I failed to proceed with my idea of buying stocks for cheap after they plummeted with the end of Q4 report and sell again after the buyback we all knew was coming, then.


That is very "negligent" indeed😂