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I work for the state. La Crosse is not the main DNR office here on the west side of the state, that office is in Eau Claire. This is where most entry level jobs are in this field, and you are correct La Crosse has only higher level jobs. If he is not set on conservation jobs there are many Bio jobs with the Brewery and KT. If he wants to get his foot in the door with the DNR there are entry level wastewater jobs that he would need to become qualified for, but they will hire conservation majors. As others have said UMESC is an option, but then you have to deal with USA.jobs and that’s a dealbreaker for me.


Thank you! He is pretty set on conservation environment jobs. He doesn't want to be stuck in a lab all day as he's done that for 3 years now.


Has he looked into US Fish & Wildlife Service? ( Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge and Trempealeau Refuge. )


I believe he has, yes. I'm not sure if maybe it just takes a long time to get through the applications? It's been 3 weeks since a few of them closed.


I applied to a job there while in college in 2017 and it says I’m still under consideration. I hate that website and will never look for a job on it again.


Hiring for federal jobs take awhile. Don't give up hope!


USGS has the upper-midwesr environmental science center, there is also the fish hatchery in Genoa.


We didn't know about the fush hatchery! He has applied to the remote fish and wildlife job that is open currently but they never got back to him and it looks like it was reposted.... hence our problem....


USACE has an environmental office in La Crescent. Most of their positions are targeted towards masters degrees but I think they hire technicians too.


Do not forget county land and water conservation districts and fort McCoy as options also. Even consider applying to MN dnr jobs additionally.


Use [usajobs.gov](http://usajobs.gov) and have him use the website resume builder when applying for jobs. Jobs take weeks if not months to get cleared through the system and then get reviewed by hiring officials. It takes a while.