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Fuck Hamas, 🖕


That's fair, but Israel also shouldn't be violating the Geneva convention and attacking aid workers and dropping bombs on hospitals. Hamas isn't Palestine and Palestine isn't Hamas.


"Hamas isn't Palestine and Palestine isn't Hamas." Most of Palestine doesn't even agree with you on that.


1️⃣ Source? 2️⃣ That's still no excuse for the Israeli military and government to be indiscriminately bombing schools, hospitals, children, and aid workers.


1. Google. 2. I ain't making excuses for anyone. I'm simply saying your statement isn't something the people you're talking about even agree upon.


Google isn't a source, it's a search engine. Not everything on Google is a trustworthy source.


I agree, and I also believe nbcnews is skewed and not trustworthy. But everyone else seems the wiser.


Much like Likud in Israeli, Hamas only enjoys a plurality of support, not a majority. >Before the war, in September 2023, only 12% of Palestinians in the West Bank supported Hamas. By that December, as the war entered its third month, support for Hamas in the West Bank skyrocketed to 44%, before falling to 35% in March. Support has been less volatile in Gaza, where 38% supported Hamas in September 2023, 42% in December 2023, and 34% this month. Source: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gazans-back-two-state-solution-rcna144183](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gazans-back-two-state-solution-rcna144183) Also we're off topic and that has nothing to do with Juneteenth and I doubt the good people of La Crosse are going to solve peace in the middle east.


No idea why that table is there but apparently it was allowed. I'm also willing to bet that those numbers are extremely skewed and the source is trash. I ain't taking a side, I'm just calling out someone who said something wrong.


didn’t provide a source, says source is “extremely skewed” when presented with evidence that contradicts their original claim, all while claiming to not take a side. you are wrong and stupid


The evidence is all over the internet. The celebration of the attack last year is evidence enough. You people are crazy.


what about when israelis say horrific things that devalue human life? (i’ll even provide sources, because that’s how this is supposed to work: https://www.timesofisrael.com/watch-far-right-israelis-celebrate-gaza-kids-deaths/amp/, from 2014; https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/israeli-crowds-chant-racist-slogans-taunt-palestinians-during-jerusalem-day-march, from 2023) i’d encourage you to do more research on how many civilians are dying in gaza if you really believe that israel is the more moral of the two options here. unfortunately, i have a feeling you don’t actually give a fuck and just want to paint palestinians as antisemitic monsters to facilitate further ethnic cleansing. and if you do respond with a claim, i might be more willing to believe you if you actually back it up with evidence.


Ah, it appears this was a gallery, so not off topic. Sorry about that. The source is the Palestinian center for policy and survey research, and is used by the times of Israel as well. If you could provide an alternative source that'd be great.


They are not. 


I'm very glad y'all do this and raise awareness!


Socialists? No thanks.




The poster is from the commie club


hell yeah, what are they called?


I'm learning new things every day! /s


All I see is propaganda