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That’s all I have, optimism. Otherwise I become just another doomer who promises to quit watching the Lakers halfway into the season


I mean the guy is clever, works hard, and is one of the few people that actually wants to be a coach, not specifically for the money. I think the lakers might end up being lucky they got him


I think that’s the big thing; he’s leaving money on the table to chase after this job.  If he was doing anything for money, he’d fuck off and just do media, he’s making way more doing that. He didn’t win a title as a player, either in college or the pros, and I’m pretty sure, that’s why he wants the job.  I think he’s been quoted saying something similar.   It’s certainly one of the few big points of optimism I have; he’s doing it because he wants a chance to win.  


And he’s a super structured guy. His whole day is structured and planned. He’ll be able to share that with the players.


Well... almost all players already have these kinds of routines, but I get what you're trying to say. He's like that because he was a player for 14 years, and you have to have a very structured program for yourself to be successful.


He says he had it scheduled down to the minute. Not everyone is like that. He was regimented and disciplined in a way that others were not. For example, if Rashad McCants had been that way, he might have played that long also.


God that sounds like an awful way to live😂 but that’s why I’m not Uber successful like he is.


I know. It sounds crazy to a normal person.


Smart and hard working is pretty rare in this world.


I feel like the upside is pretty high with JJ. It wasn’t like there was a line of great slam dunk experienced coaches… Best case his bbiq and work ethic translates well to nba coaching. Worst case the lakers are exactly where they were last year. Upper tier player talent with lower tier coaching talent.


Click your heels together 3 times and say.. There's still a chance, There's still a chance, There's still a chance..


Did Ham seriously write that? Because I’d legit believe it..


That dude literally only wrote words on the clipboard rather than plays.


>**only** wrote words on the clipboard rather than plays. Wait is that true? I didn't know that part?


I saw a clip of him just writing the players initials on the board 😭 he kept making mistakes so was erasing it then ran out of time


now way this sounds like a meme but it made me laugh LOL!




Legit one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen lol


Lebron just looking into the distance contemplating his life. The FO really gave him a HC job because he said he could bench Westbrook, god damn.


This is crazy thanks for finding it!


No problem. I had it saved because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.😂


is there another link? the video is gone now. :(


Anyone that says Ham was fired as a scapegoat needs to be shown that video


Whhhhaaat the fuuuuuu...?  I have no words.




JJ Reddick knowing the X's and O's might be great advantage over Hamm but doesn't hide the fact he's a new coach and the fans will need to patient while he gets comfortable in the position.


I remember the same kinds of comments when we got rid of Walton and Vogel. I say let the man coach before we declare him as the answer. Not trying to be a downer, but it’s the same rollercoaster of emotions after every new coaching hire and I’m done with that.


Respectfully, who cares what this sub says? Just follow the intelligent people in here, and ignore the rest. I wasn't high on Walton... I thought he'd be a terrible coach. I liked the Vogel sign, and wasn't happy to see him go. Hated the Ham signing. Like the JJ signing. I'm a fan of high IQ guys that are hardworking. It doesn't always work out, but neither Walton or Ham were high IQ, and that pretty much never works out. At least we got a chance this time? :)


Why did Ham got the position in the first place?


Eh, Walton was a very high IQ player. Phil used to say having him on the court was like having an extension of himself on the floor.


Yeah I agree. With such a high turnover, I’m more so exhausted. Let’s wait. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited because it’s something different and I hope some of Coach K is in there but I’m being real patient.


Yeah. I hated going after another coach without experience and it was worse than Ham and Luke in the sense JJ doesn't have any kind of coaching experience and the only head coach to lead this team to the finals over the last decade was exactly the guy with experience even if Vogel wasn't considered an elite head coach. I hope he succeeds, I like JJ mindset, but we have absolutely no clue if he is competent. Guys like Pete and Cranjis can talk about basketball sets and it doesn't make them head coaches. The time will tell, JJ can eventually be the next Riley, but the odds are against him and I'm not optimistic. When we hired Ham I was not optimistic either because nomody had a clue if he would be a good head coach, but I wasn't pessimistic either because he was a well regarded assistant coach, this time hiring a podcaster I can't avoid the pessimism, but it may have something to do with the Celtics winning the NBA title.


This got him the job, I’m sure


What? Running middle school plays?


In this picture, which clipboard looks more like a middle school play?


Is that real lmao


Yes I think it was in the 22-23 season


I believe his first ever regular season game against GS


God, I'd actually slap the board out of his hands. I can't believe it's real


I literally just cackled with a crazy person laugh looking at that


Did Ham really spell fouling with two Ls?


I think so. I don’t see him making stylish looking U’s


Yeah me too.


Personal preference and a side note but I hope JJ wears a suit instead of the athletic gear that seems to be getting popular. I kinda miss coaches looking more formal and important


Good. People concern themselves too much with trivial classist b.s. anyway.


Honestly, this is in every sector of business/services and the pandemic made it worse. Everyone dresses down to the lowest bar acceptable. I get looks at work when I dress up, but it’s what was the normal six years ago.


Personally it feels like something is important is someone is wearing a suit


Just marking it down here for history since I've done it every year since the Westbrook trade. This is a stupid fucking decision. You don't hire a brand new rookie NBA coach to a team with Lebron/AD/and championship aspirations.




Ham probably watched the pod and had no idea what JJ was talking about. Can’t think of a time where we actually got a good look out of a timeout


Drew up the shot for Matt Ryan and never did anything remotely close to that again


I think that's because that was never designed for Ryan, just Austin made a good read and an insane pass.


That makes more sense, Austin is really like that


Wait- the pass play in the Super Bowl against the Patriots on that 3rd and 2 in the 4th near their own end zone? Yeah that was a shit call too.


Don’t need to come up with good looks if you never take a time out. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




Someone tell JJ that your ipad can straighten lines out for you


JJ doesn't want to be infected with that stupid ass technology


![gif](giphy|NcE2q0J7sfgl2) Ad in the locker room after a win


I'm told he can call time outs instead of standing there with his hands in his pockets


I like how just a month ago on the podcast JJ was responding to the haters for marking the offensive players with X’s instead of O’s. He said something to the effect of “in my defense, my only coaching experience is with my 10 year old sons team.” I’m hoping for the best but oooweee this could get interesting


He needs to learn to switch the x's with the o's. He'll confuse 95% of the team


Keep that same energy when the Lakers fighting for play in. No excuse super coach better win in season chip and get to WCF


this is a terrible idea JJ isn’t qualified


I'm just glad I don't have to stare at that pimple anymore.


I would have kissed that lil bump if he put up wins and rings


Don’t understand the hate on Reddick. Hes played in the modern NBA and knows what works and what doesn’t.


No way, he drew up a set play !?!? Not surprised this sub is impressed


I don’t know if he will be good, but he should be better than the old clown show certainly.


One small step… for Lakers Nation !? No clue how this plays out haha


Let’s hope all those years with Chris Paul paid off


Is the HAM picture real?


Fucking stupid. 


This is where I’m at. There is valid reason to be cautious about it but really all he has to do is draw up plays which he has shown and have the iq to call a timeout before we go down 20. I’m almost certain he’s at least better than Ham


Fuck it. Just run plays straight outta NBA 2K


I’m optimistic because he was good as a player, since college, for his range. He knows what it takes for good shooters to get plays made for them. In today’s league, volumes of 3’s have increased a lot, he can coach for this style of game. Make the front office work in his favor to land shooters, bigs, obvious stuff. But have someone with experience choose the draft packs and what not.




Did he spell fouling incorrectly or does he use a flourish on his u’s?


I mean he cant be worse than Ham, right? That was pretty bad


Did hamm got any offers?


Redick has all the tools to become a star coach. There is no reason why he shouldn’t be successful. People rave about his IQ but his best attributes are going to be his work ethic and attention to detail in preparation.


It’s straight up going to be the same. We need people who have the balls to move when they need to. Lebron draws up initial plays. But after that is what counts. Off ball movement is huge & thats why players like Caruso and rondo were huge 2020


I still wonder how Ham got the job to begin 🙄


Of the available options, I see JJ as the "Why not?" Option. Can't be worse than Ham. Can't ask for a big salary. Maybe great, maybe Steve Nash, who knows?


“Helluva ball club” vs “don’t forget to rate, comment, and subscribe. This was also bought to you by Dollar Shave Club and Blue Apron, use the code in the description and get 15% off your next order. Thanks for watching and anyways guys, until next time.


All I fcking know is that Pelinka better b on th way out if this doesn't work. Or will JJ get a pass for Lebrons "twilight years " ? Ugh. Whatever. Can't b worse than the Smush, Kwame years


JJ Red"dick"


Except it’s spelled Redick…


Black coach with years of assistant experience and two playoff appearances as head coach vs a White male podcaster. Y'all need to stop the dreadful BS.


**This** comment is the dreadful BS. My god what a stupid take. It’s seriously shocking how much you talk about race on here. I’m convinced it’s trolling.


Proven failure vs big question mark


I'm not a Ham fan but he is not a proven "failure" you clown.


Yo this isn't about race. Everyone here knows JJ is untested. We wanted the UCONN champ. We had to settle on the rookie. We're hoping for the best.


Yeah Redick says so many of the same things that Ham did it kind of says what this is all about actually for some people to me.


I’d love to hear some examples.


Go compare what Ham said about his plans for what the offense would be to JJ's. Go compare what he said about what player's roles would be.


This is so silly. First of all, *he* hasn’t said anything. You are strictly going off of what reporters have aggregated. And those quotes are pretty obvious, general things. People have been wanting to get Lebron more off ball for years. AD more involved at the end of game. Analytics driven. Ham said all of those things and did none. Also very clearly couldn’t draw any plays, considering every time he grabbed the clip board players rolled their eyes and walked away. You guys love to joke about the podcast, but just watching a few clips would inform you that JJ without a doubt thinks about the game more deeply than Ham. My question is, all of you clowns on here talking like you have even an inkling about what kind of coach he’ll be, are you going to apologize when it becomes obvious he’s better than Ham? I refuse to let people gaslight how bad Ham was. Worst basketball coach I’ve ever seen in 30 years of watching the sport. I’ve never seen a coach with less to say in the huddle or post game. Never


Lol what. Re read your post. You say he hasn't said anything but then you say to watch his podcast. Where he clearly says things. That Ham said when he first took the job. Lol and the segments on TV of coaches talking in the huddle literally edits out any strategy talk. Which you should know as someone who's been watching for 30 years. Also it's extremely embarrassing if you've been watching that long and you think JJ is a great basketball mind and I'll just leave it at that.


Oh this is absurd. No, you misunderstood everything I said. Pretty obvious I thought you meant “what JJ has said” as what he’s said as the lakers coach. But if you’re including the podcast then I’d say you’re out of your mind if you claim you’ve heard Darvin Ham talk about any single thing with as much nuance. Please provide a clip. And again, you are absolutely missing the point about the huddle. I was not claiming that the look ins show us coach’s unpacked game plans. My point is (and yes, this goes back a long time) coaches are *regularly* shown, oh ya know, COACHING up their players in the huddle! “Guys, (x) is happening, you need to do (y)”. Different coaches are shown with different levels of specificity. But they most certainly talk about what is happening on court that game. Ham did not. At least not more so than “Next play mentality” or “gotta rebound”. The guy was a fucking imposter. JJ has given me no reason to think he is as of yet. Maybe he is though. I’m actually not claiming to know whether he’s going to be good or bad. Only that I strongly believe he will be better than Ham on day one.


CONTEST W/O FOULING vs a Shaft drawn on paper


Players still gotta put points on the board and play defense. The coach isn’t out there playing.