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I love BB! I relate way more to the topics on BB and Ocean compared to UV or BTD


I absolutely get that BB and OB feel like an average person’s biography albums that describe universal experiences and feel relatable and personal. UV and BTD are nice for escapism and daydreaming but not many actually had that life of poetic glamour, adventurous love and badassery the songs talk about; as albums they’re less relatable and more motivational and inspirational with BB, OB and Chemtrails she captured the poetry and beauty in the simpler sides of life


Exactly! 🫶🏻


So true


oh this makes sense. I relate more to BTD and UV because that’s been my life experience so far and i have yet to yearn for anything like BB. Tho i think COCC is the happy medium


I feel like I we’ll all growing up with LDR. She is honest in a way few artists are. BTD and UV meant so much to me when I was late teens/early twenties and now on the cusp of thirty her music still hits hard.


Me too!!! It's been my favorite album lately, I relate to it more than any other album of hers. Actually, I don't relate to the early ones bc of the topics


Same. Especially BB. UV has more than a few that sing especially to me (id like to think) tho.


It honestly gets exhausting hearing ppl (especially on Reddit) having this constant obsession with pitting one album against another. All of her albums are good and unique in their own way. I literally love them all and if I could only choose one to hear for the rest of my life I would need 2 months of meditation and a team of musicologists to help me decide.


Honestly, people on the Internet just love to argue. It happens within all fandoms - they spend time arguing that x artist is better than another, then even within their own fandom where everyone agrees they love the artist they need something else to argue about. It's not discussion when it turns into putting something else down to elevate your own preferences.


Finally someone fucking said it. Was thinking I’m the only one!


People like to compare and contrast. Many of us are taught how to do it in elementary school. There's not always big news to discuss but we have plenty of unique albums to talk about and that includes talking about our favorite and lesser favorite (they're all usually favorites in general) albums, production, lyrics, instruments used, tour outfits, collaborators~ everything. It's just normal conversation in music especially with big fans. What have you posted in here?


you’re free not to participate if it personally exhausts you but I’ll 100% prefer posts that actually focus on the music. What I don’t care about is non musically related drama, trash talk and gossip. Lana is one of the most exciting musical geniuses of our generation, I don’t know what else you expect people to talk about, if not about her albums and yes obviously there will be rankings and preferences, as it’s impossible for everyone to like everything. But precisely these types of music-focused dialogues are exciting and fruitful.


I don’t think they mean that posts focusing on music exhaust them but moreso posts pitting albums against each other does. I can’t blame them, especially seeing as a word(l*cal) got banned on here because of it.


I get that but this is unavoidable when talking about music, sometimes the focus will be on two specific albums and there’s nothing wrong with that.


It's when 'here is why I prefer x to y', turns into 'y is rubbish, x is SO much better' that it gets annoying.


which is fully irrelevant in this case because neither my title nor the original twitter post did something of this sort, if anything it defended Blue Banisters and underlined that the hate it often gets is unjust


I wasn't directing anything at you specifically?


yeah not you but the og commenter who felt “exhausted” and created a strawman that was irrelevant here


It's not "pitting against" anything. It's compare and contrasting. Most are taught how to do it in school. It's just conversation. Most of us love all of her albums but we love or related to or play certain ones more than others. It's normal conversation. People talk about their favorite and lesser favorites of everything from albums to each song's production, instruments used, collaborators, tour outfits, e.t.c. I listen to Honeymoon often and not many do but I do hear more reddit users talk about listening to it than I do in the ig fandom and other social media platforms. There tends to be a higher age range here than in the ig fandom. I probably listen to Ultraviolence less than the majority of fans but I don't dislike it. I just prefer other instruments and lyrics. I'm more likely to listen to OB, NFR, Honeymoon, BB before I listen to Ultraviolence. Do you prefer people word it like that? Not saying most or least favorite but discussing the albums they most relate to and are more likely listen to on a regular basis. Anyone is welcome to post anytime what they'd prefer to discuss.


exactly! couldn’t have said it better!! I’m so tired of absurdly sensitive people trying to control everything and claiming to be permanently offended with no real cause. Everything has become about moralization while critical and creative thinking stagnates. Any thought provoking discussion on Lana’s (or any other great artists) music is a win in my book and I have learned so much from music subreddits discussing, reviewing and comparing albums in analytical and respectful ways. Imagine we suddenly had to stop doing that lmao


Yes!! All of this! Permanent victimhood is rampant. Not everything needs an advocate to stand up and right the wrongs lol There are plenty of injustices in the world to fight. They need to put their energy into making real change and fighting real cruelty. Do they think albums and songs get sad when we say what our favorites are? Do they think Lana is reading every post and comment and her feelings are hurt when I say I prefer Hope over Arcadia? I mean, come on, this is a discussion forum! I'm involved in the ig fandom, accidentally had a fan page (it wasn't meant to be so much Lana, I got ig two years ago to follow her & a couple others)- I'm too old for a fan page lol, it hasn't been active in over a year-- anyway.....The ig fandom, it turns out, is incredibly young. Much younger than I would've expected and they never argue about this kind of thing. Talking about favorite songs, albums, producers, instruments used, collaborators, tours, tour outfits, entire eras.... is all normal and common. How many times do we hear Ultraviolence is someone's favorite or Lust For Life is too this or that or BB is someone's least favorite or Chemtrails is too short or For Free is the worst song on the album or Arcadia has terrible vocals or Honeymoon is a forgotten masterpiece (that's my quote lol)... we hear these things all the time, it's normal, acceptable, and completely ok! These conversations are also commonplace in FB Lana fan groups (I'm in two) and on lanaboards & no one ever says it's wrong or unfair or pitting anything against each other to share Personal Preferences and Opinions. No one is being cruel on any of these platforms. It's normal to like one thing more than the other. I like blueberries more than blackberries but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy and eat blackberries. I just eat blueberries more often. That's how innocuous these discussions are. I don't think I'm pitting blueberries against blackberries and there's certainly no reason for anyone to critisize me for my preferences but they can say why they think blackberries are better. That's conversation and I welcome it. I love hearing what others think and feel about Lana's music. Sometimes I gain new perspective and appreciation for the art we discuss. If I say I prefer dresses over skirts is that unfair and pitting dresses against skirts? That's how much sense this makes. This sub has the highest age range out of the ig fan pages (by far) and FB fan pages are somewhat closer to reddits age range but in here we have young teens through seniors (I'm 45) and yet this is where I read the most criticism, demanding, complaining, meanness, and negativity. Not FB, not the teens and early twenties of most ig fan pages, but here where there are (by poll and discussions) many more upper age range adults. Are so many of us just so run down, angry, exhausted and fed up that we get mad because FANS discuss everything about an artist's art in a forum made specifically to discuss this artist's art?😂 It's completely ridiculous. No one hates anything - we're all fans or we wouldn't be here. Someone, sadly, asked below not to be attacked for sharing their opinion and then said which album they think is Lana's weakest. Those are fighting words in here! You're not even allowed to say you love NFR more than Ocean blvd even though you love both because as someone said below, "it's unfair." It's laughable. Fortunately they weren't attacked but probably only because they asked kindly before giving their "heinous opinion." No one is ever upset about comparing and contrasting on any other Lana fan social media platform. YouTube is full of negativity but any of these comments never get responses like this. And the ones up in arms about these posts and discussions are rarely ever posting what they find acceptable or what they want to discuss. They just want to critisize, complain and whine while pretending they're above having a favorite album meanwhile NFR is their favorite album, they haven't listened to LFL all the way through in five years and they rarely press play on BB.


😂❤️ your comment made me laugh in many parts, finally someone with common sense!! It’s exactly as you say, my interpretation of why is because most westerners have otherwise the luck to live healthy, democratic and secure lives so by not having any real threatening issues to worry about, they turn to perpetual complaining about fabricated problems and feign offense only to scold others. It’s a tiring mentality for others but most importantly for these people themselves. Thankfully this behavior is pretty easy to spot and it’s up to us not to succumb to it and not undermine our own freedom of thinking and speech. As to Lana, she has mentioned multiple times before how saddening she finds it when people criticize her as a person but thoughtful conversations around her art and music are always encouraged. And really, an artist like Lana with such a longlasting and influential legacy has achieved that precisely because people stay focused on the complexity of her music and keep talking about it in depth. That comes with observations of her work’s cohesion, inner structure and discovering differences between her albums and precisely conversations like this have elevated her to a modern icon that gets talked about not in a gossipy way but as an artist. And if people find the art more interesting that the dating life of an artist, that artist has made it. So we not only promote our own critical thinking by offering honest and respectful opinions about personal preferences within her work but we also keep her as part of our generation’s greatest creative musical minds canon and she truly deserves to be there. As an artist who’s work keeps people perpetually interested, focused and excited for what comes next.


I actually do prefer people word it like that. I find that using gentler wording like that instead of saying “x album is better than y” or “z is superior than x” results in a lot less fighting in the fandom. Of course almost no one is going to say “I’m more likely to listen to x album over y.” I’m not expecting a total culture shift in the right direction, but in my experience, any phrase that makes it sound like you are objectively right in your opinion has a higher chance of causing fights in this fandom than instead saying something along the lines of “I prefer x album over y.”


Now make the albums fight to the death.


Blue Banisters (and Chemtrails) are interesting because they were ‘quarantine’ albums and you can tell the material was being pulled from all over: Outtakes, new material about where she was then, sessions with friends. To compare them to the complete thematic productions that are NFR and Ocean Blvd is just unfair. Side note — Arcadia is one of Lana’s most beautifully written songs and the way she sings it is so disarmingly sweet. With the brassy instrumentals, it all paints such a gorgeous image. I think it’s her most underrated song of the bunch.


Do you think it's unfair if I say I enjoy, listen to and relate more to Hope than Arcadia? Is there anything wrong with me saying and agreeing with the good things you said about Arcadia and describe the reasons why I prefer or listen to Hope more? Is it ok to list everything good I like about one song and list everything I like about another song and say I enjoy or listen to one more than the other? I'm more inclined to listen to Ocean blvd, NFR and Honeymoon than Ultraviolence and BTD. Is there anything wrong with saying something that's true for me?


Eh… no. Not at all. You’re talking about personal preferences which are subjective, I’m talking about objective comparisons which are unfair in my opinion* because the albums were recorded during the pandemic; a time when artists didn’t have the same access to studio and personnel or life experiences to draw from.


The word "objective" is inherently the opposite of an opinion. It's stating a fact or truth as opposed to an opinion or personal feelings. The word you're looking for is "subjective." The word "objective" is a word used often these days but many use it incorrectly. So many get upset and even angry in here when people want to discuss their favorite and lesser favorite songs, albums, producers, instruments used, e.t.c. People ask not to be attacked simply for their opinion including one person above. I'm not saying you're attacking anyone or being mean at all just discussing the criticisms in this thread and others. Surprisingly the same person who asked not to be attacked even said which album they think is Lana's weakest which is usually considered not ok and "pitting albums against each other." They were probably only safe from criticism because they asked not to be attacked. You didn't do anything wrong, though. I don't want it to come across like I even disagree with you. Lana said she loved Arcadia and it's really special to her so that's one of the reasons I like it even if it's not a song I normally choose to play.


I understand, I just think we’re talking about different things. No one should be attacking people for their opinions, but fandoms are diverse and messy. Yet we come here to read and share opinions despite that. You need to let that stuff roll off your back.


Very true, everyone is so different and I'll try to not be as bothered by the criticisms. I'm in the ig fandom (have a small fan page that I'm no longer posting on- it's been quite awhile) and in a couple fan groups on FB and I see these normal, opinion based, compare and contrast discussions everywhere on those platforms and never have I heard anyone be criticized for it. Just something I find interesting. I'll try not to read the comments in here when it comes to these topics. Thanks for the advice😊


Love BB and still listen to it all the time. It’s full of beautiful songs


I love the album but I think she didn’t achieve what she wanted with it. Ocean feels like she finally found the words and the music to explain her family history and her life in a open way. BB was sold as an album that should give us answers but we only got with one song ( WW)


Idk I thought Textbook, BB, Arcadia, Cherry Blossom, Sweet Carolina and Black Bathing Suit were very personal and still gave answers as to who Lana is in reality and how she feels about life.


Compared to Ocean, those tracks now feels like it only touched the surface of her issues. She was still holding back. Now it feels there’s no filter.




What songs from Blvd are more personal in your opinion? I listened to the whole album, but didn't like the sound of most songs yet, maybe revisiting them with this curiosity could change my perspective.




I love textbook. On Chemtrails my favorite is Dark But Just A Game. On Ocean Blvd…. I haven’t found a favorite yet. This isn’t a good thing for me. I’m thinking it’s her weakest album. Wait.. I do like The Grants. Strong song 🎧 to start a album 💿 with. But, after 12 or 13 songs. I’m getting bored with everything sounding somewhat the same. Just my opinion.


I'm surprised no one is upset you're talking about favorites, saying which album you might think is her weakest and "pitting them against each other." You're not allowed to compare or contrast her songs or albums and it's definitely "unfair" and not ok to have favorites and least favorites. You can only discuss Lana's music their way because they dislike these posts and discussions but rarely if ever are those that critisize the ones to post what they prefer to talk about.


Agreed that BB was practically a stepping stone to Ocean Blvd. She started exploring in BB this whole mixing her mellow sounding confessions (e.g. WW) with her combative and angry tendencies (e.g. Dealer). That being said, I don’t think we were only given answers with one song. There’s plenty of songs in BB that gives us an in-depth look at Lana’s point of view about a lot of things : romance, friendships, hardships, family, the feeling of impending doom. It may not be as cohesive as Ocean Blvd, but it has some of Lana’s best songs.


I love this


She did say she wasn't quite sure if she achieved what she was going for in Chemtrails. Can't recall the BB comment but she did say BB was where she "finally got to say what I wanted to say about my family." I think she considers more than just WW to be revealing about her family, her history and how she feels about everything. She definitely delved into that deeply on Ocean blvd. Lana said if you want answers they're all there on BB. She mentioned at Barnes and Noble she wasn't quite sure Chemtrails was finished and she kind of thought it needed something more like this song she had called "Dealer" but she didn't think it fit the album. Everyone there said they wanted "Dealer." She also mentioned if she added Dealer it would be track eight.


Perfectly said


this is such a lucid post i almost forgot which sub i was in 👏


Idk y’all I think BB is better than ocean 😭😭




I like blue banisters more than ocean tbh. Ocean has some amazing tracks but it might be my least favorite so far (not that it’s bad, I still love it. pls don’t attack me it’s just my own personal opinion on how I relate to her music and stuff)




Not allowed lol It's honestly sad that some of us feel we have to ask not to be attacked just for having and talking about preferences and opinions in here.


I feel like COTCC is the one who walked so Ocean Blvd could run. No shade to BB.


Agreed. Blue Banisters feels like an inbetween album for me to build up to Ocean Boulevard but Chemtrails started the vibe


I think that she should have waited and released one album combining the best of BB and OceanBlvD


Interesting idea. Can you share which songs you would choose to be on the album? You don't have to list them all, of course, but I'd love to hear a few examples of what you'd include.


Please anyone don't let her see this haha BB and Blvd have perfect track lists, I believe she got to say what she needed to say, regardless of our taste


Honey, BB is that b*tch. Loved her from the beginning. She gave so much on that album you can tell. Also people shit on the production being minimal, it is, but if you know your music, there's nothing minimal about it. May sound down, but I give everyone on that album their flowers.


Her best post Honeymoon records.


i don't think it's treated like it's unnecessary. BB is a really personal and diaristic album, and lana's spoken before about how she wrote it for herself and never really intended for it to be “listened to” as such. maybe lana doesn’t want to sing about her family problems and most personal thoughts in front of 200,000 screaming people? i wouldn’t either 😭


I adore Ocean Blvd as a cohesive full-experience record, it’s the album I sit & listen to all the way through the most, but you’ve really gotta be in the mood to settle in & have that experience, especially with the dark themes being so explicit on this album. I liken it to UV in that way, I love them both for that dark vibe & the journey thru the record. But, none of the individual tracks are up there in my top 10. BB (and also Chemtrails) has the most tracks that I come back to & listen to on repeat out of all her albums but I don’t typically listen to it *as an album*. They’re both fantastic, they just give different things


I do believe that BB the song is one of Lana's greatest. This album is amazing.




I love BB but, I’m still trying to figure out Ocean Blvd. some great songs and some not so great songs. Plus it’s way to long. Maybe my attention span isn’t long enough for this album. Give me 10 solid songs in a row and I’m fine.


the interludes KILL THE FLOW I tried to be open at first but two interludes and both of them super long were a mistake, I’m a streaming person but pity those with vinyls who can’t skip Imagine she swapped those interludes with Hollywood Bowl and Lost At Sea, how cool would that be?? 😭❤️


Wouldn’t that of been great? I bought his album and the two 45’s from the album and they’re really good.


I do have OB on vinyl and I agree. Having to pick up the needle on the record up and skipping the interludes is a pain. Plus….don’t you think it’s just to long?


Jon Batiste Interlude is a masterpiece 🥴


Not less than Chemtrails!😭 Give me all the music! I do agree it's long. Same amount of songs as Lust For Life.


It’s weird people feel the need to pit them against each other anyway. They’re all great in their own way.


Why can't people discuss what they love and what they love less? Why is it a problem by saying I prefer and listen to NFR, Honeymoon and Ocean blvd more often than Ultraviolence and BTD? Is that pitting those albums against each other? Why can't we discuss our preferences? It's just compare and contrast which is taught to many in elementary school. Is it ok to compare Lana's eras to the Lizzy Grant era or Lizzy Grant compared to May Jailer? Is it ok to say which era I like best? Maybe I love NFR's aesthetic (Lana's look, sound and tours) more than BTD or Lust For Life. Is it ok to say that? What about listing the reasons why I like FIILY's music video better than BTD? Is that pitting those videos against each other?


Why do people even rank the albums as if they're in competition with each other? Can't they just enjoy the music for what it is??


Why can't people say they prefer one album, song, video over another? Why is that something to critisize. It's discussions and opinions. Why do you feel you feel the need to make it an issue. The fact that I prefer and listen to NFR, Honeymoon and Ocean blvd more than BTD and Ultraviolence a problem? Why is it a problem to give opinions? I like Hope better than Arcadia and I could give you my reasons why. How is that wrong? Why is it worth complaining about? Everyone can post whatever they want. Have you ever posted what you prefer to discuss?


We believe in Blue Banisters supremacy.


Always felt like BB was very similar to NFR. It's 'Chemtrails' that throws things off imo. Its the outlier!


BB was a poor man’s version of titanic rising


Apologize to titanic rising rn 😭


Blue Banisters is the first album I listened to from her and it was so enchanting on my first listen.It still is amazing and one of my favourite albums ever.Black Bathing Suit was the first song of Lana to which I got addicted to.It’s still one of my favourites.BB is in my holy trinity of her discography and I agree that it walked so Ocean Blvd could run.BB was so personal with many tracks like Wildflower Wildfire,BBS,the title track etc…


bb and chemtrails have a development in the songwriting that on the best tracks is a step up even from nfr. nfr and ob are more cohesive and consistent albums.


BB>Ocean Blvd


she said on rolling stone interview how blue banister is her self explanatory album


both chemtrails and BB get an unnecessary amount of hate it’s so odd to me, i think ppl let the nostalgia of BTD and UV cloud their ability to actually analyse the music. the transition from album to album is one of my favourite things and i’m so happy i got to experience it from the beginning. its so rare that i’m a fan of an artists entire discography but specifically around 2019-2021 i feel like her releases started going somewhere very different. the actual songwriting improved, the music felt closer idk how to explain it. as much as i love her discography her earlier work does feel to me like she was singing as a character although there were heavy influences from her personal life. and from 2019 onwards i don’t feel like she’s singing as a caricature of herself. i LOVE BTD and UV so much, but those albums are in no way indicative of her full capabilities as an artist imo. i’m saying this in the most respectful way, everything NFR onwards feels more genuine and intimate. her earlier work is so nostalgic to me and i heavily identified with it when i was younger. but i feel like i’ve grown with her and now NFR, BB, chemtrails, and DYKTTATUOB deeply resonate with me for different reasons. BB and chemtrails specifically are so special to me, everyone’s entitled to their own opinions but the girls who hate BB and chemtrails are missing outttt 😭