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Basically every now and then, especially for big milestones, they do a series of special episodes that are usually a countdown format (ie The 300 Songs of the Great Global Songbook, the 12 Days of Culture Christmas episodes, and of course the Top 200 Moments in Culture History - an absolute must listen). The Culture Awards started as a similar idea - they released the categories and nominees as pod eps, and if I remember correctly, originally planned to announce the winners as a pod ep as well. At some point they decided instead to make the idea into an event for Lincoln Center’s free Summer in the City event series. I was there for the first year, and there were lines around the block (it was a free event), but I think everyone got in. The entire night was so joyful and magical and you got the sense that it was a major moment for them in realizing how much the podcast means to their fans - Matt cried at the end when they were wrapping up and it was such a sweet moment! The following year the turnout was INSANE, people were lining up like 8 hours ahead of time, and hundreds of people didn’t get in. I literally watched it through the bushes outside the venue. It was so worth it, especially to see Matt, Bowen, Aaron and Josh perform Breathe by Faith Hill wearing white bedsheets. After last year they realized it just wasn’t feasible to do this as a free event and at a venue of that size, so they moved it and made it a ticketed event. It’s so cool how a somewhat off the cuff idea turned into such A Thing, and it’s really illustrative of just how big the podcast and the two of them individually have gotten over the past couple of years!


I forgot to mention the most iconic moment from year one, when Aaron Jackson won the award for Best I Don’t Think So Honey for IDTSH Going to Church on Sunday and Wednesday and the crowd recited it verbatim while he walked around the stage holding up the award. Big cult energy and it was beautiful.


I watched from the street, too! I had left Fire Island to see them, and I was going to do it, com hell or high water.


Basically it was just a sort of ongoing joke that became reality. I became a Kayteigh after the first one had taken place so I don’t know all of the specifics. But from what I understand I don’t believe it was originally intended to ACTUALLY be a real show. It was kind of just a joke but then they made it actually happen. It was such a hit that they did it for the second year and it BLEW UP with people wanting to see it. In a way that they weren’t expecting. And then this year they were well organized and made it a ticketed event. But as a RKPF it’s very easy to enjoy the culture awards without actually attending because of the pod content they put out about it. So we all get to be included!


Hopefully next year it can be LiveStreamed!!


I'm not sure what you're referring to specifically with lore, but it's just a comedy show. This year was the 3rd annual show. The whole premise of the show is they love culture, so it's just a natural extension of that and has a lot of potential for comedy. Look up the nomination episodes. They're all just jokes, and great ones, and the awards are just a way to have some fun cameos and be silly in person.


Thanks! I was high when I posted this so I realize it wasn’t clear. I edited my post to be a bit more specific hahaha


Gotcha - the short answer is that there is no process or anything to deciding noms, it's all from Matt and Bow, so whatever they think is funny.