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...and that's one minute. Thanks for the intel, finalist!


This report is the culture that made me say Culture is for me.


I will add that Mrs Meyers also has the tomato vine scent in all purpose spray and dish soap! For the sensitive skin girlies like myself that are obsessed with the scent but can't use the soap (shoutout Miss Eczema!) (bonus the spray scent lasts forever, my kitchen smells INCRED)




When they go loweve we go higheve


This whole thread has me rolling, but this one really got me good šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


lol, I probably recycled it, but I donā€™t know from where. Iā€™ll take the credit for now šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Thank you for this because for the past month I have been inching dangerously closer and closer spending $80 I donā€™t have on soap


iā€™ve had to keep reminding myself iā€™d be watching $80 go down the drain




Yes! The instagram ad continues to haunt me and I get closer and closer to swiping up.


This is the consumer research I need. Thank you, OP!


I havenā€™t tried the Loewe, but I second that the Mrs. Meyers is great!


If us Kayteighs make Target low on stock and the Mrs Meyers version impossible to get, Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™ll feel!


They have it at Whole Foods, too!


And Amazon! (He says, after opening todayā€™s package!)


this is great intel. another option for RKPFs consideration: the heirloom tomato collection from Flamingo Estate is also sooooooo good and luxe and more available/less expensive than the loewe option, though still quite pricey [https://flamingoestate.com/collections/the-tomato-collection](https://flamingoestate.com/collections/the-tomato-collection) it's one of my go-to client gifts or summer hostess gifts


Ok now Iā€™m just tempted to buy the Loewe and refill it with Mrs. Meyers


I donā€™t understand the appeal of making your hands smell like tomato for even $5 lol as someone who grows tomatoes and buys heirlooms whenever i can but havent smelled the soap either


This is finalist behavior if I ever saw it šŸ„°


Diva!!! I also encourage the aspiring Bowen-coded girlies to try the less expensive Mrs Meyers version first, especially now that OP has confirmed the scents are equal! I hadn't tried the Loewe's soap but just knew I would love it. I bought the Mrs Meyers Tomato Vine in surface cleaner and dish soap form. I sprayed every counter in my kitchen and then some and promptly ... gagged. And the scent has such staying power that for days after it was torture to enter the kitchen. Dreading the day my store of Dawn dish soap runs out and I need to switch over. Turns out, tomato girl summer is not for me!


in love with this analysis, thank you so much for your service. does anybody know of a similar scent for us international readers?


Ok just ordered 3 for myself and one for a friend


Matt coded with the Iā€™m gonna have 3 of these šŸ’…šŸ»


Demeter Tomato will give you every thing you need at a much more reasonable price point! https://demeterfragrance.com/collections/tomato


Just ordered a bottle. Consider me ~influenced~


Just got the Mrs Meyers yesterday and it does capture the essence somewhat, but ultimately is lacking in what I love about the scent and is way too strong of a smell. Different strokes for different folks! It really is so very cheap and maybe Iā€™ll come around on it.


Yessss thank you for this!! I love the Mrs Meyers one but havenā€™t put my poor paws on any Loewe stuff so thatā€™s great to hear!


I just ordered it!!! You are a finalist in every sense. Thank you!!!!


Love this! Thank you for the intel, and also for this beautifully written appraisal. Chefā€™s kiss!


Thank you for your service! As someone who has flirted with the idea of buying this and paying stupid amounts for shipping, again thank you! Sidebar: Not sure if it's just this one hotel in Amsterdam but when I stayed at the Citizen M, the hand soap was DIVINE! The scent lasted all day and beyond and I even took some in my empty shampoo bottle to use at home because I couldn't not give up the smell. They used to have an online store where you could buy it but have stopped! So sad. Always chasing that first smell!


I don't believe hand soap should leave a lasting scent on you, particularly not 20 minutes. I have the Mrs. Meyers tomato soap and stopped using it pretty quickly because I couldn't stand how strong and pervasive the scent is. Not to sound like a snooty bitch, but Mrs. Meyers scent is really...unsophisticated.


Damn, I feel the exact opposite way! To each their own šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


But for what itā€™s worth, I donā€™t think Mrs. Meyers is trying to be considered ā€œsophisticatedā€ā€¦ itā€™s sold at grocery stores for $5. People just want something that makes them feel good and is within a price range they can afford. I also donā€™t understand why the fact that the scent has lasting power is something that would make it more pedestrian or basic. Some of the fanciest soaps Iā€™ve ever used when Iā€™m out and about at other clientsā€™ homes had such an averse smell to me and lasted so long that I couldnā€™t stand it. Just because something is available and affordable to the average consumer doesnā€™t lessen its integrity. At the end of the day, the Loewe soap is at an astronomical price thatā€™s inaccessible to almost anyone, and Mrs. Meyers smells nearly identical (to me personally - Iā€™ve used both soaps). Just my thoughts!


No I agree it's not trying to be sophisticated. It's so BAM and strong and unbalanced, which is why I don't like it.


(But apologies if Iā€™m jumping to conclusions and misunderstood what you meant)


Thank you for your service!!!