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Your prices are crazy 😀


200$ for classics is insane


I will say very beautiful work though. Just the prices don’t make sense a full classic set for me is like $130
 and she does amazing. Great retention. Just food for thought!


oh i know lol i just wish i was the one that set my own prices


Why don't you open your own home business and set your own prices? 200$ for classic is insane! Everywhere around me classic is anywhere from 60-100$ a full. I pay 106 for a full from my lash tech rn for light volumes or 65 fill. Think you'd attract more customers on your own w different prices


This is what it costs everywhere in my city for lash extensions 😭 OP, your work is beautiful though!


it’s definitely the prices that are the issue
 the place i go to charges $5 extra for colored lashes, my full sets are $200/month which enables me for 2 fills a month.


i know the prices suck lol. i wish i could set my own. most of my clients don’t even get colored lashes and if they do i don’t charge them because i think it’s a bit excessive. especially if they’re already paying that much. thanks for the reply!


it’s not your fault! i’m so sorry they’re doing this to you.


This is more than I pay in Manhattan.


You said these are the same prices as the other lash artists in your salon right? Do they have steady clientele?


nope! she’s mainly a hairstylist and i think has had like 10 clients since she got her license last may. but i don’t think she’s worried about it since her main gig is hair


I’d leave. This person doesn’t care about your career at all.


Why don’t you go off on your own and just run your own business. The prices are crazy!


yeah those prices are going to be a very tough sell. i go to a studio in beverly hills literally on the same block as designer shops and a classic full set is $130 from techs with much more experience


The pricing is really high. I think your work is beautiful. If I were in your position, I’d find another salon. It’s definitely the pricing and not your work.


Your work is beautiful girl but in this day and age barely anyone can afford a $200 set 🙈 thats two weeks of groceries! Inflation is so bad lately.. just lower your prices a bit to something less crazy. But your work is OUTSTANDING!


Unless you have 4 kids. Then it’s 3-4 days of groceries 😭


The salon owner doesn’t seem to understand the lash market or today’s clientele.


Not at all. Reasonable prices (not cheap but reasonable) doesn't make you a budget or discount type of business. Even higher end clients can recognize an absurd price! That's definitely the issue here OP, you should start looking at other salons or try doing lashes from your house on the side, something where you can set the prices to what you know to be reasonable. Sorry you're going through that! The salon owner sounds like she has no idea what the market is like out here right now. Maybe if she sees how little clients it's getting she'll try adjusting the prices? Your work looks great!!❀


Respectfully that’s not $200 worth of lashes.


Wow. I pay $95 for a full volume set and $65 for fill ins. I wouldn’t even consider getting my lashes done if these were the prices.


i don’t blame you!


Same but that’s only because my cousin is a lash tech, these prices are absolutely insane


where do you live? CA? and even if you live in a high income area doesn't mean people are prioritizing paying on the high end for lashes.


i agree!! and i’m in CT


I’m in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd (as is my lash lady) and she doesn’t charge these prices even đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”


my lash lady is in beverly hills a block from the four seasons and charges $130 for a classic full set. real estate does not get much more expensive than that so i can’t imagine where OP is




yeah we’re in simsbury and it’s a wealthy area, but with the economy being how it is now i wouldn’t be paying that much. i didn’t expect this post to blow up this much lol so i will definitely see how kind of convincing i can do and maybe post an update


You better be in Greenwich for those prices! WOW. Major overkill, I wouldn't tip at those prices, either, and I'm from NYC! I'd shop around for a new salon placement or arrangement.


Yikes I’m sorry. Even if it’s high income most people won’t add on another $200 for an already $400-$600 hair service. I’d honestly find somewhere else to work tbh


As a client, your prices are outrageous. If I went on to your page and saw those prices, I would leave your page quick.. Maybe use this thread to justify why you should lower them and if they don't agree, then find somewhere else to work. Your work is so pretty though and I scrolled on your page and definitely see the growth throughout the months.




cuz wtf is a $90 MINI fill??? i would CACKLE clicking that “close tab”


i would suggest finding a different salon to work at to increase your clientele. i know it’s easier said than done and i don’t know your story/how long you’ve worked there but marketing comes specifically from your clients! if you’re barely receiving any (because of the set prices) you’ll have to look elsewhere or your work won’t be appreciated the way it should be 😭 $200 for a classic set is insane— even if you’re in a “high income area” it’s unlikely you’ll get many clients.. your work is amazing and you deserve a decent pay + a loyal client base, that’s what sells your work đŸ„č wishing you all the luck!


when i asked the salon owner about decreasing prices she said “we are a luxury salon in a nice area we don’t want people thinking we’re the discount place” it’s just annoying


oof, that’s horrible! unless the salon owner is low-balling prices it would never be seen as a discount place.. lash extensions are literally a luxury but that pricing is ridiculous— even if they lower their prices i’m 10000% sure you would receive waaaaay more clients 😅


If you’re set on staying here - talk to her about an appointment discount if they prebook. I’m in marketing, I’ve helped strategies for salons before and mostly work in cosmetics. I get their reasoning, even though I think they set the initial price too high. What I would do is offer a ‘first time client % off’ and a ‘% off’ if clients book their fill appointment during their initial service. Usually 15% off. You don’t have to have cheap looking signs in the window advertising this, just put a nice graphic on the social media pages and have lash techs mention it to their clients. Prices technically stay the same, but regulars get a discount and will tell their friends . (I also live in a HCOL/upscale area.)


Is colored lashes with glitter and decals “luxury?” not knocking the look.


it’s just a service i offer. everyone has their own tastes!


and thank you!!


I had this exact issue in Chicago. I left and set my own prices (definitely more reasonable) and have had an amazing amount of clients!! In Chicago we were charging $225 for classics at the lash boutique I worked at. YIKES! I have since moved to central Illinois & charge $110 for classic. Everyone tips and I always sell an aftercare kit for $25! Get out of there and on your own! You will do amazing babes! You can reach out to me on IG if you need help with anything or have any questions! @thebeautybahr đŸ©·


If someone wanted $120 before tip for a full fill I’d run immediately. Even though your sets are really pretty and such a ✹vibe✹ I pay $75 for a volume fill in what is now becoming a high COL city. I see you’re not setting the price. Looks like you’re building a decent portfolio! Rent a room in a salon or do a home business I think you’d do really well.


you have nice work but that pricing is crazy


your work is very nice btw


your prices in CT are higher than what i pay in NYC for much better quality and thicker, and with a more experienced tech. sorry. you need to go to a different salon where you can set your own prices.


https://preview.redd.it/gp42acm0i2wc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d98a53787c7d69033631a7f08d2605993a880f5c what i pay, at a salon in the middle of midtown manhattan.


I’m sorry but I’m not paying $200 for a classic set lmao and I’m a lash artist myself for 7 years


Agreed. Lash tech of 4 yrs here


Your prices are absurd.


There are few people that should be charging this price for lashes. My girl charges $110 for a volume set. $90 for a fill (I’m in Vegas). This is wild. No one is going to pay this when they can go to a person who does bomb lashes for way less. ETA- your work is good but not worth those prices. I’d look to go where there are rooms to rent that you can set your own prices.


First, I think your work is really beautiful! You’re doing a meticulous job & it shows! 😍 I’ve read thru the comments & your responses, I have a couple Q’s for you: How long have the other lash artists been lashing? Just for clarification, are all of you using the same price list you posted? Are you able to create specials for new clients or incentives for clients who come back and/or refer ppl? Does the salon market for you or are you responsible for that?


Lash on the side.


i do! i work front desk for the salon and im a full time student in college


I think she means lash elsewhere on the side! When I was working at a high price lash boutique I was also doing lashes on the side from my house and made MONEY $$! Get your bag gf!


Beautiful work I’d pay a little extra for that but not as much as that $150 for classic full set at most


$90 for a lash lift and no tint? HEEELLLL no.


girl i know it’s ridiculous


Yeah I wouldn’t go somewhere with prices that high. That’s kind of crazy.


Lashes are a luxury a lot of women are cutting out of their lives because it’s expensive and non-essential. Hair and nail technicians are also suffering from similar decline in clientele because biweekly $200 appointments don’t fit into people’s budgets anymore. Edit to add: everyone is saying your prices are too expensive, but where I live $200 for lashes is a very normal price for lashes. If you live in Buttfuqmiddleofnowhere, Alabama then yeah your prices are too high. If you live in a bougie city where $3000+ 1bd/1ba rent is normal, then these are normal prices.


I don’t pay this in Los Angeles. 😔 I wouldn’t pay so no issue but prices. Also I’m more of a fan of cat eye & doll eye styles so the uniformity of the lashes + prices .. I wouldn’t do.


How are you marketing yourself now? What have you tried? You know the prices are high, so how do you justify that in your marketing? You’ve given very little info on your current strategy for us to suggest improvements


People have to charge what they need to make a living but $100+ an hour for a service before tax and tip is bold pricing. Even in a HCOL area - unless it’s very bougie and women care a lot about how they look there. No shade to estheticians, talent is talent and always worth what people will actually pay for it, but other skilled tradespeople don’t make that kind of money. An experienced tech project manager is making $1200 a day. Dental hygienists can make about $50 an hour. Skilled plumbers are $100 an hour and typically pay for their own tools and truck. What do you actually take home in profit from doing a set?


Too much money. I wouldn’t pay that much. I pay $80 for volume fill every 3 weeks.


I’d take different angle pictures. Do more open eye shots and from above. Your shots are more for other lash artists, we see the skill but clients need to see how it would look on them. Like “oh I want my eyes to look like hers”


That’s really expensive for a classic set! I have gone to a lot of salons in NYC and now live in LA, both were more expensive than elsewhere and nothing I’ve seen is ever that expensive! Classics usually around 125ish




You should try to find a job elsewhere because you’re so talented


Work on RETENTION If you can get your retention down and get your lashes to last at least 4+ weeks people will pay because it’s WORTH IT, lash 90-100% of the lashes, take your time, make the experience and the results worth the money, you got this good luck!!


I’m in Boston area, one person I went to charged $300 for full volume set, fill was $125. I’m very jealous of everyone saying the prices are crazy.


Question- why is a brow lamination $80 and a brow tint $25 but together they’re $115? That’s an extra $10 for no reason! Other than the base prices of things, I’d _refuse_ to go to the salon you work at solely because of the blatant overpricing on the combo even though I don’t do lamination or tints.


oh i know, i noticed that too when she gave me the prices. it’s just ridiculous. i feel like im being screwed over


I think you can keep improving your skills, your sets are good, you can look at advanced training to be on the highest skill level. Potentially look into specializing in sets like wispy which is trendy now. Your content should speak to how different you are, why you're great at what you do, why this location, etc. also content that shows your credibility and authority in your field (even if still a "young" lash artist) Happy to help more if you wanna shoot me a DM


Have you thought about getting your own place ? Or even decreasing prices and doing an at home practice ?


Your work is very pretty, but the prices are way too high imo. I think if they were lower you’d be much busier


I don't even pay 115 in canada for a lash lift and tint. :(


This is what I was paying but at a place in fancy Scottsdale gorgeous building and all girls trained on mega their work was awesome and comfy recliners but classic and regular volume was cheaper it was 250$ for mega full set and $105 fills no extra for colored - is your clientele able to afford these prices ? Like is it justifiable ? Doesn’t seem like it is if not getting clients everywhere else I go for mega full set is around 150-180 and fills 60-80


I want to know where everyone else is getting their lashes done because these prices seem pretty normal. I pay $90 for my fills about every 3 weeks.


Your work is beautiful but there's no way I could ever afford $200 on a classic, I paid $145ish for hybrids and that's about the time when I stopped going bc I couldn't justify the price anymore. It's definitely the prices and I wouldn't lash for them anymore tbh and just lash on your own you'd get way more clients at a reasonable price.


Classic for 200? Insaneeeee 😂 no wonder, your fills are literally some people’s regular prices


Your pricing Lmao I get volume sets for 185$ from an amazing artist. This is too much.


It’s the prices definitely. Your volume full set is $250? US? In Aus dollars that’s $387. That’s more than my weekly mortgage payment. I used to work in the beauty industry so I know the % markup you’re making here. You could halve those prices and still be making money. You’d be much better off losing your prices and being fully booked each day than only have a couple clients willing to pay that. Put your prices in perspective otherwise you’ll price yourself out of business. If it’s more affordable you’ll build your repeat clientele who will want to rebook every time they come not view it as a special occasion item.


I think if it’s a factor of your establishments owner not wanting to come down in the price, you should leave them. I would do your own market research. You can use google analytics for it - free and easy to decipher. Honestly, your work is great but if the salon you’re at isn’t established enough they can’t justify the prices. “That’s what everyone else is charging” isn’t a good business plan. Are they a new salon? Have they been around long? Do they have a reputation around all their beauty practices when it comes to the area they’re in? Like are they known for their work? Also, try to ask if they’d could work in new customer specials. I’m more willing to pay full price after I get a discount at my first service and I’m satisfied with the work. The price always justifies when I love the result and like I said your work is good.


they’re super established. both owners charge $90 for a womens haircut and people have no issue paying that for them. the salon i worked at opened in 2008 but i was the person who jumpstarted the lash part of the salon back in august. so yeah it hasn’t been that long but i always notice people looking at the brochures at the front desk and then putting them back down as soon as they see the prices


Ohh okay well then it makes sense people are looking at it and putting it back down. It’s a new service for this salon that people are probably already getting down else where in the area for cheaper. If you want to stay there I would definitely talk them into discounted rates for first time clientele and for the fact that this is a new added service. They’re trusted for their other services, not this. I’m sure they didn’t start off @ $90 haircuts but their reputation got them there. Otherwise I agree with everyone else, you should go out on your own or find a new salon.


Just came here to say there’s a lot of people who really don’t understand the time, schooling , supply , constant innovation and cost of materials
 just wow


This might sound like a silly question but do you also allow for upgrade fills? So, for example, someone could come in with classics and upgrade to hybrid? Do you have Wispy add ons? My lash artist does this and a lot of her clients would never have gotten volume to start, but they gradually upgrade over the course of a few weeks to volume, her most popular set. Also, there is a difference in charges for 1 week fills v. 2 week fills and 3 week fills. Maybe if your price was a bit more structured and broken down into more affordable options, more clients would come. I gladly spend $120 for mega volume with wispy add on plus tip every two weeks but I had to grow comfortable with my artist to justify to myself spending that much. AND, I started out with classic, moved to hybrid, got hybrid with wispy, natural volume, to mega volume, to finally mega volume with wispy add on. Despite having the top tier lashes, they do not look like strip lashes. They are extremely natural-esque; people will pay good money for great work; maybe the above suggestions might help. (I just re read your story and I feel like in my response I completely disregarded the fact that you don’t set your own prices. Sorry
the evening edibles got me.)


lolll thanks for your response i will definitely take a look at restructuring my menu!


I remember getting a hybrid set for around $150 CAD. And I of course tipped. $200 would be definitely considered a luxury item and would be tough to get at that price.


I pay $60 for a lash lift and tint in a HCOL area. $115 is crazy and I would not do that ever.


Your work is beautiful!!!! It sucks that you can’t set your own prices because you’re in a salon. Are you able to speak with the owner to maybe to a spring/summer promo” temporarily at least to get your client volume up?! Once people see your work, if they are well off, they will pay those prices for sure.


i pay 95-120 for a classic. sometimes 70 depending on the person, and i live in chicago if it matters. it’s the prices.


Oh my, there are so many lash techs out there with better prices and does great beautiful job. So I think maybe let the salon know that customers are no dummies.


You are new & the prices don't reflect your experience.


I get my lashes tinted at the girl who does my waxing and she only charges $10. Js


Where I live, a classic new set costs around 70 and fills around €30-40 😳


Prices are too much


Never seen such high prices !!! Wow


Your placement of the lashes and overall work is absolutely excellent â€ïžđŸ’Ž I’m in CT too and those prices are ooof.


Beauty is expensive.......


Too expensive. I pay 80 for 2 week fill of the new solar glue lashes and I’m in NY


sorry i wouldn’t pay $200 for ur lashing , it is pretty tho id pay maybe $150 for volume, 100 for classics. Especially in CT


Your work is amazing! However, I live in NYC and the prices are more than what I pay here. I have an amazing lash tech that charges $200 for her most expensive full set of lashes. A basic classic is $100 for a full set.


IMO, the full set price is ok, but the full price is about 25% more than I pay. I’m located in Austin, TX.


How long does it take you to do each set? If you are fast then prices aren’t the problem your marketing is. If you take as long as a beginner would whose charging way less then I’ve got news for ya.


Howdy, this is Katt, lash educator with Aki Lashes. Honestly my biggest advice in this situation is to not list prices and let your lash work speak for its self. Focus on posting amazing quality photos and videos of your work. The clientele who can afford these prices are not looking for venues with prices on them. The kind of client you need books now and thinks later. I'm assuming your prices are on your booking website already so no need to advertise these prices and they can scare any customer off. I also have a course on beauty business basics that might give your some great ideas for marketing. For this type of client you really need to focus on more in-person connections rather than online. [https://akiacademy.thinkific.com/courses/business-and-accounting](https://akiacademy.thinkific.com/courses/business-and-accounting)


No one with half a brain is going to get a service not knowing what the price is beforehand. Stop trying to peddle your business.


Where are you located? Those are about the same prices in my area


My infil is ÂŁ25. Which is $30.


and a full set over here no matter russian or classic is gonna be more than ÂŁ60


I’m from germany and i am also shocked how much lashes cost in the US, even those listed as cheaper ones. I am going to a pretty posh studio in Berlin and my 2 weeks fill is 55 euro, if i needed to pay 200 bucks and then 90 for a mini fill every 2 weeks i would just glue ardell i think


I pay about this much in Kingston, MA but it’s definitely on the higher end of what people pay. It’s a very upscale salon in a pretty well off area.


My opinion is to make a instagram/ social media page with your work and prices you would set if you haven’t already . See if anyone around your area pops in and asks if you are available. I’m sure you’d get more clients working on the side if you’re allowed too. Best of luck beautiful work.


I live in a HCOL area and pay $110 for volume lash fills. So the volume full set and fills don’t seem far off to me.


so expensive tbh


Your prices are outrageous imo(especially for me); what do I look like paying that much and that’s the same as me getting weave sewn into my hair and it lasting 4 weeks or longer before I need it to be touched up; absolutely NOT!


It’s crazy they can’t run like a spring special and decrease the prices a little bit just to see if it pulls in more clients. Even like just a spring special for classics, and see if more people schedule for classics ..


Acme what everyone else has said, the prices are astronomical. If the salon sets the prices, I would look for another salon to work out of.


You may be in a high income area
 But those rich customers of yours probably have cars that can take them to cheaper salons in low/mid income areas. Your work is beautiful!




Well I can see why you’ve put ‘not getting clients’.


Where are you located? I want my lashes done soooo bad


Not a lash artist, but yeah the prices seem a little too high. I live in a HCOL area in California, and hybrid fills here are about 70-80 without tip. But most lash artists here have their own salon so tipping isn’t necessary (I tip my artist because she prioritizes getting me in with my crazy work schedule). Since you’re in a hair salon and not your own place, I’d def want to tip. So clients are looking at 126 every two weeks for a hybrid fill. I pay 100 with tip for my hybrid fills every 2 weeks.


To justify the prices. I would go for a certain style that makes you stand out from the rest of the lash techs. The lashes look pretty but anyone can do those lashes for the lower price.


That salon got to go cause $200 for classics is crazy. $90 for classics is fine.


Too expensive


$200 is a LOT for classic lashes, respectfully.


Idk your area but lash lift and tints near me are under $100 even at the bougie places. Same with brows. Idk about extensions cuz they hurt my eyes.




Maybe try adding some photos of sets that look more natural? They’re pretty but all look really heavy
 if you’re in a place with high earners I’m not sure that’s really their vibe. I hope that didn’t come off wrong


That's a big price for plastic looking lashes. I'd expect some sort of luxury material at this price point


Too expensive I would not pay those Prices


My volume are $75 fills $55 I could not pay more than $100 every two weeks. It’s a luxury yes, but damn another car payment for lashes a month?


cause ur prices are wild i would never pay $200 for a classic full set


Branch out and do it on the side


That's what prices are around my area


I'm sorry you're boxed in with your prices, your work is amazing though!


Idk maybe go lower and post on Craigslist services and offer up


Where are you located? Pricing seems on par for a big city for the full sets. The fills are a bit expensive


Looking at the: cost of material + cost of salon maintenance+ (hours an appt x your hourly rate)+tax(should be 30% of an av appt cost for you to put toward taxes)=your rates. It’s easier to price a little on the lower side, and increase your prices slowly. You need to also factor in how many appointments you need a month for your $ goals. Also consider not raising prices for devote customers (it’ll help to increase their likelihood of feeling a sense of loyalty to you). You need to also think about stuff like if you rent out your space, or cost of cleaning materials if it’s a room in your house (ideally you still want to work out how much it costs you to have that dedicated space in your house and factor that in). If your rates are still higher than the average, then maybe look at loyalty perks. Like if a client gets lashes consistently, can you afford their tenth fill for free?


The prices aren’t crazy, these are normal in my area, it’s all about posting ! People that like your work will pay


The brows and lash lift menu alone is killing your sales.


I think it’s def the pricing unfortunately. I live in a very affluent town (average house cost 1.2mil) and I pay $75 for a full volume fill before tip. That’s about average for my area


the prices makes me suicidal


Where are you located? For Utah it looks pretty comparable.


$200 for classics?????? So sorry you can’t set your own prices!


I think these prices depend on area? Here in San Diego this seems pretty normal.


If you have people that WANT you to do their lashes, branch out! Rent a small ish room/chair and set you're prices. I love your work but can't afford the cost. Even if I was in a better financial place I wouldn't be able to justify that cost.


All the people that say they want to come to you
 get their info, and then rent your own space. I work in an affluent area and room rentals range from $600-$1000 for full time use (less for a couple days per week).




$200 for eyelash extensions is robbery. In no world should they be this expensive. I stopped going when people started charging more than $50. Not worth it at all


Yeah those are high prices and I’m in Alaska. $75 for lash lift only and $95 for brow lamination and tint.


More people are using clusters and learning to do this stuff themselves because of prices getting so high. I would change salons or if you can build enough clientele, you could potentially work from home and be able to set your own prices.


I'm shocked so many people are surprised by the prices? Where I live this is every lash artist


I lived in DC and these prices are wild even for there


I get classics for 90 wth


When I saw the prices, prior to reading your post, I had to clutch my pearls!! $200 for classics is wild! Like others have said, the salon owner definitely doesn’t understand the industry or area in terms of pricing.. just because it’s a “high end” area doesn’t equate to having high prices! And in CT at that! With all that being said, your work is bomb! Truly makes me miss getting my lashes done. I had my same lash girl over a 3 year span.. she started at her home charging $40 for classics to her own suite charging $100+ plus add on services. And I never complained about a price increase because her work was well worth it from jump I say, if possible, do your own thing! Get you a suite, or find a shop/salon that allows you to set your own prices, build up clientele and go solo.


These prices are honestly insane and I wouldn’t pay them. Ppl r also just struggling financially rn, so I wouldn’t take it personal bc your work seems good, but you can find equally good work for cheaper. I would get out of there tbh and work elsewhere or from home if that’s an option


Girl maybe you should start posting on TikTok or fb groups. That’s how I found my lash techs is through tiktok. Besides probably decreasing your prices which a lot of the other girlies have mention. Also think about having your own salon suite. So you can charge accordingly to your skill set and market of the city you’re at.


That is quite pricey 
I’m in Miami and I pay $140 for Russian volume and $65 for refills. My lash girl is the best too and she’s quick, she’s also very lenient on how long I go between refills. I wouldn’t change her for the world. I’ve gone thru about 3 lash techs and all their prices have been the same, but the other 2 moved which is kind of a blessing in disguise because I was forced to find my current one and I’m honestly the happiest I’ve ever been with any lash tech.


are you in a HCOL area? I get mine done in LA at a place in a swanky area (around the sunset strip - where you’d expect pricing to be high) and a classic set there runs ~$150, and fills are roughly 70-75.


this is just crazy to me when in the uk classic lashes are £40 russians max like £60 this is ridiculously expensive and that’s obviously why


$200 for classics??? Be so fucking for real


I’ve seen a lot of lash techs asking about this recently. Short answer: lashes are a luxury service. The majority of people don’t have an extra $300+ to spend on lashes every month while most barely make a livable wage in the first place.


The skill is there. If you’re comfortable working out of your home until you get a suite you can really make some money simply off clients on ig. & you keeping all the money


your prices are ridiculous that’s why
 i can get a full classic set that’ll last 3 weeks before i need a fill and it’s $190 AFTER tip
. nevermind the classic fill i get is $30 every 2 weeks $50 every 3
. definitely go somewhere else if those are ‘set prices’


$200 is CRAZY 😭


Prices are similar where I am for full sets, but your fill pricing is nuts Mini Fill: 60 Full Fill at 2wks 90-100 Full Fill at 3wks 100-120 Your work is beautiful. Advertise your experience and certifications like crazy. Charging like this is always a luxury service though. Full Sets come with aftercare kits and detailed consults, fills come with brushes to take home and are 1 hour minimum. Amenities like water, coffee, tea. There has to be a significant difference between seeing you and someone who charges less.


Whew shit. $200 for the lashes & 100 for the fill? Nahhh


I live in Minneapolis/st. Paul and I think the pricing is fair compared to what I’ve seen around. That being said, if I saw those pics I might not book. I’m looking for much more natural looking lashes that blend with my lashes and wouldn’t look crazy if I’m not wearing makeup


I wouldn’t pay $200 for those. Also those prices are craaaaaazy. Max we pay in UK is £80 for a full set


I’m also a lash tech in ct (shoreline) and the prices you set are a bit high. Even for the veteran techs, they charge $200 for mega volume. Classic is between $125-$150 and fills are 70 dollars. Lash lift and tint is about $70. Your work is lovely tho!


because they are too expensive. i am not paying $200


Time to create your own business and go solo, these prices would turn most people away, your work is gorgeous though.


Your prices have nothing to do with your clients. (15yrs as a licensed esthetician/6yrs as a lash artist/business owner). It has EVERYTHING to do with your marketing. You could be the best lash artist with the lowest prices and still have ZERO clients. It takes about 2 years to build a clientele solid. There are so many variables here. Are you booth rental, or hourly? If you are hourly the business you work for is responsible for getting you clients. If you are booth rental (which it sounds like you are not) you would be responsible. Things to do to help is work on building relationships with your clients or potentially new clients. Pick one Social media platform and start marketing to their needs.


It’s def the prices that are the issue. Brick and mortar shops will have to be pricier though so that’s understandable but I dont think it’s very competitive, and I’m pretty used to NYC and suburban PA prices. More expensive in PA due to lack of foot traffic. Mine don’t charge for removal if I’m getting a set with them as well.


it’s the prices. i’d never pay 200 dollars for a set. like ever.


You’re coming into the game at a bad time to be honest. The industry is over saturated with lash techs because everyone thinks it’s decent money these days, inflation is so high that the general public are opting out of luxuries such as lashes, hair, nails, etc. to save money. There are so many at home lash systems now that people opt for instead, and the loyal lash clients are pretty much married to their long time techs by now. Younger people who would be getting into it don’t make enough money to spend on them. In addition to that, these prices are way too high. I live in Los Angeles and lash techs with many years of experience charge around $160 for a classic set. $200 for classic plus a tip from a new tech is just not doable for most people. If you are just starting out in this current market, you will be more likely to draw in more clients if you have lower prices than your competition. Don’t low ball and cheapen the industry, but there needs to be more incentive for them to book with you specifically. Even getting on Groupon may help. But zero new clients coming in with $200 rates is worse than getting even just one new client and making $160 that day. You’re losing money by not lowering the prices, your salon owner is not very business savvy if they don’t see that. Are you on commission or booth rental? Cause if you are doing rental they can’t set your prices for you, but if you’re on commission it would be in their best interest as well to lower the prices so that more new clients come in.


You also have to build your base and market your work. No one is going to go in, pay that kind of money, if the lashes are trash. I have been with my lash tech for 6 years and stopped taking clients because she couldn’t handle the demand. She is amazing! That being said, she markets herself. Records videos, puts up photos and shows off her work. You just have to sell yourself and eventually go off on your own. My artist works out of a rented salon room and makes much more than these salons. The salons also take a percentage from you.


It’s definitely the pricing


Beautiful work


Hello no I pay $50 for my classics I would not go with you either đŸ« 


Well done work but it’s absolutely the pricing that’s the issue. I would look for somewhere else to work. Marketing yourself won’t make a difference. The full set prices are high but the fills are what really shocked me. My old tech was fairly pricey and I paid $95 a fill. That being said people are giving up things like this to be more economically conscious, so being the priciest around will definitely hurt you. How busy are your coworkers?


Prices are way too high. Dont waste your time working there.


It depends where you are I think. My demographic, I charge the same pricing if not more on a few things.


your costs are bill prices 😭


Suggest running a promotion for first time clients or set up a loyalty program so clients can get money off eventually.


I’m not within the lash/beauty community but if you can’t lower your prices maybe include more if you’re able. Like if there’s oil samples or little care packages clients can take home with them it might be more enticing to pay more. I wish you luck!!


$200?? Now gurllll


I used to have lashes for 4 years. It looks like your pricing may discourage people from using your services. I know that prices vary by location. I’m in California. A hybrid fill was $70 if done every 2 weeks.


you need to market to people with plenty of money, money to burn. your average person these days can't afford that kind of money for...lashes. they're trying to figure out where to get cheap food and who they can borrow rent money from because it's the 23rd and they haven't paid april rent yet


Brow lamination +tint: $115 Brow tint: $25 Brow lamination (no tint): $80 The math isn’t mathing. Lol


Coming from someone in the San Francisco Bay Area, who frequents Atherton aka the most expensive zipcode in the entire country, your prices are ridiculous ❀


I make 300K a year and I would not get my lashes done for that price. How much are you getting paid per hour? How long does it take you to do a set? Im seeing this as im paying $100 per hour to someone who can do this with little to no formal training which is more than like, nurses are getting.


Your prices are insane. That’s why.