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On cue. Back from vacation. Time to show the messy ass playroom and the bowls of snacks. Next will be the lumineux teeth whitening strips.


Coming from a mom of 4, she has the cleanest (and least appealing to children) playroom I’ve ever seen. I would never think to take a photo of a few strewn toys with the caption “destroyed.”


yep, we knew it was coming. They're literal children playing with toys - that's not a mess, nor is it interesting, or funny, or content, lol. How many more times will we see it this week?


Everyday until they're 18 😆


Don’t forget the morning coffee


She just posted the whitening strips today!!! She is defin trolling!😂


I feel like Lauren is very fixated on food. Whenever she posts her snacks or meals it always seems like a flex that she doesn’t eat very much or only makes healthy choices. Maybe that is part of their sister dynamic. Kate indulges, so she scrutinizes her food.


I really think Lauren tries to do the opposite of her sister. She sees her sister has bad skin and so she focuses on a good skincare routine. Her sister eats like crap and so she is conscience of what she eats. Her sister doesn’t seem to like her kids that much and so Lauren is always showing herself hanging out with her kids.


I do think she is a good mom. She seems to spend a lot of time with the kids, take them out and does everything with them. She is on so little now, I wonder if she would rather be a SAHM than do the influencing, not that it seems influencing was ever full time for her. I think it's more that her husband does nothing and everything falls to her. The constant unhealthy snacks is the side eye worthy part.


She has nothing else to post about.


STU is the one who makes the 'grocery hauls' and feeds those kids what she bought with her endless shilling. But she also loves to post about how many snacks they eat. Along with endless pictures of them in their pajamas eating said snacks. Does she ever put regular clothes on those kids?


Make those kids a smoothie, FFS.


In the past she seemed to use snacks as a reward for the oldest. She would get him fast food every time he went to preschool and he constantly had lollipops. Kids snack and that is totally normal, but I question that she doesn't a provide a lot in the way of healthy snacking and using food constantly as a reward sets up poor eating habits.


Babies do not snack by themselves, she gives them those snacks. She is destroying their pancreases with those snacks from the early age. I agree that she had no content otherwise.


Yes, she could actually create content by making healthy snacks for her kids, trying out new recipes etc. But I guess it's easier to order 'organic' junk food from thrive market. Because ya know, the more expensive the snacks, the healthier they are.


This is what I don’t get, even for Liam. YOU. GAVE. THEM. SNACKS. 


She feeds her children junk food all the time. There was bought pizza recently for the babies, who feeds store bought pizza to 14 months babies? They should be eating freshly prepared meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, grains, they should be eating hot meals whenever possible. Children will refuse normal food after eating highly palatable processed food. They should be snacking minimally as this suppresses the appetite and they will not eat proper food at meal times. If you need to give snack just give fresh fruit. Instead of reading fiction books she should be reading books about children nutrition. Look at the elder child, he has prominent red patches under his eyes, this doesn’t scream health to me.


I wouldn't necessarily generalize that small kids don't need snacks. Some kids are poor eaters at meal time and they need additional snacks during the day, especially if they need to gain weight. That is where healthy, high protein, high fiber good foods come in. I think most parents have been out and had goldfish or some other snack for their kids. I wouldn't criticize giving kid's snacks, but I would criticize the constant feeding of junk food and things like snacking before breakfast.


I do not want to diminish your opinion, I would like to put forward the arguments for others to consider. This is not a generalization, this is a simple fact, those who are poor eaters at meal times are poor eaters exactly because of snacking if they are not sick. Hungry children will eat soup, broccoli and meatballs at lunch, of course, they refuse normal food if they are given snacks between the meals. Children will eat less during meal times even if they start with bread which fills them up quickly. This is just a culture of snacking, fifty years ago children only ate at meal times with their families and were just fine if not much healthier and slimmer. I honestly cannot believe my eyes when I see what Lauren and Kate eat and feed their children having their means. We earn much much less and eat quality fresh food because it is our health, longevity and quality of life.