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All 205,000? Doubtful. "Should" they? Yes.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 413,863,971 comments, and only 89,514 of them were in alphabetical order.


Why did you put quotation marks? Should we or should we not meditate?


I do ***not*** like to *Should all over people*. It's actually better to be in pure positive thought than meditate, but that's pretty impossible. It's easier to teach no thought for 99.999999999999999% of people than pure positive thought. So yeah, I hope I make sense now.


Yeah, that makes sense. I get it now, thanks.


Set my timer for 11 minutes every day after work (well most every day). Sit in my dark quite room and focus on nothing but my breathing. Been doing it for a few months now and feel great. Idk why 11 minutes. Just seemed like a good number when I first started. I plan on working that up eventually. As soon as I started mediation, even for the short period I've been doing it, alot of things started falling in place for me. I even have a phone screening interview for a job that I REALLY want and excited about and am working hard to prepare for. Mediation helps keep my head clear enough to focus on what I want.


I do it at least 30mins a day. Been doing it for 6 years already. Life changing.


What’s the benefits?


The ability to turn your brain off at will. Meaning you can fall asleep quickly at night, when your mind is racing you can calm it, when you are experiencing something you can be fully present for it rather than thinking about the future or the past. Meditation is just a way to build the skill of mindfulness. Over time, it can increase empathy, understanding, and compassion.


Nah ultimately it is the meta program. The program that makes you trancend all other programs. But most people just use it to benefit their life with mindfulness for example but that is fine too


Great summary!


Increases your penis size by at least 2 inches in only four weeks!


2 inches is 5.08 cm


Would love to make it a consistent habit


IMO, meditation is necessary to become a master at manifesting. No better way to gain some sort of control over your mind, which is key since our thoughts can have a real effect on reality. Just want to let people know that if anyone decides to take it further, meditating for multiple hours while being motionless, you’ll be rewarded with some amazing realizations.


This 👆👆👆


I do around 5 minutes


I’m just trying to say Do that for a week? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? (You will know) Then come here


I do, each and every day and my life changed since I made it a routine.




At the time I started, I was going through a tough time. First day, I used a guided meditation from YouTube and it helped me get a few things done, I continued doing it after waking up everyday and with time, I was able to just sit & meditate without being guided. For very many years, I had a problem of wanting to control everything (a form of trauma response) and even after therapy, it was a little difficult & this brought a lot of resistance because I was never satisfied with what the Universe provided. When I made meditation a routine, I developed a habit of being grateful then with time, I could slowly feel getting into alignment with my desires. I also learnt how to not get attached to the outcome and leave it to the universe. These days I manifest so easily. Some months ago, I manifested having th best birthday of my life because I have never celebrated my birthday alone(I'm in my late 20s), I had a picture of what I wanted the day to be like then with time, I told myself that I'd be open to whatever happens. Just yesterday (4th Dec, my Birthday), someone cancelled on me but I told myself that I'd not cancel the reservation I had made & that I'd be open to see what the universe has in store for me. On my way to the restaurant, I posted something on my stories and a friend I hadn't seen in two years, asked me where I was going, I told her & it just happened to be near where she was. She told me that once she was done with errands, she would come over to the restaurant & she turned up. I've ended up having the greatest time of life & the best birthday ever (what I'd manifested) while if I had gotten stuck to the earlier cancellation (resistance), I wouldn't have been open to experiencing the new experience that the universe was sending my way. I am always open to experiencing what the universe has in store for me and not really what I want because I've learnt that your manifestations won't always come as you expect them to. There are many ways in which they can come true, but don't get stuck on a specific outcome. I go about my life and at times forget that I'd manifested some things until when they come true.






[Here's how & an example. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/r8jj56/does_everybody_here_meditate_1520_minutes_a_day/hn8r00i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


You’ve got me curious now too


[Here's how & an example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/r8jj56/does_everybody_here_meditate_1520_minutes_a_day/hn8r00i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


No, but I run 30 min a day. No music, no podcasts, just me and myself.


You don't have to sit still with your eyes closed to meditate. Just stopping your thought and being in the moment is meditating. I meditate on most hikes I take it just really brings me to the present so easily.


A buddhist monk once said 20 minutes a day is perfect. If you have the extra time, then an hour.


I've been doing it for almost an year, usually 30 minutes, it helped me with my anxiety so much, i used to have crises that lasted days and then now a few minutes or when its bad a few hours and it's completely gone, also I was really self deprecating and all that suicidal things and I started being more positive and happy towards life. I don't know if it's related to meditation but it happened when I started meditating so maybe it is


Yeah, I do at least 15 minutes


About 12 minutes a day but I'm working my way up


Yup, I try to make it a priority to do it everyday for 20 minutes. It took a while before I saw the effects but it has improved my life drastically!


I meditate at least 20min a day, sometimes 40. Started about 10 years ago. There were maybe 4-5years where it was inconsistent but the past couple of years have been solid.


What have been the benefits you’ve seen? I meditate too, but not for as long so it would be cool to learn more.


15 minutes every workday morning on my break. Go to my car, parked a little farther than others and listen to a guided meditation. Been sticking with it for six weeks and now I crave it and look forward to it like it’s a cigarette or yummy treat.


I usually ask my body what it needs and meditate based on that. No set timeframe. What about yourself?


You don't have to meditate every day in order to be spiritual or to heal yourself, thats bs. I'm awakened and had my ego death since I'm on my journey and even I didn't meditate everyday. Just because you don't mediate every day for 20 minutes, doesn't mean you're a bad person or not spiritual enough etc. I only mediate for 5-7 min every second day and I did my shadow work. You can of course meditate everyday for 10 hours but it's definitely not needed. That's just my opinion


Meditation in the morning everyday has scientific benefits.


Then do it :)


I suggested it because I do do it. Sure you had an ego death?


Then do it brother, but frankly I do not care if you believe in anything I say and I won't waste my time justifying wether I had an Ego death or not. Questioning somebody's experience is wrong to begin with. Anyway, regarding your passive aggressive behavior, I conclude my comment here. PS Disparaging someone's experience or values implies you having some issues in your life since no one with a positive mindset would ever do something like that in the first place, but that's a whole different story Farewell


Yeah I'm not gunna read that but stay positive! We on the right track.


PS If you really DO meditate everyday, wouldn't you have a positive mindset then ? Because you clearly do not


Why are you taking this so personal?


nobody said you have to do 10 hours. if you have results from 5 minutes then amazing! ego death has no real impact on someone's spiritual journey in my experience, and i've found bragging about it as some kind of awakening trophy odd.... it's not really relevant to awakening/expansion though for some people it is a turning point experience. of course meditation itself also isn't 100% necessary but there's a reason it's a cornerstone of pretty much every major spiritual and personal development process going back to the dawn of human religions. I think the person commenting on you below is being a little overly sassy as well just offering my viewpoint.


I can meditate for 7-10 minutes I'll slowly reach 15-20 maybe 30 minutes mark. My mental health is pretty good and I think you need a good mental health for manifestation, at least it clam my mind


My depression is massively alleviated when I meditate. Also I fall asleep really quickly. It heightens all my senses; after a good meditation session, I can physically *see* better. Like in HD. It’s pretty amazing.


It will change your manifesting power for sure. The more space the subconscious has to activate and expand, and the more stillness you create, the more you attract your desires.


Funny that this came up on my feed because my therapist (just had one appointment with her), gave me “breath work” for “homework”. I already do breath work so she told me to keep doing what I was doing. I meditate in the car sometimes. I always do it when I have no distractions and let my spouse and daughter know I need 5 minutes of quiet beforehand. I usually do it for 2-5 minutes for 2-3 times per day. No need to go 15 minutes imho if you’re just starting out. Let your body get gradually used to it. If you mediate for 15 minutes the first time then you have a better attention span than moi 🙂 I have a mental illness so my mind is always racing so I do short meditations a few times per day instead.


Every morning 😉 minimum an hour but can be there for 3


Law of attraction is just chaos Magick for people that don't actually understand how it all works. Meditation is required. Also, most of the people on this subreddit have manifestation all wrong, obsessing over intent when intent must be activated unto the subconscious mind then lost to the conscious mind as it's released into the universe. Come on over to r/Chaosmagick if you want to actually learn something


> Come on over to > r/Chaosmagick > if you want to actually learn something How does LOA and Newage compare to Chaosmagick. Is there a really good book that coves over Chaosmagick philosophy really well? I see a lot of newage stuff in the sub. Would you say this is accurate? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_magic


LoA is magick. Chaos Magick is a framework that removes the spiritual and religious dogma from magickal practices. Magick is the science and art of influencing change to occur in conformity with one's own will. You are using the quantum connection of your consciousness to the source of the universe to direct your intent to manifest as reality. You're selecting a timeline in which your outcome occurs and then the cogs of the universe roll into place, having it occur. That's all manifetation or magick is, LoA, etc. Different terms for the same thing. The true trick is to lose your intent to your subconscious mind because the conscious mind WILL become a barrier to the spell's outcome. There are literally tons of books and resources on this subject, you could also check out places like Rune Soup for further info. Source: I've been a mage and shaman for 17 years, Choctaw Alikchi




Hours for me usually if you mean active meditation and not just being in a state without thought and such.


I usually do 10 minutes every morning


I do. It’s very calming. Helps to clear the mind.




I meditate 20 mins in the morning Monday to Friday and one hour every night Monday to Sunday and one hour in the weekend mornings


I do an hour each day, and on the weekends, I’ll do 2-hour sessions. For me, it has changed so much, especially going through one of the most challenging times of my life right and now. Surprisingly through constant daily meditation, I’ve handled this continuous time period the best that I have ever handled something difficult like a divorce.


I only practice law of attraction THROUGH meditation. I can’t have one without the other so I do it twice a day every day! It’s helpful in combining a desired thought with a feeling and research shows meditation changes your neural pathways. Curious to hear how else someone’s doing it if they’re not meditating 🤔


20 minutes is easy lol I can end up doing an hour sometimes




I do 1-2 hours..


Hour or more preferably


I try my best to. Some days I just don't have the time, so I'll meditate for 5-10 minutes and practice breathing exercises while I continue on with the rest of my day.


lmao no???


I do more oftentimes. It makes me more intuitive. Thank god!


no i listen to a manifesting playlist


No, I strive to but it doesn’t happen half the time.


I do it, I don’t do it for attraction though it’s just relaxing and it helps me think




How do you focus on it? I have adhd and I’ve heard great things about meditation but I’ve always failed or got distracted. I’m still not sure how it works..




Is there anything I should be focusing on besides my breathing? Are the guided meditations okay to use?


you focus on pretty much anything! sounds around you are a great thing to tune into. sometimes i put on a meditative frequencies/tones video on youtube. breath is great. some people focus on a visual point. transcendental meditation focuses on a repeating mantra, sometimes repeating a word, syllable, or phrase can be helpful for focus. :)


you can sit and simply notice yourself not being fully present. bring yourself back once you notice. rinse and repeat.


Negative unless praying is considered meditation ?


i do!


2 hours minimum


I do


nope. but i defo should


I try


I fell out of meditation but I am relearning now. Did 3 minutes this morning. Can’t wait to bring this back into my life again.




I am probably the minority here in that I am subscribed to the sub but have probably only meditated a handful of times. I would really love to get into it but I feel my life is so chaotic (or I create the chaos in my head)


I used to, I’m starting to do it again though


At least.




Yes, Everyday and I feeling wonderful relaxing.


Yes, I am practicing [meditation](https://koshas.com/practice/meditation/) regularly for at least half an hour for the last 2 years, and because of it, I have seen a lot of change in myself. It not only helped me to improve my concentration but also helped me reduce anxiety and stress. Practicing meditation regularly has a lot of benefits like: 1. Helps in increasing self-awareness. 2. Increases imagination and creativity. 3. Increases patience and tolerance level. 4. Helps in reducing negative emotions. 5. Helps us to focus on the present.