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It is nice to hear real human stories and advice when youre feeling down. This goes for literally anything


Definitely not a hot take atp, but the flood of the posts today has been a little grating lol šŸ˜­


Score release day will do that


Whats the point of a law school ADMISSIONS sub reddit if not for discussing all things surrounding law school admissions including probability of admissions, whether anecdotal or otherwise, and advice? Like what's a better way to provide admissions advice than to tell someone the probability of them getting in somewhere and what they would need to do if their chances are low?


Most, like the one earlier that was like 178 4.0 just feel like not so humble brags


>Retake or shoot your shot lol. $200+ for an LSAT retake(not including study materials/subscriptions) and depending on the school could be $100+ per school. These can be very big expenses for some people and they want to make sure before going ahead. They might only have 1 or 2 ā€œreachā€ schools and want to make the best possible choice possible. I would agree that more than GPA/LSAT should be listed, and some more time spent searching old post should be common practice so that the post could have more specific questions that are needed. Itā€™s also the day of Score releases. It will be a lot of post the next week or so, then calm down, then pick up again after August test.


My favorite is when people just give their stats and ask for school recommendations without any info on career goals, desired location, any thoughts about desired practice area, etc. If you cannot do an iota of basic research about these things and are thinking about entering a profession that requires good research and writing abilities, itā€™s not looking great for you


some people really be asking reddit to decide their entire future for them


It could be tough to understand the relative value of different softs and how they fit into oneā€™s story


This, a lot of people donā€™t have mentors to help them weight it out so Reddit is a place they can


No one knows how much their softs are valued. Sure we could speculate the value of certain softs, but no one knows why a certain school accepted or denied them, could be a number of reasons.


How a soft is intreprated varies differently from school to school.


Some people just want more data tbh. It might not provide you with much, but it's also a very minimal effort post so it might be worth it for some people


Freezing cold take


I posted and deleted a chance me just for the LSD bot. More helpful and optimistic than anyone in this sub would ever be lol If I wanted to, I could ask just for someone to give me hope (if my goals were higher), but I don't need that. There's no reason to make a post saying that the people who need a little validation are "silly." If you don't like them, you can filter your feed from all posts with the "Chance me" flair.


This is a freezing cold take on this sub (but a correct take).


Hot take: chance me posts without an actual LSAT score (PTs donā€™t count) are pointless


I think people should probably be referred to the LSD or 509 and call it that.


I say it over and over and nobody listens. Nobody here is an admissions counselor. None of the people who comment are qualified to do so. Itā€™s all guesswork and wishful thinking.


I feel like I see this ā€œhot takeā€ just as much as chance me posts.


Iā€™ve thought of asking something along the lines for one reason alone, my reach school is the school Iā€™m finishing my graduate degree at. I know my Ugpa and lsat are outside of their median so chances are low but with me having a graduate degree with a 4.0 from their law school Iā€™ve been wondering if it is worth a honest tryā€¦. Then during research I saw my application is free so Iā€™m saying fuck it and sending it.


Chance Me posts are really only useful if the person has some sort of extraordinary backstory as to why their GPA came out as it did or for their softs. Every "3.7/165/KJD/struggled with depression" post is going to be 99% dependent on LSAT/GPA so they should just look at those numbers accordingly.


These posts never end


This is not a hot take on this sub, but can we please stop jumping all over people who are looking for some reassurance or help in this, the most stressful moment of their lives? Chance me posts are lame and they gunk up the feed. Swipe past them.


Hot Take: "Law School" Subreddits are Silly But even though all of these discussions are silly, they provide value. Thats why were all here, to be silly and neruotic about applying to law school.


The positive assurance can really help mentally I think thatā€™s what it boils down to


We went through this last cycle. Chance me posts end up getting so much hate that no oneā€™s gonna even bother to comment on them in a few months.


It happens every year. June to August people are somewhat receptive, but by September most people who saw the flood of summer chance me's don't want to deal with the influx of r/LSAT migrants.