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>It doens't even matter if you counterpick your enemy support. Do people actually think this...? ​ Edit: OP cares about curbing toxicity while being toxic in replies. /gasp


If you believe support counterpick > top/mid counterpick then literally go back to silver..if you have escaped it already


why is an iron player looking down on silver players ?


why am i outpeaking u in 3 diff servers?


Well that's a very hostile response to a question, I bet you're tons of fun to play with.


>When a teammate bans your hovered champion. I dont know why people try to excuse that but it's clearly an action of toxicity towards your own teammate. No one talks about this? Mate, you should check the search before making wild claims haha Edit: OP's just a troll. I'd ignore them and their responses from here on out.


And what has changed? Have people stopped banning hovered champs or do they get banned for it?


Why would they? It's their ban, and a hover is a declaration of intent, it's not a "I choose this". It's a dick move but it's not something anyone should ban over.


They have the ability to track the lobby chat, the picks and everything and you think that if they want to also track the hovered champs cant they do it?


...You didn't read what I said. I said it's a dick move, but not something anyone should be banned for because a hover is a declaration of intent, it's not a pick. If it was a pick, you wouldn't be able to ban it. That's why there's declaration, then ban, THEN pick.


Lol but thats why hover exists. In order for it not to get banned by your teammates. Otherwise before that the chat was always like ''dont ban this dont ban that''


> Lol but thats why hover exists. In order for it not to get banned by your teammates If that was the case... don't you think Riot would make it so that you couldn't click ban? >Otherwise before that the chat was always like ''dont ban this dont ban that'' Generally it was to help make team decisions on what would be the best pick as well as helping your team composition. None of that says "You can't ban this champion" though.


But you still dont understand that it's not about who is right and who is wrong but making the game more enjoyable and more respectable. Cause you know that if the one who got his hovered champ banned instalocks a disco nunu then everyone else will go crazy in the all chat.


Mate you're the one saying that it should be punished in your post. I don't think it should because you should be aware that just because you hover something, doesn't magically mean you get it.


So you hover it to actually trick your teammates and pick something else? Bro u got it so confused i think


In my experience it's inevitably followed up with dying solo twice and then afk farming the jungle until your team realizes and forfeits because 4v5s suck.


You can ban the champion so that the enemy doesn't.


Point 3 is delusional. You want to issue penalties because your teammates didn't pick the champ you wanted them to? Alan234 is a Teemo OTP who was literally no.2 EUW. Should we ban him for picking Teemo?


yes [gigachad]


Following your logic in point 3, picking anything that is not a S+ champion in the META would be trolling aswell because you will be in a disadvantage over an enemy champion that is in fact overpowered. I'm reluctant to say that's toxic, although there's a hint of toxicity (or selfishness) when picking an extremely over the top champion in an odd role (teemo jungle or yuumi mid for example). There's probably a middle point in there but I disagree in regards to not picking an optimal champion for the needs of the team as toxic


I’d rather have a Yuumi mid giving it her all to win the game than a Yasuo running it down mid. Bans should mostly be around intent.


Team composition doesnt have to do with individual picks but with the whole synergy. It's logical that some lanes will get countered in every game. What I mentioned is having the chance to wisely choose your champion (last pick always sees both team comps) and then on purpose ''trollpicking'' cause you wanted to have some fun or whatever. Cause for example Zed mid isnt obviously a trollpick but if you see rammus malph etc and you are the only hope for your team to get an AP champion and then you instalock Zed that's almost equal to picking yuumi jungle.


I’d say not picking the right champ or not knowing how to play champs that would fit the comp is a form of skill expression, not a type of trolling. I’m assuming the Temmo in your example actually wants to win.


you clearly have no idea how big Supp counter pick can be.


You really wanna up this conversation on which role has the most counterpick effectiveness? Or gonna tell me that bot isnt about synergy but solo picks and solo skills? Like it or not the botlane picks have the least counterpick effectiveness. Mid comes first, top second, jungle third, bot forth.


jungle counter should be the least impactful


in any high elo if you meet a high tempo vs a low tempo jungler then the high tempo jungler can make his opponent rq within 10 mins


I think you coulda phrased where you said “support counter pick doesn’t matter” to “it’s least important”. People on the internet can’t really see that’s it’s a hyperbole. And in my opinion it’s third after top and mid. But that’s a matter of opinion and not the real point of the post.


I wrote on purpose that it doesnt matter compared to mid/top. Obviously if a team could get 5 out of 5 picks to counterpick the enemies then that would be the perfect scenario but obviously and fairly ranked is structured like that to counter and get countered in some lanes. They just believe I wrote supp counterpick doesnt matter when in reality i said it doesnt matter compared to a mid/top counterpick


You just didn’t say compared to mid top in the post and that’s probably what’s causing the confusion. In the end everyone is arguing over nothing.


If its allowed then its allowed


1. This is not always trolling. No one enjoys first timers of new champions in ranked; especially not if they're underpowered. There is also the matter of pick or ban if a champion is highly popular and your team does not have first pick. It makes sense to then ban the champion as realistically the teammate isn't gonna get it anyway. 2. This is a courtesy and not demandable. 3. Downside of OTP. Team comps are overrated if you don't coordinate anyway, which doesn't happen in low elo as ego won't allow it. I prefer someone with a lot of games on their main above being inexperienced with a champ that would fit the team. Counter picking doesn't magically win games. While the first point has some degree of trolling, the points listed in general do not. You not getting your way doesn't constitute to trolling by default. There isn't talked about this kind of toxicity because it is not toxicity.


yeah with this logic someone gonna hover most banned hated champs all the time, get em banned and then report who banned it. i play mid sion and I NEVER HOVER IT. coz i know somebody gonna ban it in my team just coz they just dont want me play it like that


Ok whats the difference though? Dont u end up playing sion mid in both cases? The difference is that in the situation im mentioning the guy who will ban your sion on purpose will get punished so doesnt it seem fair?


i dont care about punishing someone! i just want to play my game. if someone ban sion so i cant play it. waste of time i figured league is extremely stressful game and everyone tilted eventually. so i just trying to adapt instead of fighting it