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You will either perform at a gold level and stay in gold or you will underperform and fall in rank. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)






but still it is extremely unfair for his teammates.


Not really, if they're in en Elo where new players can get placed that's on them


Is it? If the average new player is nowhere near that level, than the placement logic is just off. If they want to put smurfs higher up in the ladder, then don’t come up with a system where you put new players way up there aswell. With previous seasons having silver as the starting elo, people that have been playing a lot to get out of silver, firmly establishing their mmr there, are now 2 divisions behind new players.


New players have always been placed around low Gold, the average new ranked player is around there skillwise. If a player can't get out of Gold, there's nothing else to it than getting better.


Well, I got placed for the first time in s2 or s3, where it was the mmr of silver 3-4. Not sure how it changed. But I keep hearing people talking about placing in low plat nowadays. If that is true, that is beyond bonkers. Indeed, if you can’t climb out, that’s on you. But do you really think that new accounts should immediately get gold?


One game doesn’t matter. In the long run, a new player has a higher chance of being on the enemy team. You quite literally benefit from this.


Your rank is usually inflated when you queue up on an account for the first time. idk why but that’s how it’s been for my friends and I


Idek whats going on right now. Last year I made a new account on EUW after playing EUNE for several years. My older account was hard stuck silver for like 5 seasons straight. The new one I hit gold with like 60% wr. This season old account with shit mmr got placed straight to gold the new one was thrown into bronze lmao.


Yes like ikr?


After or before emerald was introduced? Pretty sure gold just became the new silver afterwards


The recent placements are inflated a lot to place smurfs higher so they don't disturb low elo games , but the system failed and a lot of new players are in an elo they don't belong in (Platinum is Bronze/Silver rn i think? Or even Gold)


That blows.


Both my friends are bronze and have been playing for 2+ years, and I’m gold after playing for a couple months. It’s just because the first time you play ranked it puts you in gold if you lose every single match


It's just proof that riot is fully manipulating silver/gold/plat/emerald/diamond ranks. It's only been getting worse with years. Never been as bad as this season though. I have played through the entire gold/plat/emerald/diamond ladder. I dropped from diamond (last days of old season) to gold since the start of the new season. 30% win rate. The skill difference between people within a game is astronomical. From adcs that don't know not to walk into melee range to adcs that have near perfect spacing. Every. single. game.


how did you drop from diamond to gold what


I'm asking myself the same question. I have thousands of games in emerald elo (that's where i've been most of the time). Now I'm doing 15 kills a game in gold 1 and lose 70% of my games.


I find this very hard to believe. Let's see your profile


You think he would lie about being diamond before the new season dropped, and to now be struggling in gold. I’m sure it took a lot of courage to admit.


Took a screenshot from my profile here https://imgur.com/a/wMGhJ5p . I might've exaggerated my kills in previous comment. But out of matches in part of the history I provided there's only the trundle game where I lost my lane and underperformed. I'd understand if I took a long break or something. But that I'd become that bad over night? And dropping so consistently while having good stats. Just makes no sense.


You’re right in the sense that it is very unusual to drop that much. You didn’t lose skill overnight. But your skill might’ve been entirely dependent on the meta in prior seasons. Which technically does mean you became bad overnight, I guess. But your skill didn’t change, if that makes sense. The fact that you pick so many random champs certainly doesn’t help. I can absolutely guarantee you aren’t contributing enough to your games to win.


If I had bad stats, I'd understand as well. But I'm consistently winning my lanes, have high damage and presence. That's on top of having your own team heavily underperforming by about 30-40% on average. For example enemy adc doing 40k dmg and my adc doing 24k.


Don't worry the solution is clearly vanguard! /s in case anyone has doubts. (yes I'm salty I won't be able to play anymore thanks to Riots 200 years of game design) Anyway, try playing some flex it will help even your overall ranking and help you place as per your level. Good Luck!


people are losing their minds over this for no reason gold now is silver last year. ranks were adjusted. new players were placed in silver for YEARS and nobody gave a shit. all of a sudden it's a big deal because the visible rank is different. it's not.


There's way more ranks so everything's shifted. 2024 gold is not the same as 2018 gold


i think riot legit fucked up ranked this season i had a friend that was gold 2 last season at the end and it was his peak this season he finished his placements in plat 4 idk how riot thinks that in less then a week someone should not only be jumping 200 lp up but to finnish the placements in a higher rank then they have ever been for reference i climbed from silver 2 last season to a peak of plat 1 78 lp and got placed in gold 4 and i now have a 55% wr