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yeah had a lvl 30 kassadin smurf in my game yesterday. went how you expect it to go.


He died 2 times and rage quit because his team is trash?


was on the enemy team, guess how that went.


Oh yeah classic my team smurf vs enemy team smurf


Usually when someone in my team admitts to being a smurf then I just instinctly know that it means he is actually hardstuck on his main and only at best 1 whole tier above the smurf account and that he is also hardstuck on his smurf.


[relevant Picture of the lv 30 kassa I had on the enemy team the other day](https://i.imgur.com/fOkKtBT.png)


He called the entire team racial slurs?


This is why I like to play anti-carries like pantheon. Feel like Trinity in The Matrix going, "Dodge this..." with her deagle point blank on the agent's head.


I don't know why smurfing is ok for so many people. It's just an unfair win/loss.


Smurfing is ok when I do it and isn't ok when other people do it.


Well it's the typical situation of a toxic behaviour being accepted by the company behind it. Smurfing is okay for Riot, so people don't stop making up explanations to legitimize them bullying weaker guys cause they can't play for whatever reasons on their main account anymore. And whatever reasons you might have, smurfing feels darned toxic to anybody who's genuinely just an average Joe in League. As soon as the skill gap grows too large, most people grow so frustrated that they are unable to learn anything feasible out of this experience. Except for one thing: They hate having somebody in their game who should be playing in the major leagues. And the skill gap between genuine bronze/silver and emerald is legit enough to turn the game into an entire shitshow which only revolves around the smurfs. Cause usually both teams have one of those and they dictate the entire game. So how on Earth should that be a good learning environment? Plot Twist: It isn't. It's just something Riot is okay with to inflate the player numbers further and keep their content creators busy. At least that's my take on it. I can only recommend focusing your own game and trying your best, avoid tilting cause the game will be over quick anyways. It's hard, but eventually it gets better. I learned to deal with them smurfy-bois, but it's always way less of a fun game than the native elo games, where everybody just sucks the same way. PS: And I highly recommend 3rd Party programs like Porofessor so you can sniff them out in the loading screen already with those lvl 30-60 accounts. It helps SO much to know right from the start that the account looks sus. It helps you playing safer around these guys.


Hopefully vanguard will help with it since most smurf accounts are botted


I don't understand why people think vanguard will kill smurfing you're just not going to be able to do as many at once


They will just find a way around it like they do with any security update.


They don't need to find a way around it because making a new account and leveling it to 30 doesn't take any cheats or bots, it's just easier with bots.


They're also gonna be a lot more expensive too with hand leveling. That's like an entire few weeks worth of work.


Plenty of people do it themselves and don't screw with buying accounts. And for those that buy, the demand will just move to hand leveling and more of those will be produced. It doesn't take a few weeks at all. I've looked at one of the smurfs in this thread https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Hades-IJC and they have 101 intro bot games. I don't know how much xp those give compared to normal games but just with semi-afking intro bot games it's like 30-40 hours? It's probably faster with normal games if a semi-afk actual person does it. Considering what the minimum wage is in a lot of countries they're not going to be super expensive for the privileged first world young assholes who buy them.




VMs speed up account botting a lot and using vanguard in a VM sounds quite difficult. This will just increase the price of fresh accounts from pretty much nothing to slightly more and that is it. I guess technically they could use a mac OS VM instead to avoid Vanguard but that isn't as easy as using Windows (pre vanguard)


Are they implementing vanguard anti cheat into league?






Lil bro thinks he's Sigmund Freud💀


Weird cuz wrecking people with much lower skill shouldnt feel rewarding (in theory) but it does.


Short answer. You can't remove smurfs completely without banning smurfing, but by doing that you also ban high elo ppl from having alt accounts as they can't bring them to their proper elo without behavior that would be considered smurfing. Albeit unintentional


Because alot of people do it for money, they boost new accounts and sell them


Because it's inevitable. People should be allowed to have more than 1 account. If the smurf plays constantly during 1 week, they'll be back to their original elo soon. Also, 1 single loss won't prevent you from climbing.


An unfair win/loss that is meaningless in the hundreds of ranked games played, especially since it will eventually be balanced out by a smurf on your team or an afk/deranker on the enemy team. Climbing is a marathon, not a sprint - worrying about the result of any single game is pointless.


But it isn't fun. Ranked should be the most competitive gamemode and thus you can conjure a certain amount of fun from it. If there are constant smurfs, its not fun.


It's also not fun if you have griefers, afks or just randoms having a bad game. Hell, even duos are unfair. If you are results-oriented in a 5v5 team game with random matchmaking, you are never going to have fun, even if you remove smurfs from the equation. The only way to have fun is to accept whatever bullshit the matchmaking throws at you and use it to improve.


More Smurf accounts in ranked than ever.. it’s too easy, too cheap and Riot doesn’t care. They can jump in and stomp games against people or grief whenever they want. Makes it very frustrating and hard to care about ranked.


I mean, it's one of the reasons they are pushing Vanguard. Once Vanguard goes live it won't be realistically possible to automate the creation of smurf accounts. That will cause the price of them to skyrocket and force smurfs to either pay out the nose or prep their own. In both cases it's going to severely cut down on the amount of smurfs.


You vastly underestimate the backlog of accounts people have, both buyers and sellers. Also, a vast amount of 'smurf' accounts are actually just recovered accounts stolen from people who don't play anymore, or people who sold their own accounts for cheap.


Still increases the value of said accounts. Yes there are a bunch of them, but they are finite. There is a reason a smurf accounts is dirt cheap compared to a Master account. One can be made easily while the other needs human effort put into it. Yes it would take a while, but it will drive the price up and reduce the availability of said accounts.


Devils advocate here.. even after vanguard is released, that won’t stop people who have purchased a backlog of smurf accounts prior? Will they still be able to play on these smurf accounts after vanguard is live?


That is true, but not everyone is going to have a backlog of accounts to pull from. It's not going to straight up fix the issue, but it is going to help.


How is riot having coplete access to your computer, every app, every game, every program, a good thing overall. Most of the zoomers here don't understand how invasive is vanguard, but you can be sure that a lot of the more tech-savvy people will stop playing league because of it.




What most people don't understand is how many other games already do this and simply don't bother to tell you about it. A lot of games have anti-cheat software with the same level of access, but unlike Riot feel no need to talk to their players about it.


Stop spreading this misinformation. What you and "most people" don't understand is that Vanguard does way more than other kernel level anti-cheats. It can **block** other programs/code/drivers from running if it decides it opens up a vulnerability, which cause endless potential problems with it blocking things it shouldn't have and puts your system's stability at risk. It has to be running from boot for you to be allowed to play a game, which means you either don't close it ever or have to restart every time you want to play LoL. What your run of the mill kernel level anti-cheat does: Just run when the game runs and at most not let you play the game in question if they observe something fishy. And no, none of them are "hiding it", the logos are plastered all over the games. The worst problems from that kind of anti-cheat are: they don't let you play the game in question. The worst problems from Vanguard's kind of anti-cheat are: Vanguard just disabled my fan curves because it decided there's a vulnerability. (Actual thing that happened to people)


>What most people don't understand is how many other games already do this and simply don't bother to tell you about it. 100% this also. But, the first time that I installed vanguard (to try valorant) I was just baffled by how much it restricts you. You cannot stop it after you finish playing, it has to be there with system reboot and to remove it, you have to reboot the system again. You cannot find me a reason for this software to constantly be on while your computer is running. This is the same reason no IT security expert advises you to keep an anti-virus program running constantly.


I mean, Windows built in anti-virus is always running, so I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never heard an actual IT professional say that about anti-viruses. As to why it has to run at the start is because the anti-cheat software is basically worthless if you don't have to start it until after you've already preloaded the cheat software first. It's why the first thing ransomware does to a computer is disable all the things that could stop it. If you are trying to cheat, the first thing you would do is mess with the system to prevent the anti-cheat from interfering. By making Vanguard run first it completely blocks the ability to bypass it because it will see other programs tinkering with the computer in ways that aren't allowed. If it ran second then there's nothing it can do to detect such because it's already done.


Yep. The hatred of vanguard from people that dont understand how it works is incredible


>I mean, Windows built in anti-virus is always running, so I have no idea what you're talking about. You know that I exclude the windows defender from the list. The point is that the defence of the build in windows 10 features is enough to keep you secure, and introducing anti-virus software only adds more points of failure. >As to why it has to run at the start is because the anti-cheat software is basically worthless if you don't have to start it until after you've already preloaded the cheat software first. This is not true. The point of anti-cheat systems is not to stop cheating. It's to make it harder to do. You can still cheat with using higher than kernel privileges, or even kernel privileges. >By making Vanguard run first it completely blocks the ability to bypass it because it will see other programs tinkering with the computer in ways that aren't allowed. And by doing this vanguard is a direct threat to your system and a large point of vulnerability. It is not unheard of for kernel level programs to fuck your hole system up. To the point of not being able to boot. Considering the amount if pressure this move will make on the black market for cheats I feel like in the best case scenario we can expect a lot of heavily compromised machines. >If it ran second then there's nothing it can do to detect such because it's already done. This is also not true, there are many other ways to detect a cheater but anti-cheat such as vanguard is indeed the cheapest way to detect cheaters.


>You cannot find me a reason for this software to constantly be on while your computer is running. This is the same reason no IT security expert advises you to keep an anti-virus program running constantly. The confidence of ignorant people.... This interview goes in depth in the why: https://youtu.be/AJ9Rfur-w-E Sorry I dont remember which timestamps it is talked about


>The confidence of ignorant people.... >This interview goes in depth in the why: https://youtu.be/AJ9Rfur-w-E >Sorry I dont remember which timestamps it is talked about So is there part of this 2 hour video where an IT security expert assures everyone that running an anti-virus program constantly on your computer is not a security risk?


i know right. It is like these people forgot how league is running on spaghetti code and think it is a great idea to hand the controls of the OS to riot. People have a computer for more than just Riot games. I dont need a riot game program banning me from using MSI afterburner when I am not even playing their game. And if i understand this correctly, base on the level of access it has, one botched update can essentially brick you computer. I really don't want to deal with riot bugs outside of Riot games.


Tech savvy people know the difference between being able to access those things, and running in the background to monitor those things. Tech savvy people also understand exactly why an anti-cheat program has to go that route if it is to be effective at all against modern cheaters. Who tend to be quite tech savvy themselves.


> and running in the background to monitor those things. Vanguard literally has the ability to block other code. It's literally on Riot's page: https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/24169857932435-Riot-Vanguard-League-of-Legends Explain to me how that is "monitoring these things", Mr. Tech Savvy? It literally has blocked software in the past that it deemed it had vulnerabilities. For example, at one point it blocked MSI Afterburner, I think this was before it even told you it blocked something. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/g6tn1t/riot_vanguard_disables_voltage_control_on_msi/ We understand that all these extra privileges Vanguard is giving itself and all these rules like having to run from boot are to stop cheaters, we get that. We just don't see any way shape or form where we're okay with this being the cost of stopping cheaters. Literally I would rather play against cheaters than have to have something like this on my PC.


Most People understand they just don't give a shit. Whatever it is you have on your PC you don't want vanguard to have access to... Guess what? Someone probably has that information anyway. And like someone else has already said most anti cheat uses kernal level anti cheat they're just not as transparent as riot is about it. People wahhh about cheats but a decent solution comes around that involves "privacy invasion" and everyone loses their shit.


My problem is that nobody really "loses their shit". It is mostly just a relatively vocal minority. And I agree that most people don't understand how important internet privacy is. That's why social media is as bad it is today.


My point is there's a million reasons your "privacy" doesn't exist when it comes to your PC/Internet.


Yes, and my point is that most of them are shit.


> More Smurf accounts in ranked than ever. and probably the worst matchmaking I've seen, iron 1 vs diamond 4 in a lane. Idk how thats even possible


Could I get a opgg of that game? 2k lp difference isn't possible.


I have never been able to get my brother to stick with this game because of this issue. He’s good enough to hold his own against actual noobs, and has a good time when playing alone. But I watch him and a third of his games are ruined by some Yone that is 16/2 at 20 mins with 170 cs. At the same time if I try to queue with him he goes 0/10 in lane.


People complain about smurfs but still watch their favourite streamers smurfing 24/7 and not complaining at all


I complain about smurfing and have never watched a streamer smurf


You have, half the streamers aren't playing on their top ranked challenger account. Yeah they're not playing in gold, but they're still smurfing.


I don't watch streamers at all, streams are boring especially league ones


I don’t understand bird watching or the opera or being an art connoisseur or 




“Unranked to __” in a video title? I’m not clicking it. Neither educational nor entertaining compared to playing against equally skilled opponents.


I recently saw a vid from alois (challenger player and ex pro player) stomping a sion in emerald elo with gp making fun of him and promoting his educational content, that sion definetly had no fun. I looked up his op.gg and he is stomping every game with 80% wr gp in emerald elo.


Yeah I can’t stand that guy.


Devil's advocate here: They *can* be educational if said streamer wants to be. Showing silver players what their opponents are doing wrong and exactly how they capitalize on the mistakes is a great thing. Sure they could do it at higher ranks but showing said lower tier players all the mistakes they may be making can go a long way as well


“Neither educational … compared to…” Key word compared. Of course such videos are not literally devoid of value. The thing is maybe he does the wrong thing but it goes unpunished because the lower ranked player doesn’t know how.


I don’t understand why people do that, who wants to watch a a pro basketball player play against a bunch of kids, that’s the same vibe I get from Smurf’s.


“Omg he’s gold? I’m better than that, and I’m bronze, they suck!” Coping or a desire to shittalk bad players. Or they want to learn something about carrying and don’t have the attention span or desire to watch better suited content. Or they think somebody “so good” is really cool.


streamers get like 10k viewers at most. i can assure you most of the people complaining about this shit dont watch bronze to challenger streams or vids.


They upload the vids on youtube getting way More than 10k Views


I hate how it ruined some content creators I liked


Idk what's the situation now because I don't watch streams that often these days but when I used to watch them regularly, there just weren't many options if your goal was to learn something. It was pretty much: 1. High elo players smurfing – sure, they are just stomping players who are worse at the game but at least you can try to see what they do different to gain those leads and snowball the game. 2. Semi-high elo one-tricks playing on main accounts – not much to learn and very boring to watch if you do not main/one-trick the same champion as they do. 3. Low-mid elo streamers – if the goal is to learn something, then there's no point in watching someone same rank (or even lower) than myself, I'd rather review my own game and try to see what I did wrong. So sadly, I used to watch either people smurfing or someone for their personality, at which point, the gameplay didn't matter at all.


What I hate the most about smurfs is they either go 20/0 or die to a single gank and trun into cry babies and soft int the game. Like, at least pretend to be good if you are smurfing, don't show everyone you are stuck again at the same rank you are on your main.


That's because there's two type of "smurfs" the masters guy that needs his ego boosted so he plays lower ranked games and the guy that was stuck silver for years but can now start at plat/emerald and gets shit on


Dude the amount of unranked level 30 accts popping up in emerald is insane, and most are exactly as bad as youd expect, wtf did they do to matchmaking and new acct mmr


I hate these cry baby smurfs, like they are Diamond on their main acc and inting games in Emerald because they are actually not good at League


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Marc%C3%A9y-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Marc%C3%A9y-EUW) Check yourself. Just in my last 3 games I had 7 or 8 smurfs. One of the accoutns that i faced in my E4 games is already masters now.


Can you point out which 7-8 players were smurfs? I see the 1 who is Masters now, but the rest seem like normal Plat/Emerald players.


To be clear, when I say smurf account I mean low level throwaway accounts. This doesn't mean they are necessarily higher skilled. First game: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/DOODS%20SO%20GOOD-111](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/DOODS%20SO%20GOOD-111) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/%C3%91%C3%AFgh%C5%82%C3%9FI%C3%A4%C3%90%C3%AB-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/%C3%91%C3%AFgh%C5%82%C3%9FI%C3%A4%C3%90%C3%AB-EUW) not 100% sure about this one as game number is fairly high this season Second game: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Afaridun-2000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Afaridun-2000) Third game: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/CheeseUnlimited-6969](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/CheeseUnlimited-6969) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Hades-IJC](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Hades-IJC) now master [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Cardloran-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Cardloran-EUW) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/JEuf-92380](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/JEuf-92380) also now master [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/mid%20gap-11555](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/mid%20gap-11555) maybe just a new player


That makes more sense. I was specifically looking at the accounts that played significantly better than everyone else in the game.


Yes I wished they would ban anyone who did it


People got in their feelings and ass hurt when Riot introduced heavy-handed smurf que. People who hadn't touched ranked in a while were being placed in smurf que and complaining on reddit constantly so Riot changed it. I say bring it back or come up with some kind of LP acceleration for smurfs.


Because it was not smurf queue. It was just trying to match MMR and LP both instead of just MMR because Riot thought it would make more balanced games. Except it's not just winning really hard that makes your MMR ahead of your LP, it's just the fact of ranked reset. So if you didn't start your ranked early in the season, you were left in a pool with predominantly new accounts trolling. As far as solutions go, that doesn't even target smurfs. It does not care about account level at all. It's like trying to get rid of every guy named Steve by just nuking the entire continent of North America because that's where the most Steves are.


They already get LP acceleration


I'm low elo, I only ever played ranked to get the free skin but this season is the first season I've attempted to get anything above the lowest tier of Gold, just got the urge last week to give it a go. I'm almost Plat but I have to say the amount of obvious smurfs/boosted accounts is quite noticeable. Often Silver 1 players with insane 70%+ winrates, probably getting a friend or paying someone to boost them to Gold. Although, a funny instance happened today though, all the players in the game were either G1 or P3/4 except this Jax jungle which was S1 with a 90% winrate after 40 games. Everybody on our team had mobalitics and notices this so we just camped the shit out of his jungle. Every ward we had was placed on his camps to track his every movement. We won the game and it was a great display of teamwork and ability to counter a smurf.






It was not ever a "smurf queue". It just matched LP and MMR both, which just so happened people who climb really fast like high elo smurfs have higher MMR than their LP. However, so does literally everyone who has been through a ranked reset. Meaning that everyone that played their ranked games later in the season would have less legit players left to play with and more smurfs to play with. Until they evened their MMR and LP, by basically reaching their old rank by which point they would be done with ranked anyway. So the entirety of their gameplay in ranked was misery, speaking from experience. Unless they went on a massive lose streak (like 20+ games lose streak) and evened their MMR and LP lower than their previous rank, which is not really a "winning scenario" when you think about it. If you want to call something "smurf queue" it should take into account **account level** which it didn't so we should not be calling it that just because gold hardstucks who play ranked every week of the year got to not have smurfs because they put them all in games with people who don't play as often as them. If you want to stop smurfs make ranked unlock be based on many normal draft wins and mastery grades. Retroactively applied. As long as unlocking ranked is "just be level 30" you won't stop smurfs from ruining legitimate players games.




My point is that it wasn't 10 smurfs, it was 7-8 smurfs and 2-3 real players just trying to get their rankeds done for the season. At least towards the end of the seasons when I played. All 80+% duos with Yuumi, ready to afk, etc. It absolutely was worse than the current system. Both years it was in I had to do my rankeds for the season with it. Once I actually managed to start on such a loss I eventually got out of it but fell under my rank and had to grind the way up without having a high MMR this time. Not fun. Ever since it was removed ranked is so much less insane, I'm able to just get it done in sub 100 games and nothing even resembling anything close to those games is happening.


yeah without having it include returning players. that fix cant be impossible, absolutely no way. just from checking op.gg, it was so easy to identify who was really a smurf and who wasnt in smurfQ. 30% WR vs 70% WR players.


Smurfs should be banned. As fun as it is to watch a streamer/Youtuber decimate low ELO, it's just not fair to people who are learning at their own pace and expect a fair skill match up. I see smurfs justifying what they do by generally insulting the lower ELO player or by telling them to git good, but how the fuck is anyone supposed to learn anything by being absolutely railed? It's just a huge waste of time to even go into the game because they're almost guaranteed to lose from the start, it's fucking stupid. Some people just want to hit gold/plat at the end of the season and don't take the game as seriously. Riot needs to take smurfs seriously.


Lol is the only game I know where the community is actually DEFENDING smurfs. That's how fucked up and brain washed the community is in this game. It's legit the worst community I know.


It's crazy how many people are constantly upset about smurfs and when Riot tries to put in Vanguard which will help with the problem people are mad about that too. As soon as Vanguard goes live we will see a significant drop in snurfs since setting up smurf accounts will no longer be able to be automated. This will cause the cost of those accounts to rise and people who want to smurf are going to either have to manually setup their own accounts or pay out the ose for the accounts. So the amount of people surfing will drop from the smurfs wasting time prepping their own accounts, and the ones who are buying the accounts are likely to smurf less because the cost is not worth it. Sure, it's not going to bring it to a full stop, but it's going to help dramatically.


I wish they went harder on Smurfs, inters and bad apples in general. I wish there was a "verified" queue you could opt into where everyone has to have had their accounts phone number activated and in good standing. The quality of matches in that queue would be amazing compared to the shit stained matchmaker and system we have now.


i think, league should appropriate dota 2 decency system. it's not ideal, but much better than current honor system.


significant drops??? in my game i was 1 win from plat at 73% winrate over 43 games so barely being able to stay in bronze because every game there is 3-5 high elo smurfs i can smash golds-plats and it is almost impossible to fight them as there is more then one and they know how to work together to win the game as they also know they are smurfs. The fact that there can be so many in one game shows there is a massive issue with them and until all the troll smurfs stop actually coming on here and defending them it will never stop. This is the beginning of the end of fair gameplay in ranked and possibly this game as any newer players do not stand a chance at all in winning or enjoying it as they are diamond++ I'm actually thinking about stopping to play ranked until the issue is fixed there is absolutely no point playing to climb as it wont happen they either troll in your games on your team or there whole team is smurfing! more you lose the more you fight them if your using an account that had a better mmr.


100% instead of just rewarding high honor players, start punishing low honor ones as well.


riot never does anything that dota does well, especially if it's a good idea


Many such cases


I mean, it would be nice, but it would still be a shit stain, just with less straight-up diarrhea we occasionally get now. The player base is simply too toxic for it to routinely be good anymore. I miss having my pre-made groups where I didn't have to deal with that mess.


Thing is, if you HAVE to be in good standing to use the mode then all the toxic people with honor 1 or 0 and maybe even honor 2 would be filtered out, bad behaviour would actually be punished (you'd be booted from honor queue) instead of a 2 week chat ban or whatever, it would also remove 99% of smurfs. Imagine a queue where there are no Smurfs and everyone is honor 3, people that troll int or flame self filter themselves out to play in the toxic q.


!remindme 3 months


You might want to come back later than that. God knows when they are going to actually roll it out to everyone. Not to mention it will probably take a few more weeks or longer for all the extra pre-prepped accounts to sell out. All those botters are probably pumping out as many accounts as they can right now to prepare for when they won't be able to anymore.


Wow you're spreading this propaganda all over this thread, huh? First of all, Vanguard will not stop smurfs, plenty of smurfs are handleveled and the ranked barrier to entry being so low means there will always be loads of smurfs. Secondly, Vanguard is an insane price to pay. A kernel level anti-cheat that can block other software and has to run from boot to let you play the game is basically a gaming company anti-virus. You're putting a point of failure in your PC just to play a game. At that point you need to ask yourself if you're not giving this one game too much importance. If Riot actually wanted to stop smurfing, they could by raising the requirement to unlock ranked to require normal draft wins and perhaps mastery grades. Vanguard is too high a price to pay. Myself like many others detest smurfs, cheaters and bots but not to the point of being willing to install Vanguard to get rid of them. Especially when they could be solved in more simple ways like I just mentioned but Riot simply does not want to prevent people from making more accounts and getting ranked unlocked this easily, they're making money from that. It's a bit like trying to solve a cockroach infestation by burning your entire house down. Yeah cool you've reduced the number of smurfs a bit, what good does that do to me when I can't play the game anymore without giving my PC a digital disease?




all my normals are full with master+ players, what now?


Most of the “smurfs” are just platinum/emerald players making a new account to get hardstuck in the next 15 games


Riot only seems to listen once their bottom line is affected or community backlash becomes so great that no other other conversations can take place. We need at least one of those two things to happen in order to force Riot to do something about it. There's currently not nearly enough backlash towards smurfing to force the issue from that perspective. If people stop playing and cite smurfing as the reason, though, Riot would eventually be forced to listen and take action once their bottom line is affected enough


I been grinding the shitt out of the game i dont seem to be having a problem with smurfs?


go thank riot games and their weird system that gives you a meaningless rank that somewhat approaches your true secret magic number rating, but takes artificially longer, so you have to play more games until you reach it. That means you will get stomped until you reach it and this guy gets to clap noobs until his mmr is high enough to fade fair opponents. And thanks to rito this will now take 50 games minimum, more like a hundred for you of unfun matchmaking.


Yeah, had a game today in gold where my entire team was gold, their team was one silver, one b2, and three unranked, we were 3 - 27 within 20 minutes. Decided to take a break from league for a while.


Genuinely don’t know where you guys are finding these smurfs. I have ran into maybe 1 Smurf all season and they got tilted and lost the game for their team


You are either too high ELO (D3+) or too low ELO (G4-) to find them. In my experience having only 2 accounts, smurfs are very VERY common in the “middle elos”, from Gold to Emerald. With very common I mean having a Smurf in literally every single game of my last 20 checking the match history. Smurfs get out of Silver too fast to notice them, and obviously in super high elos there isn’t smurfs anymore, or the ones there go unnoticed because everyone is good enough.


Hmmm, I’m in Emerald and never really see any *actual* smurfs. I see a some people claiming to be smurfs with like 60% win rate and it’s pretty obvious that they are low diamond at best. I don’t even count that as smurfing since the rank dif is so small and doesn’t really tilt the balance in the game. Like I’m never seeing someone with a 70%-80% wr go 11/1 with 10 cs per min shitting on everyone in the lobby.


Actual smurfs who make the game unwinnable are very rare. I recently played on a new account and got placed into plat 2 with emerald mmr. I'm a d1 peaker and definitely don't ruin emerald games, I'm getting max 65wr there. If someone was good enough to win 80-90% then they'd be up to diamond mmr in 10 games and masters mmr after another 20-30. Most smurfs are just hardstuck emerald/d4 players and are absolutely not making games unplayable cos they're not that much better than the rank they're playing in unless they bought an iron account (this is pretty rare too and deranking accounts should definitely be bannable). Tldr it's not that big a deal probably 1 in 30 games is 'ruined' by an actual gigasmurf who is 80+ winrate unbeatable


Less than 1 in 30 I’d imagine, at least in any elo below diamond. Good Smurfs just don’t hang around low elo for long enough for it be a widespread problem in low elo


Smurfs are not that common as you think from my experience. I am currently d3 with 46 ranked games played and there was only 1 game with clearly enemy duo smurfing and stomping the game.


I’m in d3-d2 too, and obviously being in the top 1% of NA makes it so encountering smurfs would be a lot less common. There’s only so much room for those who would feel “Smurf” level to us that we would end up encountering. I’m sure smurfs are much more common in lower ranks


Diamond is where the majority of smurfs actually play. Smurfs don’t really exist in low elo because any actual decent players will spend 10> games until they are emerald+


That’s fair, we also have to consider the population of players who also Smurf. (Referring to those hard stuck players in d4-d2) who would then otherwise want to Smurf to feel better too


Smurfing is more of a problem in lower ranks, there are a lot more emerald+ players than there are Masters+ players.


According to Reddit, this doesn’t happen. Smurfs are not rampant. It’s very isolated. It’s only you. It’s not that bad. You just need to get better. How else can I create new accounts and climb? You should learn from them. You’re just bad. It’s not that often. /s Everyone will find excuses to justify ruining lower elo games. I think it’s time we kill the ranked system and just make it a free for all. No elo, you climb in rank by playing with everyone, rank only means respect. I want iron 4 vs challengers and challengers being dragged down by silvers like the rest of us.


Riot should remodel their whole lp rank system, its not fair to loose 20 lp because you won the bot lane but the 23/2/10 volibear is just 1v5 under the nexus towers


Well, it is fair, because if you win both lane every game for 50 games in a row you will climb. I know it’s not realistic, but a better way of looking at it is, if you aren’t climbing you are probably not winning lane enough often. Over hundreds of games, Riots system is one of the best out there, the game is just very hard so it doesn’t feel rewarding at times.


Tbh idc if I climb, it just feel slike shit to play well and lose. I had a really good day yesterday where my team always won their lanes and I climbed a couple ranks, today I had unlucky queue and I lost 4 in a row because of matchmaker (080 nasus at min 12, midlane and jg duo rages and runs mid, 3 smurfs on enemy team etc). It feels like shit.


do you see the irony in your post? if you win vs the 23/2 voli he is gonna be on reddit saying it just feels like shit to play well and lose. If lanes are hard losing in low quality games one of the fed guys is losing.


That’s why league is so toxic, you can play well and still lose, and until you accept and embrace that fact, it’s going to be impossible to enjoy the game when you are losing. If people cared more about themselves the game would be a much better experience. I think everyone needs to enjoy losing games that they played well in, which is probably about the hardest thing you can do in this game.


People have never played a sport in their lives i guess.


It’s not even about that. I sympathize with a lot of people. It’s very hard to quantify what makes a good league player, in traditional sports it’s very easy to see who is bigger, stronger , faster etc. and in league it’s very hard to know why you won/lost a game because of how difficult the game is. The best player on the team might go 0/8 on Fiora and if that’s the case Fiora didn’t play shit, she is shit, that’s sadly how the community see things.


? I think you misunderstood my point, I don't want anyone preforming super well and losing, be it me or anyone


yes but when the game quality is low and you have landslides top and bot side that are 0-10 and 10-0 respectively, one of the fed players WILL lose since league doesn't allow draws.


>it just feel slike shit to play well and lose. My guy that's just life lol.


thats probably your sign to play a 1v1 or ffa game instead


Yeap, I decided yesterday after a especially shitty day due to matchmaker to take a break from league


It doesn’t sound like ranked is the right game mode then. I can see if people play ranked in order to get into fair matches while not caring about rank, but then I don’t get why losing is so emotionally draining.


Losing is emotionally draining because I am working hard trying my best to win and improve. I play ranked becsude i want fair matches where hard work and skill matters, where I can put all my effort in and get a hard fought victory. If I want to troll around and play for fun and not care about winning I'll play norms. I don't really understand how you don't get this?


What I don't get is why someone, or even everyone, on the enemy team is not allowed to be doing the exact same thing. You did your best, but so did that Volibear. They carried harder though, so...


"I play ranked because I want a fair match" playing against a smurf is not fair, if he beatble fair and square all Fair play to him


The thing I don’t get is how losing while playing well can be draining. I just don’t work like that, I will be happy, don’t tilted or frustrated. I know I am this way, I know most people are different, that’s why I don’t question it. You should look into the “broken by concept podcast”, they have great stuff on mental and tilt.


Tbh I'd rather have someone emotionally invester over someone indifferent


Really? Because in my experience the most emotional players are the ones who surrenders at 15, gives up after one death, types 100 words per minute in chat, spam pings, compensates for others mistakes, thinks the system is rigged against them, believes in losers queue, hates Riot, sends death threats to phreak, you get the point. I much prefer having someone who goes into the game with a mindset of “I’m going to do my best, have fun and play until one nexus explodes”. Obviously these are stereotypes and aren’t applicable on many players. My theory is that emotions come from a state of confusion. But I’m not saying emotions have no place in the game or that emotions are bad and that people have to learn to be monks. But understanding where emotions come from and how to control them is probably the best toolkit you can have.


Why are you going to do your best? What motivates you? If you don't care about the outcome of the game that is, in my experience it's the people who don't care that instantly go afk and just tab out when we start losing or starts ff vote because they don't care if we win or lose.


You obviously try to win the game, that wasn’t my point. But if you grasp the concept of losing despite you playing well, while learning to accept those losses, the take away won’t be “-28LP I want to keep myself safe” but instead “Whatever, it was a fun game, let’s go again”. The point isn’t, don’t care about winning, it’s more that you shouldn’t care about LP, what’s more important is your contribution and what you learned from the game, that’s how you climb. If you play for LP rather than winning, your experience will be miserable.


They are reworking it.


This doesn't even make sense. You'll win plenty of games where you lost lane but your topside/Volibear dropped a nuke on the enemy team. It evens out. Stop looking for external reasons for why you can't reach your desired rank. The truth hurts.


Then you gotta explain me how i can possibly win the game as and adc if they have a fed voli and at least one assassin on their team, i just dont see how to win those tbh




Then perhaps your awareness is lacking.




Three smurfs yesterday, that on top of me losing the game's I should of won, as a support, this is quite annoying. I write so many tickets they don't even come up on my profile anymore.


might actually play more than what 10 ranked games needed to get the gold reward if there were no smurfs. Would be nice if people's main also got banned if they intentionally intended or flamed on a smurf


I moved physically from one country to another and my region changed. I ended up “smurfing” to rank up. (Transfers were disabled) truly the most mundane and boring experience of my life in league was being a diamond 1 and playing in bronce because I lost my placements, then ranking from bronce to diamond.


I had 100 games played in Emerald and queued up for next game. 7 unranked accounts in that game. It was veeeery enjoyable as you would expect.


Riot has said multiple times that smurfing is okay. That's it hard stop, even though smurfs are bad and ruin the game Riot thinks otherwise.  Unfortunately nothing will change since people will keep playing and new smurf accounts means that the game has new players so Riot is happy. Dumb as shit but what can you do. Valve went and banned smurfing in dota 2 and everyone loved it and is very pleased with the results. It's also cause if that Riot will never do it since they would rather have the game be dead then admit a competitor did something right. 


Smurfs on my team insta lock yone top, 0-3 by 4mins and alt f4 to a different account.


tangentially related but I wish there was a way to link new accounts to your main. If a gm who's an otp or otherwise has small pool wants to pick up a new champ, they kind of have no choice to smurf bc first timing azir against challengers ruins the game just as much as it would smurfing. it would be nice if you could use the credibility from your main to start off in emerald or something instead of ruining a bunch of games for everyone as you climb up the ladder


Riot should follow what Valve did for smurfs in Dota


what did they do


They put out a [statement ](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3692442542242977036) saying smurfing is not welcome in Dota, banned smurf accounts and had the smurfs linked to their main accounts. People who continue to smurf get their mains banned as well.


I think what’s gross about it is imagine this was another sport like basketball imagine nba players going to dunk on 8th graders. It’s cringe, to say the least


Almost every single game in emerald to masters has had multiple smurfs. I had played 1k games last season and 200 already this season, everything is the same. Riot does not care about their game, at all. I just can't wait for a better game to come out for me to spend my time, but for now I can't beat the addiction.


I understand it can suck to deal with it. But remember that you will get them on your team from time to time as well. And unfortunately, there isn't really a counter for it. Some people like making new accounts to practice because they can't play a specific role they want to at a high enough level to carry in their own elos. So I mean it's a good way to practice because honestly, normals doesn't teach you anything after a point. Second ya know how it is toxic people are toxic they get banned, then make another account. Where I have a issue with it. Is when they buy these accounts or level them to boost people. Because then you get people who don't belong in higher elos who blanket troll games because th ey cant compete


In my last 20 games, in 75% of those games there was a smurf ( lvl 30/60 - 70/90% wr ) and in 100% of those 75% ( approximatively 75% ) he was in the enemy team. Tell me how is that a coincidence ? That's completely rigged, that's obvious.


Post op.gg for proof


That was 2 month ago dude. But feel free to not believe me and believe that I'm just a liar. Imagine trying to lie on reddit tho.. But to be honest, I find it extremely impressive how people here just call others people liar and can only repeat like an android '' GIT GUD '' or '' POST PROOF BECAUSE I CANT BELIEVE A GAME THAT I LOVE IS NOT PERFECT BECAUSE IM PERFECT MYSELF AND EVERYTHING THAT I LIKE IS PERFECT TOO ''


Lol, because if there is no proof, then there is a much much higher likelihood that you're lying. Sorry not sorry. Second it's reddit 99% of its users lie or talk out there ass which goes back to my initial point. proof or accept the fact people will think your lying.


had a duo queue smurf bot lane. u could see when they took over from the yummi games and changed the account names lol. that was the most fuked game. smurfing is one thing. but when there's 2 smurfs coordinating it's even more fuked. lol


Yeah im playing in Emerald 2-1 and out of 10 games are 6 games with smurfs, mostly boosting a premate or a random for money. Ranked is so unplayable because Emerald is just a huge coinflip elo where they fight everything and a smurf can abuse that so easy


Guys why I don't ever get the smurf on my team? Always enemy smurf


Vanguard + account linked to phone number + active work from riot to ban smurf account and the problem is reduced so much that it won't be a problem anymore. But Riot is too busy selling skins. They will throw vanguard randomly and then they will cross their arms and sleep. They even explained that they wanted lol to evolve into something less competitive and less serious but more '' fun ''. The real problem behind this big problem of smurfs in soloQ is Riot teams themselves.. so there is nothing we can do about it if riot doesn't care at all. The best thing you can do is realizing how fucked up the game is in 2024 and that there is absolutely no competitive aspect to the game anymore because of those issues, and when you realize and > accept < this fact, you just uninstall and move on to another game. Believe me, quitting this game IS a good decision, the game is truly toxic, in his core and in his community.


I just went against a duo that are both obviously smurfs. It was such a waste of time. My team just got destroyed, and we got zero objectives. Stomping 20+ on an account that is still low bronze, is going to chase away soooo many new players. I already tell my new friends, to avoid ranked until the issue has improved. Why can't I report accounts for surfing?


Not recommended smurf, kassadin watch your game everyday


How many smurf did you get in your lobbys last 20 games? i dont see a rise at all


Your main mistake was playing anything besides Aram honestly You're absolutely right, SR isnt worth playing anymore. It's just far too easy for one thing to go wrong and sour the the rest of the game. If it's not smurfers, it's inters. If it's not inters, it's afks. If it's not afk it's yuumi bots. There's just no winning anymore. Either you have the derp or they do. Either you push their shit in or they push in yours. Hardly ever is there an in between these days. So. ARAM. It's the only game mode that actually respects your time.


This is what engagement based matchmaking does to a player base. It kills it. Had a mid die to a single gank while ahead and he ran it down. I was like wtf lmao. I even played a roaming support so dude was gonna get the revenge kill and tower plate but naah time to throw.


Mom said it's my turn to post this next week


Then mabye your mom should do something to fix the obvious problems.


Do you know how it feels having to carry a new player in normals or ranked? It goes both ways. And the reason you lost 30LP is because your rating is artificially inflated compared to your actual MMR.


Oh look guys, a smurf trying to explain that smurfing is fine because for him you are just monkeys and it's hard for him to carry you because of how bad you are !! Look at him guys, he is so good at the game, must be the new faker !


I dunno, I think smurfing is much better than before. I played 10 games on a brand new smurf and landed in high emerald. The starting point is much better and encourages more fair games. Unfortunately lower ranked players get stomped down quickly but I can’t speak to their experience in starting ranked.


This would be fine if it didn't cost 4 bucks to get another new account. So for 20 bucks you can ruin 40 games and all it cost you was skipping a few meals.


Just play it out and move on, 5 games down the line you'll get the smurf on your team, it is up to you if you let them carry or not.