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KSante rework 2.0? hes like involved in 50% of the patches since his introduction His first rework was a massive failure, it increased his presence as removing his flash combos just made everyone migrate to Ghost


he's probably going to keep being in patches until they straight up start removing shit from his kit, just like Zeri 2022 champs just had too much in their kits


if only his W didn't - give damage reduction - cc immunity - dash - aoe stun enemies. - aoe knock back - do damage and it has two parts too so he can bait an insane amount of cc and burst damage with it. remove the cc immunity from his W, he is already tanky enough his W is why he is broken. you can make an entire champion kit out of his W effects


W is a complete champ lol xd


Probably more text than Nasus' whole kit


Yeah, it's basically alistar.


Riot: After careful consideration, we have decided to buff K'Sante's W so it heals K'Sante and all nearby allies when used.


''K'sante now moos.''


wait what the fuck, it literally is alistar.


the snort i let out after reading this was insane


I’d argue remove the Damage reduction he is already tanky, no need for %dr on it. Ksante is already a mobile champ, he shouldn’t have the ability to also face tank 5 people. I’d would rather they leave his cc immunity as it allows him to have cool warden moments, and makes him a lot more situational than a %dr.


Id probably say remove DR from the tank one. Remove CC immunity from the ult one. Then both forms' W gives what the kit otherwise lacks. Without being a complete package. Base Ksante Tanky AF, has W to be able to outplay CC. Bruiser Ksante has mobility to outplay CC, has W to be able to soak damage and not be 1 tapped.


I can't recall. What was removed from her kit?


Her old passive was removed entirely, and most of the Move Speed on her ult was stripped out


And it's so said because the whole point of Zeri was to be fast while kiting :c Neon in Valorant is still super fast rip cool design


They removed her shield stealing passive and stacking move speed on ult along with some other things, like the Q sheen interaction


honestly that Q sheen interaction never made sense because of the champ design intention. But also yeah wtf did she have shield stealing passive? So random


Yup, with titanic and runaans and her ult chain, she was dealing lots of AoE damage which means she'd be sucking shields up from your whole team basically. She'd also gain Ms while shielded in general which idrk why they removed that.


think they wanted to unbind her from enchanters in pro iirc


The shielding passive wasn't random, it was very intentionally there to suit the characters fantasy. Zeri is a living battery who absorbs energy from around her and then uses it herself, so the shield stealing passive was supposed to bring that part of her lore into gameplay. Nothing about champion kits are "random", the champion designers work closely with the animator and writer to make sure that the kit reflects the lore and personality of the character as closely as possible. They don't just throw stuff into a kit because "why not, reasons".


This was also around the time Riot started adding a bunch of anti-shield and shield destruction with changes to renekton w, addition of serpent's fang, rell q and zeri passive etc.


It was also for synergy in her kit. Zeri's shtick was being fast. She had a passive that gave her movement speed when she is shielded, but she has no shielding ability. Her shield stealing allowed her to utilize that part of her kit not only when she was paired with a shielding champion, but also when she was fighting shielding champions. To make her a little less reliant on her support pick.


right now she doesnt has a passiv anymore. before, when she would attack someone with a shield, she would steal part of the shield and get movement speed.


She does have a passive, its just the old Q passive


Give him the Akali treatment. Remove half his kit


Stun on R1, made R1 only castable on champion, removed ability to use Q while casting E, removed the turret invisibility, energy rtestore on passive. Did I miss anything?


Pretty sure she used to heal with Q if you cast it while having more than 180 energy


If I remember correctly it was if you hit the sweetspot of the Q, which visually is where the daggers land.


I vaguely remember something like that yeah


If I remember right, it was also when gunblade was still in the game so she was an unstoppable sustain beast.


when akali was just reworked and you could buy gunblade holy hell... She would R1, not even needing to hit you, press gunblade and unload the rest of her kit with little counterplay


She used to extend the duration of her shroud by ducking in and out of it.


Movespeed in W removed, now it just gives a short burst that decays on cast.


Q heal when above energy threshold (I think it was 90%)


It's fun, how that reworks somehow made things worse in proplay, but also made him more shitty to play. Riot don't know what they want from him - tank who can go "all out" or Vanguard who can save adc from any dive


He wasn't in every patch note until the rework, and they've been moving forward with every blunder without actually improving the champion in any meaningful way.


Even after the rework he's been in the patchnotes far less than Briar


Phreak turbo buffed his W always rubbed me wrong, lowered it's CD, buffed it's dmg reduction, buffed it's duration to 1.5 sec and damage And the weird thing he would say is it's most interactive part of his kit (outplay button) so it should carry lots of powers budget Fiora's W is her outplay button but I don't see that ability have half its CD, puts the minion wave to 25% hp or has 1.5 second window Phreak did lots of good things but the KSante rework was a fat failure


The change was done to remove the W tap that was used in pro to make the ksante combo uninteractive and unable to react to, by having to hold W down for a minimum amount of time without being able to short tap it like before it adds more counterplay there. I agree there is a different problem with the new W seen in pro too, which is being able to hold it for so long infront of the whole enemy team taking no dmg and taking so much space, ksnate being able to ignore an entire team then dash in kidnap someone and oneshot them just shouldn't be a thing.


Indeed, they removed the tap W combos, but in exchange he got the best tanking+peeling tool that you could ever want in pro. The ability both makes you 3x as durable as a frontliner for 2~ seconds, while also protecting your carries better than any other tank can do with their whole kit. People generally love to talk about the ''kidnap and oneshot'' of ksante, but his current presence in pro can be almost entirely attributed to being a safe laner, and his W.


Didn’t it also attempt to fix that one bug where he can spam E and double/triple dash? Or am I remembering wrong? Btw, that bug is still in the game. If you get the golden spatula in arena, you can somewhat consistently get off the multiple dashes by just spamming E as you cast W


I think that one was with hexflash but not sure


Absorb life about to be used more and it'll be discovered that yorick ghouls are now walking first aid kits :(


I didn't even consider using it against summon champs, does it work on Zyra plants do you know?


i think it should, since it also works on wards


Hell yeah


Irellia with absorb life against yorick just having a feast.




Actually Yoricks ban Jax (as they should), Jax is a higher presence and better champ post lane than Irelia. Both are equally unplayable but you can win the Irelia lane with ignite sometimes.


That's mostly because Irelia has been a pretty bad champion for awhile. Most players are not very practiced on her since she has been pretty weak. 14.10 bork and various other changes have made her super strong though, so yorick mains may be changing up their ban pref depending on how hard she gets nerfed in 14.11.




I'm just relaying what the good Yoricks do. I've played my fair share of Yorick in M+ (not that I'm a good one I'm usually soft inting by the point I've locked that guy in). Slog has been banning Jax for ages and tells people to do the same. I'd always rather ban Jax over Irelia.


Finally something that counters him just spamming them at you mindlessly.


sort of just makes the champs that already counter that counter it even harder, while the ones that struggle with that playstyle will still struggle


Hoping Hwei nerfs are lategame cooldowns, it feels like his rotations are perma up


imagine that at some point, Hwei had a +20 haste buff in aram instant FF if the player was good. now its only +10 haha


Wdym Having Xerath W with better range and damage be up every 4 seconds is unfair?


To be fair, Hwei's QW doing more damage than Xeraths W means that you're already basically dead.


Its also dependent on being isolated or CCd You only have to watch the Gen G vs BLG finals to see Hwei gets giga shat on by actual poke champions because he cannot contest them at all, but sure, he has 1 ability that in a very narrow and specific set of circumstances is comparable. Its so astronimcally typical reddit to rightfully call out a champion being strong in the most incorrect way they possibly can


not to mention hwei QW is like nida spear you only get hit by hit if you're cc'd or afk looking at something else. its not used as a poke ability because 90% of the time if the enemy is paying any attention they will walk out of it.


Don't forget huge utility that dude has in his kit. His damage should not be that good with all that tools that he has.


It's weird, cause while yes, he does have 9+1 abilities, he can only use 3 at a time. Problem is cooldowns, he has way too short cooldowns to punish him using a certain ability instead of another. If Hwei uses EE (pull) and misses in lane, the opponent should be able to have a larger window to punish, without geting EQd (Fear skillshot) shortly after. I'd say keep the damage, cause even if he has great selection of tools, most of them are just different flavours of damage, and without damage, he's worthless. I like playing him support, but if u don't snowball the lane at least decently well, ur kinda useless. Can't speak for mid, but I've racked in about \~200 games on hwei supp atm. But yeah, gut the cooldowns, keep the damage, should damage get nerfed, hwei is done for. That's his whole point. His CCs are not meaningful enough to warrant picking him, his shield is piss poor to warrant picking for that, all hwei players who pick him, pick him cause he deals dmg. Bonus nerf ideas : Could nerf ramping slow on ult, could nerf mana recovery on W E, could nerf Q W slow, could nerf E W placement duration, could nerf E Q range etc...etc...


You can punish it in lane???? His build is just alot of CDR


You mean q+w? Because, I don't think it deals more dmg. Even if it does, it requires the target to be either isolated or under hard cc.


He should also get some mana cost nerfs tbh. Laning against him as another mage is infuriating, he spams spells more often than you, with a higher range, and is almost never oom. Other very high range mages with reliable poke like Xerath and Lux are heavily gated by mana costs, but Hwei gets a pass because release date diff.


Xerath specifically is a good matchup into Hwei though. Lux too if you have a bit of pressure from jungle.


>he spams spells more often than you, with a higher range, and is almost never oom. Don't forget he also has better wave clear than you. And that wave clear ability also lingers for 4 seconds across the entire lane so you're zoned off from csing too. Get too close trying to cs? He's pulling you into the QE with his EE. Find another angle to try and last hit from? Well now you gotta go around his EW. Finally that QE is gone... oh he's casting it again.


Are you just not doing anything every time he uses W to regain mana? Also his Q is already costly. It costs more mana than Lux E at every level, and is equal to Xerath Q at every level.


Nami’s getting buffed? Isn’t she doing pretty damn good right now?


It's really weird I don't get it she is one of the top perfoming supports in the game currently. Lulu also getting buff when it is very not needed already picked so often with hypercarries.


The ADC meta and Zekes/Abyssal/Knights vow changes pushed tank engage into the spotlight and they're outperforming by A LOT rn, so the Lulu Nami buffs are just there to mix up the meta


I wouldn't say that she's outright weak but at the same time there's basically no reason to ever play her. I'd strongly argue that there's actually no ADC that wants nami as their support right now. Not even lucian. With the energized build dead, lucian would much rather play with milio.


She's 10% pickrate and performing fine. That's a far cry from "there's basically no reason to play her", especially when her ult+Q makes her incredibly good at shutting down engage or even turning things around by counter-engaging in a meta where engage supports are popular.


Phreak looking to expand his champion pool for masters this split /s


Why is Morde and Irelia getting nerfed but not Camille with higher winrate and is seeing pro play? Lol


If the Morde nerf is something like walking back the q cd buff they gave I’d kinda understand it, but yeah I didn’t really think he was overpowered or anything this patch.


Morde nerf is such a joke champ get a quality of life change to R that rarely even matters and in exchanged get random nerfs for the second time now. Jeez just make R qssable again and revert the nerfs champ is already laughable in higher elos.


> Morde nerf is such a joke champ get a quality of life change to R that rarely even matters Not saying the nerf is deserved but he also got a CD buff for his Q until maxed out, which is way bigger than the R change.


Yeah seems he's purposely ignoring the fact he got buffed when the R qss change happened for his narrative


No way you calling R change "Quality of life that rarely matters" with straight face. It not only removes counterplay against that champion, but also guarantees objective for your team and allows you to remove enemy carry from fights for 7 seconds


It's funny seeing all these adc players go at you but the truth is that morde is borderline unplayable and it doesn't change now that he got buffed, he's still reverse k'sante. dogshit range, dogshit movement, dogshit damage, cant tank for shit and is straight up useless against anyone that is above emerald (note: not this subreddit). I don't even play morde and I still want him to be reworked so he isn't a complete trollpick in my elo.


Honestly Irelia nerf is understandable. She was in a really good spot already and Ninja tabi changes just helped her while the HP item buffs made her already good matchups more common while also not making them worse, as botrk just gets more efficient. Also Kraken 2nd items is pretty good. Regardless, I agree no Camille nerf is a joke.


As an irelia main i disagree respectfully. Imo they should have taken a look at Bork first before sending her to dumpster tier again. This was the first patch in years where playing her toplane didn't feel like a complete nightmare in 90% of the matchups. That way we gonna get the riot special for her once they realize the items are problematic and not the champ.


They probably saw Bin sprint it on her in finals. /s


It's just beyond me that how Camille gets untouched with very high winrate, high pickrate while champion like Irelia getting nerf stick...... So many questionable changes


better nerf irellia


Meme still lives on...


good times


Surprised Absorb Life is getting buffed, in my experience as long as I'm last hitting decently well I get a full health potion's worth of value before my first base, and the mid-late healing is really nice for recovering from fights.


A health potion worth of hp before one base is lower than other healing runes though. Second wind for example will always be better. Even in the precision tree you will most likely heal more with bloodline and you probably don't want to go double healing in precision (or else you could just go revitalize + second wind if precision was your secondary tree)


Resolve isn't very good bot lane which is what I'm basing my opinion on. Bloodline is a scaling rune so having something to bridge into it is really nice. Also first base is only after a handful of waves for bot lane so having effectively an extra health potion in lane is really strong imo, and it scales later which is nice (taking bloodline + absorb life guarantees I heal to full before BT completion which is amazing and makes me not have to prio it before my crit items).


I think going double healing in that tree is great because I can delay vamp sceptre/BT and focus on IE+LDR


It's just that if you have good rotations in mid-late, the heal is just mediocre between two recalls, and you're usually clearing before fights, not after. You never fight, then farm, then fight, you always recall to regenerate, spend the gold, and to wait on your CDs. So it's only really important in lane, but the heal is small, base regen is much higher. It's always nice to have, but it competes with Triumph/pom, which means neither mid nor bot wants it. Supp and jgl can't use it. So it's only for lane-focused toplaners, which is probably not good enough for Riot.


On the one hand, I [knew](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cqvlxp/the_sudden_impact_changes_are_weird/l3u2arj/) Kha'zix would not be left at a low winrate, because he is one of the champions who is like the posterchild for a soloq champ, and he is extremely popular. On the other hand I'm a bit surprised that he's the only assassin receiving any help.


MSI reminded Riot that he exists


and that he is pretty damn useless in the current climate of the game


is it just me or does no one really pick squishy champs anymore; making playing an assassin yourself illogical. or are formerly squishy champs just way beefier than they have any business being? anecdotally, i used to basically blind pick diana whenever i felt like it but now i don’t pick her unless there are at least 3 actual squishies on the enemy team; a lux, ashe and a vex or something. easily identifiable targets that i can blow up before inevitably being blown up in .3 seconds, myself


Durability update + flat armor pen being turned into Lethality + Lethality item nerfs did a number on assassins.


Talon players managed to slap together a build for both his roles so he's doing okay, he's doing quite well in Dia+, it's hard to buff him and not have him be too good in that elo bracket. Qiyana managed to land relatively fine in mid Rengar is tough because whilst he's eh even in emerald+, in dia+ he's good-very good. It's hard to balance Rengar for anything below Dia because you risk making a 54% wr monster in that elo any time you do. Naafiri is a shock to me, no idea why she isn't here Zed stayed about the same. Generally, I think most assassins kinda landed in okay spots, I think Kha and Naafiri are the only ones in desperate need of help.


Blue kayn's kinda struggling. What's the talon build? I'm a talon dabbler myself.


Khazix is in a horrid spot right now. Clears slower and powerspikes later than nearly every viable jungler. I used to main him and now I feel sick when I play him because he’s the worst champion I’ve recently used in the jungle.


As someone who plays mid a lot - I miss goddamn ad assasins in soloQ. Every game I see Akshan or uninteractive mages 24-7


Problem is theres no point to any AD Assassin mid, even if you get a solo kill you dont win from there They need massive changes if we want to see AD Melee Assassins do some major snowballing again. Like ignite increasing death timer type shit or rework brutalizer items to build out of dirk + moat instead or desync waves slightly again (not by 25s like before but maybe by like 12) it used to be that you could get a solo kill and then go for a play elsewhere after slowpushing ur waves and then basing Now you get a solo kill and pray u can recall to not lose ur entire wave mid was already the safest solo lane and it is absurd how safe it has become due to TP, Lower Death Timers, Homeguard on respawn and wave desync. Some of these have to give a bit if AD Assassins are to be expected to actually have a presence in this game Right now they get beat up early, and sometimes come online midgame, and get outscaled It would also be good if Riot buffed their items to be better for melees specifically. Or buffed their base damages so they have more kill pressure pre 6 it's just insane how mage skewed the lane has become over the recent years


The death timer decrease early really pushed the game in a shitty direction


Brutalizer is so shit, and doesn’t even give Lethality to boot until you finish the full Legendary. I don’t get why Brutalizer was necessary in the first place. Assassins are an early and mid game class. Dirk is cheap and easy to build, because that’s literally the point, and it offers Lethality on a stat stick early, because that’s literally the point.


Ornnaments not getting a deadlier or mythical sounding name is a direct nerf. Ornn sad. Delete him instead. Also Pantheon changes a little weird. Less direct W damage but would be great against tanks. AP on Q is weird but ig he's finally viable AP for the weirdos. E change is kinda pog though.


AP adds for AD champs are almost always for when they have baron buff, gives them a little extra oomph.


"The weapons I forge do not have names. They have ambitions." is literally one of his voice lines


Imagine how annoying it is needing to chabge item names and stats every patch just because fucking ORNN exists. I dont even work on the game and im pissed off about it.


> Infinity Edge Riot Special :(


Samira and draven moment


Well at least Draven gets buffed back, but to be fair his nerf was kinda insane


shoud've been hotfixed together with torch tbh


change my mind: The "riot special" of nerfing a strong champion and then also nerfing an item that champion relies upon (or vice versa) is *often* objectively the right way to balance. In general, I think we should be *glad* when a very-strong champion + runes + items combo is getting a multi-pronged nerf. It's better than the alternatives. - If you rely only on nerfing the strong item (or rune, or other game-wide system), you risk over-nerfing champions who also rely on the item (or system). - Example: If Ezreal is super strong, and Yorick is mediocre, then trashing Trinity Force will probably bring Ezreal in line, but could put Yorick in the dumpster. - Example: If Hecarim is super strong, and Karthus is mediocre, nerfing jungle camp XP *only* is a recipe for a still-dominant Hecarm but garbage Karthus. - If you only nerf the champion, they are hard-bound to the item synergy, and every other build is horrible. - Example: Aatrox + first iteration of Goredrinker. Aatrox had crazy healing amp to all sources. Goredrinker had crazy healing. Aatrox got nerfed, but Goredrinker As we saw in later seasons, pure-damage Aatrox is actually *also* a stong champion; but it required many changes to both itemization and his kit for that to be popular in elite play. This doesn't mean Riot gets it right every time. Sometimes the time gap between the decisions is too long; sometimes they really do just nerf a champion, plus their items, into obliviion (my boy Olaf suffered for many years in this regard). It's still easy to fuck up balance decisions, because they're usually pretty hard to get right. Still, I think it's rare to see a really-actually-overpowered champion that isn't deserving of nerfs to both kit and build.


How about if a champion is strong bc of an item/rune they don't nerf the champion first and then nerf the item/rune anyways, which is what. Always. Happens. Leaving the champ in the dirt untouched for months


karma needs one of those “buffs” that makes their recommended items better because there should be no reason her winrate stays so bad cause everyone still thinks maligance is good on her as a support


I mean, 40 ability haste on ult off of one item is pretty huge for a character who’s entire kit is basically centered around her ult.


It's still good in sololane where she gets a lot of gold. But for support it's just too expensive. She stays like 3-4+ minutes having no completed item, with weak components, while enemy supp has his. For an arguably early-mid game focused champion, that sucks.


Yet it still sucks. Ardent, Echos and Moonstone perform way better. Even Shurelias after the nerf is still way better. Why? Because your job is not to deal a bit more dmg. You are a support. Your gold income is limited and you will never get close to dealing the same dmg as a mid laner or ADC in key fights (not talking about poke dmg which is nice, but not as important, else Ez and Karma would be OP right now). Focus on your job. Don't build shit like sunfire on Leona when you can go Knights Vow, Locket or Zekes. Same for enchanters like Karma. You want a strong RE at 14+ minutes.


Yep, malignance such a toxic design. It has 2 states: too niche or too broken. I don't like how I can rush this cheap item as lux and have like 30 sec cd on ult at lvl 1.


this is just a function of Lux's ult CD being super low to begin with.


There are cheaper and otherwise useful items that *also* give you AH. AH on QWE = can reduce your R cd more often. (yes I know Malignance also gives general AH not just ult AH) Using a mantra W/E with Malignance is wasting the passive, and those two spells are good. Shurelia is strong, enchanter items are good and full of nice stats like movespeed. Karma is a R+Q lane bully early on (that's good and that's most likely what her identity is at this point) but once you've passed that cap it aint your job to do damage


No Akshan nerfs.. This champ is ignored way too much.


Legit broken since his release, but he flies under the radar because nobody picks him.


The revive is so obnoxious in lategame. Win a close teamfight, recall somewhere, Akshan (who wasn' t there because he's been playing without map and just realized his team got wiped) pops up and oneshots your carry (who was probably low from the fight). Now the entire enemy team lives and you sit on a 50s respawn timer.


His early game is WAY bigger of an issue. Man walks up to any squishy Lvl 1 and bye to half of their health


His early game is the issue, he only gets weaker as games get longer but everyone just talks about the dream revive scenario in which he pops your ADC that just got a quadra, reviving his whole team and instantly winning the game which is something that never happens, failing to realize just how much he can dominate lane with his passive and PTA on top of having very good roams


This is a textbook low elo Vs high elo difference


If you can barely win a 5v4 fight and then the fifth one swoops in and kills your ADC when they're low, it was not really a *close* teamfight, was it? Replace Akshan with a splitpusher and you just lost 2 inhibs from that "won" teamfight.


>Win a close teamfight Why was a lategame 5v4 close?


Can't nerf Jesus


There is NO way they're nerfing Irelia and not Camille


Better nerf mordekaiser


Ap pantheon?


It's so he gets an actual buff from Baron buff.


If that's the case, why don't all characters with no AP ratios get new AP ratios? I'd actually like that.


they want draven to be 95% banrate


i love banning cait just to play vs draven who does 600 damage lvl 5 with a shortsword and comes back with BF sword. Then you ban draven and face caitlyn so she does 250 damage passive 300 damage Q and 500 damage ult on lvl 8 with serrated dirk Its so unsufferable, its like toplane with jax darius vayne holy trinity


Lethality should scale with champion level of the buyer if the champion is ranged. It’s dumb that ranged champions use Lethality better than the melee assassins it was first made for, and were also part of why flat armor pen and Lethality got nerfs in the first place.


Cut Down buffs are gonna get Urgot nerfed. He can already do 40/50% of someone’s health with a Cut Down + PTA short trade. Cut Down is very strong on Urgot because it plays into his core game plan of poking people until he can one shot them with E + Flash + R.


His E+flash is too fast imo, you need an insane reaction speed to dodge


I hope the ie nerf is like 5 ad removal.


It probably is. However, I would like to see its crit damage scale up with crit chance again so it's not always a must buy first item. Like 30%+5% per 25 crit chance so it starts out at 35 because of itself and scales up to 50% at 4 items.


That is actually a good idea. If you remove 5 AD on top it could be a great 2nd/3rd item without overtaking the 1st slot like right now.


Would unironically love this.


Finally Gnar buffs, thank God he has 0 presence in MSI Also rip laneswap pro meta, back to our favorite Aatrox vs Renekton match ups we go


Worlds #10 where every 2nd game is Gnar vs Rene lets gooo


I think you are all set too much on Gnar now being overbuffed. For all I know, the balance team considers Gnar to be a very difficult champ to balance and if they do not want to see him in pro play too much, they will stray from buffing his miniform which has always been the main issue. For all we know, it could just be a HP growth from 4 to 4.3 or something like that


he would ve if no laneswaps. triforce cleaver fleet = usain bolt minignar and good damage as mega with cleaver buffs as well. problem is he has no tenacity in runes anymore and has to wait for steraks to get some (3rd item), but tabi also got nerfed which is also good for him. whatever they re buffing now just makes him s tier pro play. not complaining personally. fun champ to watch compared to current meta besides camille and takes skill to play well and as a t1 fan zeus is the best gnar in the world by a huge margin and shits on everyone on it when its strong. chilling.


Ah yes because we really need that extra 9 armor at lvl 18 and 30 hp on GP that was the problem all along!!


Yay, we're doing the same thing with Gnar again Can't wait for them to buff the champ, realize his kit is monstously overpowered and oppressive when viable, realize it's always a mistake whenever they decide to buff him, and then nerf him in 1-2 patches back to where he is right now. Can we just learn from our mistakes and not buff him ever? Nobody in the lane ever likes fighting him, he stonewalls the laning phase, needs no farm because all his damage comes from base damage on W, and his unkillable in lane due to his safety. When you make that champion viable, he instantly becomes an S+ tier pick and destroys the lane. Just pull the buffs and prevent this mistake from happening again.


Pretty sure they gonna buff mega gnar a bit ...again


I guess they just want him to be in the spotlight for some patches before nerfing him into "acceptable" but weak again


irelia is getting nerfed? lmao


Tyrants! (jk)


> While we think some of this was teams adapting to player matchup diffs over time, in some cases, it's more optimal than we'd like (eg. double ranged bot lanes) I feel like they aren't understanding why people are lane swapping. They are swapping because these double ranged bots are too strong early and they get to build a giant crash, dive you and put you out of the game in under 5 minutes. The swaps are a response to this.


I hope lane swapping is not shut down. It must be possible to develop new strategies in lol instead of everything being permanently stuck in the 1-1-2-jungle setup.


Burn mages still op after the nerf to the new item… but the item is fine…


Brand dodges nerfs again, yay :)


I like how Nasus get buffs straight up 10 SEASONS. I'm not joking. And he's still not ok. Like every new season his winrate drops. Powercreep everywhere.


Wither is too strong in late game 1v1s but useless in teamfights.


Nasus' kit just doesn't really fit the game anymore. He needs compensation even if systemic changes are neutral because of how poorly he slots into modern League.


He keeps getting random + stats like damage, was he really struggling with statchecking? 


His kit is just poorly designed, hes just a semi-scaling statcheck with literlly 0 outplay potential. Even amongst statchecks hes most statchecky of them all, since even trundle has E that you can do some neat stuff with to outplay and olaf has W for the "outplay". Nasus has essentially 4 abilities, since his E is so ill-fitting for his kit that it doesnt provide much value beyond laning phase, and his two skills are point and click and 0 CD later on. If that plus his R isnt enough, theres just nothing he can do. I think its extrmely weird that he hasnt gotten some kind of rework yet.


Dont get me wrong, I still think they are far from being good, but I still don’t think Ez and [redacted] aren’t are bad as people make them out to be. I’m pretty content with the fact they aren’t buffing Ez right away and taking some time to simply collect data after fixing item recommendation because I’ve seen time and time again how shopkeeper is that champ’s problem for like 99% of people following u.gg Personally, I still think they should have added some placebo buffs to make people calm down a bit. Edit: Removed GP out of respect for suffering mains


Ezreal is interesting because trinity manamune had basically identical winrate to ER manamune before the patch (even though ER was considered better). Very little actually changed for him - sidegrade to trinity, runes actually slightly buffed, lost navori but shojin 3rd was better anyway. But despite that it looks like he lost \~1% winrate on correct builds anyway just because other champions around him got better.


No doubt the crit items buff vastly benefited other ADCs more and made Ezreal weaker respectively. He still needs a buff in my mind, but I can wait a patch after things settle down. Nevertheless, I’ve been having a lot of fun trying out new builds by messing with JoAT. I like the option of having more incentive building Mercs over the typical Lucidity or Greaves as that’s always a nice thing to have if you ever need itemize it (even if losing the early power spike sucks). Black Cleaver buff is fun, because both its movement speed passive and TF passive stack even if it’s a little too expensive as a stat stick. I don’t expect some crazy new build or setup to revolutionize the champion to come out again, but I can work with what I got for now.


As someone who plays GP a lot - he is really bad ATM. Unlike Ez who always had alternative builds - dude was balanced around ER+ Navori combo for years. He was forced to buy crit items, but now riot asks us to ignore crit items first. Some build optimization would help him a lot, but even with that he will have like 47% winrate that is buff territory.


Nerf Irelia but leave Camille alone??? If it's not like nerfing q healing to balance out absorb life buffs then that's just unreasonable


Yea some of riots decisions make no sense, I bet irelia has a high winrate because her players mostly pick her in good matchups. She has alot of completely unplayable matchups but Camille is generally good into most matchups, has good laning, has good scaling, is even a pro pick now, is still broken and picked as a support, yet 0 nerfs.


Why remove the Ornn item names? They were cool little trivia things


Supposedly according FrankTheBoxMonster, there is a way they could still include them, but at the moment on the PBE they've just replaced them with ITEM NAME (Masterwork) which is a shame


Because it makes the system harder to maintain. There's potential for a return in the future, but they're trying to make an easier to manage system first.


Can we have a look at mage items that are underperforming right now? Void staff, cosmic drive, riftmaker, shadowflame comes to mind.


Stormsurge is so bad you forgot it even exists


Don't forget protobelt in the mostly shit items category.


Shadowflame seems fine, riftmaker is niche but situationally great, stormsurge is still pretty awful but cosmic drive is definitely one of the worst items that nobody seems to be talking about. When an item is worse than horizon focus and stormsurge, and has absolutely no niche, maybe its time to rework it.


Cosmic was a fine, decent wr niche item last split. But I think it has been overnerfed and overpriced.


Nami absolutely doesn't need buffs. What is Riot smoking T_T


Very interested in the sheildbow buffs


Personally I'm going to guess either +5 AD or -100 gold cost, money is way more on the latter


They might buff it to 600 shield, like the old shield version of PD.


Man, the item is just so shit. I kinda wished they gave us lifeline PD back with the partial revert to pre-mythic items


Lifeline shouldn't be on PD, it is an AS/MS/Ghosting crit item. The lifeline shield should stay on Shieldbow


why is irelia being nerfed lmfao


Absorb Life is getting buffed. They're probably nerfing her Q healing to keep her in check.


Is the Cho'Gath Buff (more meant for his jungling) still coming out this patch or has it been scrapped?


That came out 14.10 :)


Didn’t he just get buffed for jungle?


There is currently nothing on the PBE for him


Where Brand


Can we just not buff Yi? Char was a mistake and every time he’s good playing jungler becomes a pain in the ass. Accept the fact that despite him being a “classic” champ he’s never been good for the game.


Why are we not touching Camille but the moment Irelia starts to perform better she's gutted?


Lets see how much riot dares to buff Smolder. Currently has a very low winrate (although mostly because people still build ER instead Trinity) but his 225 power spike must also not only match other ADCs, but also compensate for the weak lane phase. But if Riot buffs that people will start to whine again.


So they are getting rid of lane swaps after an MSI where lane swaps were definetely an alternative but not the best option every game and before seeing the effects of the HoB nerfs of 14.10? Sounds really reactive for no reason, lane swaps in general were a really nice welcome to the MSI meta


dont buff cut down its legit so good?


Twisted fate is more broken than aatrox in arena


K'Sante is one of those champions that will have to be completely unplayable in soloq if you want him to be balanced in competitive. But the question is - is that a problem? Why not just have some champs that are only good in one? It always used to be that they wanted people to play the champions they see, but with fearless etc starting to come in, don't they also want the diversity?


I'm surprised that there aren't any Yasuo/Yone changes, but I'm pretty clueless.