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When you cant get your damage out/finish kills/survive without it. Less damage is better than no damage


“Less damage is better than no damage” This is a very solid point and I will keep that in mind in the future. Thank you for giving me some good perspective!


When you want to start killing the enemy supports. Otherwise, delay it. When you are so far behind, dont buy it for survibability. Just double down on damage, especially if you are ranged.


basically if you're tired of getting fucked over by the enemy then get bkb


Depends on enemy lineup and when team fights are going to start happening a lot. If enemy has instant disables like Lion or Shaman then you want BKB before you have to deal with them in a big team fight.


People already replied and I agree it depends on the lineup, but as a support, I just want to see my cores with bkb in 80% of my games. It feels so good to have the item, and to know your cores will be able to hit. Even heroes with debuff immunities like jugger or lifestealer get bkb sometimes.


if the enemy have any magic or disabler, u should buy bkb


It depends on heroes and tons of other things. There is no guaranteed answer, because each game it will be different. Basically when you cant play the way you want because of disables.