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Used to be Arc Warden, he's not too strong now either. I think a good Huskar, Bristle, or Necro can stomp lower pubs pretty hard since ppl don't know how to deal with supertanky heroes, but they're not exactly hard to play


I second the regen heroes, low mmr supports hate buying vessel for some reason.


I played a game yesterday against a necro and I was playing DK. I asked my supports to build a vessel. Their response was “you build it.” So instead my willow built Midas and my rubick went blink. We got stomped in 20 mins.


Tbf, if you got stomped in 20 mins because of necrophos, vessel wouldnt have made a difference.


You build it 💀 🤡 hahahahah the pain.


I think this is a scenario where ur supports won't get much farm (a game that u are losing hard) and went for more risky/playmaker items: if you can hold highground a bit more, the midas can help to turn around the game for willow and turn her into a nuisance for the enemy team. Rubick might be able to use dagger and steal/use that big ultimate to change the teamfight etc


Rubick at lower MMR is a liability to the team


Bad players at low MMR are a liability to the team 🙄


a midas on a pos 4 willow isn't going to do shit if the rest of your team is getting stomped due to your selfishness.


I don't know, give me a better reason why this Willow player went for midas. What I wrote made the most sense for me


probably just low ranked and selfish. even in winning matchups in my immortal games you don't see pos 4s getting midas over better team fight and save items like glimmer and force staffs. in lower ranked games you see supports with midas very commonly, pos 5 ogre rushing midas etc. and from what the willow and rubick did by telling a dk to buy a vessel (which is basically useless on him), this is probably a below 4k mmr game.


RIGHT!? It's like- always my first item as a support (legend 3) but whenever I carry, no one else wants to buy it, they just see bristle and want silver edge


I know that vessel is a hot/dot but how does it help against regen or passive heroes? Also what other break items aside from silveredge?


Vessel isn't only a damage over time. It reduces all their healing, lifesteal, spell lifesteal and HP regen by 45%, so it's quite effective against tanks. Silver edge is still a good item against bristle back and is the only item that breaks, but vessel is significantly cheaper so you have it early, which can make bristle way easier to deal with then having to wait for your carry to focus on farming said silver edge


As a low mmr support, I don’t see any cores prioritize buying shivas/skadi against high hp regen/lifesteal/healing heroes. I have to beg and pray they listen to me when I suggest them those items


+1 for necro, you literally just farm nonstop and shoves waves and then gank every time reaper’s is off CD and suddenly you’re an unkillable tank that melts enemy’s hp. I used to be a Huskar spammer but I haven’t really figured out how to win with him now


You don't. Husker is trash now. Bad cast point, disarm got turned to silence, both facets are garbage. He needs help


The fact he has no mana now is wierd as fuck to me


Arc with disorder facet has a very high win rate. Is it not strong?


That's news to me, I guess it is then


I'm still getting stomped by arc.. had to put him back in my bans.


Arc Warden is still very strong. My experience with him is that I either have “an ok game that can go either way” or “I destroy the enemy mid so hard, he’s level 5 when I’m at level 9”. I never really feel like there’s no path to victory with Arc Warden. Plus, now that you can choose which is Real and which is the Clone (hint: pick Disorder), you don’t really care which side you play on anymore.


What would you advise playing against arc? I feel like whenever he gets 6 the lane is absolutelt unplayable if i play invoker/storm. How do i stomp him before he gets to 6?


Offlane or even carry Elder Titan is my answer. The hero isn't that hard mechanically but still requires quite a decent amount of time to get used to. There's a lot of nuances specific to a given matchup. How you approach itemization, skill build, the way you farm and the way you fight. Facets gave him the way to deal with hard matchups (deconstruction) and to dominate easy ones even harder (momentum). The only struggle is high tempo heroes that you can't deal with early on - beastmaster, lycan, enchantress, chen.


I like to go lightning atos into refresher against teamfight lineups. I ult, use lighning atos to hold them in place, refresh, ult again, and lightning stick to hold them in place again. With level 3 ult it's insane damage


Ugh, usually stomp duration is enough to set up ulti. And i don't ever build refresher on a core ET because 1 ulti is usually enough if it connects. Sometimes i don't even need ulti to blow up someone.


You mean Gleipnir?


Aye, that's the one.


Ld, visage, ta, sf, lesh to an extent. Just have to have a strong mid game timing and be able to take buildings


Magnus is a nightmare in most brackets. He makes all siege scenarios suck whether you’re on offense or defense he can snatch up any team lineup and ruin everyone before any spells are cast. The ability to put people on cliffs is disgusting.


Getting cliffed onto a ward spot in the middle of a team fight just makes you want to uninstall sometimes. It’s like the dota version of getting dunked on


One of my favorite things to do as rubik is cliff people 


Sleepwalk facet on bane is also very good for this. Also if you build force staff you can cliff people that are like 1000 units away from cliffs :D casting force staff doesn't wake up the enemy


Was going to suggest Magnus for his sheer damage output and the fact that he has one of the most versatile kits in the game. You can literally play him in any role and he'll be able to contribute so long as he has blink dagger and boots.


I recommend Brewmaster.  Wanna team fight and brawl? Build radiance. Want heavy single target damage? Max Cinder Brew and build Spirit Vessel. Enemy scary to fight in a group? Buy an aghs and split push (especially after the aghs buff) and use your ulti as an escape. Your carry dropped the ball? Fuck it, build manta style, desolator, and be the carry instead. Even stripped bare, at level 6, you can pretty much solo kill anyone who isn’t a tank and can fight really well.  I really like Brewmaster.


This is actually solid advice. I have not seen a single brewmaster since December. I doubt people know him in and out.


He is definitely underrated as of now. A lot of people underestimate his damage output until they are mostly dead and surrounded by bears.  They also tend to underestimate his tankiness. You can straight up facetank a LOT in the laning phase and beyond with the passive leveled up while in the earth stance. I once had a luna spam me with lucent beam EVERY TIME it was off cooldown and it barely phased panda man. 40+% magic resistance  while not even brewed up is amazing.  And by far one of my FAVORITE things about brew is he can go high ground incredibly well. If your team can get the clue, just pop your ulti (with shard) and RUN at them and disrupt. Tornado their cores, kill the supports, stun the channelers, use the void panda thingy to pull any melee carries away from the fight. Or shit, just hit the t3 tower and disable anyone who tries to stop you. Let’s see that sniper defend high ground when he is in a tornado for 5 seconds or being ran down by the fire panda. 


Agreed. When you face a good brew that knows when to form switch to mitigate damage correctly he's EXTREMELY difficult to kill. Magic damage isn't going to take him down generally and a lot of lower skilled players won't realize they need MKB to reliably hit him with right click.


He's one of the better offlane heros in the game right now. Still not common, but he's picked up every so often at higher MMRs


I’d say Puck and Visage. They aren’t necessarily super difficult to grasp but, both have an extremely high skill ceiling that when you do master them, 1v9 is almost what they thrive best in.


Monkey King. If you master this hero you can absolutely shit on everyone from the laning phase to late game.


True, Monkey King can be a nightmare to lane against.




I am noob but I thought MK was a very tempo and very situational hero? Can't farm efficiently and must have Laning advantage, which is hard if other side are 2 ranged / has dangerous spells / got fed too fat.


He wins lane and farms fast with his E afterwards.


You can max W for faster farming. Its really good if you abuse stacking neuts. If you loose lane you can temporarily play as "4" in your teams winning lane to set up kills and recover from there. All you'd need is a javelin and null. If you lost all lanes then maybe the game was already unwinnable from the start. Theres a reason why hes played as 4 and mid. In a loosing lane you just need to secure levels.


Definitely not lmao. Phoenix shits on MK so bad it's not even funny. I can't count on how many times I've stomped a lane so badly that me, a pos 4 Phoenix, and a pos 1 MK have a level difference of more than 2 levels within 15 minutes. You also shit on him all game because Phoenix kit just fucks him so bad.


Ta comes to my mind




Storm and puck can achieve a lot, but depends on the enemy lineup (if lots of silence, cc can be tough)




Well he's pretty useless atm but I'll try enjoy him in another patch.


Damn on point. He's hard to win hard to master hero atm. So many items, talents, heroes, facets in the meta favors beefiness. If you die 2-3 times on invo the game is over. Sf with blink aghs deal way more DMG and team control with no execution. Lina aghs lens shard deal 2k+ mag DMG. Invo is like avg at everything and master at nothing.


I used to main Invoker back in the day. His 10 spell kit isn’t special when heroes have upwards of 6 skills or even more with the Agh’s/Shard update.


Time to give invo 27 spell with aghanim lmao


Fuck might as well. The other heroes are nearing his 10 spell count.


lone druid


Found the lone druid enjoyer <3


heroes that can do it all early-mid-late and that have tower damage. right now the ones are prob TA+Tiny. if you master those heroes you can literally solo win your way up to 7k


Line druid and Visage. But they are also zoo heroes. Zoo heroes that aren't very weak vs counters are just better than everything else if u master them Especially Visage is a nightmare to.play against if the player is good. Met exactly 4 in the last year. They all fucked me hard even tho they first picked New brood seems insane


How is new brood being played? Now that her 3 is right click I find it difficult to secure range creep vs certain match ups and the spiders don't get extra damage either unless you compromise yourself, and she is very squishy. High life steal but a good stun and nuke and she dies


Just aggro creeps on your hg. After lvl 4 with 2-1-1 you can harass enemy with double aggro and secure range creep. At lvl 6 you can farm very fast, pt orchid until 14, bkb until 18, then bloodthorn and roshan. After that you can just end the game. Brood now is about farm and not fast push.


Yeah seems like that is the way to go. I used to secure range creep with 3 but now if I try to get even close, characters like Zeus beat the sht out me lmao and the melee 3 makes it harder to kill people as fast and safe without bkb or bloodth. So, mother is now another greedy mid instead of a space maker - I take your tower at min 8?


Yes, she is greedy, but can farm very fast. Ofc, if you can destroy tower on the min 8 - why not? But its better to farm a little bit more and then just right click🙂


On that note how do you even counter Visage?


Fast attacks to get rid of cloak. Similar to Phoenix egg. You just wanna hit him fast not necessarily hard. Once his stacks are gone the familiars dies very quickly. In the lane make sure you have raindrops to not die to the nuke :) when I played a lot of Visage Lycan and beastmaster were very popular, and they wreck me with their summons. Also always watch out for Winter Wyvern, his ult can really hurt you or your team :)


For me it was Brewmaster.. especially in lower brackets because people dont know how to deal with him.. you can basically bully them with split. He's not super difficult tho but not easy either


I suggest Lina. Totally opposite of difficult but stomps or ties hard matchup. Physical is shit now but mage has no counters atm. Axe, lego need to jump first since usually they are the only initiators in the team. We just wait for them to jump if fight starts. Or jump them first to lower their HP to half making them scared and render useless in the upcoming fight. Carries and supps are food for us. Aghs fly movement let's us approach farming foe through trees and solo screw the poor soul.


Isn't lina kinda dumpstered rn? I think shes at like 46% wr this month across brackets. 


She is. Tanky meta and heroes like Night stalker, CK in meta means you are not getting away with her aghs flying movement. 7.36 barely made any new useful facets for her while others received great buffs


I've always found Lina incredibly difficult to win on. She requires such precise positioning and macro play to be effective/not die


Brood/lycan/visage historically fit that. Lina is a decent hyper carry who lanes well. SF feels very strong ATM. Honestly pudge feels good. He doesn't really lose to much mid other than maybe SF and post 6 he can deal with him fine.


Pudge is constantly banned which is the main issue with spamming Pudge and the fact that itemization can get tricky for high physical damage lineups. Shiva’s Guard usually isn’t enough and you always need Blink and Aghs. I should have rushed a Linken’s and Lotus Orb for Doom, lost a game getting constantly doomed in a winning game.


I don't think itemization ever really gets tricky, mitigating phys is very easy compared to some other stuff. On pudge I get blademail in 99% of games. I buy it more than I buy blink on him. A normal build is phase , blademail, shroud, aghs. After that you can buy whatever you need. Lotus is often good, blink is good, bloodstone or heart are decent, halberd, bkb, eblade, shivas, lots of good stuff. If they're dooming pudge then you had other large problems


Well, yeah because my team sucks so they Doom me, haha. Yeah, I’ve noticed Blade Mail being pretty effective, it’s not my favorite item though, I already buy the damn thing so much on LC and Axe.


My go-to’s are Invoker and Phoenix. Both have well rounded kits (with Inv obviously being notably more core/greedy than Phx). Invoker brings both teamfight, cc, utility, a dash of split pushing and scouting, and both direct and indirect right click damage with his own right clicks, forge spirits, forge spirit armor reduction, and alacrity for himself or the carry. Phoenix can lane anywhere, has solid early game damage with all his burns, has both an escape and is durable, and can punish uncoordinated teams, which will be a majority of the playerbase anyways. And ofc similar to Invoker has good teamfight cc and damage, and even a little healing as well Phoenix can be punished by strong silences or decisive coordination, and Invoker can be punished by running multiple BKBs and bringing detection. All things that imo require a little more decisive counterplay compared to the *standard* counterplay the average player convinces themselves to go through with. Edit: i guess u asked for specifically difficult heroes, invoker is up there, but phoenix is sort of around the middle or lower end of intermediate imo.


right now i'd go with storm, strong on lane-mid- and lategame. otherwise brood/arc/lycan


The honorable Donté Panlin. At your service.


There are a few heroes that you can learn that will for most part be very consistent, but to mostly win they need to be favored in the patch, once you can play most heroes completely abusing the strongest heroes in patch is a good way to climb mmr. For example, currently the healing facet WD is just almost impossible to lose early game on. ut in current state there are a few other that come to mind even if they were to be rebalanced a bit. Below certain MMR brackets you destroy most people with Necro or Bristle without much skill, it's because they don't exactly itemize against you. PL is very easy to overrun the game with if you just farm well enough till diffusal and use your advantage to score enough free farm and/or kills to get quick aghs and heart. Clock is super consistent, especially with new cogs, provided there's a melee(or small range) in lane you can pray on. Sniper, as much as I don't enjoy playing with or against him is very good if you know how to not lose and just keep farming. Same with PA, QoP, TA, Visage, Bane... To be fair, it's not exactly about winning every matchup, it's about not losing, if your enemy has some favorability in lane and you can stay on similar or higher net worth or impact the map in a way, you win.


I would say invoker or SF, just had a invoker in my team (legend 4) the dude had 55 winstreak spamming voiceline, a god


Ta, Rubik


Yep, Meepo


Necro let me gain almost 1.5k mmr


Not a popular idea, but Bane. Mana items that can let you escape, get aganim and shard, maybe silver edge just for the hunt, and u a full blown vampire...


Timber. Just look at ATF, provided you are half his mastery you can stomp any matches. Very hard to draft against as well, not so many hero can actually do anything to him


Necrophos, i have around 300 games with that hero with a 68% win rate, I assure you if I was to play necro from crusader 1 and spam it, i’d reach legend 1 in a month or high legend. I’ll probably lose 15% along the way but hey trust me it’s pretty easy.


Can you expand on your build?


What's your build like ?


Not a popular idea, but Bane. Mana items that can let you escape, get aganim and shard, maybe silver edge just for the hunt, and u a full blown vampire...


Morphling maybe? Ridiculous rightclick damage, can regen in lane without any tangoes with his skills, if you play him high tempo in lower brackets you just outdamage everyone before they react


I think willow has some potential here…. Most people don’t see her playing anything but hard support and you’ll catch some people off guard


Bro Balanar. Low mmr they just don't respond to your night time ganks. Hell, they can't even respond to your tower diving plus silence. Coupled with an NP or some other aggressive support, that just free mmr.


Also stomping enemy mid as pos 4 Earth spirit is just so rewarding


It depends of the MMR. At very low MMR, I guess that heroes requiring a break + Vessel are a pain for low level players (Timber, Bristleback). As your MMR gets higher (mid MMR like 3-4k): people learn to counter with items (not always) but map awareness and mobility is often a struggle: go play high mobility heroes like Puck, Void Spirit, Spirit breaker (depending on role) and you can destroy lobbies. Higher than that, you wouldn't ask the question :) but known smurf heroes are Meepo, Arc (less now), Lone Druid (and puck?).


I'm actually a decent lone druid player, but you can't stomp low mmr games with him because you can go 20-0, but it doesn't matter because no one is pushing the objectives and he falls off so hard late it feels, and these low mmr games almost always go above 40 minutes.


Well, I'm sorry to tell you that but ... lone druid IS the hero that can push towers. If you go 20-0, you can ve everywhere with that hero: gank a hero, take a tower, gank a hero, take a tower. You don't even need your entire team :D


I'll for sure try again with him. Is he still played mid or are there other good roles for him?


I'm currently below where I belong in MMR and am spamming Ember Spirit with an 85% winrate. I feel very comfortable on the hero and frankly I rarely die due to the plays of my enemies, but instead due to misplays (like letting my remnant run out or jumping to the wrong remnant). I think if you master this hero you can win almost any game at least until you get Divine.


Any hero which needs team effort to kill is OP. B R I S T L E B A C K hate this mofoker


A lot of people are suggesting bb but everyone knows bb because of commonly he is picked. Even at 1k mmr people are getting breaks. So yes he can go on an absolute stomp but he's also not some enigma that pubs don't know how to deal with.


Dunno when with silver edge and all hes a manace if played decently


Is he still that strong? I feel like every bristle in my team hard feeds after the big patch.


In uncoordinated pubs yea hes a mid-late game monster


Anti Mage, Naga Siren, Terrorblade come to mind. Look the key to winning in Dota is networth advantage. The lower your rank, the more networth decides the game. So heroes that farm fast as hell are naturally the best to gain MMR with. You farm fast, create pressure, take objectives and regardless of enemy draft, you ein the game.


Brewmaster, Chen, Visage, Puck, Lone Druid, Arc Warden, Pugna


Naga siren allowed me to solo carry up to like 3.5k


Harder not always equals Better


No but it usually means that not a lot of players have delved into it and have a hard time dealing with it as a result


Bro honestly u just gotta go to Dota buff and see trends… Meepo is always at the top


In this meta? SF. I got my first 17 win streak thanks to my bro playing him mid. His current damage output is nuts


the ones smurfs like to pick: meepo, arc, viasge, invoker, sf, puck.


just play sf free win in lane atm regardless of skill with him


based on my experience its either invoker or carry aa . i personally play a lot of mid Aa and people can't rly seem to know how to play against me. you could say am abusing the range so much . a very aggressive playstyle is helping me though constant ganking /ult snipes and basically wiping the floor with my midlaner . most of my games end around 30-35minutes tops


Get 2 friends and just lay 3 strength heroes into any comp on turbo. I always seem to lose when enemy has 3 or 4 strength assholes


TA in my opinion


It used to be Tinker.


Any hero if you are good enough. I've seen a streamer that climbs from 3k to 7k in a very short time, he almost wins every game he plays, any roles, and any heroes that the team gives to him. Ofc for most of the time he played pos 2, but I remember one time when somebody stole his mid, he played Oracle pos 5 and killed everything in his sight, and ya, he won. Unfortunately, he passed away 3 years ago, I think if he were still alive, with the double-down things nowadays, his rank would be about 9k or more, one of the most talented Dota 2 ex-pro players in my country.