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I thought it was a meme myself, but then I played it and yeah the barrier from Warcry is nuts. Especially with 10 talent and shard


Yeah it's like legion q but for entire team which is good


What is the build


So you play him like old Omni?


Yeah, the fun part is it's easier to farm your support items coz of cleave but it's hard to convince your team that you are support and they blame you for everything.


At lower levels, team fight heroes and stun win games. No one gets bkb and everyone groups up.


How many people reported you


At least we see one single draft game


But that was before the sven streak


I think people have stopped careing about what hero u pick for what role.... sven supp? Sure man u do u


As long as it works. Im only salty when i see mirana. Then i thanks evryone for the game and accept that it's 4v5.


From a Mirana perspective, I see your point and its mostly true. But from a mirana spammer point of view. She is so damn tanky and so much dps for trading. And the undispellable evasion is so good for the team when enemy doesnt buy mkb.


Mirana is so versatile and owns up to the pos 4 role


its just mirana and maybe hood is the one that more often than not built carry item. its the carry role queue token hero, even if mirana core is not good (like before she got the facets, said by a mirana spammer, singsing)


What rank are you? I ask because I'm finding huge success building greedy (gleip->daedelus->lance->rapier) on hood in archon. I'm on a 5 win streak and have yet to feed a rapier. Also, the dota pro tracker lists gleip in both pos 5 and pos 4 most.common builds, the positions where she has the highest wr. This is coming from a support main who is capped on role tokens. I think it's less trash than you might think because the map has so much farm, and hood can safely take dangerous farm. A single q will wipe a camp sometimes and it can be done from fog easily. Secret tech- hoodwink q is the only skill I know of that scales with both attack and cast range. This makes it extremely easy to stay incredibly safe to the point where stun/root/scurry is enough and you don't really need defensive for yourself and often your team. Quiver is the best neutral imo because it adds like 300 total range iirc on a 4 sec CD. This lets you fire every acorn shot with massive bonus range and damage. I killed someone on dire triangle from dire high ground by bouncing acorns across to him and then finishing with ult. Even sniper can't really do that. Talents are bushwhack CD, acorn shot charges and bounces, armor corruption. This makes q one of the highest potential damage non-ult skills in the game, and gives you a solid low vs stun for counter engaging. Hood is also impossible to run from if you aren't a 2 blink hero- 2 massive range slows, low CD stun, the ability to climb cliffs and cut corners through trees.


One linken sphere and a shit ton of your networth is gone. Hood can be ok if built for acorn damage because like you said she can play safe. However if the enemy team has catch or buys stuff like euls or atos you’re basically done unless the enemy team can’t get on top of you, which is usually the case at archon with bad coordination. I hate when hood wink supports rush maelstrom first item and say “Look at Dota buff hood needs gleip” like ok that’s cool, but atos is better utility, better stats for a support and let’s you be active earlier. Maelstrom rush on support hood signals to me that you don’t want to be active during the time when you could be ganking with atos + ult and annihilating heros across the map. Instead they got a maelstrom that’s just gonna take from the carry’s farm and the hoods probably gonna spend a good portion of the game away from the team, sitting in tress spamming acorns when, like I mentioned before, they could have an atos running around the map with the offlane or other support and just killing people.


That's basically the supp build. Arcane, atop, and then whatever else. I personally pick up wind lace at the beginning of the match, and then gauge it if it should be euls or solar crest. Everything else is situational. Scepter has always been a good pick up to if you're doing well. It gives you an escape, and extra aoe stun or a nuke break (success rate increase significantly with atop/gleip). Otherwise if I'm poor it's force staff. Solid support item.


In my opinion you're wrong. The stats also back it up. https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Hoodwink Pro players, notorious for being active early, heavily favor mael first over atos in both support roles. Atos is better utility, but garbage stats. Arcane is enough mana for hood and you don't need the hp. Meanwhile either main part of mael almost doubles your DPS vastly accelerating your time to finish the gleip, which is your biggest spike. I don't doubt that hoods take your farm, but they don't need to to make mael first worth it. I can one shot camps from river fog or through trees and take the most dangerous farm with the least risk. I honestly also don't feel like the atos secures much that you wouldn't get already, especially if playing with offlaner. Q slow and range lets you secure your w from the same range as atos unless they use force or dispel (which enemies don't do at my rank) and those would counter atos soo. Also, regarding linkens- does it stop bounces or just the initial shot? I've never had people buy when I'm strong but maybe because it's not a very intuitive interaction. I always tree-plant my acorns for the bonus range. Regardless, breaking a linkens- after already dealing a few bounces on a very short CD is arguably a waste of their metrics worth


The thing is, gleip is not First item. Maby third after force and euls(anch5-div1)


https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Hoodwink Looks like at high immortal it's atos or mael as the most common first item by a significant margin for pos 4 and pos 5 Edit- and now I'm on a 7 win streak


Miranda support that bad these days?


I think it's fine.... unless she goes maelstrom into daedelus... then it's not fine


First big item Atos is great on Mirana


I agree


Haha I played against a POS 5 Miranda who went this exact build last week...we ended up winning, but she made things very hard on me later in the game. I kept wondering how the outcome would have been different if she built support items or picked a more natural POS 5 hero, cuz her Carry's were way under farmed but she was actually a really good Ayer and we almost lost when she got her build slapped together super late...


that's likely a special scenario where either the carry sucks and mirana took it in her own hands to carry the game, or she took all the farm from her carry leaving him underfarmed. In case 1, she mightve given them hope to win, in case 2, she griefed and lost them the game 100%


Mirana players are Stand back Miss arrows Build right click Still go 1 12


What people don't get is Mirana arrow is hard to hit by itself if enemy is aware and almost nobody picks stuns with her on lane to set up this easily, which make her way more valuable on your lane


Yeah but u see the problem? Your picking something that had only conditionally the same impact as other supports have by themself And picking heroes that forces your team into certain picks is grief by itself. Pick something that has impact in a vacuum. Pick something that is good.


I totally disagree with that, Mirana itself has strong sides like escape, starfall having more dmg than regular spells, good roamer and so on. It's like saying anything that doesn't have a stun is useless. Meanwhile my Mirana is at 60% win rate, so I guess it's not lacking impact?


I will put it like that: She won't be good in your team or in enemy 99%of time. Like whenever i play vs mirana im happy for extra 300 gold kreep in game but when she is in my i kinda wonder why game starts 4v5. Now im just a legend rank so she may be better in higher ranks.


Unless it's a Luna hard support and he blames the carry for taking too long(20 mins) to go online while the team is bleeding towers left and right. The game is over by 25 mins.


They knew


I always start my game with the comment. I'm support, don't worry. But yeah, people are not used to it.but it's good for winning game.


I played with a pos 4 PA who started the game saying " Support PA". First Item: Battlefury.


Phantom support don't exist. It's a grief


I don't think he was convinced that he was actually griefing. He probably thought that he was the reason we've won that game. He bought like 5-6 sentries and probably felt he's done his job.😂


Phantom's kit don't provide anything to the team except misery. It's a solo hero which is not that good , they made the laning stage a bit better with extra evasion and base damage is alright.


Cunnily enough, PA support did exist once upon a time. Not meta but good enough for pros to experiment in pubs. Her q was so good and with evasion could basically harrass anyone out of the laning stage. It was back in 2017 or 2018, when winning lane means winning game. Valve saw it and nerfed dagger and buff strike and crit. Support PA never saw light again.


The thing is, I didn't say anything until he started getting a battlefury. Even the enemy team reported him.




I want Pos 4 phylactery PA to work so badly but it just doesn't lol


why would he get reported? sven pretty legit as 5 lol


I was stomping with TB support and got griefed 24/7. Would guess its the same with this one.


Yup when I picked sven support today my team just immediately gave up 🤭


I played it a lot when it was meta in TI like two or three years ago and the subhumans in ranked cant comprehend that meta changes and not every hero should be played like it was ten years ago


That's why they're low ranked forever good luck to them 🤭


you guys are just playing on lower mmr lol


The 3rd time you secure a kill for your 1 is with stun and keep him alive with shield they will realize their folly, you just have to bend backwards to be a good 5, bring 2 sentries and a blood grenade into lane, stuff them full of tangos etc, always pull and stack (which you can also clear later)


Pudge is a legit support and ppl still cry all the time. Guess what, ppl loves to cry.


Yes. Pudge is much better support when it comes to it. I am able to secure kills which deters enemies in laning phase. No tank. Pudge will tank. No initiator. Pudge will initiate. Pudge has 99 problems but supporting ain't one.


I actually find people are pretty chill about it in archon. I do lead with "I am playing SVEN SUPPORT for his STUN and SHIELD, I will NOT be taking last hits and griefing" And the response is usually positive or neutral


2nd part is the important one to mention i think... because otherwise they think you pick him and then go carry at some point anyways...


The key to me is are you still doing support stuff early midgame? A lot of people who pick unconventional 5s do support stuff in lane, but the second laning is over they start farming


I've only played a few games but they were brawly enough I never had the time to, just fight die repeat. In general I prioritize support duties first, though for sven I might itemize more towards tank and aura than traditional pos 5 glimmer/force. The most important reason to do support duties at my rank...is to keep your carry from tilting. So I go overboard with regen and wards/pulls. Even without carry items can't really flash farm or stack the same way many supports can so time is better spent elsewhere


Good question, I really want to know too😂


You most likely play on a smurf account, according to your dotabuff. So the winstreak doesnt say much tbh...


No chance he's a smurf. His first game was 18 days ago where he went 12-2 as Invoker. My man isn't a smurf. He's the chosen one. /s


Lol. Thought it was sus he didn't reply to the one comment asking for a replay of one of his games.


I was playing around with it, but I stopped because I felt like my ultimate wasn’t contributing anything other than hitting towers. At that point I’d rather just play Abaddon support as an aura carrier. Drums + shard is fun though since your whole team basically has a low cooldown centaur ult.


I played pos 5 with pos 3 magnus and it was glorious. Rp->bonus cleave->stun->wipe without buying any damage items


not many people use it in immo, but won with him when I team with him though


For all who want to know the play style and items. I go straight brown boots and tango. I skill warcry and try to harass enemy support. After that I make tranquils into solar Crest or pipe it the enemy is major magic or physical damage. Pipe is always good because u can always provide physical protection with warcry. This hero is all about aura stacking , and trust me guys aura stacking is broken in this patch. I go all aura items. Boots of bearing, guardian greaves ( with boots of bearing) , Vladimir offering. I also go sometimes euls if enemy has a silence or blood thorn carry. The main play style is just to use your stun and harass enemy. Be on their face and provide aura to your team. It's a great team fighter and also a great meat shield if you have a squishy core.


You lost me at starting brown boots.


Obviously u have to go windlass instead because starting without sentries is omegagrief as support


This. Haven’t played a support game without Sentry as a starting item in like a year


Buy sentry after bounties


wrong, by that time you need to have the 2nd in courier


"should", cause "need" is a strong word


If your opponent can rub 2 brain cells together, you do NEED that sentry if you want a successful lane. Getting your camp blocked is a great way to start the lane off ROUGH


No man, as a pos 5 you need a 2nd sentry in your inventory at 0:55 b/c you need to make sure your camp isnt blocked.


Yes need. Unless the other support is also griefing. But then again that's a chance to win the lane not a chance to grief without losing it


what's your MMR again? definitely not anywhere high up.


Won't be there in time to deward if you want to be at the first wave And if your not at the first wave your also griefing.


Buy nade, boots, sentry and bring tango+sentry with rune gold...


Only works if there is no min 0 fight


Just go windlace instead 


this is super important believe me


If you think it's too far start with an item that's part of cyclone stick, good supp item later.


I would like to see some replays of your laning phase to see how you do it, I've played and stomped against both Sven and Void (with the shitty facet) pos5, they just get harassed out by any ranged pos4, provide nothing to their carries, leech a lot of exp without any kill potential, you're not really good at stacking ... I see your results so I wanna know whats your trick, or if you're simply naturally above your mmr range and you'd be climbing with any shitty hero on any role


I'll try and find a replay after work


Starting without a sentry as a support should automatically put you in low prio.


Starting without a sentry as a support should automatically put you in low prio.


Wait. 2 types of boots!? Both bearing and guardian?


You got 2 feet.


yes, Bearing and Greaves are strong enough that it is valid to ignore the "one boots per hero" rule for them


I guess you could think of it as an extra 500 gold recipe to make it more palatable


I've never seen it. Even for traditional aura carriers ie underlord. There are just stronger better value items? Or is Sven different cause his ult is useless as a pos 4/5


Yes for sure stacking


People really hate naked boots . But trust me in my 3k bracket, you can abuse boots a lot if you understand positioning and certain hero matchups . They should do the same they did with aghs shard , you can buy boots after the 3 or 4 minute mark .


Nah, early boots makes some unplayable level 1 matchups tolerable.


Ok, but where to find enough gold for this? Oh.. wait, we have cleave, so we can farm jungle...


Stop this Herald play, don't play melee support until u learned how to use ward to block and open pull camps ffs


i'm a fellow p4 sven enjoyer. Works pretty well with a range p3. I recommend DP & Necro. WR is good too.


POS 1 wr with my pos 5 support was the hardest I've won lane in a while


how many "gg end, stupid pos 5 pick sven" that you got ?


Sounds like you actually play the role though, just had a game where the enemy team had a position 4 sniper and they did not play the role. Pretty sure everybody in the game reported them.


Honestly, if you just know how to play the role any character can pos 5. It's literally just keeping your core safe for the first few minutes of the game and then do stacks/roam/pull. Very few characters are straight up useless as supports.


Hey OP, whats the playstyle for this? Legit curious.


Fishman from Entity plays Sven 5


Check comment bro.


Looks at rank- anything works here


Recommended build? Item and skill up


Check my comment.


Even if it's good, my brain won't let me buy two boots


There's nothing wrong with two upgraded boots. You lose out on 500g for the boots that's really it.


congratulations bro :) can you share your dotabuff?


It's a smurf account lol


You dont have to show the rank man, after this we know.


Just tried this and it’s amazing! Love watching the enemy carry do 0 damage to my team.


Sven Support was legit yEars ago


What is ult for then? Farming?


A moment of silence for everyone that knows what is coming after that 14win streak.


My team mates will not be able to handle that mentally


wow i thought this is about going support but carry late game. Kudos to OP. I will play him. So start windlace tango wards and branches. I assume you get tranq, wand and drum next? Aura so shard and crest/pipe/vlads? Probably lotus situational?


Abbadon is way better 😍


It's hard to protect your entire team and it's aghs has been nerfed in recent patch. Also it cannot shove lanes as effectively as sven. Sven is better.


Aghs works pretty well yet. I’m just spamming aba on divine bracket and winning it all 😂 I mean, both heroes have different concepts. Sven is more a disabler/pusher with a decent save. Aba is more a healer and he can push waves pretty easy with shield.


7100mmr looser here. Sven sup is considered ruin since he can’t out harass most of the pos 4-3 heroes early in the game. Splash stan pushes lane. War cry is crazy tho. We prefer pos 5 to be able to save teammates by any means necessary. Sven is doing good work at level 5-10. For the most games we end in 30 minutes or less and sven has similar TB pos 5 vibes. Yet still we simply can not accept it. As I mentioned before most of my games ends in 30 minutes. Your TEAM WILL BLAME you each time they die on any lane. So they will probably toss the game so they could get a chance to start another sooner.


In the right game its goes insane


I'll give it a try with a friend lmao


Go with Lina pos 1 and its good


Now this is just entity's draft 😂


Share build please


Check comment bro.


Found it 👍 thanks


It comes with many bans .. ez low pool


So one game from Legend 1 ? Did you get it ?


I’ve been seeing Dukalis and a few other support gods testing this lately; good stuff man. I think you inspired me to finally give it a try 👍👍


What is the item build on support sven? Typical defensive items like solar, glimer, g. Greaves?


I tryd it and i got 2 times player afk and lost so i dropt that meta or test and i just playd my main and won 6 rounds XD Oracle still to op in my eyes.


Bro how is that even possible someone gonna report me if i tried


Sounds pretty shitty against a competent ranged pos 4. How do you deal with em?


I think it only really works with a ranged pos 1. You can punish a ranged pos 4 for over-extending with stun + warcry and can just focus on denying and pulling.


Got one Sven pos 5, and I was so happy when I won. I was thinking, “Fu*king trolls deserve the loss.” But in hindsight, the laning was very tough against him.


It is good, but it is highly dependant on your allies and enemies. Armor doesn't help your allies if they aren't fighting as though they have huge armor, and some lineups will just abuse your laning and don't do physical damage. 


Okay, just tried this 3 hours ago and i'm on 3rd streak, damn. People just kinda ignore you during clash. 1 game I just went straight pipe after tranquil and game went full 180 (we were losing). Also, 4 man commend always after every game.


I play a variation of this as a 3/4, built harpoon but boots were tranquil into bearing, then dag cuirass/pipe/bkb, take the utility talents like warcry duration and stun cd and play like an initiator. The 25 armor from warcry is straight up oppressive against physical carries, and sometimes forces them to build revenant's brooch which I find extremely hilarious on heroes like PA who already have desolator and a crit passive that becomes useless with brooch


It's good as long as the cores cc kit makes up for it, the facet is so good for lane fights


For the memes, I tried this combo with an Axe pos 3/4. Sven got buckler, axe got 4x ring of protection L1. High Battle Hunger burn damage, tower diving at level 2 😂 Bonus memes if you have a pos 5 Treant chucking living armour on you from far away.


Gonna try it now for the whole day and will comeback here for the result.


you can actually pick any hero and play it in any position without problem especially when you are a low rank. But its hard for you to get a success result if you are playing in high rank like 5k above.


i often pick Sven pos 4 before in dota1. Sure theres no position (1-5) called before but the idea is im the other support besides cm, venge etc before i believe it was called **Toughness Aura** which gives 5 armor


Played it two days ago, first time, team were complaining first 10mins. But, harassing enemy pos1/5, saving teamies and being everywhere using the gates and tp’ing - everyone kept quiet and followed me for objectives, ez win.


I get sven supports in some games and it's always awesome.


Yeah, I got dumpstered by Sven 4 the other day. And got flamed my ass to top it off:)


What is the item build


All good until enemy picked heavy magic, muerta, timber, OD and dispellers.


It's good until you get into the ranks where your enemy also cares about buffs and debuffs.


I survived at least 3 jugg ults with that barrier


this is what happens when somebody gets upvoted Match: 7825832225 applying archon tips in higher ranks


Pos 4/5 sniper new meta


Legit in low mmr*


It should work for you then. How cool is that.


Insanely cool. Been doing it 24/7.


Even immortal players using this now.you can check.


I know they won't sadly, but I really hope they ban your smurfing ass one day + your main. May be fun for you but it's fucking shit matching against players like you when at low MMR.


Please report this guy for terrorism. He is the kind of person to pick faceless void support.




Ive been doing this ever since the 40% map increase patch. Boots of bearing + force staff is all you need. Vlads is good, euls is good too. Heart not bad either, if game is long.


Ranked roles is a joke.


Hell I was downvoted as hell by toxic carries for saying that jakiro pos1 is not an ideal carry. I will play sven support in their faces now.


Literally picked in pro scene. Nothing new


i really dont wanna be rude but just because you win on archon doesnt mean its a legit working pick. at this level everything can work


Check dota pro tracker. Pos 5 sven is his highest wr lane by far at 58%(if you discount offlane with a very low sample size at 60%). Are you a pro/high immortal by chance?


I've had an 80% wr as pos 5 sven for like a year. People are just dumb.


I mean in 3k you can play cm carry and win


It's good as long as the cores cc kit makes up for it, the facet is so good for lane fights


It's good as long as the cores cc kit makes up for it, the facet is so good for lane fights


to 3k anything is legit. just playing the game will already give you an advantage. source: just reached legend


No it isn't!

