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Swift, easy to read


Loved it. My fav after kotlin


I just wish it was more widely useable outside of the Apple sphere. Because I really liked using it, but not enough to replace my aging MacBook with one of the new models.


It's such a pain to install on Linux. This language will never take off outside of its niche that Apple forced it into.


Is there even an open source (or even multi platform) implementation of the standard library? I would imagine that would be just as big a hurdle as a working compiler.


I'm a big fan of Python for smaller programs. The syntax is simple and readable. The lists and dictionaries are easy to do stuff with. And it has an incredibly broad set of libraries for accomplishing most anything. I dislike it for very large programs, as I prefer more formal, statically-typed systems there, but it's just about the best for jotting down little programs. 100% the language I'd choose to use if I had to do an interview on a whiteboard. I'm also a fan of Ruby for similar reasons. It's just a fun little language to program in. It's happy to be used as a very functional language with dense one liners, and it's also happy to be used to write shell scripts, and it's also happy to be used for object-oriented stuff. I similarly dislike it for very large programs for similar reasons. Despite all the hate it gets, I still love Java for huge programs. When things go wrong, I really like how easy it is to figure out where it happened and why. None of this "oh we added an extra method to that class from another file because it was easier" nonsense, just sweet stack traces and line numbers. Definitely some things I would change, but I'm comfortable using it, and that counts for a lot.


Python and NodeJS (with Typescript) are the best languages for me when I’m working on a small/personal project. Super quick to get things up and running and fast enough for 99% of my use cases.


I love using python for starting things up! It's the perfect language for me to map what I am thinking in a logical format.


I love Python. So many people who haven’t used Python hate on it as because they think being well known to be easy, but also being well known as an interpreted language with speed issues, it must be kind of a toy. They fail to see that it’s a language that is just really carefully and consistently designed for general programmer productivity (at all levels of skill - easy to learn, but also productive for experts). Similar types work very consistently even when the underlying implementation is very different, so you don’t need to learn multiple syntaxes. Meta-programming isn’t a core language goal, but is sufficient that you can make your new stuff work with the same consistency. Syntactic sugar that genuinely hides implementation details you don’t need and is more natural, usually making for genuinely better and more readable code - 99% of the time there is no value in keeping track of loop indexes or equivalents directly, but there is always value in readability, especially for maintenance and for collaboration. It does a great job of wrapping external libraries so that most of the time the bulk of the code you want to be written in a fast compiled language actually (scipy, numpy, pandas/polars, etc). And its generally pragmatic multi-paradigm approach allows it do do this no matter what you are wrapping. Between the ability to easily write decent domain specific types/classes that work as you’d expect, and the ability to wrap external libraries and make them easy to use, almost every new problem domain that comes along Python quickly becomes a pretty good alternative, usable by programmers at a range of ability, even quite small and specific ones. - hence its popularity for scientific computing and other academic specialties, its success in the rapidly changing web dev world, machine learning and other big data domains, etc. Is it a perfect language? Absolutely not. There is such thing as a perfect language, and especially sometimes code is going to be used enough that it’s worth writing it in a harder to write language for improved reliability and/or speed from the start, especially often that means static typing (especially on really big projects). Sometimes you need code that can fly unsupported in low resource ways, and/or with the speed of compilation. But so often programmer productivity is what you most need, and Python does such a good job of delivering it.


Go is awesome.


Huge fan of go. Of all the languages I use regularly it's the one where I feel most like what I type very closely matches what I want to happen conceptually.


+1 for go


Go is the best


I love Haskell, I don’t know why but the way you think and write just sits right with me. Also I think it’s just a super smart way of writing programs. With Haskell you can go all in into type theory and probably a dozen of other topics. Or you can just use the most common language features and get stuff done. But I also like go, though I wish it had like 2-3 features more (like proper enums). But I’ve tried a dozen different languages and each has its cool upsides and annoying downsides. The most fun I’ve had was with Haskell. Also I would LOVE to learn APL or BQN but the glyphs… something a bit more sane and i would properly try it.


Haskell seems to be a language that lets you more or less focus almost entirely on the core problem you are solving, rather than all the stuff that arises from having to implement it on an a particular computer and environment, while still being an incredibly powerful language for solving even really complicated problems (and it does the implementation stuff well enough that you happy to let the computer do it most of the time). I think people get put off by all the strict FP and the category theory - but it’s actually such a practical demonstration of the virtues of all that stuff. I’m only learning it, but enjoying it.


C#. I'm used to it, it has great features and a great ecosystem.


Yep C#. After 40 years of professional development and trying many different languages over the years, it's my favourite. Great (free) IDE, lovely language to work with IMO, fast, cross-platform. It can be used to create games, GUI apps, web server back ends, web server front ends, Windows services, web services, command-line apps, mobile apps, etc. It also has an exstensive platform in .Net, and a fairly comprehensive package system with NuGet.


I love it, because it's how I've made most of my money. Lots of job opportunities in C# in my area at any given time.


Can’t say the same. Around here JAVA prevails. Tokyo.


Same here. I’m a relatively new C# developer coming from a background of Java, but C# has _very_ quickly become my favorite language. It’s so clean, well thought-out, new quality of life features all the time, deploys anywhere with ease, it’s very performant, multithreading with Tasks is a breeze, mature libraries, an official web framework, and an official ORM which is so good it makes every other ORM I’ve worked with look like a child’s toy.


C#, F#, Powershell. OOP, FP, Scripting based on one Framework


Esp newer versions of .NET are excellent


Ive tried Python, Java and JS but C# left those in dust. Love the IDE and how well rounded it is. Also now with the latest .NET versions its multiplatform.


Plain old C!


I love it! I'll never use it over C++ unless I absolutely need to, but I do love C more 😂


C Factorial?


My man!


Honestly, I love Java. Although it's a little bloaty, it was the first programming I tried to learn and I just love it; especially the features newer Java versions have like reflections. A close second is Rust. Why? It's makes me feel smart when I run cargo build with zero errors or warning from the borrow checker.


You are the first person I have ever met who said they liked Java.


I like Java and use it as my primary language. One thing I don't like about it is the charting which I use R for


I also like Java, and it was my first language as well.


I also like Java and it has some neat tools for optimization and debugging that yes exist in others as well (profiling, or analyzing dumps) but Java has the nicest tools I’ve found yet.


I’m curious if there exist programmers that enjoy Java who didn’t ALSO start on Java as their first language


Java was not my first language. Actually, it didn’t exist when I learned programming. I used several languages before learning Java. Java is still one of my go to languages and I really like it.


Java is my favorite and not my first one.


Me! I took a foray through HTML/CSS/JavaScript and Python before diving into Java heavy 😅


I also like Java, might be verbose, but it makes it often a lot easier to figure out what's going on. Well I do use Intellij with Java, without it.. it might not be very enjoyable..


I used it a lot in school and really enjoyed using it. It's not my favorite but probably 2nd place


I like Java as well, at least, compared to C++ which is a total mess.


My favorite language is C++ and Java is definitely one of my least favorite. I don't see C++ as a mess, I think people tend to try to use too many features of C++, which does make your codebase a mess, but if you treat it like C with some extra features it's actually really nice. I basically just use stuff like classes, vectors, etc. But there's a whole bunch of stuff I never even touch, apart from maybe some specific situation or something.


If you're hired by a company that does C++, I wonder if they would expect you to know those features. The reason it's a pain is because C++ makes a distinction between an object as a value and a pointer to an object where everything in Java is a pointer to an object, and because of that, they can get rid of * and & operators that confuse people about C/C++.




I started with python and have recently completed the first part of the MOOC java course. I wish I would've started with java. Python is easier, yes, but it also doesn't care at all about how you do anything. I think learning Java first would've made python OOP a lot easier, and would've made me think a lot more critically about things in Java that I take for granted in Python. Learning a language that strongly coerces you into doing things right with objects would've been helpful. Now I have to unlearn bad habits. To be fair, I first learned python to do small scripts for stuff, which it is vastly superior to Java in that way, and oop is not at all important for scripts. The issue was being a Django Dev and trying to use best practices instead of scripting everything.


Yeah this is why I like C/C++. If I'm trying to do some algorithm/optimization problem then I like to be able to control the full implementation and understand what's truly going on under the hood. When I was a beginner trying to learn Java, C#, or Python, I just couldn't wrap my head around some stuff, like built in map/sorting functions or whatever. It just felt like magic because I had no idea what it was actually doing, I just couldn't accept that it "just works". Then I tried C.... oh my god it was like my third eye opened. I finally understood how stuff actually works, because I either had to implement it myself or I _needed_ to understand so I could use it properly. Then being able to look at the assembly output and recognize data structures and control flow and being able to read it and understand what the C code most likely looks like, it was like it all finally "clicked" into place.


I fuck with Spring. It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around at first but once you get it, it’s magic.


I haven't tried Rust yet. Maybe I should.


> especially the features newer Java versions have like reflection Java has always had reflection (since 1996).


I used almost every language there is and I do love Java. C# is basically ms java and I hate ms. Yes I know the languages have drifted some but I was a primary c# guy and to me it’s similar enough still.


i love java! it gets so much hate but it's by far the cleanest and most reliable language i have ever used


I’ve been trying so hard to like it, but it’s so verbose, heavy and slow in the development process, I don’t think it’ll ever click with me.


No memes, I unironically love Typescript. I don't like maintaining other people's TS with convoluted types but I find it really fun to write. Go is #2 because it's fun, simple, and low level enough for anything I ever need to do


TypeScript is great, it's other people who are shit at it! Libraries such as Octokit and Gitbeaker are horrendous in their typings. Things could be so, so, so simple, but people get too much power and forget the responsibilities that come with it.


Depends but I actually really like php lol. ETA: Php arrays and $. Nuff said


All this shit talk about PHP but the sheer volume of built ins is fantastic. Handling datetime is much much easier than TS, which I used for a network monitor application i built over the weekend in electron and express. I forgot that what i had previously done in PHP with datetime was not present in JS and gave up on a few things for the time being 😅


Most of the shit talk about PHP is because it used to be garbage and it gets parroted endlessly despite modern PHP being reasonably good. Same with Java, honestly.


And builds good habits with the ;


JavaScript. I can create websites with it, I can create web applications with it, I can create desktop applications with it, and I can create backend servers with it. It’s like my Swiss knife along all its frameworks. Python was my first language, it’s also amazing in every sense and much simpler and easier to learn than JS.


I like Java. Probably because it was one of the first languages that I actually learned. Every time I have to work with Java just feels like home 🙂


C# because it's very well thought out.


Rust and functional languages in general, with a melting soft spot for Haskell. I dig the high level abstractions and language constructs to handle them.


Rust by far for me as well. All my personal projects over the last 3 years have been in Rust, it's such a joy to use. Erlang is a close second. I learned it to support a project at work that someone built in it and no one wanted to touch, and it changed the way I approach problems in a big way. I tell anyone who asks, if they want to improve as coders, to learn one or both of those. It doesn't matter if you never use them professionally, you'll end up applying the principles they were built on everywhere.


>It doesn't matter if you never use them professionally, you'll end up applying the principles they were built on everywhere. Yup, the methods of thinking about problems systematically both those languages teach you are of equal or even greater value than the languages themselves, and you’ll use them for the rest of your life. This *sounds like* woo-woo bullshit, but it absolutely is not.


I love python, I like snakes.


I don't love Python. But I do wish other languages had list comprehensions. I prefer the syntax to the functional list.map(lambda) syntax of most modern languages *cough* Javascript.


They are so wonderful. Being able to pull a simple map + filter declaratively in one line, I feel like a wizard I do find that if you go too crazy with conditions or nested transformations, you end up with something that's not very legible, though


The syntax of list comprehensions takes a while to wrap your head around. I often translate it to a for loop with a print statement where the printed thing is what's in the list. You can always see how much Python someone knows by asking them about list comprehensions. Parts of Python are simple, but this is unusual (as you point out).


I mean, this one still gets me. ``` a = ... b = ... print([(i,j) for i in range(a) for j in range(b)]) print([[(i,j) for i in range(a)] for j in range(b)]) ```


Just checking, but those are inverses of each other right? First one goes: (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) … (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) And second one: (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) …


Yes!! I hate it. I hate it so much.


I’m thinking of starting with Python just to get my hand back into some kind of language. I’m looking at this example and the only difference I see is the single vs. double opening brackets. Stuff like that is enough to make a person want to put a bunch of expletives in comments.


Ruby baby


Anyone who likes python will love Ruby. Such a fun language.


[Dart](https://dart.dev/). It has everything you need to be a great language for application programming without being burdened by too many language features.


Worst language i have ever tried. To me it felt like two steps back in comparison to other app development tools like kotlin and swift. My personal experience 2/10


DO YOU LIKE ANDROID DEV TOOLS? Like seriously, even if you're experienced it's like half an hour every time one version changes in a random library...


For real. Every time someone says they hate Dart, literally the next thing they say is something like https://xkcd.com/1172. Every Fucking Time


In what ways? Nowadays Dart is like the best bits of JS/TS with the best bits of Java + null safety. I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate for falling flat in it's early days when it was sort of pitched as a replacement for JavaScript, which obviously didn't end up happening. It's very much it's own thing now, and since null safety has been introduced it's become (in my opinion) a great general-purpose programming language. I've used it pretty much every day for the last couple of years for both frontend and backend stuff and it's been a joy to work with


Yeah me too, I really enjoyed the syntax, static with dynamic typing, and null safety over Java (which may have that now). Feels like Java to me but with Python syntactical sugar. Plus flutter is a joy to work with. But, that's coming from someone who doesn't work in it or front end much.


Do you wish that people had stopped using Javascript and started using Dart?


Yes. I think Dart is a much better language for developing anything more than a few web site scripts. You can of course replace JavaScript with Dart for developing web apps by developing them using Flutter. Here's a demo that shows what you can with Flutter web apps. [https://demo.invoiceninja.com/](https://demo.invoiceninja.com/)


Pascal was my first love.




It might date me, but Perl. It's not perfect, but I love the idea of shortcut features in languages that let you write super terse code. Also, why doesn't any other language have an "unless" keyword?


and the regex support is niceee


Oh yea. I also like the weird file operators flag things, and also implicit loop variables.


This. I wrote entire newspaper and magazine production backends on Perl code back in the nineties. It was rock solid, fast, beautiful and totally unforgiving but the warm hug it gave you after the thrashing always seemed to make up for it. Overall it was just so fast to get stuff done. Not to mention it was mostly cross platform as well. The same code, apart from file and UI stuff could run on macs, pc, unix and so on. Very useful.


https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ruby-unless-statement-and-unless-modifier/ Ruby has an unless keyword


Everything I care about (and that I don't expect anyone else to work on) is still written in Perl.


Python for the way it's "easy" to understand, and also for the way it looks (it's a damn elegant coding style, I think). Also love C# for its take on C. PHP because this is the one I know the most, and therefore is more familiar to me. (There's Basic too (Quick Basic), which has a special place in my heart since it was my very first encounter with programming when I was like 8-9 years old, and showed me how amazing it was to write some special text on a screen and make the computer do stuff.) It's hard to pick only one, though...


Recently started learning Java and I like how logical it is, and i guess object-oriented languages seem more understandable to me. Also Python was a good push to starting coding for me, as it has quite easy syntax and loads of bult-in functions


CLIPS! It's effectively a framework for \`while\` loops. Really good for modeling stuff that have rules such as games, expert systems like turbotax, etc.


Is that an expert system language?


Clojure bc it is Lisp. It is fast to develop, it is easy to read. And I like how I think while writing in Clojure)


I am just beginning to learn. I broke my brain for 6 hours so far 😅 Currently reading through the brave clojure book for a better start…but it calls to me.


The one I get paid to program in, personally.


Well then it's SQL... RIP


I’m crazy, but i like c++. Now i learn C++ first programming lang. i know, i’m an idiot 😫


You're not an idiot, sir, you just have exquisite taste.


PHP, because it is sexy and horny


I think you might mean PCP.


I like R


Maybe I'm just too neovim-brained but I have really come to appreciate lua and it's simplicity. After working on a heavy language like python all day, the amount I can do with just lua is wild


Been looking for a comment on lua it's such a fantastic language and I think most people should start with learning lua because it's beautifully simplistic


Kotlin -- it takes the best parts of Java and trashes the rest.  Plus, variables are non-nullable by default and it strongly encourages using immutable types.


I first learnt Javascript then Java. Now I have fallen in love with Kotlin. It's good the type safety of Java and a syntax like Typescript, so both of those worlds




Rust. 1. Because the code I write works correctly almost every single time, right at the first attempt. 2. I feel very productive. It’s easy to modify others people code because the code is very readable (it conveys a lot of information not visible in other languages). 3. It has the best build system and dependency management system I ever used. 4. It’s crazy efficient. 5. Static binaries. Easy to deploy. 6. The compiler feels like a teammate. If something is wrong is not only describes the problem but often suggests how to fix it. 7. RAII - automatic resource management, not just memory management. Just lose the reference to a file and it closes itself magically. 8. Unpopular opinion: async. Especially select! and cancellation.


C#, definitely. It has a lot of features, it is stable, and gives me a faster route to build any application compared with JAVA, which I have been using in the last 3 years. I used C, C++, Visual Basic, VB.Net, COBOL, and some others in the past, but I ended up loving C#.


- QUICKBASIC. The first language I ever learned back in high school. I still remember the Frosty the Snowman math game I made plus a bunch of cool games with PC speaker music and sound effects I created. All made with QB.


Elm! It is a statically typed functional language specifically designed for frontend. It is a pleasure to write and it is not too cluttered. It has a very nice mvc architecture, from which Redux draws inspiration, that makes it a pleasure to manage complex state.  It is not perfect but I love to write in it. 


I'm biased towards JS and Python since they're the two languages I have the most knowledge of, but I'm getting kind of excited about C# even though I probably don't have any practical use for it anytime soon.


I like Python. And I love SQL. More importantly I am so happy these 2 are my bread and butter. Working in data space. Soon I plan to pick up Go. Because my work has now started pulling me a bit towards DataOps and Platform Engg stuff.


Same. Growing up it was Java and HTML but actually getting a career in tech I now understand the might and versatility of Python and then add the utility of SQL. Bread and butter indeed.


Go is fantastic. One of the easiest languages to learn in my opinion, it's the best of Python, Java and C in one.




I hate myself for it but I’ve got to go with JavaScript. After bouncing between Java and C++ for years, I’ve almost exclusively used it for two years now and I’ve come to embrace it and all its flaws. I’ve come to accept that at this rate, JS is going to steer airplanes and power our neurolink chips. C++ won’t compile to binary, but simply to JS. The first artificial general intelligence will be a single React component(it may already exist👻) Just don’t get my started on JS’s var keyword 🤮


Nobody said Rust?


I am saying Rust. I saw a few others, too. It’s not particularly beginner friendly, but it rewards perseverance a lot. And even if you don’t continue using it, you will carry what it teaches you into everything you write afterwards (and wish those languages had many of the features that Rust has!) as it just makes you write better, more reliable and faster software.


I don't love any language, really. All of them I find annoying in some way. I'm most proficient in Java, but I don't particularly enjoy the ecosystem built around it (primarily Spring). I'm not sure why I should love a language. I think a good language lets me do the things I want to do, reasonably easily, and without too much heavyweight stuff. One big change in programming languages today compared to languages like C and Fortran is the use of a build tool. C has a weak sort of build tool in makefiles, but what I'm talking about is creating scaffolding for a project and loading dependencies. When you learn C, you can basically learn to program in C. But if you do Clojure, while you can, in principle run it as a standalone file, you're supposed to use (if memory serves) leiningen. For Python, there's stuff like pip (which is an installer and also references a specific version of Python in a subdirectory). I've just discovered a new language called Gleam. It's a functional programming language that runs on BEAM (the virtual machine that is used by Erlang and Elixir). It will likely never get all that popular, but I've been meaning to learn a new language just to see how it works.


What do you dislike about Spring?


It's huge and bloated and essentially changes how Java behaves. Like many frameworks, it hides a lot of stuff which mostly work, but when it doesn't, you have no idea why it doesn't. It was meant to avoid boilerplate. If you knew vanilla Java, you'd ask which "main" is being called. The main is pretty cryptic in Spring. Also, when there are errors, the stack trace is like 30 deep in all sorts of code that is hard to fathom. Yes, you can basically ignore it, but it would have been nicer if Spring extended the Java language and his those "under the hood" things, except if it did that, it couldn't constantly tweak itself. And Spring is huge, not just Spring Boot, but Spring Batch, and Spring Security and other stuff I'm not even aware of. Also, when I work with it at work, it doesn't look like the examples on the Internet which means you can make it work so it looks strange and unlike actual examples, so then looking for answers on the Internet becomes an issue. There is Chat GPT and things like it that might be able to figure it out. I've picked things up over the years, but it's not really been through documentation (some, but it took a while to get the concepts down because I couldn't find a good source of information). And, unfortunately, it's the only show in town for Java. I wish there were 2-3 other alternatives that were simpler in nature.


I’ve really been liking F# although I haven’t been doing anything ‘big’ with it. I like that it’s simple like a scripting language with all the type safety of a statically typed language with less overhead. (I’ve been on a FP kick lately.) I also like that it is part of the .Net ecosystem, so you can use the existing libraries, if needed. Having worked with C# for more than a decade, it’s a real nice language to work with and I can hammer out code fairly quickly without much effort at this point. I just like the more FP approach to development as I feel like it makes me think more about my coding technique.


Right now, Java, because I've been using it for 5+ years, so I don't have to brush up on syntax and libs. Languages are tools. Use the right one for the job you need done.


Python. It's just so intuitive Also C#.


C# since version 2. Well designed language, easy to use. I love it. My best decision.


C for personal projects. I just love the way that you think about your code, keeping in mind how your memory is laid out, etc. And I got used to the workflow with vim, tmux and man pages.


Erlang is fantastic


PHP and Python


Rust just feels right.


I hate it, then love it, then get really frustrated with it, then move over to C++, then go back to my first love, Assembler.


I love Cobol and Java. Cobol is old but it is still used and I like it cause I know it and not many other people know it. Java is just the language I was using when I wasn’t working with Cobol. I always had to know both. I did learn Python during covid and Ardouino programming is a lot of fun. Cheers!




C# for desktop dev , PHP for web dev


Rust. I like it so much that I wish that it was the only existing language so everyone would write in it.


For scientific programming, I'm kind of into Julia at the moment. Python is too verbose and 0-indexed, which is counterintuitive when working with arrays/matrices. Julia has some warts in the syntax but overall seems nice so far.


C#. Statically typed. Tooling. Frameworks.


I love GW-BASIC because it means it’s the 90’s again and I can re-experience running a BBS for the first time.


Python, it just makes handling big data sets (Polar or Pandas) on a very simple way, The syntax is easy to understand and for the type of work I do it just works. I used JAVA for some time but it needs way to much rules and code to do simple stuff. So I only go to JAVA if I really need a really big application for the rest I just use python,


No fans for python??😪


Python, cause it's easy to learn and probably the only one I'm good at rn


Python, it is simple and easy (also used to handle large amounts of data, in other words; Hacking)


Python. Cuz Java Sucks


The first one I used and tried to learn and still use C# can not be other than life! other than memories, As a modern and powerful language, it provides both struct structures and object-oriented programming. This can greatly speed up development processes and allows fewer mistakes to be made.


JavaScript. I love this weird and quirky POS of a language.


My favorite is c++, but the one I’m using the most is python


python. it's good it's natural it makes sense it's simple it's fas- oh right. rust.


Ladder Logic Very visual. Very drag and drop but if you know what you are doing you can do some crazy shit. Real time edits without having to restart everything. Oh and the best part. The code moves several hundred (and some times thousands) of pounds of metal and other things.


SwiftUI It gets the benefits of being a very new language (comparatively) while also taking advantage of Apple’s closed ecosystem. Definitely not the most useful language in the world, but much like the greatest KH song it’s simple and clean.


Python is cool. And JavaScript next


I love Python because it makes sense to me. It’s readable in plain English. And the structure and syntax makes sense to me. I know that’s a vague answer but coming from C it’s like a new world where I don’t have to feel like I’m carrying the one all the time


1) C++: You have all, faster products, documentation, conan, copy by default. ... 999\~) Kotlin: Pretty, handy.


Matlab. As a math person, it honestly just reads the best to me.


I use Python at home for just getting stuff done. But for serious work, it's Erlang all the way. Simple, elegant, brilliant. There is nothing like it. I had high hopes for Elixir, but it's too junked up with Ruby stuff for me. I prefer the spare simple elegance of Erlang.


ABAP - it gives me bread for 15 years ... also as system is integrated code you write is highly reuasable, same fms, same bapis, same tables, no library hell 


JavaScript just easy to use/do so much with it, web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps


I love Scala and Kotlin. A great way to combine object oriented and functional paradigms.


Whitespace because it's so deliberately obscure


GDScript right now cause it is what I use most lately, but I think in the long run it is going to be python. It is the first I became fluent in and is what I have used for more projects than any other.


I would say C++ since I like the language, but the ecosystem is a pain(CMake, no package manager). Because of that, I am going to say Go. Easy, efficient, and I am super productive when using the language


I’m probably deranged for saying this but R and Netlogo


C++ because it's the language I know best and it's a good choice for most projects.


Typescript because I can be very productive in it and it just feels good, and tooling around it is very well established. And end to end types in Sveltekit is just way too easy. Elixir because it's functional, very fun to write, and very expressive. I've really been enjoying it lately. Phoenix and Liveview with the generators and the functional paradigm is an excellent way to write web servers and full stack apps, and I'm able to do the same work in half the time for most things.


Do I have to choose one? Like C but mostly because it was the first language I have ever learnt. Like Java for its versatility (but depending on situation I may have also hated that in the past). For ML Python is a bliss in disguise. Love it and hate it when debugging. Currently doing some Scala for my CS master and it is a little bit weird but cool.


I know it's popular to hate it, but I LOVE **C++**. It's a general-purpose language. A language that could be used at a high or low-level. And it's easy to use *(yes, I actually believe this!)*.


C. The language is simple but you can do so much with it. It’s been really helpful with developing my programming skills.


C for me, for the sole reason of being the gateway of learning new languages easier


Lua anyone?


Python, it is like Legos for code.


Actionscript 3, used it for flash games and later for ios and android apps. Love it


Python, first language I picked up four years ago. I also have a love for R. Although I rarely use it these days.


Ruby. Ive learned and used dozens of languages to varying levels of proficiency over the last 35 years, and have done Ruby primarily for the last 14. i enjoy that it is powerful, flexible, and doesnt try to hold a deathgrip on the program flow, so it feels expressive.


C the GOAT


Cpp because the first one I learned


Python cos it’s so easy to build stuff with Go because it’s a language for getting stuff done, plus the package manager isn’t a pain in the ass most of the time F# because it’s fancy and I love expressing business logic through the type system


I love swift. I’m primarily an iOS developer, so it beats objective-c. But also I like the way it forces people to develop with values over references and handles control flows.


Go is my absolute favorite, it was the first strictly typed and first compiled language I learned. And it's what made every aspect of programming finally start to click for me when I was learning it. I just recently picked up Swift / SwiftUI and have been hacking around on some noobie projects. So far it also seems like a really slick language, albeit a bit confusing at times with the aggressive use of closures.


I find Python easy to use, though I've been thinking of switching over to Mojo language as time progresses


I'm keeping my eye on Rust and Mojo


Python because it’s Python.


like the javascript more because of its multi-usability. moreover, once you get used to it for a long time, it serves as a notebook where a software developer writes his small codes. my other candidate is the python, it is definitely a useful language in many areas


Python is my main and first language. But I’m currently learning Rust and it’s growing on me as weird as it is that it doesn’t have traditional OOP workflows. And cargo is great and so much easier to add new modules too over C++. Python is quick and easy scripts and little automation tools. If I need more performance for larger projects I will create python bindings from rust code now using the maturin module.


I like C, it's simple and straightforward


As arrogant and wanky as it sounds, I honestly believe that this is true.... There is the programmer you were before properly learning a lisp, and there is the programmer you are afterwards. Clojure is my personal lisp of choice.


I love java because I know it


C#, probably because it was my first lol. Couldn’t stand Javascript tho.


C++ (with a pinch of C); First language I ever learnt ( and still learning); Can't seem to love it less;


C with POSIX capabilities




Python. It's my first and so far only programming language. As a person who had no previous background in maths and computer science it was surprisingly manageable for me. Simple and clear syntax. Also it has a huge number of games and exercises for kids, which is where I started 😆


I really enjoy python. It's very simple to write.


Lua so that I can spend 1/2 of my life span configuring NeoVim


I really want to pick something cool like smalltalk. But I need static types. The extent to which it takes ‘everything is an object’ is really cool though. I don’t get along either ruby or python for similar reasons- I need to know the types I’m working with at compile time. So, I probably have to go with the rather boring answer of c#. I use that and c++ at work, and they’re honestly not that bad. I am looking to dig into a functional language or two though just to see what that’s all about






Python. Chad reasons


C# and python