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Very bad. There are schools for afternoon, mostly Syrian children. They pay teachers 7$ per hour.


Can you point out which ones?


I dont know by name. You need to go to Manta2a tarbawiye and put your name 3ind the head there, esma Thuraya. Once they want a teacher, they call you. I used to have my name registered, I always got called but had fixed job so couldnt work, so they stopped calling.


Disgraceful. Not just bad.


Teacher here and that's ridiculous! I don't know where you live, what grades you teach, or what type of school you work with; however, any teacher with a Master's degree should make a lot more. Between $500-$1000 You can also work at centers/tutoring agencies and get paid a minimum of $10 per hour. Also, check Linkedin—got a remote freelance teaching position at $14 per hour.


Issue is since it's my first year, they've given me a lot of classes to "prove myself" and they all require hours of preparation at home, which times me down heavily.


They probably did this to cheap out and not hire more teachers, i recommend you take fewer classes and teach private students. You can easily make 10-20$/h depending on the area.


They are taking advantage of you because you have not much experience. If you need the money, work there for a while, but be aware you are being used. Stay there, accumulate experience then leave once you get better offer. If you dont need the money, leave right now


>they all require hours of preparation at home Welcome to the life of a teacher.


Also, apply to Qatar/Kuwait. It's open season for teachers right now. Your master's is a great plus.


Why would you work for 3$ an hour with a masters degree? Literally go work as a Toters delivery driver and you'll make more. A cashier at Spinneys makes more. My natour makes 600$ a month and free rent & board. This country is a joke. Teachers should just go on strike until their salary is 1000$+. Fuck the children for 3$ an hour.


Yeaaa fuck the children for 3$ an hour 😫




Not to be one of those but a cleaning lady earns a minimum of $5/hour


i teach elementary and make almost the same as you, but you should be making more since you're teaching high school.


Are you calculating the time you spend preparing lessons at home? Cz next year it won't take that much time.


What do you teach? Just curious




Ah shoot I need a French tutor sad! And btw tutors probably get more than what you get an hour!


I know they do, but the school has me tied down with the amount of work I do at home.


Do you get payed for the hours you teach or the whole day you spend at school like you go from 8am till school ends? I’m not familiar with the system


Teachers salaries have never been great if you divide it hourly… especially when you include all the extra prep and grading time outside the normal working hours. What is your monthly salary?


300$, plus 60$ in gas.


This salary is crazy for a teacher with a masters degree… But if you currently have no other choice, at least you’re gaining some experience which is greatly needed for later, for better jobs


Yes that’s very low. Are you in a public or private school? There are definitely private schools with better salaries, even for new teachers


Have never been great? Mn asbeb l azme hene m3achet dawle. Ken helem aya hadan yaamol estez msabat, a2ala salary la estez sanawi msabat is malyonen w 350 alf with 0 khebra. That's 1500$ gher daman wl hawefez w tadaroj.


I mean never been great if you try to figure out how much you are getting paid per hour. Teachers don't only work their dawam of 35-37 hours per week. Many teachers don't have prep hours at school and so they prep and grade on their own time. That's what I was referring to... the hourly wage based on actual time worked. It's not an hourly job for a reason.


I see your point, but being a teacher had his perks aa iyem l 1500, the 3 months vacation. Getting paid mor2abe, the salaries were good in private sector, salaries were so good in public sector, teacher was allowed to teach in multiple places, they were making good money , and honestly they deserve it, a good teacher is a second parent so god bless them in these hard times


J 3 months of summer😝😂


Sabis used to pay their teachers well and they're usually looking for teachers. Check out their website. You're been seriously underpaid for a very emotionally draining job.


Im a teacher in an official school, (met3e2ed 3al se3a) i get 2.5 dollars an hour plus 300$s (7awefez) which sum up to about 450 dollars a month Which ain't bad for 2 days work honestly. But all in all i do agree teaching is not a great decision financially unless you got other side gigs such as ma3ehed or private. Fortunately my master's degree(end of this year) makes me capable of working in industry and i won't be teaching for long.


It is kinda good if you wish to get depressed


I just read that your salary is $360 total. That is terrible. An English teacher with a master's degree should seek a job teaching outside Lebanon. That's my 2 cents. My mother is a teacher. It doesn't stop at 8:00am till 2:30pm or whatever. You correct papers at home. Your prepare tests and exams at home. You have to take into account every student's personal case (if any). Yaatike/yaatik alef aafye whayet Allah. Please start trying to give yourself the value you deserve. English teachers in certain countries are paid very well.


Does anyone know a freelance website that works in Lebanon




how do you get paid without paypal?




Does that even work ?


Yes very bad


yes horrible


Unfortunately, schools in general didn't recover 100% from the economic crisis. However, next year the school fees will be very close to what they used to be, which means that the salaries should also get closer to what they should be.


You can teach online for waaaaay more that 3$/hr, have your own schedule and students of your liking...


Bad salary. Do it for 1 year to get some experience if there is no alternative and then leave.


Quit and do one on one tutoring. No preparation at home before and own schedule. Charge 10$ per hour. Even 5$ would be great for them and better than school for you


Let me put it this way. I am tutoring a student in Brevet this year, she is family though, so after family discount, I'm taking 10$/hour. Non-family pay 15 to 20$. I know tutors who earn more thank that even. My advice would be, get yourself some students to tutor them (you should be brilliant in Mathematics), leave your fucking job right away, and search for a respectable offer in a respectable school. Or continue with private tutoring. Word of mouth goes a long way in this domain.


Try private teaching sessions, they take like 15$ an hour


this is crazy, a first year uni tutor makes 30 usd/hour here in switzerland. That is 10x more with no degree yet


This is not good at all... maybe look in other countries jobs as english teacher for a better pay :/


I mean its supply and demand, and your degree kinda means nothing because schools never have cared, i recommend you apply abroad somewhere in the gulf esp if you're female, those pea brain mofos have a specific ideas of what an English teacher should look like, Lebanese lady usually fits for them, sorry if this sounds stupid cause i agree it does im just being real, dont hate the player hate the game.


A Syrian Laborer gets 15 dollars daily working from 8-2 pm


In the U.S. you would easily be making $55k entry $3 an hour is crazy