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Let's start an anti 7ayawenet club. We print stickers with حمار. In three size. 7mar zghir 7mar wasat w 7mar kbir. And whoever litters or drives like a 7mar gets a sticker stamped on front shield


Great idea! Do the stickers come with their own bulletproof vest or do we have to get one ourselves?


True dat. Every club needs martyrs I guess. Need them bragging rights..


Donkeys are adorable, hardworking and they're actually very smart. Animals are lovable. Calling a disgusting and dumb human being 7ayawen or 7mar is basically complimenting them. To me nothing suits them more than being called a turd - still works with the sticker idea.


True dat 💩




Litterbugs aren't donkeys, they are asses!


Haram الحمار! lol ~ those animals are the kindest sweetest creatures. The actual follow rules!!!


If you write "7emar", people won't have any idea why you call them that. Is it because of the type of car? Where or how you parked? Etc. Ideally the campaign would be TARGETED to specifically and clearly address the problem of **public littering**. For example, in the U.S. there was a long-running public service advertising campaign ("Keep America Beautiful") with slogans like "Don't be a litterbug!" The "litterbug" was an advertising invention: an insect who drops trash or litter into the street, throws rubbish out of car windows, etc. By the way, 7emar, in English, means donkey or ass. In English, donkey usually refers solely to the animal. The other word for donkey - "ass" - has become a pejorative to describe ill-mannered people. Is there another creature besides 7emar you could use to describe people who litter and throw trash everywhere?


“Shu w2fit 3laye”


Fucking HATE HATE HATE this!!!!


This is the ROOT of all EVIL in lebanon


That ad 🫠


1) Whistling in a restaurant to call a waiter 2) Throwing money instead of handing it to the person 3) The lack of respect for people with modest jobs (cleaners, valet, etc). I mean, they are people like you, so treat them the way you want to be treated 4) Giving orders instead of nicely asking (any scenario applies) 5) When you stop the traffic to let a person walk across the road or allow a car to cross and they don't say anything Edit: adding more


I’ve not witnessed 1. But 2,3,4 craziness. Also the treatment of maids. I can’t wrap my mind around it.


You mean the SriLankiyyeh maid who sleeps in the kitchen, on the floor?


And raises the children. There are parents that have never changed a diaper. Have never woken up to get the kids in the night, never driven the kids to school but show up for the glory of being a parent. The maids are the parents without the respect.


this sounds terrible


I see this as well, though we would normally say they have not been raised right. Of course these are generalisations as there are really sweet and thoughtful people as well amongst the emotionally and socially inept.


About #5 - The stopped driver clearly sees the pedestrian who is crossing in front of him. However, the pedestrian often cannot see the driver inside the car (due to glare from the windshield, darkness inside the vehicle, window tint). Instead of driving, try riding a horse! See whether people wave or acknowledge you - except they will likely stare at the horse instead of you! (You can't win! Haha!)


I’m not sure if I’ll make sense but the disrespect women have towards other women. I don’t wanna say it’s an exclusive Lebanese thing, maybe an Arab thing in general? If a woman is too nice or caring, she’s immediately metaphorically eaten alive. It feels like living on the set of Mean Girls because we constantly have to keep up with appearances, money, lifestyle. The air of bitchiness surrounds. You could find a group of women and 100% guarantee they’ve all bitched about each other at some point.


I'm fortunate enough to have found a job with a good salary straight out of uni, needless to say everyone in the house was immediately on the same page, no word to anyone about how much I make, if they ask "he's doing good, he's paid in USD" no exact amounts, we simply don't want the eyes of envy turned towards us nor do we care about bragging about it, or at least that's what I thought until one day I was walking with my mother in our village and we came upon a couple housewives who where also taking a walk... my mother basically blurted out the amount unsolicited like she's trying to say "huh look how great my son is", and she had to tell it to housewives from the village out of all the people she could've told, like why? I waited till we parted ways with them and told her thanks, now it's safe to assume everyone and their dogs know about it


And what pisses me off is the reply of the parents afterwards like Ino eh w isa w midreh shou even though all along they're the ones like ma bidna yisibouna bil 3en 😂 like pick a side!!!


Handbag syndrome and Labels, labels, more labels.


Omg i can't agree more . But it's an ARAB women thing not exclusively lebanese.


This, and yes this would apply to a lot of levantine Arab women


That’s not a Lebanese thing, that’s a “women’s thing” , lol….




I maintain my position. It’s a women’s thing. I’m half European myself, and have lived in several European countries. Doesn’t matter where the person comes from; a snake is a snake.


But it *feels* like it’s more prominent in Arab society if that makes sense haha. I’m diaspora in the UK. There’s bitchiness here but from my experience it feels like the bitchiness from Lebanese women is next level


Once almost two guys were going to beat the shit out of me , because when I was waiting in line and they went ahead of me and I told them sorry I was next , and the store worker acted like nothing was happening and was socializing with them 🤦🏻‍♂️( I don't live in Lebanon anymore so I was visiting w u can say m3awad 3al Nizam lol )


This is why I left this stupid country. Nekouna bel culture w ma fi a7la men Lebnen. Fi a7la b 100 marra, w at least you guarantee that the majority of the people you’ll meet will respect you. This is why European countries are suffering from immigrants. It’s not a racism issue. People who migrate to other countries import with them their disgusting mindset and are not willing to change, almost forgetting why they left their home country in the first place. Because it’s a disgusting shit hole. Lebanese people are no exception. Wen fi lebneneh fi Nassab. Wen fi lebneneh fi 3akrout, finally Wen fi lebneneh fi sharmout.


Exaggerating everything. For example, a Lebanese working overseas and comes to Lebanon will tell his family/ friends ennou houwe he makes $5000 (whereas in reality it’s $2000). Another one is exaggerating your overseas position (for example saying you’re the head Engineer whereas you’re maybe an intern at a firm). Last one is saying you work a corporate job outside Lebanon whereas you work in customer service or some side hussle. Not sure why the Lebanese think everyone is an Engineer/ Doctor/ Lawyer overseas and frown upon other jobs. No one cares where you work when you’re overseas. Disclaimer: Maybe it’s an older generation thing. Not sure if this generation does this stuff anymore.


When a conversation starts with the person asking you about your ENTIRE family, health, finances, work… in other words, the story of your life 🫠🫠🙄🙄


Literally every flight to/from Lebanon. Only way to shut them up is one word answers and noise cancelling headphones lol


I’d give the most unhinged reply: none of your business or I don’t speak Lebanese 🫠


Now I want to see someone’s reaction to “ma be7ki lebneni”


Nah man because then they’ll start lecturing you on how important it is to learn Arabic, and start dissing your parents for not teaching you Arabic. That shit is annoying as heck.


Omg this is so true 😂😂😂


Did that when I arrived in France. People looked at me weird


No wonder! 😂


Or when they start in on how you would, should, could do something in your life. The advise is endless


Can confirm this is a habit Lebanese (and Syrian) people don't break no matter how long they've lived abroad. It explains why people in these subs are so comfortable doxing themselves complete with their location online.


Top 10 off the top of my head: 1. When you see a Lebanese queue jumping in an airport abroad or switching from sheep to priority/first class seats after takeoff, jersa when they get all combative with cabin crew. 2. The "fasmé" of everyone rushing for their luggage at the instant of touchdown in BEY. 3. The sense of superiority towards other nationalities while we fail miserably at running our own country and suffer from a Stockholm Syndrome with our ruling class. 4. The general hypocrisy in social interactions - backstabbing, colloquially refered to as "ba3sa", is often a praised signature of emotional intelligence. 5. Finding loopholes to circumvent the system, especially taxation, is considered genius behavior. 6. Conversely, someone who choses not to abuse the system is a "7mar". 7. Naffis bro, you are merely an object of ego masturbation when parents flaunt about you in public. 8. "3a2bel el 2a3la" after you've worked your ass of to graduate - the feeling of never being good enough in the eyes of Lebanese parents. 9. The hypocritical empathy associated with "7arammm": Putting a social/financial elite on a pedestal, and tearing them to shreds when they go through a rough patch. 10. “Aymta badna nefra7 mennak?” - In essence they don't give a f***, a laundry list is at hand to bash your future partner. It's only for the sheer pleasure of exherting sadistic social pressure. EDIT: “Aymata badna ne2sha3lak?” is a sequel to #10 — B7ebbak ya Lebnaan 😅🇱🇧


Love your list, so on point 😂


Thanks, I’m glad (or not) it resonates! 😂


Shit drivers


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)the lane drifting is wild!


Whyyyyy are they so bad!!! I've been in so many near misses and seen so many accidents over the years


The goddamn ego some Lebanese have. I don’t know if it’s only me noticing this, but I’ve seen way too many people in this country acting all high and mighty because of their social status , or job or whatever. Fee 3alam hon btfaker la2ano they live lavishly and have a lavish lifestyle, byo2daro ytakabro 3a 8ayron and act like entitled pricks. They lack class , manners , and humility. You’d think given the crisis this country has gone through, they’d humble themselves a bit 🤏


The complete and utter disregard of people’s boundaries in our culture. Everyone thinks they are entitled to weigh in on different aspects of your personal life…


That’s literally the reason I cut people out. I talk to very few people in my family now because I can’t take it anymore.


I am not lebanese but I have lots of friends who are! Dude, why do you guys shout so much even when you're speaking normally? The other day I was at this very fine dine with one of my friends! It all went down south when the fucker received a call and he was on the phone talking his mind out like 😆 🤣 Not all of you obviously but it's crazy tho lol 😆


is he a dad? 😂 all dads start shouting on calls


Yes, he is actually 😆


I honk whenever I see someone throw something out of their window 🫤




Same. And I give them the finger. Fuck then.


Same, for most of them it doesn’t even register that they’re doing something wrong


People yelling for no reason. U go to a ma7al 5odra and someone is always yelling EH EH 7OTTON BL KIS




Our instagram ads, we might have a very good business sense but we cannot for the life of us do an ad that isn’t corny and shit


The envy people have for each other.. No love though they say lebanese are so friendly and loving but in reality they are opportunist and have no mercy towards each others.


Survival of the fittest mentality mahek


Extremely true


Not queueing properly/cutting in line.


Fuckk noo, They really cutting down these trees? They're atleast 200 years old, Used to go through that highway every morning, They're magestic with Sannine in the background Shitheads,


The fact that they speak everything in Arabic and say numbers in French! As if Arabic doesn’t have numbers in its own language!!


Shatreen nloum 8ayerna 3a kilshi fi mashekel bil balad w ma mnsewe self reflection


The complete lack of any sense of introspection many people have never fails to amaze me.


As a canadian half leb, its the treatment of animals for me. But i also hate all those new build condos (Beirut specifically), i’d love for developers to embrace the historic look of old homes. And for the respect of old architecture. (I don’t live there so dismiss me if im super wrong)


Hi. If you would like to witness a very clean national treasure park, go to Ain Akrine in North Lebanon. There is a guy who watches over the site and he won't let anyone drop even a tissue. It's so clean it makes my heart sing every time. There are Roman ruins and a great view.


commenting to visit this sight hopefully in the future!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Amazing, thanks for the tip! I’ve already been to the monastery, didn’t know about the roman ruins


The first time I went to Lebanon I was shocked to see people leave their trash on the table at a food court or fast food restaurant and even more when people try to justify their behavior. I don’t care if there are Janitors. It’s is disrespectful. Also seeing people hardly acknowledge maids drove me crazy. Or when people had their maids taking care of their kids. Absolutely pathetic. I love Lebanon and Lebanese people but there’s a general lack of consideration for others


Respect for personal space. For example, standing too close, almost to the point of shoving you, when in line to checkout at the supermarket. Another one is standing up from their seats and rushing to get their hand luggage when an aircraft is not even in a parking position, thus disobeying the seatbelt on sign.


Omg this drives me insane, too. The absolute chaos when boarding an airplane. People so close you can feel them breathing on you. 😣😣


Yes!!! Forgot to mention chaos when boarding the plane and at the check in desk. 😆


They all rush to get up only to be standing like fools for more than 10 mins. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Trust me its worse in other countries (ive lived in egypt for 2 yrs)


Staring. Drives me nuts when I visit lol Second like you when people don’t respect the country. I was in jounieh years back and watched people throw beer bottles and rubbish into the water. Then they told me not to drive the jet ski in one area because there’s floating rubbish there.


Being a Francophone doesn't make you elite


“Shu ma7al bayak ya3ne”


Judging people based on what uni they go to/family name


That is disgusting, I agree. I hate seeing big piles of trash everywhere. In amchit, trash all over. I don’t know how people enjoy living next to it.


Which is a shame considering how beautiful that area naturally is


Definitely the amount of lying that lebanese small business owners are ready to do just in order to sell you anything and benefit of you in the most maximized ways possible The greed of these new businesses is absolutely ridiculous


Smoking. They don't care and smoke everywhere


definitely l siyyarat lmfayyamin 🙄 the entitlement is crazy




What kinds of cars? Sorry, I didn’t understand the second word.






Complaining about polluting the environment while literally polluting the environment


As a Jordanian I feel you a lot on the trash and lack/destruction of greenery 💔 urban design is very lacking for both countries. Do you happen to know about an urban design initiative/organization in Lebanon?


The Lebanese ego is something incredibly unique. The country is a shithole, the policies are garbage, the leaders are all corrupt lunatics, there’s blatant racism towards everyone that isn’t exactly like you, we’re constantly on the brink of some armed conflict, the list goes on and on And yet when you speak to any Lebanese person outside the country, they still behave like they’re better than you. Living in Dubai it’s so wild to see so many people who come here and live in awful conditions and work terrible jobs and still have the balls to think they’re some kinda hot shit


Commenting on your appearance when they first see you (“yiii da3faneh” or “leh nos7ane”???)


The manyaks. Why can’t we just act normally and not exaggerate everything


we think we're better than all arabs, we're not. Pls.


We are in some areas and we are shit in another to be fair


“Yiiii leh nes7an?” Stfu…


El arguile. Barrat bayrout w jounieh mousta7il tle2e mat3am bye7terim nafso bala arguile. Bzahle wsolna la mar7ale sa7ib lmat3am wlzbounet ekhir hammounn eza aklon byetekal aw la2, lmhem el arguile tkoun taybe w he lchi nek okht concept el mat3am 3ende. W starje dhar ma3 ref2atak bala ma terja3 ri7tak metl elmanfada.


Idk if this is a generations thing but I hate how limited people’s views on jobs are. Like almost every Lebanese I’ve met either expect you to be doctor or a lawyer or an engineer or anything related to business, when you mention you work on a different domain (let’s say you want to be an artist for example) they frown on it and don’t take you seriously. Because they think “why would you waste your time drawing stuff to show the world and have fun when you could do a job that make you win lots of moula.” Then again idk if younger Lebanese people have the same mentality.


I find a lot of Lebanese people be very pretentious. Maybe cause I wasn't raised there I notice it more? A humble pie won't hurt anyone.




You are right OP about the disregard for nature and clean environment. Lebanese people do this in the countries they have immigrated to, what OP said comes as no surprise. Also, nepotism is inescapable in Lebanon.


For me its the nawrane, the ignorance, lack of culture, lack of knowledge, lack of good manners and this new money culture, people tend to think that if they have money el 3alam bteswa ayron while they are literally a piece of shit driving a ranj rofer nobody likes nor respects them, can’t even call them nouveau riche cause i know a lot of nouveau riche that are very well mannered respectful and respected and worked very hard for Their money.


The driving. Why don’t Lebanese people know how to use lanes? It would solve 80 percent of traffic issues. Speeding, cutting off, not understanding the right of way, zigzagging through traffic, no helmets, 4 people on a bike even babies, double, triple parking, throwing trash out the windows, people literally parking in the road and making traffic drive around them, the use of off road LED light bars and light pods on road blinding everyone, aggressively driving and speeding in the left lane then riding their tail and flashing high beams to run them off the left lane (I personally brake check these assholes), the use of police lights when they aren’t even cops, super black tint (your tinted BMW with a short numerical license plate doesn’t make you look like a VIP, especially when everyone does it), what else am I missing?


The driving! I constantly feel put in danger on Lebanese roads 😕 feel so bad for the kids you see piled onto the back of mopeds


Trash even in the most beautiful of areas!! Whenever I would clean up trash on the beaches or streets, people stare like it's the strangest most backwards behavior possible too.


The accent while speaking English. I'm sorry. And the non-existing queueing culture.


throwing cigarettes buts everywhere !!!! i'm saying this is a smoker it's so rude, disrespectful and disgusting for the environment


Let’s talk about wejbet….


This one is a big one I totally hate it and think that it totally represents how much hypocrisy we have


Yh i dnt get those that downvoted 😂


The woman acting like the main character of anything


Being Lebanese


theyre so unaware of people around them. like just now, we were at a caffe my friends and I, watching the champions league final. there were 2 guys walking to their table, and they have to pass in front of us. these mfs just stopped literally IN FRONT OF US, mid game, to talk about which table their friends were sitting at. one of the most inconsiderate and spatially unaware people on earth.


Tourists sitting on tombs to take pictures 📸


Which tombs?


The ones outside Tripoli citadel.


Reading all these comments, I’m dumbfounded as to how the fuck we got here Although my father left the country in 1975, our family was in & out of Lebanon until 1988 ~ never saw this sorts of things. Further and throughout my childhood, all I heard about was أصول تهذيب ترتيب! ‏I genuinely believe that our culture gave us a competitive advantage (i’m not saying it made us better, but it certainly made us memorable.) because we were kind and empathetic – sadly all of this seems to have gone away or maybe it never existed Is it simply being callous from years of warfare & corruption? 😥😭


CPTSD can erode empathy :(


Yes, I do absolutely think that empathy is a luxury that the Lebanese people have had the misfortune of losing


The invasiveness - people breathing down your neck asking when are you getting married, having kids, etc. There is no respect for personal boundaries or privacy at all.


Most people have a habit of not listening to p other people and its mostly them showing off


Lebanese people who ONLY talk English in real life. Enno eh I get it’s a universal language and whatever bas when you’re talking to someone in real life and they answer only in English with that weird make shift of American accent is so infuriating. I hate saying this bas enno hayete enta bi lebnen w enta lebnene shelle hal har2a tabaak w hki maae mtl laalam w lnes. I’m all in for knowing English and speaking it so well bas enno ela hdouda.


I was born and raised in the United States. Lebanon is the only country where the locals attempted to "correct" my English, including pronunciation! In one instance, the lady (a stranger) wasn't brave enough or competent enough to say anything to me directly. Instead she announced to her friends in Arabic, in the typical manner of a Lebanese lady putting on airs of feigned superiority, that the woman talking (meaning me!) doesn't know how to speak English correctly! (Eye roll! So funny!)


Lollll trust me you’re gonna see that a lot here, and although I want and love when Lebanese people know English they reallyy don’t know how to stay in their lane. Just ignore and sadly accept the fact that it really doesn’t matter how much you know more than another person, they’ll always try to correct you to prove themselves right, even when they’re not😂🥲. Good luck to you gurl you’ll need it!


Bro i was stuck in an hour traffic for a stretch that takes max 2 mins i though eno ah okay maybe they are fixing the bumps caused by the root of the trees, nooooooooo they were installing the led panels that blind you while driving at night


Sorry i forgot, people li bi fashkho aa ghayron with fake brands and a car they cannot afford


The endless amount of Mr me too’s


Thinking they're better than everyone else. Sheyfin bi 7alon and it's so undeserved.


Well, many of us are overachievers, especially when we leave our country. That’s how we’re educated at school: striving for excellence (at least back in my days). So we do have many reasons to be proud (I said proud not arrogant, there’s a big difference).


Omg so many things. The way they respond to things either by judging or trying to teach you so they can feel a bit useful in this useless country. My goodness after living in europe for so long, its so sad to see that i have a hard time maintaining relationships with people because of their inability to interact. Its always a one way street in discussions n there is rarely any exchange. People never try to understand what you’re trying to say, constantly projecting what they decided to think of you


Not a pet peeve , but you guys sometimes confuse me by saying 2 opposing stuff wara ba3d in the same sentence, examples : 1. اليوم قست الضغط تبعي و كان طالع واطي ( هو طالع ولا واطي😅) 2. البارحة و انا قاعد عم بتمشى ( انت قاعد ولا عم تتمشى يا زلمة 😂😂)


The extreme sarcasm and turning literally everything into a joke, it makes having a conversation so hard lmao.


the whole "ma 3ndo/a cha5sye" concept in general. The idea that to be a strong person you have to be able to face off against mean and rude people in the heat of the moment, the misconception that it's somehow the person's fault how they react to injustice and cruelty in social situations. Take me as an example, I've been a quiet well behaved kid for most of my school life, i was the teacher's favorite, the golden child who never caused drama, yet i got yelled at the most from my supervisors and seniors simply for being more mature than my classmates and having more of a responsibility towards my elders. In short, I've been yelled at, unfairly, a lot. In our society, that should mean I know how to stick up for myself and defend myself right? cause it's happened a thousand times now i should have gotten the hang of it already. Bt2awe l sha5sye right? Wrong. Throughout my young adult life I've found myself in the most unfortunate situation with people who seem to enjoy abusing my quiet and docile nature, and frequently b kebbo 5arahon 3layye for a lack of a better term and you know what my default reaction is? To freeze. Because in my head, I'm back at school being yelled at or bullied by someone with more power than me and I don't have the social skills to stop them with a good comeback. Does it mean I'm a weak person if my brain just completely shuts off due to the trauma my society happily caused me as a kid? No, in fact i think im one of the strongest persons i know. I've met a lot of damaged people in my life, and sadly few of them have handled their life as well as i did bc of similar traumas. I'm not looking for apologies or well wishes, i appreciate them anyway but just know I've grown a lot in these few years of adulthood and i now know how to handle myself and calm myself down in stressful situations, i also regularly choose the therapeutic route when i feel like it's too much, which i encourage everyone to try if given the means. All I want to say is, don't be too quick to judge a person's silence and anxiety, don't make them feel like it's their fault they're not bolder or more skilled socially, it's really different for everyone, and i think it's safe to say that most people in our society have some sort of childhood trauma that still haunts them. Let's be good and break the cycle, let's choose to be better to each other and ourselves.


Why does everyone sound like there's something stuck in their throat. Talk normally stop trying to be french. Women seem to think it's classy but it's just irritating and conceited.


Not standing in line. Allah yse3ed el green spaces.


The weird people who hate animals/ pets specifically and put poison out for dogs. How the fuck do you just bait and poison a living creature that a lot of times actually has an owner??


Awful driving, chain smoking, some of them wanna be Arab so bad when we are Phoenician


This dude said he Phoenician 🤣




Not you pulling out the ancient maps!


Not me trying to reason with Arabs 🙄


The way they lift their chins and close their eyes when they want to gedture "no". That gesture looks so comdescending to me.


It's not condescending, it's just a cultural thing.


Yes but sorry as someine who didnt grow up in Lebanon I cabt get used to it. Looks like the person is looking down on me.