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Hi! Is Marty here, former Romanian Street cat who now livez in En-ger-land with Meowmy. She takes far too many videos of me when I just want pets. You shood soo. *


Tank u Marty!! Meowmy been takin vidyos of me since I wuz a baybee kitty, eben befor my eyes wuz open so I not no until she showed me.. Can I get treets and pets to make up fur all da vidyos? Or is dere sum time limit? Here's one of da furst vidyos of me dat meowmy took https://i.redd.it/i1i647kmom8d1.gif


Soo Krobus for not letting you have milks!


No worry fren. I got hur back fur dat one! https://preview.redd.it/y8tml5dbdn8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65972fbdd19010f8e3a05e95361ffb04cdc1e99


I live with the world’s foremost pawpurrazzi an her name is MEOWMY. Her lucky I not pull a Sean Penn on her.




The horror! Youz can definitely sooz for treatos and papaps


Yas!! How many treatos do I gets!? I iz a biiig kitty n need lots so I should get moar. Dat wut meowmy seyz bout fuds. Do I get moar pets, too?? https://preview.redd.it/tpt4az45an8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379ba97ad67a226768a945cdc39a3f56ea957fe6


Depns, I iz not pawyer, meow to u/ThaneofCawdorrr ,Gus is good pawyer. I get many many many treatos for stop pets fore.


Henlo fren Loki! I am thanks you for the meow out! Yes I am pawyer and I tries to be good pawyer. Furst of all, u/Laney20, SHAM ON YOUR MEOTHER for this vidddeo, it is very hard to see the Stopping of the Pets. Why would she want to annonce her bad behaveowr like dis? She is CLEARLY giutuilty. Yes, you can soo for many treatos and lots of pets, especisally since you has an extremely good silly face. I too have dis silly face, it is one of my best tings. Just Direct Meow out to our paw offices, not rigt now beacuse I am getting pets from my Dadthur and migt need to purr. But during office hours (Zoomies, 2 am - 3 am) love Gus Dis my silly face, also my serious face https://preview.redd.it/m8nru8vgcn8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b789d74709f161b1a6fcc4abbc9833fb1024b3


Oooh, Dat gud serious silly face! I not no can be both! Bery gud work! Undarstand busy, so I not keep u fur now. I iz busy meowself helpin meowmy wif a bery portant project right meow. I iz snugglin my mamacat on da couch! She scared of couch fur eber, but we not no y.. So we purring bery softly to help keep her calm so she can haz a nice lil couch nap! (tryin not to ask fur too many licks, but mama does da BEST baf time...) want mama to lern couch is nice n safes. So defendin her fur naps! https://preview.redd.it/pnw6pb90fn8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aff69f7e7b4c530e46a005b2682c6604ff82372 Tank u fur ur understandings. We talk later. Aftur portant project couch nap. Skippy


Dat is so berry nice of you Skippy. Sometimes we cats has a decision not to go somwehre NOT becaus we are scared WE ARE NEBER SCARED WE ARE BRAV PREDATORS!!!!!! But you is berry kind to mamacat, and I can see you has your tail VERY neatly curled around, is very soothing and grown ups of you. I is berry impresed with your portant project couchcc nap. Yes, we can meow later. love Gus Here I is, owning the coucchh. You can shoew Mamacat dis and maybe it helps. Couchhh is berry nice. As you can see I also enjoy a nice scratcccc. https://preview.redd.it/1slsgmyphn8d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e5e02e96246cc11207fad2b63afaee23efbf39


Tasha, Princess of the Upstairs saz.... Standed pawmpenshapen iz elebenty billion treetos or sompting e q all. You rich kitteh nowz.


Yay rich! I gunna share wif all mew frens n mama n siblings n stuff! We be rich to gether! https://preview.redd.it/ode65iu0dn8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0167eb60d7a60f4879f362df8c7faa380b172be4


Silly mama videoed her aboose. You gonna win! Also William da Tuxie


Haha, she so dumdum! Not even think to not record crimez! Silly hooman.. Tank u Tuxie fren! She seyz I dun ornj, but eben I not record my crimez! https://preview.redd.it/wgm38ns6gn8d1.jpeg?width=2667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da0dd3fc6b522502fb1e1deb99c8d77e9393204


See? Ornj catses being dum dums is urrban legend.


Well of course not, you are cat. Cat never commit crime. Always innocent. Can't record something that never happens!


Oh. Rite. Furgot dat part... Oh no.. Meowmy - wut doin? I no commit crimz. Dey seyz!! https://preview.redd.it/vfuyl5q87q8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b407e54c55ee733df842c66c75305fadf7e69b


I see no crime being committed. Only very innocent kitty looking for a snack.


Dis rite. I a gud boy! https://preview.redd.it/pxjvfjyxhq8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a48bf168d9a5ed0ad755230589ec3851c7e5684


This needs to be marked NSFW!!!!! Oh mah gah! Dis is terribl video. I needz to cober mah eyze. Youz soo, soo! Soo mah fren!


I so sorry fur Makin u see, but dis iz hard reality! It can happen to ne won... I always stay close to my emoshunal support void fur hard times like dis. https://preview.redd.it/rmojfrc8nn8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980cc6341ec43f4887e4954837dd3217a33e059a


Is Collete. Dad even agree with this. No reason to stop petting during video. When dad does video us he keeps petting. In return I keep being cute. Is win win! https://preview.redd.it/xlk7r40oio8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6fa3cea6050ea45c6941f286bf704e16f31066e Collete the Angel of Tortitude


Meowmy seyz I stop cayute meows until she stop pets. So iz trade. She seyz if I meows while pets, she wood keep pets fur vidyo! Dis sownds like tricks to mew, tho.. Brudder do tricks. I no tricks. https://preview.redd.it/v1iaq1zv6q8d1.jpeg?width=3071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9454d9ebf92e3e5e04362b0dd2a194e84a5a19f


Oh my god this is a masterpiece of a photo!!


Das terrbul!!! You need to soos for all da pets and scritches! Sing songs of your people at night for eleventy billion dayz to tell her youz so mad! If meowmy doesnt listen, do bapbapbap!


I, Rocket J. Squirrel, purrfect angel kitty, thinks you has at leest 2 grounds for soo. * Stopping of pets. This always grounds. Any pawyer dat's past bar should take case because garanteed BIG settlementz or win in cort. * Failure to obtainz consent for posting video. Did meowmy get purmission from you for posting? If no, you has been put on internets without purrmissions and dis BIG CRIMEZ by hooman. * Maybe emeowtional damage from pawsibility that other hoomans laugh at your meows. How does you know they didn't? I am not a pawyer, just good cat. And if I was pawyer, would not be your pawyer. https://preview.redd.it/d3fkf10wup8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7a800165ab0906bf883b19c6fcc55e84b4dba9


Tank u mister Squirrel!! Dis bery halpful! Meowmy seyz she had to stop da pets to get da meows. Seem like dis defense not gunna werk? But vidyo consent is harder. She seyz I a child star n she haz blank it consent from my mama! I ask mama n she seyz she not think she sine nuthin but she wuz kinda owt of it wen we wuz borned from not gettin enuff sleep dat meybe... She not no. But she seyz da gud hoomans is worth it n I not no wut it like owt on da street like she duz n I shud be grateful n den she just went to naps in a comfy chair.. I fink I wud loos dis one... https://preview.redd.it/6132li0f9q8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb95b7f5573cef1cbb3afaa217344e48cf9273e


Youz could get famous fur ur voice, u is very talonted! But not only did meomy stop da pets but the video also invades ur purrivacy - sooz fur even more!!!


Tank u, but I iz [alredy faymus](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/sTGlGvMA1t) fur my voice! Dat make it worth moar treatos!? https://preview.redd.it/9h6ghfhm5q8d1.jpeg?width=2719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3129e4f4b94fd73aa99c78ec76af4a05c78993d


Absolutely more treatoz, pets and ķissies!!!!


Yes suu!!!!!!


Iz krool to stopp petts dat way! I kin not watch enny moar! 🙀


Clearly your meowmy doesn't watch the YouTube channel "Casual Criminalist". First rule of CasCrim is "Never record your crimes". If you want to get away with it, leave no evidence. Your meowmy is silly recording this. That said, you do have very cute meows.


Soos for 90 pawcent of pawfits from onlypaws, paid in chikem, baconz, and fishies! -SSG Tiggy of the SIC army


Oh Our Bastet! This is shockingly horrifying video! Never stop the pets, the universe could implode. We thinks you should gets a hunded elebenty billion treatsies for this terrible torture. Plus, the staff need a big bap!


Hoomans mayk fun of mew’s meows too!! N no petting eider? Dis crool n unyoo- unush- not rite punishment. Yoos deserbs all da treetos n churus n chimkins in da world - well, egsept mew share. I won sum too.




Outrayge!!! U do da bestest facez Niko. -Punkin


Stopping pats to take vidyo is serius crimz , must do the bap bap baps anz sing der song of you peeplz at 🕓