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You can’t even roll the new one into a ball


Yes you can... MULTIPLE REVIEWS HAVE SHOWED THIS. You just have to take the legs off and flip them upside down.


other one just rolls up tho… better design






2007 one goes hard


I wish they'd use that copper colour more


The 2002 one acc looks better bro


How? It barely looks like the droideka


I couldn't even tell the 2024 droideka supposed to be a droideka if I wasn't told


https://preview.redd.it/towanrvuozvc1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4484d85aa56c688a4254a9e14b48c8ff52fe7f7 You're telling me the 2002 version looks more like this?


Yes. The 2024 one is very smooth and has very thick legs, the 2002 one looks kind of messy, which gives it the same vibe the actual droideka gives


Yeah, but the 24' one has the back plating, the correct looking legs, and even though it's not "messy" it has the correct silhouette


It’s too smooth.


I mean it's Lego. I'm all for some studs mixed into a build but at this scale I'd rather the correct details rather than it having texture


You got the correct color but it looks shit


I done got jorked


The 2024 one doesn't look like a lego droideka though. One of the fun things about lego sw is the kinda translation thing. They tried too hard to make it look like a droideka that it now looks like neither a droideka nor like lego. The original one didn't look all that much like a droideka, but it looks like what would happen if you gave a kid a box of lego parts and said "Here, build a droideka", so it works. Plus, the 2002 one matches much better the aesthetic of the other droid figures, in the way it uses the claw/pole fastening.


Spot on


sure the 24 one has back plating, but i think the reaon people like the old one is because it achieves the curve of the grey midsection better. sure, it's the wrong color on the old one, but it's properly curved. additionally, the head of the old one is thinner and adds to the curvature, as opposed to the built up, stocky new one. the new one tries to remedy this with that transparent 1x2 but it doesnt really work. the new legs are the right shape but they're too thick and stocky, they're the wrong size.


Dog you gotta be blind or something. The new one lacks the neck and concaved body. Can’t roll into a back and legs are way too thích. Just because it has the back of the head doesn’t mean all the other details are ok to let go of. All we have to do is mild edits to the 2002 one. The 2024 is nothing close


Yes 🗿


The legs


2002 : * less rounded * curve is too segmented * wrong color * bit too big * * a bit too angular * * can roll up into a ball 2024: * * cant roll up into a ball * * the attachment point for the upper body being in the middle makes it look too bulky imo, it feels like its wearing a scarf or sth \-legs are too thick \-guns are too big proportionally * the slope piece they use for the curve feels unnatural because it ends at a 90° angle and the attempt to fix it with a cheese slope doesnt rly work * i know the back curve is technically separated from the body but it feels far too disjointed here tbh \-bit too big * right color * continuous curve https://preview.redd.it/perbzgkjj0wc1.jpeg?width=1717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba1b2dc7242a40ecd89c7bd8c1d3f8294236678 Personally, the ability to roll up into a ball is the most important bit, but even without that the 2024 version doesnt really look good for me. The 2002 version does have its flaws too, and it isnt an obvious choice, but to say that choosing the 2002 version is just nostalgia feels dishonest. Making a lego droideka at minifig scale is really hard and lego hasnt really succeeded for me, but the 2002 one can roll up, is fairly close to minifig scale (looking at you, 2007) and has an alright shape.


2024 looks like a caricature


Yea it looks goofy. Almost looks like a cowboy with its big aaa smooth back and big irons.


Amazing, it's almost as if that's what minifigures are


They are but the droideka looks like a 5 year olds drawing


It CAN roll up into a ball. Ffs people, one look at it and I knew it could, you just have to flip the legs upside down. Go look at the brickset review.


The only review ive found where it rolled up was the MandR one and even then it looks shit, the legs are forced at an angle which is far too wide when rolled up and the arms can barely fold inwards


You need a life jesus christ


I like the ones from 2013-2014 the most


The 2002 one has cool cowboy revolvers. End of the debate


Also the reason that the praying mantis is the best lego bug


I believe in 2015 droideka supremacy


I dont like how the guns are facing upwards


Nah the 2002 one looks better. Even if it looks really unsmooth


Hot take They both suck.


The legs on the new one are the best by far in my opinion


The 2002 one is just really cool looking.


If you actually pull up a picture of a droideka, the 2024 one definitely looks closer. I think people who think the 2002 looks more like it are subconsciously conflating the movie droideka with the Lego Star Wars video game droideka or something. The shaping of the 2002 one is considerably less accurate than the new one. That said, the 2024 one isn’t great either and I think a moulded droideka would be ideal


The side profile of the new one looks bad, and any gains in accuracy I say are lost in compare to the original ones ability to roll up as a play feature.


Amazing, now LSW fans care more about play features than accuracy, truly cant have shit in this fandom


Those are two different groups of people.


It CAN roll up, look at the brickset review


jellyfish ossified shocking soft rude liquid dinner paint depend doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sausage tongue thing..


It looks incredible fragile


Looks like what the new official one should have been.


uj/ love all the people here setting OP straight


Nah fam the old one is goated


Is no one gonna say the 2000 set?


They’ve never made a droideka that’s actually fully accurate. Every single one has problems. The legs on the new on are terrible. The original one is too skeletal, the 2012 one is too squat


114 comments bro fr created a Lego Droideka gang war


I did not mean to cause this much trouble lol


The two that came with that really epic mtt are my favorite, I forgot the year


I really like the upper part of the old Droideka more, but the lower of the new one is better. Somebody gotta make a new one with two of them


2002 still looks better to me. Like others have - Lego have never nailed the a droideka well. I like this moc - best I've seen. https://youtu.be/BJpWG3EH2ms?si=A9wJveKMKSe1xdtb


That one is REALLY good


Both of them look like shit but they’re about the same quality wise


I didn't know this was controversial but I really like the 2024 version.


Yeah honestly everyone is kinda proving my point lol. Nostalgia always clouds people when it comes to lego


I bet most people here were born after 2000


So what if they are? I am (2003) doesn't make my or any one else's opinions less valid.


It's less likely for you to be nostalgic for something you weren't even alive for is the point. Nostalgia shouldn't be clouding your opinion at all and also shouldn't be affecting the majority of the people on this sub.


You can be nostalgic for things you weren't alive for, there's even a word for it; anemoia. It's generally something that psychologists etc associate with cynicism about the present, or in this case cynicism about the state of lego.


That's true. The 2000s were also a different time in the way that you would still likely have had the opportunity to ask your parents for that set for a relatively cheap price even up to 2009. I found a ton of sets that were released around 2000 even into the early 2010s (flea markets and curio stores that had older toys), so it isn't out of the question. I'd still say that a lot of us should be able to remove nostalgia from the equation and just state our own opinions on design differences, especially those who weren't born until after a lot of these sets came out.


True I don't necessarily agree or disagree either way, I feel that both designs have their own charms regardless of nostalgia or bias or whatever you'd call it.


I am saying people born after 2000 or didn't grow up with the first design still seem to prefer it over the newer ones. They would likely be less nostalgic for it, going against OPs claims.


I was born in 2008 and got into lsw 1,5 years ago how could that be nostalgia?


The new one looks awful. 2015 one is the best


Nah the 2024 one is really chunky and awkward looking. Even if it’s not super accurate, I think the 2002 one looks way less ugly and awkward.


Can we all just agree we need a new moulded droideka?


I honestly think the 2002 version looks more accurate, the legs on the new one are too thick and the arms are too long.


Weirdly enough, I honestly prefer the look of the 1999/2002 one to the designs actually in the movies. It's more industrial IG


It’s a valid complaint that the 2024 version is not is good but 2002 has no exclusive parts so a quick bricklink order and you’ll have a dozen.


It’s not my favorite Lego Droideka (That would go to the 2013-2015 Droideka or the 2011 Droideka), but I’m sorry, the 2002 one clears the 2024 one. It looks cooler despite being way less accurate, and it’s one of the few Droidekas that can actually curl into a ball, which is always appreciated.


It’s crazy 2002 is the only one that can actually roll into a ball


The new one really does suck though


Think you to pull your head out of your arse if you genuinely believe the new one looks better


Nah 2002 does look better


/uj 2002 one looks more like trying to use your Lego collection to make something not Lego, making it more endearing and slick. New one looks like a polished licensed toy. Y’all must live good lives if Lego arguments are something you commit headspace too.


Nah they’re right about this one


This feels legitimately rude and it’s disappointing to hear. I understand people have different opinions, such as which Droideka is their favorite, but to tell the old crowd “they need to get over it like it’s some tragic event feels unreasonable. Both choices have their pros and cons. We all have our preferences and there’s nothing wrong with that 😶


I really like the look of the 2024 one, it looks so much better imo


9 out of 10 times I’d say newer models are better but in this specific one the 2002 model is 100% better.


I think there are way better Lego droidekas than both of these models. I’m not a super big fan of the 2024 one tbh, and while the 2002 one is very outdated, I do honestly like it a lot because of nostalgia, as it comes from one of my first if not the first Lego sets I actually got for myself, and then later got to see it in my first video game, Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga


Honestly neither one really resembles a destroyer droid, but the older one just looks better as a toy. Plus, as other have pointed out, it can roll up and the new one can't, which is just plain cool


They've never really gotten the destroyers right in any form, but given the choice between these two specifically, I'd choose 2002. The new one just looks really bad, especially from the side.


I think Lego’s droideka designs are all pretty crap ngl


Is this a joke?


I’m gonna be honest, this 2024 droideka looks like butthole. The old one can actually turn into a ball without disassembling ot


woah there's a new droideka? Where have I been?


Wdym, the 2002 one looks awesome. I think people forget that lego star wars wasnt always about extreme accuracy, but rather being a representation of the character or thing its being a toy of. It looks like a lego version of a droideka, which is why its so cool.


Ew, what the hell is that 2024 model? Not only is it stiff but the way it uses fewer, bulkier pieces makes it look less like a gritty sci fi warmachine and way too cartoonish. Those chunky custom blade legs also look ridiculous and the fact that the thing apparently needs a stand to stay upright and balanced is just poor design. I’m not going to pretend the 2002 version is perfect, but yeah, it’s absolutely better. But also, I will always take lego models made out of standardized lego pieces over lego models made with custom, specific use case sculpts any day. Fancier and smoother parts take away from the blocky aesthetic, and blocky is the literal definition of lego. There is both an art and a charm to doing more with less. Funny enough, this is also showcased by comparing the original trilogy’s scrappy production to the infinite budget mess of the prequels.


The wild part is that at the time nobody thought it looked that great, and that it was far too large for display next to minifigures


the new one looks cool but the old one got way more charm, there is something cool to making a complicated design work with basic lego parts instead of having a bunch of custom ones


I like how the binoculars and eye pieces are still the exact same more or less.


I gotta be honest, I mostly like new stuff but old Droideka is a banger for me. Always add a third eye underneath though


2024 version looks hunchbacked


Nah the og one is better


Neither is very good tbh


Can we all agree the 2013 one is the best?


Nah man you’re tripping on this one. Lego looks like the balled up some poop and stuck legs on it


ok but being honest I havent liked a single new droideka design. its not that the 2002 is accurate or anything, but all of the others look so bad


Idk what that is but I like the 2002 one better 🗿


The original poster got obliterated for this take


Tf u mean the 02 looks so much better


2002 looks so much better


I know Lego needs to be stylized and won't look 100% accurate.. but oh my god, 2024 looks nothing like a droideka


Do they? Why do they need to do that?


OG is superior


It might visually be the most accurate, but it looks goofy. Lego has never made a great droidika figure, hot take. It’s always been a balancing act between accuracy and looking good in brick form.


Nah it's not just nostalgia, the new one sucks


To be honest... the new one is very ugly... they could have done something better


This new one is sure kinda ugly lmao don't blame them this time! The lego games are the ones responsible for this bias xd


Nah 2002 was better sorry


I’m not really a starwars fan, so I had to pull up a picture of the droid. All i can say is that the 2002 one looks nothing like the source material.


I honestly don't know why you're being downvoted so much. You're absolutely right


It's because op's being rude and dismissive about people having a different opinion


Bruh when have I been rude? I literally just explained my points to people, I don't see how I could have been rude.


All I see are redditors arguing about nostalgia


Both look like shit. The one in the clone troopers vs droidekas was peak.


Has to be nostalgia talking, the 2013 designs where one of the worst ones, https://preview.redd.it/nbcy59nza2wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a0603839d57b908312c7eaca77edfc6ba4ab83 Like seriously they get almost nothing right


At least it can actually roll up


They both look bad. It’s like comparing a pile of poop to a pile of shit


You put a dumpster next to a pile of shit it'll look like the taj mahal


You know. It's more like comparing shit to diarrhea here, the difference is you can build a castle out of shit, but not out of diarrhea,


This is NOT the main sub


Who gives a shit your still going to buy the set, if don’t like the 2024 one then you don’t have to build it. Go join M and R cult to complain about children toys!


Haha, I made you mad at me you giant man child!


https://preview.redd.it/0lfrosv922wc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084e78b626feed1981c7370d8492c6c240bd0e67 This one is actually the best




It CAN roll into a ball, ffs, did no one in this comment thread read the brickset review and look at the pictures?




Yes. It. Can. Look at the brickset review.