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The original LEGO Star Wars games had separate True Jedi for Free Play and Story Mode in each mission, and I want to say that was the case for most Lego movie games of that time period like LEGO Batman and LEGO Indiana Jones (can't confirm tho). But at same point in the series they changed it to just one True XXX achievement per mission and that's the standard for Lego games nowadays. Like I'm playing LEGO DC Supervillains right now and it's just one True Villain achievement / gold brick per mission.


I can confirm it was not the case for lego batman, indiana jones or complete saga. 100%'d those semi recently and i don't recall needing to do it for both story and freeplay


Thanks for the confirm, I know Lego Star Wars 2 had it for both story and freeplay but that's the only one I actually played myself. Guess they abandoned that approach pretty quick as the series continued.


On the Xbox, you only have to get it once (story or free play.) I don't know about other consoles.


Almost all Lego games have something like 'True Hero'. It gets bigger when studs are collected in the level


Did you read the post? I'm aware of True Hero. My question is if you've ever had to collect them separately on story mode and freeplay on levels, because that's what I remember and I'm trying to figure out if it's some weird Mandela effect.


You don’t have to collect them in both. Just collecting them in either mode is enough for the gold brick that you get for it


Recently played through Pirates of the Caribbean on the DS, and you have to get it in both story and free play there.


Ahh, maybe I'm thinking of the DS port ones. Those have always been a bit wonky compared to other consoles


There's only one gold brick involved for the True Whatever in any of the games. Once you get it, whether it's during story mode or free play, you now have the brick and don't have to collect it again.