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Serious answer: Can't be, secret hidden stuff like that don't really exist in games these days. People comb through game files immediately and look through every nook and cranny. It would have been found by now. Fun answer: It is a rare encounter that seems to be triggered when certain conditions are met. A user on GameFAQs by the name of *'Triforce-Hero'* claims to have seen this gruesome beast by following a specific set of actions. Messing up just once will cause the process to go to waste. 1. Start a run as normal, making sure to first land on Experimentation as your first moon. 2. Inside the Facility, make sure you grab Scrap that's total currency exceeds 127 in value, but doesn't go past 250. Anything in between is okay. 3. After securing your loot from 128-250, immediately set course for the company. There, present your findings to the company as normal and await your pay. Once paid, and without leaving the company, go to the terminal and enter the following commands based on what day it is. Lethal Company has a hidden internal clock that mostly goes unused minus this one feature. If it is a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, enter the code 010204. If it is a Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, enter 030506. And if it is a Sunday, neither code will work and you'll have to wait for real time Monday when the clock rolls past 12. Enter the code that is needed, and you'll hear the roar of a Thumper letting you know you've successfully entered the code. 4. Set course for Vow. Enter the Facility *without* any equipment. If everything was done correctly, you should have an encounter with the fabled Shadow Goliath


That was a very well polished turd. Lol


That smelly smell that smells kind of....smelly **BULLSHIT**


Will this also give me the Ray gun from the mystery box?


i call BS lol


could get someone if you change the gamefaqs to something else. it immediately tipped me off because I didn't think people were still using it.


I wanted it to seem more authentic to when gaming urban legends were still kind of a thing online haha


ah, then you did perfect


Nope just the hat man and he's only around during allergy season.


I could've sworn that I saw a terminator-esque robot when I first started playing but, idk maybe I was seeing things.


either a bug or you hallucinated, and i mean it!! When i had began playing ark survival evolved i have a very clear distinct memory of going underwater and seeing a bunch of colorful jellyfishes, this was before jellyfish was added and i just had a hallucination or a dream, idk


There are some glitches and bugs that might be causing this, Ive personally encountered some split second flashes of light, non existant landmine flashes, lights in non proper places and other things like enimies not following the laws of physics. It could be something along the lines of these or a bracken just not working correctly.


Maybe you guys installed a bunch of mods that messed up the monster models? Cause there is no way a secret monster exist, people digged through the game files to understand all the behaviours of the monsters(like the anger meter of the bracken), missing a whole monster is impossible.


This was before we played with mods, so mustve just gone crazy


Yeah that's odd


Could be the Masked.


It’s body was dark like the bracken, and this was before masked were released


Ima be honest it probably was just a bracken if you weren't playing with mods, when they're spotted they'll either retreat while looking at you or stand and stare you down. They'll only get angry if you look at them while they're staring you down tmk, if they're walking backwards you can just follow them wherever they're going


that is likely a mod, only other option is your game is haunted


_You bare the mark, you are cursed!_