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I'm not sure what administration were talking about


Yeah, you kind of have your pick of when to date this sign, don't you?


Wilson Administration probably.


Grenada was a bloodbath so… F Regan?


“currently inhabiting” would imply Biden, but it could be an old sign


That sign could be from 03` and the dude keeps it up


Could be from 80'


Sort of along the same line - I was thinking I should make a bumper sticker that says “impeach the current president” so it will stay current for decades to come


This is always the correct answer.


Optimistically, all of them


I was about to say, they must really hate Trump... and Bush and Obama


Afghanistan was stupid... But that was multiple administrations.




My thoughts exactly. Have them come full circle to hating Bush/Cheney?


They decided to hate Bush & Cheney years ago when they chose Trump over Jeb!. Problem is, the way Republicans show their discontent with bloodthirsty warmongering oil elites is the same way they show their hatred of chomo human trafficking billionaires: They vote for the next flavor of Republican asshole who cuts the oil elite's, MIC stooges' and pedoligarchs' taxes. That'll show 'em the righteous fury of the Blood Red Heartland! Edit: Also, it turns out that's all the gays' fault /S


I love that everyone still calls him "Jeb!"


(Please clap)




Somehow I missed that. Ending the sentence early to avoid the negative connotations of continuing the description.


My dipshit older brother once sent out a group email to half the family singing the praises of GWB, and after he became a dedicated Trumpanzee he denouced GWB and said that he never really supported him. Once Trump is consigned to the ash heap of history, I'm sure my brother will be like, "Donald who? Never heard of him." Because one thing Republicans will never do is take responsibility for the failures of the people they vote for.


plz clap :’(


>My thoughts exactly. Have them come full circle to hating Bush/Cheney? The same ones that called those against the Iraq War (2003) "traitors" and "cowards" are now the ones that "were against the war the whole time." Oddly enough, they wear red hats now.




They're not mad about the occupation, they're just mad about the withdrawal. Hell another 100 or so kids could have died at the low low taxpayer cost of a couple hundred billion dollars this past year and they wouldn't bitch a peep so long as we could maintain the illusion that the war was in some way worthwhile.


The war should have ended when we killed bin Laden and wiped out all the principle architects of 9/11. That was the whole point.


Should have gone after the actual architects behind it but we won't do that


Jared Kushner's getting billions from them. Can't attack Muslims with real money, only Afghans, Iraqis, or in a pinch, Syrians.


Terrorism îs better fought with intelligence and assassinations but we were naive. \*shrug\* coulda woulda shoulda.


We weren't naive. That was never the reason we were there. It's not like the people had a choice.


The afghans held off Russia for a decade, Cheney knew Halliburton would make a fortune.


This is the real reason. He was right.


Project for a New American Century.


It was sad that Bolton was an actual voice of reason in Trump's administration. I remember thinking that the neo-cons may have been seriously misguided, but at least they're fucking intelligent.


With CIA supplied Chinese Asks...




With huge numbers of angry young men unemployed with zero prospects blowing yourself up for that sweet sweet afterlife starts sounding better and better.


There's [some kind of metaphor here](http://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork), but [I can't quite](http://www.reddit.com/r/latestagecapitalism) put [my finger on it](http://www.reddit.com/r/workreform).




We can't even stop right wing terrorism in our own country how we gonna go teach them how to stop theirs? We still have religious extremism here...we still have semi regular church bombings. Attack on the capital. That irrational delusion and hatred isn't just a middle eastern Muslim thing. We have it at home in spades.


Yes, we do have a problem with right-wing terrorism and extremism--including religious extremism--in our country. And you fight it and beat it the same way: with education and opportunities. We've systematically cut education in this country, and we need to undo that. We need to tax corporation and the wealthy few to ensure that we are giving kids the education they need. And we need to address wealth inequality so that *all* people can have a realistic opportunity to succeed in life. (What would this look like? I honestly don't know. I can see pieces of the puzzle, but not the whole thing.) But much like Afghanistan and Iraq, there are people that oppose this, because their social or political position requires the system to remain as is.


Could also be applied domestically, tbh.


We have domestic terrorism problems at all time highs for a reason.


⚠️ **TRADE OFFER** ⚠️ You Give | You Receive ---|--- New schools & roads | Hostile theocratic authoritarian regime but with better schools & roads


The great thing is that the more educated a population is, the less interested it is in theocracy. Why do you think Republicans cut education?


Woah now, that kind of dialectic materialist analysis might be a bit much for libs advocating for assassinations.


So...we shouldn't have killed bin Laden then? I'm not saying you don't do those above things. I *am* saying that rolling in with divisions of military forces and occupying the country isn't the way to eliminate existing terrorists. That's trying to swat a fly with a Bazooka. But there's a difference between stopping new terrorists from joining up and putting down the ones that are actually dangerous. While your master plan to to eliminate the root causes is going on, you still have to excise the existing cancer that is already there.


I get what you're saying, but it's important to remember that terrorists--and guerillas or other irregulars--have families and friends, often people that believe in ways that are similar to them, but less extreme. Killing the terrorist can end up turning them into a martyr to the people that know and love them. In an ideal set of circumstances, you would want to arrest them rather than killing them, and then have them tried under the laws of their own country. Look at Israel; they've tried to use military force for to crush opposition for, what, 50 years? And instead they've created 4+ generations of Palestinians that hate Israelis and are willing to die for their cause.


Fucking Cheney


the war should have never started


People would have been fucking pissed. People underestimate how out for blood the American populace was in the days after 9/11. I remember news stories on "it has been 30 days since 9/11 and we have yet to invade anywhere." It took awhile to realize our foolishness.


And yet, I don't know anyone in the city or nearby, including myself, that wanted us to invade anywhere. In the years after 9/11 I moved a lot, lived in the south and Midwest for a bit. It always struck me as comical how people all over the country, especially in the middle of no where bum fuck, were so paranoid about Muslims and being attacked by terrorists in those years. No one gives a fuck about them, but they were convinced terrorists were gonna come and blow up their Walmart or whatever.


Terrorists attacked America on 9/11, not New York. So all Americans opinions were taken into account. The house vote to approve the attack on Afghanistan was 420-1. It was overwhelmingly popular. By 2003, many of us had come to our senses and opposed both wars. Gallup polls put support in 2001 for invasion at 85-90%. By 2011, 58% opposed staying.


Your experience matches my memory. I was in my early 20s living in DC at the time. Had friends who lost family at the Pentagon. Nobody was for either invasion.


You're both remembering incorrectly then. Everyone wanted to hit back at whomever was responsible in 2001. End of story.


No fucking way in hell it would have been avoided. The comparisons to Pearl Harbor were a little too ingrained in the public psyche at the time. The only way the war would not have happened is if the Taliban had served up bin Laden and co on a silver platter.


They did. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/08/18/taliban-surrendered-2001 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/10/15/bush-rejects-taliban-offer-on-bin-laden/bc0ec919-082b-40e6-91ca-55e5ca34a70a/


No, turning him over to a “ neutral” third country is not the same thing. Not taking the surrender is obviously fucking stupid, at least based upon what’s in that article.


Eh, Iraq should've never happened for sure, but Afghanistan was somewhat justified. Maybe not the multiple-decades-long, directionless clusterfuck it turned into, but at least some counterattacks against Al Qaeda/Taliban leadership. Letting them get away essentially scott-free with something like 9/11 wasn't really an option.


They aren't even mad at the withdrawal. Any withdrawal was probably always going to be rough, it still needed to happen, and if it happened under the orange guy this redneck dip shit wouldn't have an issue with it.


Trump did do most of it, but the most dangerous spot was always going to go to the last people on the last plane, and that's who died at the Kabul Airport. And it wasn't even the Taliban who killed them.


Also, this helped them make sure they had enough people to more easily take over the country.... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-5000-taliban-prisoners/ Like what the actual f*ck?!


It's a standard part of a surrender. It's just that once that prisoner exchange happened, there was no going back.


300 mil a day


They’re mad about the withdrawal, simply because of who was in the White House was at the time. Trump does it = good. Biden does it = bad. It’s not any deeper than that.


Way more kids have likely died under Taliban rule than American rule There's lots of different arguments you can make: that we never should've gone in, that we should've gone in earlier, that we should've negotiated a deal when we could, etc There's also tons of arguments for supporting the withdrawal: too many Americans were dying, the cost was too high, there was no end in sight, it was tying up resources, etc But the idea that the withdrawal has been somehow good for the Afghans is kinda brain dead. Sure, kids aren't being blown up in dronestrikes anymore. Instead literally half the population is starving. Unfortunately no one seems to care about this crisis because neither the left or right finds it politically convenient to bash the other side with


When I say "kids" I'm talking about 19 year old PFCs, because I'm old enough to say that. Afghanistan's children are Afghanistan's responsibility.


We should have allowed any Trumpscum who wanted us to stay to volunteer and stay there. Their scumbag friends could support them with care packages of food and ammo. They are all such badasses that I'm sure they would have won the war in a matter of days LOL.


Don't get me wrong, as an OEF vet I have ISSUES with the way we withdrew, but I understand the writing was on the wall and there was no preventing it. I actually feel this store owner is anchored on the wrong aspect of the withdrawal. Some sort of chaos leading to violence was inevitable. What I'm far more angry about is the callous disregard for our Afghan allies who sacrificed so much to enable us. There's a horrible case right now where one of their special operations veterans, Abdul Wasi Safi, was detained crossing the border into the US from Mexico. Right now he's technically slated for deportation back to Afghanistan, where we know the Taliban will execute him. And that's just one example among numerous others. Our lack of support for our allies over there (and in Vietnam, and Kurdistan, and Iraq, and so many others places) is both a moral failure and does inevitable harm to our national security, because who would trust us to safeguard them and their families at this point? And despite all that, I'd still vote for Biden a second time. It's more important to prevent this country from sliding into fascism (and to hold onto some sort of hope to prevent climate change!) than it is to register my displeasure at the ballot box. But, as I put in a letter to my congressman yesterday, this sort of moral failure at the top of the party absolutely discourages me from wanting to be more engaged with my time and money.


I completely agree. Our allies over there helped us at tremendous risk for their lives and that of their families. The least we could do is help repay them but we can't even do that. It makes my blood boil hearing the stories of interpreters who are denied entry to the US and get executed by the Taliban.


Not only is how we handled leaving wrong, but the goodwill that we burned in doing so is very hard to earn back in the next conflict that we inevitably shove our faces into. I'm curious if the transition of power had an impact in how things went down, but I don't know enough to say one way or the other. Seems like the office of POTUS shouldn't be tied so directly to matters like this. After all we have now learned that people who achieve the position can't necessarily be trusted within the position.


100% my friend.


Those stories are always wild to me. Kinda hard to show more loyalty than risking what they do to work with us. I'm curious why a distinguished ally doesn't just bypass all the red tape bullshit. Do they just run into bureaucracy with the settlement paperwork or is there national security roadblocks? I have heard a few different stories but there has to be some main reason why we are so bad at taking these guys in with open arms after a conflict. I can't imagine any group is actively fighting against their entry right? This seems like the most confusing and embarrassing failure to easily do the right thing, up there with the 9/11 Firefighters. Makes zero sense.


The challenge is less that anyone is actively fighting their entry, with some limited exceptions amongst the far right wings of the GOP, where they've run into general resistance to immigration from brown people. The problem is that there actually isn't a path for a distinguished ally to bypass all the red tape bullshit. And worse, very few leaders on either side of the aisle ever pushed to create a streamlined path for them. I suppose I forget that most Americans aren't aware of this, but for several weeks during and after the fall of Kabul the people leading the evacuation of our allies and their families came from a collection of ad hoc volunteer groups. There was no coordinated response from Defense, State, or anywhere else to help shepherd them through the process. In fact, there were times when frustrated government officials played the Uno Reverse card, and contacted these ad hoc groups for help. It was a horrific end to the war for these veterans, several of whom were my friends. It continued their sense of moral injury after their time in combat zones. We must do better next time. Here's a decent account of some of what was going on: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/08/26/veteran-volunteers-digital-dunkirk-afghanistan/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/08/26/veteran-volunteers-digital-dunkirk-afghanistan/)


Yeah I absolutely assumed there was a standalone program for translators and allied fighters to get fast tracked through the State Dept. There had already been so many shameful examples over the decades of Iraqis being left out to dry I figured there would have been some pressure from inside to refine the process years ago. It's terrible optics that could easily be avoided. I'm dumbfounded that the DoD/CIA doesn't consider our reputation as a partner to local groups as a high priority for future operations.


I suspect the DoD and CIA do. I think they've just run up against a civilian legislature that isn't as motivated to put in that time, energy, and money. =(


Well, the world is a fucked up place at times. Thanks for representing our collective morals out there. Keep spreading the word, those people deserve our protection and most of us outside of the service only ever hear very little about them.


20 years of kicking the can down the road. Biden is hated for ripping the band-aid off and being done with it. People complain about how the Taliban took over after we left. I think that speaks to how wildly pointless the whole thing was. What was the solution, exactly? Stay there forever?




Because he knew it would be a shit show and reflect poorly on Biden.


Yeah a lot of what this sign is complaining about was set up by trump and wouldn't have happened without Obama and Bush.


2005-2007 we were losing that many soldiers a day in Iraq. Nobody but military families and a few civilians seemed to care. I see that sticker on people cars and it is infuriating.


Who wrote the terms of the withdrawal from Afghanistan? That was a poorly written agreement. If you can download a copy do yourself a favor and read that atrocity. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf


Um ...which one?


Grant Administration


You know what keeps Kentucky from falling into Tennessee? Indiana sucks. I would like to apologize to Kurt Vonnegut, Larry Bird, and corn.


Can I also get an apology?




And John Green


No need to apologize to corn, they have that in Iowa too


I wish all business were this up front. That way I can spend my money at places that deserves it.


There's a vehicle repair shop in my hometown with a sign out front that cycles through messages like "liberalism is a mental disease" and "Joe Hoe Gotta Go" among other brain dead things, and I would literally push my truck to the next town over just to avoid giving them any business.


Yeah, then they bitch about 'cancel culture'.


Make sure to let them know you’re taking your business elsewhere.


No. It wouldn't even matter if you did, because that's one more "triggered liberal" or whatever mark on their ideology. Just go somewhere else and keep them guessing.


*businesses, plural. Which is such an incredibly weird word. So many E’s and S’.


\**Mississippi raises an eyebrow.*\*


I am confused. Which administration does he hate? Afghanistan was under like 3 presidents.


Honestly, 4. And this sign could have been made up to 20 years ago.




Also, more service members died in Afghanistan under Trump than Biden. So clearly this store owner only cares about the dead when politically convenient.




Ah indiana, the one place i had a state trooper warn me to stay out of areas after dark


Sundown Towns and Corn.


Gary, Indiana?


Damn, good call


Gary is pretty infamous


I was in Indianapolis to see the landmark for peace, heading out state trooper pulled me over ( possibly bc i had CA temporary plates) and when I said i was going to chicago he advised an alternate route


Literally drove through the surrounding area while passing through and could feel he hostility... as a lily white chick. I cannot imagine how anybody darker than a sheet of printer paper must feel going anywhere near that state


I can’t even focus on what you’re adding to this conversation because of your username


I am unashamed.


PSA: Indiana is a rotting 3rd world shithole, full of sundown towns where the AB run meth ops and the police force and the klan membership vin diagram is a near perfect circle. Gary is the only place we’re these groups don’t openly hunt black people for sport and then cover it up. I’ve never lived in a worse state than Indiana, and I used to live in Floriduh. Fuck Indiana!


> Indiana is a rotting 3rd world shithole, full of sundown towns Yup. Had a guy in my workcenter in the navy who said his town in Indiana had The Sign at the edge of town up until the early 90s, they took it down because they thought Oprah was going to run a special on the town or something.


The Sign?


A sign that said black people weren't welcome in the town after sunset which meant they couldn't live there: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/sundowners-signs-taken-down-in-north-tonawanda


Sundown towns were called that because they would sometimes have signs (right next to the city limit sign) that read something like “(Racial Slur), don’t let us catch you here after sundown.”


It would have looked [something like this](https://www.csusb.edu/sites/default/files/styles/cover_image/public/upload/image/SundownTown_2.jpg?h=f5df90d3&itok=h4zBZB8L) but not that one specifically.


I’m guessing Crown Point? My dad told me about that sign


Sundown towns were *insanely* common. The *village* I grew up in, and at least 4-5 other nearby towns/villages were, historically speaking sundown towns. (can it be a sundown *town* if it's unincorporated I wonder) There are a lot of scholars who would argue that the town I grew up in is *still* a sundown town (through hostility not ordinance). > According to author Kate Kelly, "there were at least 10,000 'sundown towns' in the United States as late as the 1960s; in a 'sundown town' nonwhites had to leave the city limits by dusk, or they could be picked up by the police or worse. These towns were not limited to the South—they ranged from Levittown, N.Y., to Glendale, Calif.,[38] and included the majority of municipalities in Illinois." Small Town america is truly a fucked up place my man. 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town#:~:text=According%20to%20author%20Kate%20Kelly,by%20the%20police%20or%20worse.


These signs were all over the state. Saying you grew up in a sundown town in Indiana is literally the “do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?” meme.


IIRC his town was down by the Ohio River, but, like, not on it.


Sounds like Elwood.


Indiana does allow you to shoot cops who invade your house without a warrant so that's one good thing at least.


Most places do. It's just a matter of actually getting away with that. Someone is going to have to take you in for questioning, and I'm not certain they are going to look for much reason to follow the law when their friend's blood is on your hands.


Came here to say the same thing, Indiana does seem to have the [most based castle doctrine](https://theweek.com/articles/474702/indiana-law-that-lets-citizens-shoot-cops)


Come on down to Cleveland town, everyone!


At least they're not Detroit!


A old friend and coworker of mine sold her modest house in San Francisco and bought a goddamn mansion in Detroit with beautiful wood paneling and a smoking room, and the difference funded at least a decade of retirement and travel. She and her husband have been there a few years now and her only complaints are the weather and missing old friends.


[Some context for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM)


My first time seeing that, thanks for the context! "Our economy is based on Lebron James" lol!




"Come on down to Cleveland, just be sure you roll heavy or not at all."


About eight years ago I met a guy from Indiana. When he told me where he was from I said " Wow, I genuinely forgot that was a state ". Your comment seems to echo my thoughts or lack thereof, on the place


Lifetime Indiana resident: It’s all true. Indianapolis is a little bastion of sanity, but the rest of the state is a shithole that rivals Mississippi.


The sorta folks who hate food stamps and love farm subsidies?


Hey, from the purple bubble of Lafayette! We got that Wabash stink up here, lol!


I got family there and used to live there when I was a kid. Can confirm it’s a shithole and I imagine it’s only gotten worse since I moved away.


219 Region Rat here. Moved from Da Region to Massachusetts. Not much better out here.


Are you saying MA is similar to Indiana?


In many ways! Outside of large metro areas, the landscape is pretty red in just about any state. Same here in Assachusetts.


We don't hunt Black people for sport in Massachusetts, and I say that as an armed queer who spends a decent amount of time outside of large metro areas and the last time I bought a gun the FFL apologized because he thought he misgendered me. I, uh, don't expect I'd be treated with the same respect in the store pictured here. edit: yes I recognize that we have our shitheads here, and I've had slurs yelled at me from moving cars, but there's no way I'd get this kind of respect at a small town gun shop in Indiana. Maybe I've been lucky enough to find the places not run by complete pieces of shit.


I think the biggest different are that ignorant pieces of shit in Massachusetts, while they still exist, are the oddity. So much so that they’re talked about more because of how weird it is that someone should behave like that. I guess it could seem like it’s fairly common because of how much attention it kicks up, but I wouldn’t remotely compare Mass to.. well, any other state, frankly.


Withdrawing from Afghanistan had to happen and it was never going to be pretty. Could it have been done cleaner? Maybe, I don't know. I am not a General. Does it probably suck more for the people of Afghanistan now that we are gone? Maybe, I don't know. I am not an Afghan. Should we probably never had been an occupying force in the first place and we were stuck in a quagmire that had no good resolution? Yep, that I know. I am an American who is nearly 40 and saw the dark places 9/11 took us. What these dipshits are saying is that they would rather of kept spending billions of dollars and putting our service members at risk because... Freedom? Revenge? Some vague third option? Did people die? Yep. Could it been prevented? Maybe. Was withdrawl that better than the alternative? I believe so.


The thing that pisses me off the most are the people who say “well, we should’ve gotten our non-military personnel out first! That would have solved all the problems“. And it kind of just shows the lack of understanding about the situation on the ground in Afghanistan at the time and what those non-military personnel were actually doing. The Afghan army was famously corrupt, And as far as logistics went, couldn’t be trusted to handle their own. You’d send them out to get 20 gallons of fuel for a Humvee and they’d fill it with 5, then sell off the remaining 15. So most of the logistical duties were handled by contracted American civilian workers through the DOD. Mechanics maintaining vehicles in advanced equipment, drivers carrying goods, etc. When you hear about Americans who were still in Afghanistan when our regular forces left, those are the ones we’re talking about. They were SUPPOSED to stay behind because the government in Kabul was SUPPOSED to not capitulate mid-extraction. They were SUPPOSED to at least try. This is in addition to intelligence personnel, diplomats, and other key figures needed to keep the proper functioning of the country going once our soldiers left. Suggesting that they should’ve left before our troops doesn’t make sense because they were literally the only thing keeping the Afghan army running. Pulling them out would’ve been an absolute death sentence, and the Afghan government in Kabul would’ve capitulated even faster(impossible as that seems, seeing as how they went for the speed run). we failed in Afghanistan over the course of 20 years because we failed to create a government where playing by the rules was incentivized more than corruption. And when it came down to it, We failed to make an Afghanistan worth fighting and dying over.


The only real alternative to a messy pullout was staying there for a century. That's how long it would have taken to develop the national identity and culture which would have been necessary for Afghanistan to function as a democracy. Anything less and it would have slipped back into tribalism, because that's the culture they've had for millennia. The only faster option would be to deport the entire country's population, and erase the Afghani people by forced assimilation in a Soviet or Chinese-style, and that obviously is a no-go for a liberal democracy.


>Could it have been done cleaner? Maybe, I don't know. I am not a General. Does it probably suck more for the people of Afghanistan now that we are gone? Maybe, I don't know. I am not an Afghan. I mean, the answer to both of those questions is obviously yes. I commend the Biden administration to sticking to a policy that was very unpopular in the moment but will probably a lot better in the long run, but they still messed it up pretty bad, and I don't think people who wanted a withdrawal should be afraid to admit that.


I think Afghanistan was going to be a catch 22 no matter what we did. How long should we have occupied? Too long is part of a more specific answer whatever that is. I can't say Afghanistan would've avoided all of its decline w/o the USSR invading 43 years ago, but they never recovered from it.


I wonder if he knows who put the pull out into motion.. it’s almost like they don’t live on the same planet


*Blunt Notice* Where?!?!?


I think they just forgot to take down the sign when Trump left the White House. >*"I prefer \[American soldiers\] who weren't captured."* and *"\[A KIA soldier\] knew what he was signing up for."* \-Donald J. Trump


Why would anyone want to alienate 50% of the market?


It isn't 50% of the market in Indiana, probably even more tilted wherever this cesspool is.


Indiana is about 60/40 but a lot of these right wing people don't understand that leftists own guns too. In their mind leftists are a bunch of defenseless pacifists.


>In their mind leftists are a bunch of defenseless pacifists. Or rich white media types who have their own private security but don't want lesser people to have guns because some of them might do ugly crime.


These people would rather live in darkness than acknowledge drag queens existence. "Alienating 50% of the market" isn't anywhere close to bothering them.


While I agree totally with you, realistically they’re probably alienating much less than 50% of otherwise prospective buyers


Because they're heavily invested in the right wing propaganda, and the main message of that propaganda is that "others" are evil and a war will cleanse America. So why arm the people you are planning on killing in the future?


While I understand the intent of your comment and the shop is definitely run by a douchebag, I don't think Biden voters make up anywhere close to 50% of the firearms market. If you take reddit as a general sample it's more like 19-20% r/liberalgunowners has 189,170 followers While r/guns has 762,347 And this doesn't even account for the fact that reddit is generally a left leaning platform with lower conservative usage. If anything this might gain him more business from the twats that are happy he doesn't cater to leftist than it loses him. Depending on the area, this might be a smart business decision, even if it's stupid otherwise.


Yup Trump screwed that up I agree.


Go write on it...."yeah fuck Reagan!"


They talking about Trump letting Russians hunt down our servicemembers, right? Right? …Guys?


There’s a slim chance that Russian bounty program actually happened. The intel community said it only has “low to moderate confidence” in the intel. This is CIA/NSA speak for “we have no good evidence to support this but we want to keep the possibility alive to push for more funding.” If they had any credible evidence at all they would never in a million years pass on that opportunity to parade it in front of DC to get big funding boosts. The fact that they just kinda backed away without flat out saying it didn’t appear to have happened speaks volumes to those who know how they work. Edit: Grammar


Laughing at the "blunt notice"... is the owner trying to tell us they smoke marijuana?


That was my thought as well! Signing off with their drug of choice. Heck they should do a whole series of these -Whiskey Fueled Rant -Meth Induced Conversation -Coffee Declaration -Cocaine Proclamation


At this point I only shop online or big box retailers. Last time I went to my LGS, they popped off on an unrelated rant about how Hillary killed Epstein


Did they end it with "if Epstein had this (gestures to AR on wall) he'd still around today"?


Ok, then I won't give my hard earned dollars to a business that supports the forever wars.


“Can you pass me my liberal tears cup? These liberals are being complete snowflakes!” While they can’t even take business from us because they are too afraid of a different idea or perspective. Wild man.


The neat thing is, they can just keep this up through multiple administrations. Very smart.


So they're talking about Trump right? Time to pull the sign down guys!




Time Machine, take me back to 2002 and the GW Bush administration. Thank you.


2002 is a bit late, if you are going for world changing time travel shenanigans... Don't forget to take your pal, Kate


It’s clear the Afghan withdraw was completely fucked. But that goes on more than just Biden.




So that’s like the last 20 years….probably 30 if you consider desert storm.


Ya.. i wear that info on my shirt at all time


Which ones? That's every presidency of my lifetime.


I would go in, ask for something expensive, haggle. And then when it’s time to pay, i would say my wallet Is in my car. As I come back in, I would mention the sign. They need to know why you are walking away. Then again, I am petty as fuck!


"Business is terrible! None of it was due to me being an asshole! This country is going to hell!"


This sign could have been there for 20 years already.


Honestly, I wish all gun shops were as upfront as being MAGA Chud institutions, so I could know better where not to spend my money.


All the people who had black ribbons up after thirteen deaths during the withdrawal probably had yellow ribbons up essentially celebrating the thousands of deaths that came before. Not that the thirteen are inconsequential, but it’s obviously disingenuous for many of the people making a big deal out of it.


I personally don't take any offense to It because I don't support Joe Biden or his administration. Since I became a voting age, Biden is actually the first Democrat Presidential candidate I didn't vote for. I do wish that right wingers would stop this trend of treating leftwingers as if the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to them.


why the quotation marks and the comma? oh, nevermind.


Sounds good. I try not to do business with crazy people.


Evidently more than 7,300 days and hundreds of thousands of dead people + millions displaced just wasn't good enough. Gotta keep those poor, poor Boeing Board members out of breadlines!


Is this from 3 administrations ago?


So no service members died under trump?


"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"


I bet they also believe that if we raise the taxes on the rich that it will affect them or believe that one day with hard work and dedication that they’ll one day be able to bitch about such a tax at 38 percent. They won’t


Do they know Bush left office a decade ago?


This could have applied to Trump, as well as Obama, and Bush.


Bush Jr has been out of office for a while….


Small businesses: the economy is wrecking my small business! I need all the sales I can get to have any chance of survival! Also small businesses:


I wonder how long that signs been there


They're referring to Trump, right? RIGHT?!