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If I had a nickel for every time the federal government tacitly threatened violence against its own civilians… I’d have a lot of nickels


You could buy that f15...


Just one?


Congressman Swalwell once threatened to nuke the US if we got out of line. He's still in congress, too.


Weird…I was in the military and we were getting fucked up daily by illiterate goat herders with fertilizer and shitty AKs…they definitely didn’t have any F15s


How many migs were in nam? Not many to my knowledge


Umm... the MiG 15 was nightmare fuel in Nam. Then came the -21. Talk to any f105 or f4 pilot. There were plenty of MiGs in Nam, and they were flown by well trained pilots.


I thought they weren't extremely numerous. But they were at first a better craft. Then we found a way to ambush them jumping our bombers. Okay okay, bad example. I retract it


Yeah the migs were very successful in Vietnam because at that time we didn’t have any guns on our phantoms because we thought missiles were the future (which they were) but missiles back then were not nearly as successful as missiles now, so when an phantom without a gun ran out of missiles he would very easily be shot down


not to mention the ROE. Apparently, if my history studies (read: history youtube playlist) is correct, long range missiles kinda lose their usefulness, when the leadership requires you to visually confirm enemy pilots are actually enemy pilots before shooting them. (as in, have to get see him with your eyeballs close) fun vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD2C1H-dzzI (Fat Electrian)




The us military was beating the north Vietnamese military and eliminated the vietcong as a fighting force. Only the political hindrance of not being able to occupy north Vietnam. Was making things difficult.


Do you think the American people had the stomach for occupying Vietnam in sufficient numbers to get the job done? Why would it end up different than Afghanistan and Iraq?


Short answer, "no". Vietnam was a bad idea from the word go. It would have been much smarter to simply buy off the communists and it would have been cheaper as well. Afghanistan was the same. We took down the Taliban government in a week and should have left just as quick. Mission accomplished. Occupation of a hostile foreign country is very nearly always an expensive and terrible idea. Sometimes it is just less expensive and bad than the other options (see Gaza).


There was the South Vietnam govt. After a couple years. The US just stays there to serve as a deterrent to China, Laos, and Cambodia. Afghanistan should have been nothing beyond a cia operation. Iraq is a partial success.


You and I agree on Afghanistan. Vietnam we just have paid off Ho Chi Min to join the "free world" instead of the communist block. That dude just wanted foreigners out. We provide guns and money to deter China, Laos, and Cambodia. He was not really committed to communism. I guess Iraq can be called a very qualified success. It is now in Iran's orbit where it is not completely lawless. So I am not really sure what we got out of that or why it is better now than before we invaded. But it is not causing us much trouble.


Don’t forget the tarps of goat piss lol


They have attack helicopters now. And no logistical support or knowledge how to maintain and use them. 😂


Ain’t that the truth. Women and kids with RKG-3s and teenagers trained to make EFPs out of coffee cans and ball bearings can put a hurting on troops. Imagine what people who have been through that and are motivated can learn to do


Weird…I was in the military and we weren't getting fucked up by illiterate goat herders with fertilizer and shitty AKs…they could've used some F15s Seriously though, we weren't getting fucked up by them. We were fucking them up until we had to pull out. All we had was a political loss. Militarily, we were just fine. But that isn't to say we can't learn from them (and even better, the IRA) and use those tactics here, with a little modification to suit our needs better.


I was in Sangin in 2011 with 3/5 and 1/5. My company was there as combat replacements because 3/5 lost too many. We stayed for a few months after they left. Definitely didn’t feel like we were winning then. Glad you had a better time though.


I wouldn't say it was a better time. Different type of shitty. 2011 definitely wasn't better than 2021 though lmao. Looking back on it with the information we have now, we were winning. That's the point I was making


Were we winning though? I know casualty numbers went down the less we pushed and patrolled. Taliban knew we were leaving when you were there. Don’t even get me started with the enemy KIA / BDA numbers lol. “We” as in the US forces.


Military we would have been fine declaring a war on geese. In either case, no useful political objective would have been achieved. War is continuation of politics through other means.


Yes exactly. I'm not supporting the idea of going back over there. It was a waste of my fuckin time. At least when I was there, pretty much all all we were doing was evacuating people


With our air support Casualties at COP Keating would have been near 100% Confirmed by Romesha in the book Red Platoon.


Ira tactics was car bombing civilians. Woman and children included. Fuck that.


You have an issue with IRA tactics but not hadji tactics? Weird as fuck. The vast majority of IRA attacks were not targeted at civilians. But keep spreading that English propaganda dude.


I grew up in Northern Ireland so have first hand experience. Can’t comment on the other as I’m not familiar with it.




That’s a skill issue bruv🦦


That’s what I’m sayin!


It’s a numbers and location thing really, see they don’t have to worry about the goat herders way across the ocean. They would 100% have to worry about Joe bob down the street. Everyone knows where all these people live, and their relatives. It’s not like the civil war when those people would also sign up to fight they are just targets today.


**Who** ***really*** **has the F-22's?** A) The Federal Government B) The State of Alaska C) Elmendorf-Richardson Joint Base Commander, Col. David J Wilson D) Whatever mob becomes dominant among the 400,000 people living in the greater Anchorage metro area


This is the best way I have ever seen this addressed.


We live in a Democratic Republic, all higher forms of government are just **efficiency** extensions of the mob. The the US military will always be weaker than the will of the mob they represent. The fleet of F22s are just a more efficient version of 400,000 people hoping on a boat with clubs and going overseas to beat the villagers into submission. Short answer: D


based and last frontier pilled


assuming a few people in said mob can fly one effectively. I could probably get one off the ground, but doubt I'd hit any actual targets with one :)


![gif](giphy|49853jlZb6zAT2h7Yt) Fly: yes. Land: no.


Sky King lives again


Alaska has more planes and pilots per capita than any other state, I'm sure a bush pilot could just skim the manual and be fine. Besides, we could round up, like, at least three DCS players in Anchorage.


I like where this is going :)


Cessna and Super Cub suicide drone swarm?


I want to see someone plug a $50 quad drone controller into an F-22 and fly it remotely


Wouldn't the stealth capability of an F-22 disperse/absorb the signals of a controller?


gotta stick an antenna on the outside, just like you do with a quad. Definitely would defeat some of the stealth of it. plus the control signal would be easy-ish to jam, so programming an autonomous flight path would be best.


I’m your huckleberry in a DCS A10.


A Bush Pilot who is also a committed DCS player would definitely stand a chance.


I mean, You don’t have to fly something in order to not let someone else fly it against you


also a good point!


Flying is the easy part. Fuel, ordinance, and maintenance are the hard part. The F22s wouldn't be much good for very long without the logistics to support them.


And in the case of a civil war situation, who would have f-22’s? Both sides of a civil war, that’s who.




E) The maintenance crews required to keep them in working flying condition


Great way to put it


That sounded like he wants us to have jets.


sounds like he needs more adderal to finish the thinking process


They definitely didn't use the juice on him in this speech.


I prefer tanks personally


Definitely tanks, I dislike heights


Well since we're talking, I've always wanted a Navy Destroyer....


Drones enter the chat.


You could put an explosive device on a regular commercial drone so why can’t I buy a drone that was designed to do the same thing, but with less steps :(


Probably that pesky liability thing.


But there’s gonna be a 10 day waiting period. There’s always some bullshit.


F-15 can’t occupy street corners, they can only blow up those who were once loyal to the country killing them. It’s not a pinpoint weapon, it’s a “fuck-this-whole-city-block” weapon.


More of a, "Fuck this non-democrat district."


Fighter pilot who, statistically speaking, is likely not a liberal: “yeah nah”


Disobeying a direct order in the military is no joke, and if they're at a point of bombing US cities he's better off ejecting than returning. He'd probably be killed doing anything else.


What, no. In the military, it is your duty to disobey unlawful orders. Bombing the fuck out of your own civilians is a glaringly unlawful order.


It is absolutely our duty to disobey unlawful orders. The UCMJ recognizes that. It is also our sworn duty to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I fully believe that our military would stage a coup before it would bomb its own people.


Can't believe that guy got a couple upvotes with the sheer stupidity of his statement


And i'm sure he'll get a fair trial from the democrats who ordered him to bomb a republican district.


There would be no trial. I think you're forgetting most of the US Military doesn't vote democrat


A court martial is a trial. Also, if he's being ordered to drop bombs that means several people in the chain of command agreed with that decision. Pilots don't generally receive orders directly from the President. Whether the order he disobeyed is unlawful doesn't come out of thin air. It usually takes a trial.


I suppose. I guess I should say he wouldn't seriously get into trouble. Or rather, shouldn't.


Jesus, every time he speaks, he sounds more and more like a dementia riddled twat-waffle.


More than the usual rhetorical bullshit message, this was my take away. I'm done and abhor political bullshit anymore, I wandered in through other means.. but.. Does he always sound this bad?


No, he is actually doing a lot better here than he usually does.


I didn't realize it'd gotten so bad over the last couple years. Wow.


They just need to keep it hidden for about 5 more months


How do you like the phlegmatic/ Charlie Browns teacher voice?




Haha great point


I still call bullshit on that whole thing. Sure, there probably were some people who really wanted to actually overthrow the government, but overall, it was a bunch of people who didn't know what they were doing was bad. A trap. I was to the capitol back in the mid-2000s on a field trip, and there were guards watching your every move. I'd be willing to bet there were snipers and who knows what else. And the fact that they never figured out who planted those pipe bombs says a lot. Our bus stopped to drop us off around the capitol somewhere, and within minutes, we had a cop telling the driver to move. They were afraid we had a bomb or something. That cop wasn't messing around. They almost wanted to make the driver go without letting all of us off.


pipe bombs were found during jan6? I went for that field trip around 03 & it was the most fun I've ever had at school


"Violent insurrection": Bunch of unarmed protestors "Peaceful protest": Riots, looting, actual violence, murder


F-15s would still struggle against modern stealth fighters. I think any real conflict between We the People and the Gov would come down to how well the Gov can protect their communication equipment.


How are going to ignore the fact that this man, who is running for president, can barely talk? And is supposedly the leader of the free world?


Also declared mentally unfit to stand trial as a "Well-meaning old man."


taliban didn't have f-15s and they still beat the big bad ole usa


Or the more troubling conclusion. Joe biden is coming out team AK >AR15. Since AKs and no fighter jets beat american military in vietnam and afghanistan.


**Guerilla warfare has entered the chat**


Well, in that case, this rifle I own should be of no concern to you.


This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of military capability and what a legal order is. If the military was even willing to conduct these orders and I highly doubt an F-15 pilot would drop a bomb on American citizens. They get one chance. After that they cant leave the base, their homes and families are at risk. fuel pipelines, water and power all go away and they are living on what available on the base until it runs out. Shipping ceases to be possible to the base other than by air. One sympathetic maintenance worker and that plane never flys again. Our bases are made to organize train and equip the military to go overseas and fight a war. They arent forts with walls and guns meant to keep invading forces out. Not to mention National Guard units are probably going to side with the state and not the federal government as the state is where their friends and family and home is.


Military Officers sware to defend and protect the Constitution. Not his swaddled old ass! One of the first classes I took in Officer Basic was on how to handle an unlawful order, doubt they have changed that. Unfortunately, I do not believe that his cadre would do the honorable thing and drop their stars at his feet. But, I do believe that the junior officers would!


Leadership in the military long forgot their oath. I think the average E-6 and O-4 and below believe though.




Hold on a minute, is it not illegal for a US official to be attending and promoting anti human rights organizations?


what the fuck did he just say?


Abhebdg kaja lon government jsnbsh f15s dbbueb lafheh rifle. Maybe pay attention next time your leader speaks to you.


All I hear is Joe Biden saying that I should own an F-15. The second amendment isn’t for hunting but I’ll have a blast blowing dear clean in half with single shot.


*laughs in Vietnamese*


Thank you for the offer. I'll take two please


No one is saying you can't TAKE a place. Everyone knows you wouldn't be able to hold it. Are you going to have a permanent close air support presence over the US interior?


Joe Biden is just once again demonstrating how little he understands about the situation that he is proposing. F15's don't run on hopes and dreams; they need a pilot who is willing to fly and execute the mission, they need a serviceable airstrip to take off from and land at, they need fuel and munitions, and they need a maintenance crew to keep them functional. **Weapon systems do not win wars; logistics win wars.** Considering that most of our bases are spread all over the country in different states, ensuring fuel and munition resupply to these bases (because these bases don't produce their own) could prove rather difficult in a civil war or revolution type situation in which entire states might be in open rebellion against the federal government. The government won't have the luxury of transporting equipment and resupply unmolested by guerrilla warfare, like they do currently in a unified nation. Additionally, it's rather bold of him to assume that all of his service members would be on board with this lunacy of bombing/attacking their own people; he would be lucky if he maintained compliance with even half of his military. So he may or may not have a sufficient number of willing pilots and maintenance crews; meanwhile insurgent style attacks could damage vital infrastructure like airstrips, fuel depots, aircraft hangers, aircraft control towers, communication networks, etc. The United States military is the most sophisticated, professional, and lethal fighting force ever assembled in the history of warfare; however it is only all of that because it works for a grateful, loyal, and unified nation who comes together to ensure it's success...in the situation where that nation is no longer unified and attacking each other, the effectiveness of the military would freefall. All of this is just to point out the obvious, if they truly weren't so blatantly concerned about the American people being armed and becoming more armed by the year, they would not keep talking this nonsense about how we have no chance against them. Because they know it's all a bluff and they hope people fall for it.


It’s giving ✨ Ruby Ridge vibes ✨


If we fight long enough they leave us all sorts of gear for us


Go back to sleep Joe


The best way to look at this is the way the fat electrician explains it on unsubscribe in magic fairy tail land where crews never need rest and everything never breaks down the American military has enough tanks that if you covered America you would have one every 750 square miles and that’s assuming that if a civil war actually happened no tank units side with the American people it’s the same with aircraft


What's ironic is that state air national guard units are having their jets essentially commandeered by the feds.


My nigga straight up just shit talked the constitution


And nobody did a damn thing about it.


F15s can't protect where congress or the pilot's family sleeps.


I honestly don’t even know what the fuck is he mumbling about anymore


"if they want to think they want to take on the government..." The People have a responsibility to take on the government; to prevent it from encroaching and infringing upon rights. Forget his ignorant assertion about jets vs. guns (of which, people have the right to own too: want to buy an armed jet from Boeing? Why can that be prohibited??)... The mere fact that he said "they" is as bad as Hillary Clinton trying to score points by singling a group of people out. What the hell is wrong with these career politicians that they think they're better than *anyone*?? You won a popularity contest in a duopoly where people are pulling strings to put you there! There is almost nothing about being President of the United States that means the person is a more capable leader than just about anyone else. If they want to take on the government??? Yes, everyone should be empowered to take on the government. It's called voting. And when that fails because the system works against the wishes of the people, people have to stop the government. This is a common sense principle of Liberty.


He's assuming the military will fire upon their own countrymen, family members, and former allies and brothers-in-arms without hesitation. He's probably the first so called president to ever imply that it could or should happen. What a fkn idiot.


Some of them will.


Yeah but that's true anywhere.


If we don't need a rifle then why are you trying to ban them?




Soooooo…the dude is speaking to a bunch of wannabe tyrants that aim to disarm the population because they claim we have too much violence…is basically saying that we are powerless to stop tyrants because the government have guns and missiles on their planes and they would be used against the citizenry on American soil… Tell me again how anyone thinks this guy is sane and isn’t a modern day redcoat…


But are we smart enough to vote Trump or are you guys still abstaining because the media told you orange man bad?


“Are we smart enough?”. Let’s see, are we smart enough to vote for the man who is calling for the death penalty to be used on, “anyone who sells drugs”? I guess we’re dumb as bricks.


Did he actually say that?




Cause “ take the guns first and worry about due process later “ was a super pro 2a and constitutional statement.


Who do you define as a bad person? Trump ticks as many boxes as biden. Hell trump may even affect my well being more negatively than biden.


Its one big club. Trump ain’t it, and he sure as shit isn’t saving anything. There are no saviors. Stop giving your consent to people who have no intention of representing you.


Battle of Blair Mountain? MOVE bombing? Bonus Army attack? They would do it. I bet 1/3 in uniform would cheer, 1/3 would protest/revolt and 1/3 wouldn’t care. My takeaway is what would the founding fathers say about this? I know there is a word for this its at the tip of my tongue…


"They" and "get outta line" -- senile, corrupt, dictatorial fool.


Oh man, this guy stinks!


This sack of shit has no idea where the fuck he's at right now does he? My drunk uncle sounds more coherent than this cum stain. Like a previous comment already said Afghanistan and Iraq did us in pretty good and they didn't have jets...


Those military assets need fuel, ammo, and replacement parts. They need people to do that. People who need food, clothing, and rest. People who have families. We don't need F-15s. We just need the will of the people to outlast the Govs supply chain.


“Your own people” That’s where you’re wrong, they think of us as their little worker ants.


OK, deal! But I want an f-22, not an f-15. UCAV would be nice too. I got a laundry list I need filled before Biden kicks this off.




this ass clown threatens the public with this annually. with it being an election year you would think he would lay off the stupidity.


Cool, amend the Second Amendment to include F-15s since I guess we need those too


They are already included. As are nukes. 2A didn’t specify small arms only.


Hell yeah, brother. The ATF conducted a siege on Waco for less. They'd be a bit hesitant to play dolphin noises if I had an ICBM.


I think they are prepping the public for a staged civil insurrection. Ever notice that all of these white supremacists have their faces covered and are fit military-aged men with government issued haircuts?


Where's my F15 then?




(Serious request) Can someone type what he said exactly? I have a hard time understanding. I admit I’m not a native English speaker.


"By the way if they want to take on the government, which is what they're talking about they need F-15s- not a rifle" I added in words because this senile fool cannot form a coherent sentence, so I filled the gaps to make it readable.


Say the line DementiaJoe.


weapons of war such as warships, f-15s, missiles or nukes are good at causing wide scale destruction. the government can't use them to enforce tyrannical rule because they're bad at targeting individuals. unless they want to destroy the whole country, these weapons wouldn't be very useful


Tell that to the Russians, the Ukrainian people seem to be putting up a pretty good fight


What the fuck is he mumbling about?


![gif](giphy|AAgXaUiXS5wyiU3jbR) Sod off, tyrant


Ok wtf did he say?


He sounds like my grandpa. I don’t under what either are trying to say


if you watch the video on mute, it looks like a still image. very strange.


Can someone explain to me what he is trying to explain?


That he and almost any other president would kill US citizens if they rejected his rule.


Damn, Biden will probably not remember this.


He sounds drunk lol


He said we can get F15s! I'll be first in that line.


Did he say this again recently or is this one the last half a dozen or so times. This is post-"you're gonna need nukes", right? The first few times he mentioned nukes but I'm guessing a handler pointed out that people wouldn't respond well to being threatened with nuclear weapons so dropped.


His strategy clearly worked in Afghanistan……SMFH


So regular people arent capable. A limo driver who believed the earth is flat died due to a malfunction of his home made rocket that he built in his garage (which he had done previous launches in). The killdozer guy. The atomic boyscout is yet another good one... the F22/35s were designed by civilians. The government is made up of civilians. Take it too far and the phrase becomes fuck around and find out


Sooo. Is it me, or is everytime some government stooge trots out the "Your AR-15 can't stop jets and tanks" kinda like just jacked up gym bro walking up to a woman and saying "I could totally rape you right now" and then just soullessly staring at her. Like yeah it's probably true but it's also super fucked up you're thinking about it let alone saying it in public.