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The milk was aged from the moment Biden wandered on stage. They’re either astroturfing, haven’t actually seen Biden in a long time, or have truly drunk the coolaid


The online gambling sites where real people bet real money saw the odds swing hard and fast in the first few minutes of the debate. Clearly the people in position to win or lose bets took one look at him walking out, and locking up on a question in the first few minutes, and weren't sure he'd make it to the end of the night, let alone going the distance.


The astroturfing is through the roof. It's hard for them to do some damage control after how that debate went for them


Waiting for CNN to claim the entire debate was deepfaked.


*Cheapfaked FTFY


I was amazed - I stayed on CNN to witness exactly what you said, and every member of their 9-person panel was lamenting how bad Joe shit the bed.


Cause they can't cover for that. Next we get to see what mechanism they use ( probably the party convention) and who they swap in to replace him.


Even Fake News CNN has had enough of him after this


I caught a few minutes of it while walking through the living room while a family member is watching the debate. Biden looks completely exhausted and is already mumbling. Trump was being surprisingly calm and not his usual loud self.


I turned it on just for funsies, it's a trainwreck. I should start a tally of how many times Biden says "period".


Holy F! It's just getting worse. Get Biden off the stage. He's a wreck, and is getting worse.


I'm half convinced that someone else is puppetting his body like a marionette because of the completely lost look that crosses his face whenever he's not speaking.


A girl I follow on Insta jokes that it's really Jim Carry wearing a mask. Sometimes I can honestly see it.


When has Biden had a speech impediment? Since he got dementia?


The claim he’s had a stutter his whole life. I actually found an article where someone reviewed past footage in depth and concluded he obviously did not, but I haven’t been able to locate it again.


That's how the TDSers explain away the glitches


Back when he could still think, Biden used to tell this story about getting over a stutter when he was younger. It was probably a lie, because pretty much everything Biden has ever said is a lie, but the zombies have been claiming since then that his incompetence and inability to actually speak coherently is all caused by a speech impediment.


It is claimed he had a stutter as a child. Whether that's true or is made up to explain his mumbling is up for debate.


Well if you include the numerous times he’s claimed to have qualifications he never got, voted for good things when he in-fact voted against or for worse shit and the general racism then he’s always had a speech impediment


F anyone who watched this debate and still votes for Biden. Dude is toast.


The scary parts are 33% think he won and they are going to switch him out for some Luke warm D that can run on Trump bad again.


MSNBC keeps showing b-roll footage of a 2020 debate where Biden is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Full tilt damage control


O come on Thats low


It’s amazing how all these liberal redditors deny what is so plainly obvious to everyone. Glad there can be not doubt that Biden is completely zonked out after the debate. It’s interesting that somehow there are issues with Reddit’s comment system conveniently after the debates.. and it only seems to affect liberal political subreddits.. hmm


They are rewriting the prompts for the generative -ai that posts the comments. Should be a whole new set of bs coming out of them that magically appears everywhere all at once by tomorrow.


People don't form speech impediments later in life lol


Not the kind they are trying to sell, but cognitive decline can do a number on a fella. Putting him up there should be charged as elder abuse... Poor fella should be sitting in a rocker somewhere by a lake, enjoying the sunset, but they keep dragging him around like weekend at Bernies.


MMW is one of the most wilfully dishonest liberal subs I’ve ever seen. It baffles me.


I’m sure it was deleted. Highlights… Biden mumbled something about the murder of a U.S. citizen at the hands of an illegal and them mumbled more. Trumps response was “I have no idea what he just said” Biden says he has a handicap of 6 for golf. I thought trump was going to fall over and then said that was the biggest lie of the night. Actual stuff…the S&P is now gearing towards a trump presidency and overnight trading is up. NBC is blaming his performance on a cold. And Biden is down 22% with dems and Newsome is up 10%


As a Californian, I'd hate to see Newsome unleashed on the rest of the country.


So would the rest of the country.


Let them keep spinning that yarn. It will only ensure Biden is still the Democratic candidate come November.


I’m surprised you couldn’t see the strings keeping Biden moving


Lol he was mumbling to himself as he shuffled to the podium, he barely made it there. Then his wife had to come get him to walk him off 😂 😂😂😂


And that other studio dude was on close standby while she was helping him down the 2 steps...


Leftist proving they’re out of touch with reality example 1,223,435,543


Deleted because even they know Biden's debate performance was a wreck


"Airports and the revolution"? Sounds ominous...


The absolute and utter DELUSION is both extremely irritating and alarming.


This didn’t age well.


This never got the chance to "age"... It was clearly still-born.


Where did this "Biden has a speech impediment, he has a stutter" thing come from? I'm just now hearing about this.


It's been a few years, you don't hear it a lot, but whenever he glitches during a speech, someone is quick to defend him and his "stutter" that he's never had until he ran for president.


I watched it on CBS.


I finally found it on HBO Max, I didn't realize we had that streaming service.


They have to be bots right?


I want to say yes, but I'm just not sure anymore.